Bachelor Dissertation
Within the framework of the educational process, students, on their 4th year (or more) of study, are able to conduct a Bachelor Dissertation on a wide range of cognitive areas covered by the Department of Statistics.
General Rules for Applying
- In order for a student to be able to apply for the dissertation, he/she must have successfully attended all compulsory courses and hold an average on these courses, of (at least) 7 (seven).
- Successful fulfillment of dissertation is awarded with 8 ECTS.
- The dissertation is conducted under the supervision of a faculty member.
- Each student can enroll in Bachelor Dissertation after completing the 6th semester.
- The student must complete and submit to the Department’s Secretariat the form labeled “Submission of Proposal for Bachelor Dissertation”, in which the dissertation’s subject, the supervisor and the subject’s summary are declared.
Special Teaching Staff (E.DI.P) that hold a Ph.D. or are currently in the conclusive rank, are eligible to supervise a dissertation with support from a faculty member.
Assignment Procedure
The faculty members announce the Dissertation’s subject that they are willing to supervise, either through the department’s website and the laboratories or through the department’s secretariat. The students can contact the professor for further information. The department’s Assembly then is informed about the assignment of the dissertation and is appointing a three-member Evaluation Committee, after taking into consideration the supervisor’s proposal. The supervisor is appointed as Chair of the Committee.
Conducting the dissertation
Work progress is regularly monitored in cooperation with the supervisor.
Writing Procedure
The dissertation must contain the following:
- Review of bibliography
- Description of the procedure and the methodology
- Description of the computational process and the methodology used
- Presentation and discussion of the outcomes
- Conclusions and suggestions for future work
- Data that document the conclusions, in the form of appendices, such as tables, charts etc.
- Abstract in Greek and English for documentation purposes.
Presentation Procedure
The student delivers an electronic copy of his dissertation to the members of the Evaluation Committee and to the department’s Secretariat at least 7 days prior to the dissertation’s presentation.
The presentation takes place at a specific date, time and place, during or just before the respective exam period.
Members of the academic community can attend the presentation. At the end of the presentation the student answers questions of the Evaluation Committee and the audience. The presentation should last less than 20 minutes, and 15 minutes are given for the questions.
Evaluation Procedure
After completing the presentation procedure, the Committee meets in order to evaluate the dissertation and grant the final grade. The final grade is recorded to the Department’s Electronic Secretariat (e-Grammateia) at the current examination period.
Dissertation Submission
The student submits the dissertation in a hard copy and electronically to the department’s secretariat, after incorporating any observations may occurred at the presentation.