Affiliated Units

Institute of Statistical Research Analysis & Documentation

About I.S.R.A.D.

The Institute of Statistical Research, Analysis and Documentation is associated with the Department of Statistics of the Athens University of Economics and Business. Its structure and its function are described in the establishing Presidential Decree (P. D. 432/24-11-1995, Gazette 246, Issue Α΄)

The aims of the Institute are:

  • To make the  Greek public aware on the necessity to use statistical methods in approaching everyday problems.

  • The development of Statistical Science in Greece and generally the development of the use of statistical and quantitative methods and their applications.

  • The involvement in the development of the M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs of the Department of Statistics.

  • To establish connections with similar well-established centers overseas.

  • The development and applications of Survey Methods.

  • The collection and Analysis of Data.

  • The development of data bases.

  • The establishement of a statistical consulting center.

  • To carry out research.

The research carried out In the Institute of Statistical Research, Analysis and Documentation is in the theory and applications of Statistics and Probability and in Quantitative Methods. Some of the Institute's activities are: collection and analysis of statistical data, statistical consulting, actuarial studies with emphasis in social insurance, health statistics and Biostatistics, the mathematics and the stochastic of finance, the use of Statistics and the development of statistical methods for the collection and the analysis of data in various areas such as education, health, law, economics, industry.

The graduate students of the Department of Statistics have the possibility of doing part of their studies at the Institute.


Statistical Consulting Center – Purpose and Mission

The Institute of Statistical Documentation, Analysis & Research (I.S.T.A.E.R.) collaborates with the Department of Statistics at the Athens University of Economics and Business.

One of the institute’s objectives is the operation of a Statistical Consulting Center, which provides statistical guidance to those using statistics as a tool, regardless of their expertise in developing and applying appropriate statistical techniques.

The center’s activities include study design, survey sampling design, data entry and utilization methods, data analysis, interpretation of results, presentation of findings, and more. Additionally, the center offers guidance on using various statistical software packages (SAS, SPSS, MINITAB, S-PLUS, MATLAB, EVIEWS, etc.). A list of indicative consulting fields covered by I.S.T.A.E.R. is provided at the end of this document.

Consulting services are provided by I.S.T.A.E.R. researchers, who include all faculty members of the Department of Statistics at the Athens University of Economics and Business, as well as collaborating doctoral candidates and postgraduate students. The CVs of the faculty members, who are also researchers at the Institute, can be found at el/stat_dep (Greek) and en/stat_dep (English).

Upon receiving a request, the inquiry is assigned to a specialized consultant, who contacts the applicant within five working days to arrange an initial meeting.

During this initial meeting, an overview of the research is formed, and a general approach is determined to address the applicant’s statistical challenges. Consequently, the applicant and consultant work closely together throughout the project.

Experience has shown that statistical consulting is most effective when the consultant is involved from the initial design stage of a statistical project. For this reason, priority is given to applicants seeking assistance at the beginning of their project’s design.

For applicants outside Athens (and beyond), consultations can be conducted via Skype.

Consultation Fees

Basic consulting services are provided free of charge to faculty members and students of the Athens University of Economics and Business, as well as other Greek universities and technical institutes, provided that their work is not funded by an external source.

For individuals outside the academic community or those requiring more extensive consulting services, fees depend on various factors, including the type and scope of the project and the level of consultant involvement. Within five working days after the initial meeting, the applicant is provided with a detailed cost estimate, payment terms, and conditions.

Indicative Consulting Fields of the I.S.T.A.E.R. Statistical Consulting Center

  • Survey design and analysis
  • Data analysis
  • Questionnaire development and analysis
  • Big Data
  • Industrial Statistics
  • Statistical Process Control
  • Multivariate techniques (factor analysis, clustering, data mining approaches, etc.)
  • Simulations
  • Social research
  • Demographic analysis
  • Biomedical & pharmaceutical data
  • Economic and financial time series forecasting
  • Portfolio construction
  • Time series analysis
  • Econometrics
  • Optimization methods
  • Statistical issues in medicine, biology, psychometrics, psychology, etc.
  • Biostatistics (clinical trial design, monitoring, and analysis)
  • Results presentation and interpretation
  • Scientific publication writing
  • Official statistics
  • Econometric indicators
  • Process capability indices
  • Model selection & evaluation for forecasting
  • Quality control
  • Survival analysis