Research Seminars
Forthcoming Seminars
- Tuesday 10/6/2025, 12:00: Rianne de Heide, (Assistant professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, Netherlands): "E-values and multiple testing"
- Friday 23/5/2025, 12:00: Michail Loulakis, (Professor, School of Applied Mathematical & Physical Sciences, TU Athens, GR): Title TBA
- Friday 16/5/2025, 12:00: Stelios Arvanitis, (Professor, Department of Economics, AUEB): Title TBA
- Friday 4/4/2025, 12:00: Angelos Markos, (Professor & Dean, School of Education | Department of Primary Education | Democritus University of Thrace): "Distance-Based Methods for Mixed-Type Data: Advances and Applications"
Past Seminars
- Monday 24/3/2025, 12:00: Dimitrios Milios, (Post Doctoral Fellow, EURECOM, FR): "Recipes for Bayesian Deep Learning" (Presentations pdf can be found here)
- Tuesday 4/3/2025, 12:00: Michail Anthropelos, (Department of Banking and Financial Management, University of Piraeus): "Continuous-time Equilibrium Returns in Markets with Price Impact and Transaction Costs" (Presentations pdf can be found here)
- Friday 13/12/2024, 13:00: Christos Merkatas, (Department of Statistics and Actuarial-Financial Mathematics, University of the Aegean): "Decreasing weights priors and their applications"
- Tuesday 19/11/2024, 12:00: Dimitris Mavridis, (Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina), "Network meta-analysis in a nutshell. Current state and future challenges"
- Tuesday 10/9/2024, 12:00: Konstantinos Panousis, (Post-Doctoral Researcher, Inria): "A Βayesian concept selection approach towards concept-based reasoning"
- Wednesday 16/10/2024, 16:30: Ioannis Ntzoufras: "Bayesian Signature Authenticity Validation"
- Friday 27/9/2024, 13:15: John Kornak, (Professor, University of California, San Francisco): "Modeling longitudinal trajectories of neuropsychological and neuroimaging brain changes"
- Wednesday 12/6/2024, 12:00: Denitsa Grigorova, (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria): "Modelling longitudinal cognitive test data with ceiling effects and left skewness"
- Friday 7/6/2024, 13:00: Krystallenia Drosou, (Ph.D - Teaching Lecturer – NTUA): "Response Modelling Approach to Robust Parameter Design Methodology Using Supersaturated Designs"
- Tuesday14/5/2024, 12:15: Chiara Bocci, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications “G. Parenti”, Florence (Italy): "Unit level small area models for business survey data" (Presentations pdf can be found here)
- Friday 26/4/2024, 11:15: Diomidis Spinellis (Professor of Software Engineering| Department of Management Science and Technology| AUEB, Professor of Software Analytics| Department of Software Technology| Delft University of Technology): "Working with open source software: Selecting, using, adapting, and contributing back"
- Friday 19/4/2024, 11:15: Christos Diou (Assistant Professor | Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens): "Regional effect plots for the interpretation of black box machine learning models" (Presentations pdf can be found here)
- Friday 12/4/2024, 11:15: Ioannis Kontoyiannis (Professor | Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge, UK): "Bayesian inference with variable-memory models for times series" (Presentations pdf can be found here)
- Friday: 22/3/2024, 15:00: Polychronis Economou (Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Patras, School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering): "Leveraging Convex Hulls for Advanced Statistical Monitoring" (Presentation slides can be found here)
- Thursday 14/3/2024, 12:00: Ioanna Tzoulaki (Research Professor Biomedical Research Institution| Academy of Athens & Professor of Chronic Disease Epidemiology Schools of Public Health| Imperial College London): "Leveraging big data to study causal mechanisms in complex diseases" (Presentation slides can be found here)
- Friday 12/1/2024, 13:15: Georgios Vasdekis, (University College London): "Skew-symmetric sampling schemes and locally balancing algorithms"
- Thursday 14/12/2023, 13:15: Roberto Macrì Demartino (Department of Statistical Sciences University of Padua (IT): "Bayesian Methods for the Integration of Historical Data"
- Friday 10/11/2023, 13:15: Konstantinos Pateras, (Department of Public and One Health, University of Thessaly): "Visualizing stability in studies: the moving average meta-analysis"
- Friday 3/11/2023, 13:15: Konstantinos Kaloudis, (Department of Statistics and Actuarial-Financial Mathematics, University of the Aegean): "Bayesian nonparametrics & Random dynamical systems"
- Friday 20/10/2023, 13:15: Christos Thomadakis, (Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Statistics, AUEB): "Joint modeling of longitudinal and competing-risk data using cumulative incidence functions accounting for failure cause misclassification"
Tuesday 23/5/2023, 16:15: Angelos Alexopoulos (Dept. of Economics, AUEB): "A machine learning and network approach to Value Added Tax fraud detection"
Wednesday 17/5/2023, 12:15: Sir D. J. Spiegelhalter "A statistician working with the media: stories of successes and disasters"
Friday 12/5/2023, 15:15: E. Kaskiavellis (Data Scientist/Industrial Statistician, Τμήμα Τεχνολογίας & Καινοτομίας, Ελληνική Βιομηχανία Αλουμινίου (ΕΛΒΑΛ)) and P. Tsiamyrtzis (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano & Dept. of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business)
Friday 7/4/2023, 12:00: Lampros Gavalakis, (Gustave Eiffel University, France): "An information-theoretic Central Limit Theorem for discrete random variables"
Friday 28/4/2023, 15:00: Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Department of Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: "The dynamics of AI" (the pdf of the presentation can be found here)
Tuesday 28/3/2023, 13:00: Petros Dellaportas, (Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business & UCL): "Can independent Metropolis samplers beat Monte Carlo?"
Friday 17/3/2023, 13:00: Luca Andriani, School of Business, Economics and Informatics, Birkbeck University of London, UK: "Life Satisfaction and Tax Preferences in Transition Economies"
Monday 13/2/2023, 13:00: Petros Pehlivanoglou, (University of Toronto): "How statistical theory shapes health policy"
Wednesday 14/12/2022, 13:00: Evanggelos Ioannidis, (Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business): "A new non-parametric Cross-Spectrum Estimator"
Friday 9/12/2022, 15:00: Georgia Papadogeorgou, (Department of Statistics, University of Florida): "Covariate-informed latent interaction models: Addressing geographic taxonomic bias in predicting bird-plant interaction"
Friday 2/12/2022, 15:00: Joris Bierkens, (Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, NL): "Federated Bayesian Computation via Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes" (a pdf of the presentation can be found here)
Friday 25/11/2022, 11:15: Bernhard Schipp (Technische Universität Dresden): "Time dependent return distributions, nonlinear Fokker-Planck dynamics and the Tsallis-entropy"
Friday 11/11/2022, 13:00: Spyros Dafnis (Agriculutral University of Athens): "Weak Runs in Sequences of Binary Trials: Distributions and Applications"
Wednesday, 2/11/2022, 12:00: Κonstantinos Fokianos, (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Cyprus University): "Non-linear Network Autoregression"
Tuesday, 18/10/2022, 16:15: L. Egidi and I. Ntzoufras: "A Unified Bayesian Model for Predicting Volleyball Games"
Friday, 7/10/2022, 14:00: Nikolaos Ignatiadis (Columbia University, Department of Statistics): "Confidence Intervals for Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Analysis" (the pdf of the presentation can be found here and a video is available here)
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-2022
- Monday, 20/9/2021, 19:00 - 20:00: PhD Thesis Defense, Konstantinos Bourazas: "Self-starting methods in Bayesian Statistical Process Control & Monitoring"
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-2021
Wednesday 30/9/2020, 12:30: Stavros Vakeroudis, Department of Statistics and Actuarial-Financial Mathematics, University of the Aegean: "Stochastic Processes Windings and Applications" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Thursday 8/10/2020, 12:30: Ioannis Triantafillou, Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly, Lamia: "On the signature of coherent reliability systems: advances and applications" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Thursday 22/10/2020, 12:30: Petros Dellaportas, Professor in Statistical Science, Department of Statistical Science, University College London and Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business: "Scalable Gaussian Processes, with Guarantees: Kernel Approximations and Deep Feature Extraction" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Thursday 12/11/2020, 12:30: Eleni Vatamidou (Senior SNSF Researcher, Department of Actuarial Science, Université de Lausanne): "Efficient Simulation of Ruin Probabilities When Claims are Mixtures of Heavy and Light Tails" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Thursday 19/11/2020, 12:30: Chris J Oates (Chair in Statistics, School of Mathematics, Statistics & Physics, Newcastle University, UK): "Recasting Sampling as Optimisation via Stein's Method" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Thursday 17/12/2020, 12:30: Odysseas Kanavetas (Leiden University, Mathematical Institute): "Optimal data driven policies under constrained multi-armed bandit observations" (The presentation's pdf can be found here)
Friday 4/12/2020, 13:30: Fotios S. Milienos (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece): "General Families of Cure Rate Models and Some of its Properties" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Friday 15/1/2021, 13:30: Xanthi Pendeli (Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Athens University): "Modeling Multivariate Surveillance Data" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Friday 15/1/2021, 14:00: Panagiotis Papastamoulis (Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business): "Integrating R and C++ exemplified by stochastic gradient MCMC sampling" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Thursday 21/1/2021, 12:30: Evangelos Evangelou (Assistant Professor, Hygiene and Epidemiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Ioannina): "Analysis of large-scale genetic data"
Thursday 18/2/2021, 17.00-20.45: AUEB Stats PhD Day
Friday 19/2/2021, 13:30: Apostolos Gkatzionis, MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, University of Bristol: "Selection bias in Mendelian randomization" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Thursday 4/3/2021, 12:30, William Greenall (PhD student, UCL. Supervisor: Petros Dellaportas): "Practical Distributionally Robust Markov Decision Processes using Relative Entropy" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Thursday, 24/3/2021, 11:30: Ioannis Kosmidis, (Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, The Alan Turing Institute, London, United Kingdom) Joint work with:
Nicola Lunardon (University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy): "Improved estimation of partially-specified models" (Presentation video can be found here) -
Thursday 1/4/2021, 12:30: Ioanna Manolopoulou, (Department of Statistical, Science, UCL, UK), Joint work with: Mariflor Vega and Mirco Musolesi: "Posterior summaries of topic models: an example from grocery retail baskets"
Thursday 22/4/2021, 15:30: Panayiota Touloupou, (School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham): "Scalable inference for epidemic models with individual level data" (Presentation slides can be found here)
Thursday 13/5/2021, 12:30: Yiannis Kamarianakis, (Principal Researcher, Statistical Learning Lab, Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, FORTH): "Regime-switching forecast combinations: a 2-stage scheme for wind-farm energy outputs" (Presentation video can be found here)
Thursday 27/5/2021, 12:30: Alexandros Beskos (Associate Professor in Statistics, Department of Statistical Science, UCL, UK): "Manifold Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inference in a wide class of diffusion models" (Presentation's pdf can be found here and a video here)
Monday 31/5/2021 (17:00 - 18:00) and Monday 7/6/2021 (16:00 - 17:00), Stefanos Kehagias, (PhD, Education Manager, SAS Institute): "Writing, Presenting & Developing. Our Story Telling Ways"
Thursday 10/6/2021, 12:30: Samis Trevezas, (Department of Mathematics, University of Athens): "Monte-Carlo Statistical Methods for Parameter Estimation of the GreenLab Plant Growth Model" (Presentation video can be found here)
Thursday 24/6/2021, 12:30: Eftychia Solea, (CREST, ENSAI, Rennes, France): "Nonparametric and high-dimensional functional graphical models" (Presentation slides can be found here and a video here)
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-2020
Friday, 29/5/2020, 16:00: Andreas Karabis, (PhD, Sr. Principal, Head of EMEA Delivery Hub Real World Services, IQVIA): "Statistics for Health Economic Evaluation: Introduction & Opportunities"
Thursday 21/5/2020, 13:00, Evangelos Evangelou, (Medical School, University of Ioannina): "Analysis of large-scale genetic data"
Thursday 30/4/2020, 13:00, Fotios S. Milienos (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece): "A General Family of Cure Rate Models and Some of its Properties"
Monday 23/3/2020, 13:00, Apostolos Gkatzionis, Paul J. Newcombe and Stephen Burgess (MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge): "Mendelian Randomization"
Thursday 19/3/2020, 13:00, Odysseas Kanavetas (Leiden University, Mathematical Institute): "Optimal data driven policies under constrained multi-armed bandit observations"
Thursday 20/2/2020, Maarten Marsman (Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Methods, University of Amsterdam): "Bayesian Variable Selection for the Ising Network Model with Applications in Psychology"
New AUEB R Seminars 3/3/2020 - 3/4/2020 and 27/4/2020 - 29/5/2020
Thursday, 6/2/2020, 13:15, Philippe Castagliola, University of Nantes (France): "Monitoring Compositional Data using Multivariate EWMA"
Friday, 20/12/2019, 13:15, Konstantinos Perrakis, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Durham University: "Latent group structure and regularized regression"
Thursday, 12/12/2019, 13:15, Milan Vojnovic, Department of Statistics, London School of Economics: "Learning to Match in Online Platforms" (slides available here)
Friday, 8/11/2019, 13:15, Alex Karagrigoriou, Laboratory of Statistics and Data Analysis, University of the Aegean: "Recent Advances on Divergence-Based Inference"
Wednesday, 18/3/2019, 13:15: George Karagiannis, Durham University, Department of Mathematical Sciences: "Bayesian analysis of multifidelity computer models with local features and non-nested experimental designs: Application to the WRF model"
Tuesday, 2/10/2019, 13:15: Silvia Bozza, Dipartimento di Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) School of Criminal Justice, University of Lausanne (Switzerland): "The role of scientific evidence at trial"
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2018-2019
- 5th Meeting on Statistics 6-8 September 2019
Thursday, 28/3/2019, 12:00: Marta Nai Ruscone, Università Carlo Cattaneo (LIUC): "Clustering ranking data via copulas"
Friday 15/3/2019, 11:00: Ioannis Tsitsiklis. MIT: "Safeguarding Privacy in Dynamic Decision-Making Problem"
Thursday 21/2/2019, 13:00: Dimitris Korobilis, University of Essex - Essex Business School: "High-Dimensional Macroeconomic Forecasting Using Message Passing Algorithms"
John Forster, University of Southampton: "Inference for population change from diverse categorical data"
Thursday 10/1/2019, 13:00: Anable Forte Deltell, University of Valencia: "Group invariance for objective prior elicitation in testing problems"
Tuesday, 12/12/2018: 13:00: John Kornak, University of California: "A new approach to Bayesian image analysis"
Thursday, 29/11/2018, 13:00: Dr. Leonardo Egidi, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics, University of Trieste: "Pivotal methods for Bayesian mixture models and classical k-means algorithm initialization"
Thursday, 8/11/2018: Lampros Bouranis, University College Dublin: "Bayesian model selection for exponential random graph models via adjusted pseudolikelihoods"
Tuesday, 16/10/2018: 13:00: Prof. Dr. Meinhard Kieser, Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, University of Heidelberg, Germany: "Phase II trials in oncology – is Simon’s optimal design the optimum?"
Wednesday, 3/10/2018, 13:00: Jonas Andersson, Norwegian School of Economics: "A dynamic binomial model with application to the propensity to use tax amnesty"
Thursday, 27/9/2018, 13:00: Ahilleas Tzioufas, University de Sao Paulo: "An introduction to certain recent advances on the contact process particle system"
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2017-2018
Friday, 6/7/2018: 13:00: Mihalis Tsagris, Postdoctoral researcher in Bioinformatics, Department of Computer Science, University of Crete, Greece: "The elliptically symmetric angular Gaussian distribution for modeling spherical data"
Thursday, 14/6/2018, 13:00: Panagiotis Papastamoulis, The University of Manchester, Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences: "Bayesian identification of differentially expressed transcripts using RNA-Seq data"
Thursday, 10/5/2018, 13:15: Nial Friel, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University College Dublin: "Interlocking directorates in Irish companies using a latent space model for bipartite networks"
Monday, 21/5/2018, 13:00: Dimitrios Asteriou, Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics,Oxford Brookes University: "Structural Breaks and Herding Behaviour in Cryptocurrencies"
Thursday, 3/5/2018, 13:10: Gianluca Baio, Department of Statistical Science, University College London: "Bayesian methods in health economics" (οι διαφάνειες της παρουσίασης βρίσκονται εδώ) και στις 14:20, Giacomo Zanella, Bocconi University: "Complexity and optimization of the Gibbs Sampler for multilevel Gaussian models" (οι διαφάνειες της παρουσίασης βρίσκονται εδώ)
Thursday, 19/4/2018: Ateev Mehrotra, Department of Health Care Policy and Medicine, Harvard Medical School: "Is a Visit to the Doctor Now Obsolete? Delivery Innovation as a Means of Fixing Health Care"
Monday, 16/4/2018 until Friday, 20/4/2018: Helene Massam, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Canada: "A short Course on GRAPHICAL MODELS"
Friday, 30/3/2018: Georgios Bartzis, Department of Plant Sciences, Group of Mathematical and Statistical Methods – Biometrics, :Wageningen University and Research Center: "Estimating metabolite networks using a multi-step network approach that integrates information from lower leveled omic graphical structures"
Wednesday, 21/3/2018, 13:30: Guido Consonni, Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy: "Learning Markov Equivalence Classes of Directed Acyclic Graphs: an Objective Bayes Approach"
Tuesday, 6/3/2018, 15:15: Prof. Dr. Meinhard Kieser, Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, University of Heidelberg, Germany: "Phase II trials in oncology – is Simon’s optimal design the optimum?"
Friday, 22/12/2017, 13:15: Konstantinos Perrakis, DZNE: German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bonn: "Scalable Bayesian regression in high dimensions with multiple data sources"
Thursday, 14/12/2017, 13:15: Nickolas Protonotarios, Doctoral Researcher, Academy of Athens, Founder and Organizer of Hub Science: "Attenuated spline reconstruction technique for nuclear emission tomography"
Thursday, 23/11/2017, 12:15: Taps Maiti, Professor, Graduate Director, Department of Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University: "High-dimensional model building for Spatial Regression"
Thursday, 2/11/2017, 13:00: Brendan Murphy, Professor of Statistic, School of Mathematics & Statistics, University College Dublin: "Latent Space Stochastic Block Model for Social Networks"
Wednesday, 13/9/2017, 13:00: Nikos Kavalaris, Professor, University of Chester, UK: "Optimal portfolio and Consumption allocation under a Disappointment Aversion Type Utility Function"
Thursday, 7/9/2017, 12:30: George Athanasopoulos, Associate Professor and Deputy Head, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, Victoria, Australia: "Forecasting cross-sectional and temporal hierarchies through trace minimization"
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2016-2017
Wednesday, 21/6/2017, 12:15: Ioannis Thomas Pavlidis, Eckhard-Pfeiffer Professor, Computational Physiology Lab, University of Houston: "Reforming Data Management in Human Experiments"
Thursday, 8/6/2017, 12:15: Liang Feng, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo: "Scalable Approximation Algorithms for Bayesian Variable Selection"
Monday, 22/5/2017 - Friday 26/5/2017: Alan Agresti, Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Florida: A short Course on Categorical Data Analysis
Thursday, 25/5/2017, 12:15: Κώστας Καλογερόπουλος, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, London School of Economics: "Sequential and Hybrid Monte Carlo for continuous time stochastic volatility models with memory"
Thursday, 4/5/2017, 12:15: Σταύρος Νικολακόπουλος, University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Biostatistics: "Dynamic borrowing through empirical power priors that control type I error"
Thursday, 27/4/2017, 12:15: Helene Massam, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics York University: "Existence of the maximum likelihood estimate in discrete graphical models"
Tuesday, 25/4/2017, 12:15: Andreas Karampis, Director, Head of Modeling and Evidence Synthesis Services, Mapi Group Utrecht, the Netherlands: "Μέρος Α: Mapi Group: Παρουσίαση της εταιρείας και των ευκαιριών απασχόλησης για φοιτητές και επαγγελματίες Μέρος: Ο ρόλος της μετα-ανάλυσης στον κύκλο ζωής φαρμάκου"
Thursday, 6/4/2017, 12:15: Athanasios Sachlas, Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business: "An One-Sided Procedure for Monitoring Variables Defined on Contingency Tables"
Thursday, 26/1/2017, 13:00: Christina Parpoula, Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business: "Analyzing supersaturated designs for discrete responses via generalized linear models"
Tuesday, 10/1/2017, 13:00: Stefanos Kechagias, SAS Institute
Friday, 23/12/2016, 13:00: Nikolas Kantas, Dept. of Mathematics, Imperial College London: "Particle filtering: a survey on the methodology and some extensions that are useful for high dimensional systems"
Thursday, 15/12/2016, 13:00: Dionissios Hristopulos, Technical University of Crete: "Modeling Earthquake Recurrence Times using Physical Insights and Statistical Analysis"
Monday, 12/12/2016, 14:00: Panos Toulis, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business: "PART A: Causal inference in statistics and econometrics and PART B: Research Opportunities for Statistics Graduates in the University of Chicago"
Thursday, 10/11/2016, 13:00 (exactly): Athanassios Rakitzis, Department of Mathematics, University of Aegean: "Control Charts for Monitoring Correlated Zero-Inflated Counts"
Wednesday, 26/10/2016, 15:00: Gonzalo Garcia-Donato, Department of Economy and Finance, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain: "Criteria for Bayesian model choice and implications on the n<<p problem"
Wednesday, 5/10/2016, 15:00: Brendan McCabe, Management School, University of Liverpool: "Attempting to Model the Timing, Severity and Duration of Seasonal Influenza"
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-2016
- Wednesday, 22/6/2016, 13:00: Omiros Papaspiliopoulos, Universitat Pompeu Fabra και David Rossell, University of Warwick : "Scalable Bayesian variable selection and model averaging under block orthogonal design"
- Friday, 10/6/2016, 13:00: Constantin T. Yiannoutsos, Indiana University School of Public Health, Department of Biostatistics: "Adjusting for incomplete death ascertainment in joint models: A multiple-imputation approach"
- Monday16/5/2016, 13:00: Gerda Claeskens, University of Leuven, Belgium: "Confidence intervals after selection by Akaike's information criterion"
- Wednesday, 20/4/2016, 13:00: Mihail Loulakis, National Technical University of Athens: "A large deviations theorem for subexponential r.v.’s with an application to Interacting Particle Systems"
- Friday, 15/4/2016, 13:30: Andrei Sirchenko, ICEF, Higher School of Economics, Moscow: "Modeling discrete-valued time series with abundant and heterogeneous zeros"
- Friday, 1/4/2016, 13:00: Eric-Jan Wagenmakers, Department of Psychological Methods, University of Amsterdam: "Bayesian Analyses with JASP: A Fresh Way to do Statistics"
- Wednesday, 30/3/2016, 13:00: Athanassios Tsanas, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK: "Information fusion approach using signal quality indices, and information-theoretic feature selection: practical approaches and applications"
- Wednesday, 27/1/2016, 13:00: Luca Tardella, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche – Sapienza Universita di Roma: "A novel Bayesian mixture of Poisson estimation for expressed sequence tag sampling"
- Wednesday, 13/1/2016, 13:00: Konstantinos Daskalakis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: "Testing Properties of Distributions"
- Tuesday, 22/12/2015, 13:00: Nikolaos Karnesis, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics: "Finding Buried signals in noise: The hunt for Gravitational Waves"
- Wednesday, 21/10/2015, 15:00: Apostolos Bournetas, University of Athens, Department of Statistics: "Optimal Adaptive Policies in the Multi-Armed-Bandit Problem and Extensions"
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015
- Friday 19/6/2015, 13:00: Andrew J. Womack, Assistant Professor, University of Indiana, Department of Statistics: "Bayesian Model Selection Under Heredity Constraints"
- Third Athens Probability Colloquium - 09/05/2015
- Tuesday, 28/4/2015, 12:15: Pantelis Bagos, Associate Professor, University of Thessaly: "Integration of data from multiple sources: meta-analysis and synthesis analysis"
- Wednesday, 22/4/2015, 13:00: Asgharian Masoud, The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University: "Prevalent Cohort Studies: Length-Biased Sampling with Right Censoring"
- Friday, 3/4/2015, 13:00: Charalampos Chanialidis, School of Mathematical Sciences University College, Dublin: "Flexible regression models for count data"
- Wednesday, 1/4/2015, 15:00: David Rossel, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Warwick: "Integrating high-dimensional estimation and model selection with non-local priors"
- Thursday, 26/3/2015 & Παρασκευή 27/3/2015, 12:00 - 15:00: Dr. Silvia Cagnone, Associate Professor, University of Bologna: "Structural equation models (SEM): theory and applications"
- Thursday, 5/2/2015, 13:00: Dimitris Mavridis, University of Ioannina School of Medicine: "Allowing for uncertainty due to missing data in pairwise and network meta-analysis"
- Wednesday, 17/12/2014, 13:00: Xanthi Penteli, Department of Statistics, Athens University of Economics and Business: "Likelihood estimation for the INAR(p) model by saddlepoint approximation"
- Wednesday, 10/12/2014, 11:30: Loukia Meligotzidou, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens: "Particle MCMC and Augmentation Schemes"
- Wednesday, 26/11/2014, 13:00: Mihalis Titsias, Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business: "Hamming Ball Slice Sampling for Factorial Hidden Markov Models"
- Tuesday, 11/11/2014, 13:15: Maria Kateri, Institute of Statistics, RWTH Aachen University: "Tampered Failure Rate Step-Stress Models: Continuous vs. Interval Monitoring"
- Wednesday, 22/10/2014, 15:00 - 16:00: Brunilda Balliu: "A Retrospective Likelihood Approach for Efficient Integration of Multiple Omics Factors in Case-Control Association Studies"
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2013-2014
- Thursday, 19/06/2014: Oliver Ratmann: "Statistical modeling of summary values leads to accurate Approximate Bayesian Computations"
- Thursday, 12/06/2014: Konstantinos Petrakis: "On the use of marginal posteriors in marginal likelihood estimation via importance sampling"
- Friday, 6/06/2014: Valantis Malesios: "Bayesian spatio-temporal epidemic models with applications to sheep pox"
- Thursday, 5/06/2014: Ioulia Papageorgiou: "Pairwise likelihood estimation based on a sample of pairs"
- Thursday, 29/05/2014: Fotios Siannis: "Meta-analysis of time-to-event end points"
- Monday, 2/06/2014: Panagiotis Moutafis: "Improving Recognition Accuracy: Application in Biometrics"
- Thursday, 22/05/2014: Debasis Kundu: "On Bivariate (Marshall-Olkin) Weibull Geometric Distribution "
- May - June 2014: Seminar Cycle for Master, PhD, Post PhD students and faculty members
- Wednesday, 30/04/2014 (11:00): Open presentation and discussion regarding Start Ups
- Monday, 7/04/2014 (15:30): Kostas Hrisis PhD Presentation
- Thursday, 10/04/2014 (12:00): Erengul (Ozkok) Dodd: "Modelling the time delay in Critical Illness Insurance using GB2 family of distributions"
- Wednesday, 9/04/2014 (18:15): University of Southampton, Department of Statistics Master in Statistics Presentation
- Thursday, 4/02/2014 (12:00) Gideon KD Zamba: "A Flexible Test for longitudin
al data: The case of Recurrent Events" - Vasiliki Vitoratou PhD Presentation
- Georgios Tzougas PhD Presentation
- Stavroula Poulopoulou PhD Presentation
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013
- Dr. Luca Andriani Lecture
- Thursday, 18/04/2013 (15:00-16:00): Shrinking bias to benefit estimation and inference in statistical models, Giannis Kosmidis, University College London
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-2012
- Wednesday, 13/06/2012 (17:00): PhD Presentation, Georgios Mitalas
- Thursday, 26/01/2012 (13:00-14:00): Control Charts with Estimated Parameters, Philippe Castagliola, University of Nantes
- Friday, 13/01/2012 (09:00-17:00): Latent Gaussian models with R-INLA, Daniel Simpson, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- Wednesday, 28/09/2011 (16:30): PhD Presentation, Evaggelia Kalpinelli
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2010-2011
- Friday, 01/07/2011 (10:30): PhD Presentation, Anastasios Plataniotis
- Thursday, 24/03/2011 (12:00): PhD Presentation, Xanthi Penteli
- ACADEMIC YEAR 2009-2010
- Monday, 01/06/2010 (11:30-12:30): PhD Presentation, Athanasios Petralias
- Thursday, 27/05/2010 (15:00-16:00): Nonlinear regression with missing responses, Ursula U. Muller, Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University
- Tuesday, 25/05/2010 (15:00-16:00): Statistical Seismology: Past events and future issues, David Vere-Jones, Emeritus Professor, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
- Thursday, 06/05/2010 (16:00-17:00): Estimating Value-at-Risk with Product Partition Models, Claudia Tarantola, University of Pavia. In cooperation with Bormetti Giacomo, De Giuli M. Elena and Delpini Danilo.
- Tuesday, 02/03/2010 (15:00-16:00): The Effective Sample Size to Measure the Amount of Information in a Correlated Data Setting, Christel Faes, Professor, University of Hasselt, Belgium
- Tuesday, 23/02/2010 (15:00-16:00): Inspection Policies and Their Impact on Delay in Queueing Systems, George Mytalas, Ph.D. s