Design and Analysis of Experiments (8 ECTS)
Introduction to Experimental Design and Analysis. One factor ANOVA experiment. Multiple Comparisons. Random effects model. Non parametric ANOVA. Randomized Complete Block Design. Latin Squares. Balanced Incomplete Block Design. Factorial Experiments/ ANOVA: two factors with/ without interaction. General factorial experiments/ ANOVA: more than two factors with interactions. 2^k factorial designs. Fractional factorial designs. Nested and Split-plot designs. Examples and case studies using R.
Recommended Reading
- D. C. Montgomery (2020). “Design and analysis of experiments”, Wiley.
- A. Dean, D. Voss and D. Draguljic (2017). “Design and Analysis of Experiments”, Springer.
- C. F. J. Wu and M. S. Hamada (2021). “Experiments: Planning, Analysis, and Optimization”, Wiley.
- J. Lawson (2014). “Design and Analysis of Experiments with R”, Chapman & Hall.
The courses outline can be found here.