
  • Fabiani G.; Kevrekidis I.G.; Siettos C.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "RandONets: Shallow networks with random projections for learning linear and nonlinear operators", Journal of Computational Physics
  • Lightowlers S.V.; Machin A.; Woitek R.; Provenzano E.; Allajbeu I.; Al Sarakbi W.; Demiris N.; Forouhi P.; Gilbert F.J.; Kirby A.M.; Towns C.; Somaiah N.; Coles C.E. "Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy and Endocrine Therapy for Oestrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancers: The Neo-RT Feasibility Study" Clinical Oncology
  • Chasiotis, V., Karlis, D: "On the selection of optimal subdata for big data regression based on leverage scores", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
  • Engeli V.; Roussos S.; Demiris N.; Hatzakis A.; Sypsa V "Social Contact Patterns and Age Mixing before and during COVID-19 Pandemic, Greece, January 2020–October 2021", Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Tsagris M, Papastamoulis P and Kato S. "Directional data analysis: spherical Cauchy or Poisson kernel-based distribution?", Statistics and Computing
  • Koundouri P.; Papayiannis G.I.; Petracou E.V.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "Consensus Group Decision Making Under Model Uncertainty with a View Towards Environmental Policy Making", Environmental and Resource Economics
  • Vrontos I.D.; Galakis J.; Panopoulou E.; Vrontos S.D. "Forecasting GDP growth: The economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic", Journal of Forecasting
  • Kavallaris N.I.; Nikolopoulos C.V.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "On The Impact Of Noise On Quenching For A Nonlocal Diffusion Model Driven By A Mixture Of Brownian And Fractional Brownian Motions", Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S
  • Kokkinaki T.; Markodimitraki M.; Vasdekis V.G.S. "Let’s talk! What will you say to me … ?’: comparing spontaneous dyad-focused maternal speech to singleton and dizygotic twin infants at home", European Journal of Developmental Psychology
  • Kotzamanis, B., Kostaki, A. "Repercussions of the Recent Economic Downturn on Birth Rates in Greece", IZA Journal of Labor Economics
  • Staerk C.; Kateri M.; Ntzoufras I. "A Metropolized Adaptive Subspace Algorithm for High-Dimensional Bayesian Variable Selection", Bayesian Analysis
  • Tsiamyrtzis, P. "Introduction to bayesian inference and its application in medical biology", Annales de Biologie Clinique
  • Basini, F., Tsouli, V., Ntzoufras, I., Friel, N. "Assessing competitive balance in the English Premier League for over forty seasons using a stochastic block model", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society
  • Abraham J.E.; Pinilla K.; Dayimu A.; Grybowicz L.; Demiris N.; Harvey C.; Drewett L.M.; Lucey R.; Fulton A.; Roberts A.N.; Worley J.R.; Chhabra A.; Qian W.; Vallier A.-L.; Hardy R.M.; Chan S.; Hickish T.; Tripathi D.; Venkitaraman R.; Persic M.; Aslam S.; Glassman D.; Raj S.; Borley A.; Braybrooke J.P.; Sutherland S.; Staples E.; Scott L.C.; Davies M.; Palmer C.A.; Moody M.; Churn M.J.; Newby J.C.; Mukesh M.B.; Chakrabarti A.; Roylance R.R.; Schouten P.C.; Levitt N.C.; McAdam K.; Armstrong A.C.; Copson E.R.; McMurtry E.; Tischkowitz M.; Provenzano E.; Earl H.M., "The PARTNER trial of neoadjuvant olaparib with chemotherapy in triple-negative breast cancer", Nature
  • Koundouri P.; Yannacopoulos A.N., "Optimal Control Approaches to Water Management: Discussing Model Uncertainty", Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management
  • Calvia A.; Gozzi F.; Leocata M.; Papayiannis G.I.; Xepapadeas A.; Yannacopoulos A.N., "An optimal control problem with state constraints in a spatio-temporal economic growth model on networks", Journal of Mathematical Economics
  • Koundouri, P., Zeeuw, A.D., Yannacopoulos, A. "Introduction to Essays in Honour of Anastasios Xepapadeas", Environmental and Resource Economics
  • Basha S.; Khorasani M.; Abdurahiman N.; Padhan J.; Baez V.; Al-Ansari A.; Tsiamyrtzis P.; Becker A.T.; Navkar N.V., "An Actuated Variable-View Rigid Scope System to Assist Visualization in Diagnostic Procedures", IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
  • Grasso, M.L.G., Tsiamyrtzis, P. "Bayesian Multimodal Data Analytics: AnIntroduction", Springer Optimization and Its Applications
  • Dayimu, A., Simidjievski, N., Demiris, N., Abraham, J. "Sample size determination for prediction models via learning-type curves", Statistics in Medicine
  • Hirt M.; Kreouzis V.; Dellaportas P. "Learning variational autoencoders via MCMC speed measures", Statistics and Computing
  • Alikakos N.D.; Nikolouzos M.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "Variational maximum principle for elliptic systems involving the fractional Laplacian", Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences
  • Papastamoulis P, Milienos F "Bayesian inference and cure rate modeling for event history data", Test
  • Alikakos N.D.; Nikolouzos M.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "Correction to: Variational maximum principle for elliptic systems involving the fractional Laplacian", Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences
  • Georgiou K.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "Variational Maximum Principle For Elliptic Systems Involving The Fractional Laplacian", Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
  • Chatzilena A.; Demiris N.; Kalogeropoulos K. "A modeling framework for the analysis of the SARS-CoV2 transmission dynamics", Statistics in Medicine
  • Barbatis G.; Yannacopoulos A. "Editorial for special issue “Current trends in Applied Mathematics”", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
  • Andresen K.; Cutting E.; Apostolopoulos D.; Evans A.H.; Oakley L.; Dayimu A.; Demiris N.; Bongaerts K.; Staples R.; Gooding W.; Rubinsztein D.; Barker R.A. "Trial to assess the tolerability of using felodipine to upregulate autophagy as a treatment of Huntington's disease (FELL-HD): a phase II, single-centre, open-label, dose-finding trial protocol", BMJ open
  • Louloudis, E., Zimbidis, A. "Robust Modeling of Earthquake Catastrophe Risk for Insurance: An Integrated Approach Incorporating Active Faults and an Epidemic-Type Model", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering
  • Martín-Lluesma, I.M. Svane, U. Dafni, K. Vervita, D. Karlis, G. Dimopoulou, Z. Tsourti, M.W. Rohaan, J.B.A.G. Haanen, G. Coukos "Efficacy of TIL therapy in advanced cutaneous melanoma in the current immuno-oncology era: updated systematic review and meta-analysis", Annals of Oncology
  • Karlis D.; Mamode Khan N.; Sunecher Y. "The Negative Binomial INAR(1) Process under Different Thinning Processes: Can We Separate between the Different Models?", Stats
  • Louloudis E.; Zimbidis A.; Tsekrekos A.; Yannacopoulos A. "Earthquake Insurance via CAT Bonds Utilizing Autoregressive Neural Networks and Active Faults" Journal of Fixed Income
  • Vrontos I.D.; Galakis J.; Panopoulou E.; Vrontos S.D. "Modeling the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Dynamic Panel Models and Seemingly Unrelated Regressions", Econometrics
  • Malea E.; Boyatzis S.; Karlis D.; Palles D.; Boghosian S.; Zervos S. "The Complementary Use of Raman, ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy, and Chemometrics for Investigating the Deterioration of Artificially Aged Parchment" Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
  • Guastadisegni L.; Cagnone S.; Moustaki I.; Vasdekis V. "The generalized Hausman test for detecting non-normality in the latent variable distribution of the two-parameter IRT model", British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
  • Yusuf A.; Oliveira B.; Pinto A.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "Bounded Rational Players in a Symmetric Random Exchange Market", Mathematics
  • Alexopoulos A.; Dellaportas P.; Titsias M.K., "Variance reduction for Metropolis–Hastings samplers", Statistics and Computing
  • Xepapadeas A.; Yannacopoulos A.N., "Spatial growth theory: Optimality and spatial heterogeneity", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
  • Geronikolou S.A.; Vasdekis V.; Mantzou A.; Davos C.; Cokkinos D.V.; Chrousos G.P., "Neuroendocrine System Adaptation during Consecutive Extrinsic Stimuli: A Pilot Dynamic Study", Children
  • Dayimu A.; Di Lisio L.; Anand S.; Roca-Carreras I.; Qian W.; Al-Mohammad A.; Basu B.; Valle J.W.; Jodrell D.; Demiris N.; Corrie P., "Clinical and biological markers predictive of treatment response associated with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma", British Journal of Cancer
  • Karlis D.; Mamode Khan N., "Models for Integer Data", Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application
  • Sartzetakis; Xepapadeas; Υannacopoulos, A. "Environmental regulation with preferences for social status", Ecological Economics
  • Anita Balakrishnan, Petros Barmpounakis, Nikolaos Demiris, Asif Jah, Harry V.M. Spiers, Shibojit Talukder, Jack L. Martin, Paul Gibbs, Simon J.F. Harper, Emmanuel L. Huguet, Vasilis Kosmoliaptsis, Siong S. Liau, Raaj K. Praseedom, Bristi Basu, "Surgical outcomes of gallbladder cancer: the OMEGA retrospective, multicentre, international cohort study", eClinicalMedicine
  • Karlis, D., Chutoo, A., Mamode Khan, N., Jowaheer, V. "The multilateral spatial integer-valued process of order 1", Statistica Neerlandica
  • Hasan, M.T., Zaman, S., Wesley, A., Tsiamyrtzis, P., Pavlidis, I. "Sympathetic Activation in Deadlines of Deskbound Research - A Study in the Wild", Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings
  • Papastamoulis P. "Model based clustering of multinomial count data", Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
  • Demertzi, E., Psarakis, S. "Probability-type, Shewhart-type and EWMA control charts for individual observations from the two-parameter Lindley distribution", Quality and Reliability Engineering International
  • Hasan M.T.; Alghamdi H.; Taamneh S.; Manser M.; Wunderlich R.; Tsiamyrtzis P.; Pavlidis I. "Investigating Cardiovascular Activation of Young Adults in Routine Driving", IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
  • Guastadisegni L.; Moustaki I.; Vasdekis V.; Cagnone S. "Detecting Latent Variable Non-normality Through the Generalized Hausman Test", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
  • Tampaki M.; Livada A.; Fourka M.-N.; Lazaridou E.; Kotsani M.; Benetos A.; Sfikakis P.P.; Kravvariti E. "Inappropriate prescribing in geriatric rural primary care: impact on adverse outcomes and relevant risk factors in a prospective observational cohort study", Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
  • Panos A.; Kosmidis I.; Dellaportas P. "Scalable Marked Point Processes for Exchangeable and Non-Exchangeable Event Sequences", Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
  • Sellier J.; Dellaportas P. "Sparse Spectral Bayesian Permanental Process with Generalized Kernel", Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
  • Merkouris T., "Optimal linear estimation in two-phase sampling", Survey Methodology
  • Shabir D.; Balakrishnan S.; Padhan J.; Abinahed J.; Yaacoub E.; Mohammed A.; Deng Z.; Al-Ansari A.; Tsiamyrtzis P.; Navkar N.V. "Tele-Mentoring Using Augmented Reality: A Feasibility Study to Assess Teaching of Laparoscopic Suturing Skills", Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
  • Seitidis G.; Nikolakopoulos S.; Ntzoufras I.; Mavridis D. "Inconsistency identification in network meta-analysis via stochastic search variable selection", Statistics in Medicine
  • Bui M.N.; Pokern Y.; Dellaportas P., "Inference for partially observed Riemannian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck diffusions of covariance matrices", Bernoulli
  • Shabir D.; Kharbech S.; Padhan J.; Yaacoub E.; Mohammed A.; Deng Z.; Al-Ansari A.; Tsiamyrtzis P.; Navkar N.V. "Telementoring System Assessment Integrated with Laparoscopic Surgical Simulators", 2023 IEEE 5th Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, ECBIOS 2023
  • Stival M.; Bernardi M.; Dellaportas P. "Inference For Partially Observed Riemannian Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Diffusions Of Covariance Matrices", Annals of Applied Statistics
  • Mehta I.; Dayimu A.; Kumar S.; Boobier C.; Oladipo O.; Burke D.; Olson-Brown A.; Yesildag P.; Nobes J.; Brown S.; Booth C.; Wheater M.; Muller D.; Fountain V.; Ford L.; Board R.; McGurk L.; Twelves S.; Demiris N.; Corrie P. "Comparison of three-weekly and six-weekly pembrolizumab United Kingdom prescribing practice for advanced and resected melanoma", European Journal of Cancer
  • Korre A.K.; Vasdekis V.G.S. "Bias correction in random effects models with sparse binary responses", Statistical Methods in Medical Research
  • Sellier J.; Dellaportas P., "Bayesian online change point detection with Hilbert space approximate Student-t process", Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
  • Shabir D.; Balakrishnan S.; Padhan J.; Yaacoub E.; Mohammed A.; Deng Z.; Al-Ansari A.; Tsiamyrtzis P.; Navkar N.V., "Evaluating a Remote Tele-Mentoring Gameplay Setup for Teaching Laparoscopic Suturing Skills", 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, SeGAH 2023
  • Kontos C.; Karlis D. "Football Analytics Based On Player Tracking Data Using Interpolation Techniques For The Prediction Of Missing Coordinates", Statistica Applicata
  • Accinelli E.; Hernández-Lerma O.; Hervés-Beloso C.; Neme A.; Oliveira B.M.P.M.; Pinto A.A.; Yannacopoulos A.N., "Preface: Dynamics, Games And Science - Dgs And Jornadas Latinoamericanas De Teor´Ia Econ´Omica - Jolate", Journal of Dynamics and Games
  • Papayiannis G.I.; Psarakis S.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "Modelling of Functional Profiles and Explainable Shape Shifts Detection: An Approach Combining the Notion of the Fréchet Mean with the Shape-Invariant Model", Mathematics
  • Mazo G.; Karlis D.; Rau A. "A Randomized Pairwise Likelihood Method for Complex Statistical Inferences", Journal of the American Statistical Association
  • Sharma, R., Tsiamyrtzis, P., Webb, A.G., Leiss, E.L., Tsekos, N.V., "Learning to deep learning: statistics and a paradigm test in selecting a UNet architecture to enhance MRI", Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine
  • Sofia Basha, Mohammad Khorasani, Nihal Abdurahiman, Jhasketan Padhan, Victor Baez, Abdulla Al-Ansari, Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis, Aaron T Becker , Nikhil V Navkar, "A generic scope actuation system for flexible endoscopes", Surgical Endoscopy
  • Karlis, D., Pedeli, X., Varin, C. "Observation-driven exponential smoothing", Stat
  • Ballarin G.; Dellaportas P.; Grigoryeva L.; Hirt M.; van Huellen S.; Ortega J.-P. "Reservoir computing for macroeconomic forecasting with mixed-frequency data", International Journal of Forecasting
  • Merkouris T. "On the Most Effective Use of Continuous Auxiliary Variables in Regression Estimation in Survey Sampling", International Statistical Review
  • Wang Z.; Dellaportas P.; Kosmidis I. "Bayesian tensor factorisations for time series of counts", Machine Learning
  • Kiran F.; Wesley A.; Tolar T.; Cirino P.; Tsiamyrtzis P.; Pavlidis I. "Relatable and Humorous Videos Reduce Hyperarousal in Math Exams", 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos
  • Pasiouras A.M.; Burnetas A.N.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "Bayesian inversion techniques for stochastic partial differential equations", Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
  • Narayanan S.; Kosmidis I.; Dellaportas P. "Flexible marked spatio-temporal point processes with applications to event sequences from association football", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics
  • Stival M.; Bernardi M.; Cattelan M.; Dellaportas P. "Missing data patterns in runners’ careers: do they matter?", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics
  • Tsangaris S.; Xepapadeas A.; Yannacopoulos A.N.; Salvati L. "Spatial externalities, R&D spillovers, and endogenous technological change", Regional Science and Urban Economics
  • Marsman M.; Huth K.; Waldorp L.J.; Ntzoufras I. "Objective Bayesian Edge Screening and Structure Selection for Ising Networks", Psychometrika
  • Stefanatou P.; Tsompanaki E.; Lavdas M.; Giannouli E.; Ralli I.; Kalogerakou S.; Anyfandi E.; Stylianidis S.; Stefanis N.; Mavreas V.; Konstantakopoulos G. "Patient-reported needs predict perceived psychosocial disability and quality of life beyond symptom severity in schizophrenia", Disability and Rehabilitation
  • Kondakis M.; Demiris N.; Ntzoufras I.; Papanikolaou N.E. "Inference and model determination for temperature-driven non-linear ecological models", Environmental and Ecological Statistics
  • Papastamoulis, P., Ntzoufras, I.: "On the identifiability of Bayesian factor analytic models", Statistics and Computing
  • Barmpounakis P.; Demiris N.; Kontoyiannis I.; Pavlakis G.N.; Sypsa V.: "Evaluating the effects of second-dose vaccine-delay policies in European countries: A simulation study based on data from Greece", PLoS ONE
  • Ötting M.; Karlis D. "Football tracking data: a copula-based hidden Markov model for classification of tactics in football", Annals of Operations Research
  • Shabir D.; Anbatawi M.; Padhan J.; Balakrishnan S.; Al-Ansari A.; Abinahed J.; Tsiamyrtzis P.; Yaacoub E.; Mohammed A.; Deng Z.; Navkar N.V. "Evaluation of user-interfaces for controlling movements of virtual minimally invasive surgical instruments", International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
  • Bermúdez L.; Karlis D. "Copula-based bivariate finite mixture regression models with an application for insurance claim count data", Test
  • Kesidis G.; Konstantopoulos T.; Zazanis M.A. "In search of the least age of information", Queueing Systems
  • Galakis J.; Vrontos I.; Xidonas P. "On tree-structured linear and quantile regression-based asset pricing", Review of Accounting and Finance
  • Zervoyianni A.; Dimelis S.; Livada A. "Economic Sentiment and the Covid-19 Crisis: Evidence from European Countries", Applied Economics
  • Alexopoulos A.; Dellaportas P.; Papaspiliopoulos O. "Bayesian Prediction of Jumps in Large Panels of Time Series Data", Bayesian Analysis
  • Kotzamanis B.; Zafeiris K.; Kostaki A., "Mortality in Greece Before and During the Recent Economic Recession: Short-Terms Effects of the Economic Austerity", Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis
  • Kokkinaki T.; Markodimitraki M.; Vasdekis V.G.S., "Maternal speech to singleton and first-born dizygotic twin infants: a four-month longitudinal and naturalistic study", European Journal of Developmental Psychology
  • Petracou E.V.; Xepapadeas A.; Yannacopoulos A.N., "Decision Making Under Model Uncertainty: Fréchet–Wasserstein Mean Preferences", Management Science
  • Hirt M.; Titsias M.K.; Dellaportas P., "Entropy-based adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo", Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
  • Fang Y.; Karlis D.; Subedi S., "Infinite Mixtures of Multivariate Normal-Inverse Gaussian Distributions for Clustering of Skewed Data", Journal of Classification
  • Kokkinaki T.; Markodimitraki M.; Vasdekis V.G.S., "Comparing speech acts and complexity of maternal speech to singleton and first-born dizygotic twin infants", Early Child Development and Care
  • Hazapi O.; Lagopati N.; Pezoulas V.C.; Papayiannis G.I.; Fotiadis D.I.; Skaltsas D.; Vergetis V.; Tsirigos A.; Stratis I.G.; Yannacopoulos A.N.; Gorgoulis V.G., "Machine Learning: A Tool to Shape the Future of Medicine", Studies in Big Data
  • Louloudis E.; Zimbidis A.; Yannacopoulos A., "Stochastic assessment of seismic risk using faults to address the incomplete information in historical catalogues", European Actuarial Journal
  • Kesidis G.; Konstantopoulos T.; Zazanis M.A., "Age of information using Markov-renewal methods", Queueing Systems
  • Mytalas G.C.; Zazanis M.A., "Performance analysis for Bernoulli feedback queues subject to disasters: a system with batch Poisson arrivals under a multiple vacation policy", Quality Technology and Quantitative Management
  • G. Tzoumerkas, D. Fouskakis, I Ntzoufras, "A Comparison of Power–Expected–Posterior Priors in Shrinkage Regression", Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
  • Fang Y.; Karlis D.; Subedi S., "Infinite Mixtures of Multivariate Normal-Inverse Gaussian Distributions for Clustering of Skewed Data", Journal of Classification
  • Sayema Rahman, Norman Van Rhijn, Panagiotis Papastamoulis, Darren D. Thomson, Zorana Carter, Rachael Fortune-Grant, Magnus Rattray, Michael J. Bromley and Elaine Bignell, "Distinct Cohorts of Return Aspergillus fumigatus Transcription Factors Are Required for Epithelial Damage Occurring via Contact- or Soluble Effector-Mediated Mechanisms", Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
  • Perdikis T.; Celano G.; Psarakis S.; Castagliola P. "An exponentially weighted moving average control chart based on signed ranks for finite horizon processes", Quality Engineering
  • Xourafi L.; Sardi P.; Kostaki A. "Exploring psychological vulnerability and responses to the COVID-19 lockdown in Greece", Vienna Yearbook of Population Research
  • Bisiotis K.; Psarakis S.; Yannacopoulos A.N. "Affine Term Structure Models: Applications in Portfolio Optimization and Change Point Detection", Mathematics
  • Fouskakis D.; Ntzoufras I. "Power-Expected-Posterior Priors as Mixtures of g-Priors in Normal Linear Models", Bayesian Analysis
  • Alexopoulos A.; Dellaportas P.; Titsias M.K. "Variance reduction for Metropolis–Hastings samplers", Statistics and Computing
  • Sharma R.; Tsiamyrtzis P.; Webb A.G.; Seimenis I.; Loukas C.; Leiss E.; Tsekos N.V., "A Deep Learning Approach to Upscaling “Low-Quality” MR Images: An In Silico Comparison Study Based on the UNet Framework", Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
  • Zimbidis A.A., "Solvency II, Undertaking Specific Parameters (USPs) Validation, Generalization and Criticism", Contemporary Mathematics (Singapore)
  • Pavlopoulos H.; Chronis G. "On highly skewed fractional log-stable noise sequences and their application", Journal of Time Series Analysis
  • Perdikis T.; Psarakis S.; Castagliola P.; Giner-Bosch V.; Maravelakis P.E.; Rakitzis A.C., "An EWMA sign chart for dispersion with exact run length properties", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
  • Bourazas, K., Sobas, F., Tsiamyrtzis, P, "Predictive ratio CUSUM (PRC): A Bayesian approach in online change point detection of short runs", Journal of Quality Technology
  • Bourazas, K., Sobas, F., Tsiamyrtzis, P, "Design and properties of the predictive ratio cusum (PRC) control charts", Journal of Quality Technology
  • Daskalakis C.; Dellaportas P.; Panos A., "How Good are Low-Rank Approximations in Gaussian Process Regression?", Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2022
  • Dellaportas P., Ioannidis E., Kotsogiannis C., "Sample size determination for risk-based tax auditing", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society
  • Staerk C., Kateri M., Ntzoufras I.,"High-dimensional variable selection via low-dimensional adaptive learning", Εlectronic Journal of Statistics
  • Pergantas P., Papanikolaou N.E., Malesios C., Tsatsaris A., Kondakis M., Perganta I., Tselentis Y., Demiris N., "Towards a semi‐automatic early warning system for vector‐borne diseases", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  • Markatou M., Karlis D., Ding Y., "Distance-based statistical inference", Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application
  • Bermúdez L., Karlis D., "Multivariate inar(1) regression models based on the sarmanov distribution", Mathematics
  • Papayiannis G.I., Domazakis G.N., Drivaliaris D., Koukoulas S., Tsekrekos A.E., Yannacopoulos A.N., "On clustering uncertain and structured data with Wasserstein barycenters and a geodesic criterion for the number of clusters", Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
  • Lappas P.Z., Yannacopoulos A.N., "A machine learning approach combining expert knowledge with genetic algorithms in feature selection for credit risk assessment", Applied Soft Computing
  • Bourazas K., Kiagias D., Tsiamyrtzis P., "Predictive Control Charts (PCC): A Bayesian approach in online monitoring of short runs", Journal of Quality Technology
  • Guastadisegni L., Cagnone S., Moustaki I., Vasdekis V.: "Use of the Lagrange Multiplier Test for Assessing Measurement Invariance Under Model Misspecification", Educational and Psychological Measurement
  • Zamba K.D., Tsiamyrtzis P.: "Sequential detection framework for real-time biosurveillance based on Shiryaev-Roberts procedure with illustrations using COVID-19 incidence data", Sequential Analysis
  • Velazco-Garcia J.D., Navkar N.V., Balakrishnan S., Younes G., Abi-Nahed J., Al-Rumaihi K., Darweesh A., Elakkad M.S.M., Al-Ansari A., Christoforou E.G., Karkoub M., Leiss E.L., Tsiamyrtzis P., Tsekos N.V.: "Evaluation of how users interface with holographic augmented reality surgical scenes: Interactive planning MR-Guided prostate biopsies", International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
  • Vrontos S.D., Galakis J., Vrontos I.D., "Implied volatility directional forecasting: a machine learning approach", Quantitative Finance
  • Bisiotis K., Psarakis S., Yannacopoulos A.N., "Control charts in financial applications: An overview", Quality and Reliability Engineering International
  • Tsamtsakiri P., Karlis D., "On Bayesian model selection for INGARCH models viatrans-dimensional Markov chain Monte Carlo methods", Statistical Modelling
  • Livada A., Pechlivanidis A., "Incentives, Personal Needs, Behavior of the Employees: How Do These Parameters Affect Employees’ Productivity, Job Satisfaction and Commitment?", Contributions to Management Science
  • Spolaor A., Varin C., Pedeli X., Christille J.M., Kirchgeorg T., Giardi F., Cappelletti D., Turetta C., Cairns W.R.L., Gambaro A., Bernagozzi A., Gallet J.C., Björkman M.P., Barbaro E., "Source, timing and dynamics of ionic species mobility in the Svalbard annual snowpack", Science of the Total Environment
  • Guastadisegni L., Cagnone S., Moustaki I., Vasdekis V., "The Asymptotic Power of the Lagrange Multiplier Tests for Misspecified IRT Models", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics
  • Zafeiris K.N., Kostaki A., Kontogiannis G., Tsoni A., "Factors affecting fertility in the multicultural environment of Thrace in Northern Greece", Communications in Statistics Case Studies Data Analysis and Applications
  • Pezoulas V.C., Hazapis O., Lagopati N., Exarchos T.P., Goules A.V., Tzioufas A.G., Fotiadis D.I., Stratis I.G., Yannacopoulos A.N., Gorgoulis V.G., "Machine learning approaches on high throughput ngs data to unveil mechanisms of function in biology and disease", Cancer Genomics and Proteomics
  • Karlis D., Ntzoufras I., Repoussis P., "Mathematics meet sports", IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
  • Baltas I., Dopierala L., Kolodziejczyk K., Szczepański M., Weber G.-W., Yannacopoulos A.N., "Optimal management of defined contribution pension funds under the effect of inflation, mortality and uncertainty", European Journal of Operational Research
  • Perdikis T., Psarakis S., Castagliola P., Rakitzis A.C., Maravelakis P.E. "The EWMA sign chart revisited: performance and alternatives without and with ties", Journal of Applied Statistics
  • Dellaportas, P., Ioannidis, E., Kotsogiannis, C.: “Sample size determination for risk-based tax auditing”, JRSS Series A., Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A
  • Deligiannakis G., Zimbidis A., Papanikolaou I.,"Earthquake loss and Solvency Capital Requirement calculation using a fault-specific catastrophe model", Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
  • Tsiamyrtzis P., Grasso M.L.G., Colosimo B.M., "Image based statistical process monitoring via partial first order stochastic dominance", Quality Engineering
  • Ioannidis E.E. "A new non-parametric cross-spectrum estimator", Journal of Time Series Analysis
  • Galakis J.; Vrontos I.; Vrontos S., "Style Rotation Revisited", Journal of Financial Data Science
  • Roick T., Karlis D., McNicholas P.D., “Clustering discrete-valued time series”, 2020, Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
  • Papageorgiou I., “Ceramic investigation: how to perform statistical analyses”, 2020, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
  • Besbeas P., Morgan B.J.T., ”A general framework for modeling population abundance data”, 2020, Biometrics
  • Fouskakis D., Ntzoufras I., Perrakis K., “Variations of power-expected-posterior priors in normal regression models”, 2020, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
  • Kampelis N., Papayiannis G.I., Kolokotsa D., Galanis G.N., Isidori D., Cristalli C., Yannacopoulos A.N., “An integrated energy simulation model for buildings”, 2020, Energies
  • Kokkinaki T., Vasdekis V., Devouche E., “Maternal and paternal infant-directed speech to girls and boys: An exploratory study”, 2020, European Journal of Developmental Psychology
  • Karamatsoukis C.C., Kyriakidis E.G., Dimitrakos T.D., “Two-compartment stochastic single vehicle routing problems with simultaneous pickups and deliveries from N ordered customers”, 2020, International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics
  • Santambrogio F., Xepapadeas A., Yannacopoulos A.N., “Rational expectations equilibria in a Ramsey model of optimal growth with non-local spatial externalities”, 2020,            Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
  • Freeman S.N., Isaac N.J.B., Besbeas P., Dennis E.B., Morgan B.J.T., “A Generic Method for Estimating and Smoothing Multispecies Biodiversity Indicators Using Intermittent Data”, 2020, Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
  • Liritzis I., Xanthopoulou V., Palamara E., Papageorgiou I., Iliopoulos I., Zacharias N., Vafiadou A., Karydas A.G., “Characterization and provenance of ceramic artifacts and local clays from Late Mycenaean Kastrouli (Greece) by means of p-XRF screening and statistical analysis”,  2020, Journal of Cultural Heritage
  • Egidi L., Ntzoufras I., “A Bayesian quest for finding a unified model for predicting volleyball games”, 2020, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics
  • Kartala X.-I., Englezos N., Yannacopoulos A.N., “Future expectations modeling, random coefficient forward-backward stochastic differential equations, and stochastic viscosity solutions”, 2020, Mathematics of Operations Research
  • Kyriakidis E.G., Dimitrakos T.D., Karamatsoukis C.C., “A Stochastic Single Vehicle Routing Problem with a Predefined Sequence of Customers and Collection of Two Similar Materials”,  2020, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability
  • Kesidis G., Konstantopoulos T., Zazanis M.A., “The distribution of age-of-information performance measures for message processing systems”, 2020,       Queueing Systems
  • Bermúdez L., Karlis D., Morillo I., “Modelling unobserved heterogeneity in claim counts using finite mixture models”, 2020, Risks
  • Korre A.K., Vasdekis V.G.S., “Weighted cumulative sum tests for random effect models with binary responses”, 2020, Statistical Methods in Medical Research
  • Pedeli X., Karlis D., “An integer-valued time series model for multivariate surveillance”, 2020,     Statistics in Medicine
  • Malesios C., Chatzipanagiotou M., Demiris N., Kantartzis A., Chatzilazarou G., Chatzinikolaou S., Kostoulas P., “A quantitative analysis of the spatial and temporal evolution patterns of the bluetongue virus outbreak in the island of Lesvos, Greece, in 2014”, 2020,            Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
  • Verdelis K., Chaudhry S.S., Madoori M., Hasselbach R., Chong R., Peters O.A., Vasdekis V., Ray H.L., Jr., “Effect of expertise on TF adaptive system instrumentation quality in simulated mandibular molar canals”, 2020, Australian Endodontic Journal
  • Papastamoulis P., “Clustering multivariate data using factor analytic Bayesian mixtures with an unknown number of components”,  2020, Statistics and Computing
  • Papastamoulis P., Furukawa T., Van Rhijn N., Bromley M., Bignell E., Rattray M., “Bayesian Detection of Piecewise Linear Trends in Replicated Time-Series with Application to Growth Data Modelling”,  2020, International Journal of Biostatistics
  • Pedeli X., Varin C., "Pairwise likelihood estimation of latent autoregressive count models", 2020, Statistical Methods in Medical Research
  • Velazco-Garcia J.D., Navkar N.V., Balakrishnan S., Abi-Nahed J., Al-Rumaihi K., Darweesh A., Al-Ansari A., Christoforou E.G., Karkoub M., Leiss E.L., Tsiamyrtzis P., Tsekos N.V., "End-user evaluation of software-generated intervention planning environment for transrectal magnetic resonance-guided prostate biopsies", 2020, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery
  • Perdikis T., Psarakis S., Castagliola P., Celano G., "An EWMA-type chart based on signed ranks with exact run length properties", 2020, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
  • Perdikis T., Psarakis S., Castagliola P., Maravelakis P.E, ”An EWMA signed ranks control chart with reliable run length performances", 2020, Quality and Reliability Engineering International
  • Georgiou, K., Domazakis, G.N., Pappas, D., Yannacopoulos, A.N., "Markov chain lumpability and applications to credit risk modelling in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standard 9 framework", 2020, European Journal of Operational Research
  • Kokkinaki T., Vasdekis V.G.S., "Beyond the Words: Comparing Interpersonal Engagement Between Maternal and Paternal Infant-Directed Speech Acts", 2020, Frontiers in Psychology
  • Tsompanaki E., Caroni C., "Local influence analysis of the 2PL IRT model for binary responses", 2020, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
  • Panagiotis Papastamoulis, Takanori Furukawa, Norman van Rhijn, Michael Bromley, Elaine Bignell, and Magnus Rattray. Bayesian detection of piecewise linear trends in replicated time-series with application to growth data modelling. The International Journal of Biostatistics, (DOI: 10.1515/ijb-2018-0052), 2019
  • Meligkotsidou, L., Panopoulou, E., Vrontos, I.D. and S.D. Vrontos (2019). Out-of sample equity premium prediction: a complete subset quantile regression approach, European Journal of Finance, to appear.
  • Meligkotsidou, L., Panopoulou, E., Vrontos, I.D. and S.D. Vrontos (2019). “Quantile Forecast Combinations in Realised Volatility Prediction”,  Journal of the Operational Research Society, (2019) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70 (10), pp. 1720-1733.
  • K. Zafeiris & A. Kostaki, Kotzamanis B. (2019). The Importance of Foreigners' Childbearing in South Europe perspective, XII Congreso de la Acociacion de Demografia Historica,  Porto, 2019
  • N.E. Papanikolaou, N.G. Kavallieratos, M. Kondakis, M.C. Boukouvala, E.P. Nika and N. Demiris(2019) Elucidating fitness components of the invasive dermestid beetle Trogoderma granarium combining deterministic and stochastic demography. PLoS One, 14(2): e0212182
  • A. Chatzilena, E. van Leeuwen, O. Ratmann, M. Baguelin and N. Demiris(2019) Contemporary statistical inference for infectious disease models using Stan. Epidemics, art. no. 100367
  • Ioulia Papageorgiou and Irini Moustaki. (2019) “Sampling of pairs in pairwise likelihood estimation for latent variable models with categorical observed variables”, Statistics and Computing, 29, 2, 351–365.
  • Fouskakis D., Ntzoufras I. & Perrakis K. (2019). Variations of Power-Expected-Posterior Priors in Normal Regression Models, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (forthcoming); Arxiv:
  • Drikos, S., Ntzoufras, I., and Apostolidis, N. (2019). Bayesian Analysis of Skills Importance in World Champions Men’s Volleyball across AgesInternational Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 18, 24–44.
  • Ntzoufras, I., Tarantola, C., and  Lupparelli, M. (2019). Probability Based Independence Sampler for Bayesian Quantitative Learning in Graphical Log-Linear Marginal ModelsBayesian Analysis 14, 777-803
  • T Stathopoulou, L Avrami, A Kostaki, J Cavounidis, TA Eikemo "Safety, Health and Trauma among Newly Arrived Refugees in Greece.", 2019, Journal of Refugee Studies
  • Theano Kokkinaki,Vassilis.G.S. Vasdekis &Emmanuel Devouche (2019) “Maternal and paternal infant-directed speech to girls and boys: An exploratory study”, European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-36
  • Baltas, I., Yannacopoulos, A.N., “Portfolio management in a stochastic factor model under the existence of private information”, (2019) IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 30 (1), pp. 77-103.
  • Finke, A., King, R., Beskos, A., Dellaportas, P. “Efficient Sequential Monte Carlo Algorithms for Integrated Population Models”, (2019) Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 24 (2), pp. 204-224.
  • Dellaportas, P., Tsionas, M.G., “Importance sampling from posterior distributions using copula-like approximations”, (2019) Journal of Econometrics, 210 (1), pp. 45-57.
  • Alexopoulos, A., Dellaportas, P., Forster, J.J., “Bayesian forecasting of mortality rates by using latent Gaussian models”, (2019) Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 182 (2), pp. 689-711.
  • Alexandridis, A.K., Karlis, D., Papastamos, D., Andritsos, D. “Real Estate valuation and forecasting in non-homogeneous markets: A case study in Greece during the financial crisis”, (2019) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70 (10), pp. 1769-1783.
  • Kyriakidis, E.G., Dimitrakos, T.D. “Stochastic single vehicle routing problem with ordered customers and partial fulfilment of demands”, (2019) International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics, 6 (3), pp. 285-299.
  • Kyriakidis, E.G., Dimitrakos, T.D., Karamatsoukis, C.C. “Optimal delivery of two similar products to N ordered customers with product preferences”, (2019) International Journal of Production Economics, 209, pp. 194-204.
  • Perdikis, T., Psarakis, S. “A survey on multivariate adaptive control charts: Recent developments and extensions”, (2019) Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 35 (5), pp. 1342-1362.
  • Besbeas, P., Morgan, B.J.T. “A general framework for modeling population abundance data”, (2019) Biometrics.
  • Besbeas, P., Morgan, B.J.T., “Exact inference for integrated population modeling”, (2019) Biometrics, 75 (2), pp. 475-484.
  • Tsiamyrtzis, P., Hawkins, D.M., “Bayesian statistical process control for Phase I count type data”, (2019) Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 35 (3), pp. 766-787.
  • Pavlidis, I., Garza, I., Tsiamyrtzis, P., Dcosta, M., Swanson, J.W., Krouskop, T., Levine, J.A. “Dynamic Quantification of Migrainous Thermal Facial Patterns - A Pilot Study”, (2019) IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 23 (3), art. no. 8410377, pp. 1225-1233.
  • Panagiotis Papastamoulis and Magnus Rattray. A Bayesian model selection approach for identifying differentially expressed transcripts from RNA sequencing data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 67(1):3–23, 2018
  • Rebecca Howard, Danielle Belgrave, Panagiotis Papastamoulis, Angela Simpson, Adnan Custovic, and Magnus Rattray. Evolution of IgE responses to multiple allergen components throughout childhood. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 142(4):1322–1330, 2018
  • Panagiotis Papastamoulis. Overfitting Bayesian mixtures of factor analyzers with an unknown number of components. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 124(DOI:10.1016/j.csda.2018.03.007):220–234, 2018
  • Cherny, N. I., de Vries, E. G., Dafni, U., Garrett-Mayer, E., McKernin, S. E., Piccart, M., Karlis D.,Bogaerts, J. (2018). "Comparative Assessment of Clinical Benefit Using the ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale Version 1.1 and the ASCO Value Framework Net Health Benefit Score" Journal of Clinical Oncology, 37(4), 336-349.
  • Willis, S., Polydoropoulou, V., Sun, Y., Young, B., Tsourti, Z., Karlis, D., Győrffy, B. (2018). "Exploratory Analysis of Single-Gene Predictive Biomarkers in HERA DASL Cohort Reveals That C8A mRNA Expression Is Prognostic of Outcome and Predictive of Benefit of Trastuzumab" JCO Precision Oncology, 2, 1-12.
  • Ioulia Papageorgiou. Cluster Analysis (2018) The SAS Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences, John Wiley & Sons. 
  • Liritzis, I., Zacharias, N., Papageorgiou, I., Tsaroucha, A., Palamara, E. (2018) Characterization and Analyses of Museum Objects using a pXRF: an Application from the Delphi Museum, Greece. Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 24(1): 31–50.
  • Petracou, E.V., Domazakis, G.N., Papayiannis, G.I., Yannacopoulos, A.N. (2018), “Towards a common European space for asylum”, Sustainability (Switzerland)
  • Papayiannis, G.I., Giakoumakis, E.A., Manios, E.D., Moulopoulos, S.D., Stamatelopoulos, K.S., Toumanidis, S.T., Zakopoulos, N.A., Yannacopoulos, A.N. (2018), “A functional supervised learning approach to the study of blood pressure data”, Statistics in Medicine
  • Papayiannis, G.I., Yannacopoulos, A.N., (2018), “Numerical computation of convex risk measures”, Annals of Operations Research, 260 (1-2), pp. 417-435. 
  • Xepapadeas, A., Yannacopoulos, A.N., (2018) “Optimal Spatiotemporal Management of Resources and Economic Activities Under Pollution Externalities”,  Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
  • Baltas, I., Xepapadeas, A., Yannacopoulos, A.N., (2018), “Robust portfolio decisions for financial institutions”, Journal of Dynamics and Games, 5 (2), pp. 61-94. 
  • Baltas, I., Xepapadeas, A., Yannacopoulos, A.N. (2018), “Robust control of parabolic stochastic partial differential equations under model uncertainty”, European Journal of Control
  • Dellaportas, P., Tsionas, M.G., “Importance sampling from posterior distributions using copula-like approximations”, (2018) Journal of Econometrics, . Article in Press.
  • Alexopoulos, A., Dellaportas, P., Forster, J.J., “Bayesian forecasting of mortality rates by using latent Gaussian models”, (2018),  Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, . Article in Press.
  • Korre, A.K., Vasdekis, V.G.S., “Goodness of fit tests for random effect models with binary responses”, (2018) Statistics in Medicine, .
  • Ampatzidou, M., Paterakis, G., Vasdekis, V., Papadhimitriou, S.I., Papadakis, V., Vassilopoulos, G., Polychronopoulou, S., “Prognostic significance of flow cytometry MRD log reduction during induction treatment of childhood ALL”, (2018) Leukemia and Lymphoma, . Article in Press.
  • Francis, K., Dougali, A., Sideri, K., Kroupis, C., Vasdekis, V., Dima, K., Douzenis, A., “Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in children with ASD and their parents: a 3-year follow-up”, (2018) Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, .
  • Kesidis, G., Konstantopoulos, T., Zazanis, M.A., “The generating functions of stirling numbers of the second kind derived probabilistically”, (2018) Mathematical Scientist, 43 (2), pp. 82-87. 
  • Konstantopoulos, T., Yuan, L., Zazanis, M.A., “A fully stochastic approach to limit theorems for iterates of Bernstein operators”, (2018) Expositiones Mathematicae, 36 (2), pp. 143-165. 
  • Bermúdez, L., Karlis, D., Santolino, M., “A discrete mixture regression for modeling the duration of non-hospitalization medical leave of motor accident victims”, (2018) Accident Analysis and Prevention, 121, pp. 157-165.
  • Bermúdez, L., Guillén, M., Karlis, D., “Allowing for time and cross dependence assumptions between claim counts in ratemaking models”, (2018) Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,83, pp. 161-169.
  • Orfanogiannaki, K., Karlis, D., “Multivariate Poisson hidden Markov models with a case study of modelling seismicity”, (2018) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 60 (3), pp. 301-322. 
  • Alexandridis, A.K., Karlis, D., Papastamos, D., Andritsos, D., “Real Estate valuation and forecasting in non-homogeneous markets: A case study in Greece during the financial crisis”, (2018) Journal of the Operational Research Society, Article in Press.
  • Cherny, N.I., Dafni, U., Piccart, M., Latino, N.J., Douillard, J.-Y., Bogaerts, J., Karlis, D., Zygoura, P., Pentheroudakis, G., Tabernero, J., Zielinski, C., de Vries, E.G.E., “Regarding the 'Detailed statistical assessment of the characteristics of the ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) threshold rules' [2]”, (2018), Annals of Oncology, 29 (5), pp. 1335-1337. 
  • Karlis, D., Tzougas, G., Frangos, N., “Confidence intervals of the premiums of optimal bonus malus systems”, (2018), Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, (2), pp. 129-144.
  • Kyriakidis, E.G., Dimitrakos, T.D., Karamatsoukis, C.C., “Optimal delivery of two similar products to N ordered customers with product preferences”, (2018),  International Journal of Production Economics . Article in Press.
  • Stathopoulou, T., Avrami, L., Mouriki, A., Cavounidis, J., Kostaki, A., “Self-reported depression among migrant and native populations in Greece in times of crisis”, (2018), European journal of public health.
  • Gkiouleka, A., Avrami, L., Kostaki, A., Huijts, T., Eikemo, T.A., Stathopoulou, T., “Depressive symptoms among migrants and non-migrants in Europe: documenting and explaining inequalities in times of socio-economic instability”, (2018), European journal of public health .
  • Stathopoulou, T., Stornes, P., Mouriki, A., Kostaki, A., Cavounidis, J., Avrami, L., McNamara, C.L., Rapp, C., Eikemo, T.A., “Health inequalities among migrant and native-born populations in Greece in times of crisis: the MIGHEAL study”, (2018), European journal of public health.
  • Perrakis, K., Ntzoufras, I., “Bayesian variable selection using the hyper-g prior in WinBUGS”, (2018), Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 10 (6), art. no. e1442
  • Fouskakis, D., Ntzoufras, I., Perrakis, K., “Power-expected-posterior priors for generalized linear models”, (2018), Bayesian Analysis, 13 (3), pp. 721-748. 
  • Consonni, G., Fouskakis, D., Liseo, B., Ntzoufras, I., “Prior distributions for objective Bayesian analysis”, (2018), Bayesian Analysis, 13 (2), pp. 627-679.
  • Charitidou, E., Fouskakis, D., Ntzoufras, I., “Objective Bayesian transformation and variable selection using default Bayes factors”, (2018), Statistics and Computing, 28 (3), pp. 579-594.
  • Karlis, D., Tzougas, G., Frangos, N., “Confidence intervals of the premiums of optimal bonus malus systems”, (2018), Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2018 (2), pp. 129-144. 
  • Tzougas, G., Vrontos, S., Frangos, N., “Bonus-Malus Systems with Two-Component Mixture Models Arising from Different Parametric Families”, (2018), North American Actuarial Journal, 22 (1), pp. 55-91. 
  • Bersimis, S., Sgora, A., Psarakis, S., “The application of multivariate statistical process monitoring in non-industrial processes”, (2018), Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 15 (4), pp. 526-549. 
  • Papageorgiou, I., Moustaki, I., “Sampling of pairs in pairwise likelihood estimation for latent variable models with categorical observed variables”, (2018), Statistics and Computing, Article in Press.
  • Pavlidis, I.T., Garza, I., Tsiamyrtzis, P., Dcosta, M., Swanson, J.W., Krouskop, T., Levine, J., “Dynamic quantification of migrainous thermal facial patterns - A Pilot Study”, (2018), IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Article in Press.
  • Tsiamyrtzis, P., “Discussion of “Statistical transfer learning: A review and some extensions to statistical process control””, (2018), Quality Engineering, 30 (1), pp. 133-134. 
  • Pavlidis, I., Khatri, A., Buddharaju, P., Manser, M., Wunderlich, R., Akleman, E., Tsiamyrtzis, P., “Biofeedback arrests sympathetic and behavioral effects in distracted driving”, (2018), IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Article in Press.
  • Paraskevopoulou, A.T., Kamperi, E., Demiris, N., Economou, M., Theleritis, C., Kitsonas, M., Papageorgiou, C., “The impact of seasonal colour change in planting on patients with psychotic disorders using biosensors”, (2018), Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 36, pp. 50-56.
  • Battistel, D., Kehrwald, N.M., Zennaro, P., Pellegrino, G., Barbaro, E., Zangrando, R., Pedeli, X.X., Varin, C., Spolaor, A., Vallelonga, P.T., Gambaro, A., Barbante, C., “High-latitude Southern Hemisphere fire history during the mid- to late Holocene (6000-750BP)”, (2018), Climate of the Past, 14 (6), pp. 871-886.
  • Spolaor, A., Angot, H., Roman, M., Dommergue, A., Scarchilli, C., Vardè, M., Del Guasta, M., Pedeli, X., Varin, C., Sprovieri, F., Magand, O., Legrand, M., Barbante, C., Cairns, W.R.L., “Feedback mechanisms between snow and atmospheric mercury: Results and observations from field campaigns on the Antarctic plateau”, (2018), Chemosphere, 197, pp. 306-317
  • Papayiannis, G.I., Galanis, G.N., Yannacopoulos, A.N. “Model aggregation using optimal transport and applications in wind speed forecasting”, (2018) Environmetrics, 29 (8)
  • Papayiannis, G.I., Yannacopoulos, A.N. “Convex risk measures for the aggregation of multiple information sources and applications in insurance”, (2018) Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2018 (9), pp. 792-822.
  • Kyriakidis, E.G., Karamatsoukis, C.C., Dimitrakos, T.D. “Optimal collection of two similar products from N Ordered customers”, (2018) Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2018 (JUL), pp. 3055-3056.
  • Panagiotis Papastamoulis and Magnus Rattray. BayesBinMix: an R package for model based clustering of multivariate binary data. The R Journal, 9(1):403–420, 2017
  • Panagiotis Papastamoulis and Magnus Rattray. Bayesian estimation of differential transcript usage from RNA-seq data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 16(5-6), 2017
  • Petracou, E., Yannacopoulos, A.N., “A framework for reaching consensus under uncertainty in multi-agent negotiations”, (2017), Handbook of Research on Policies and Practices for Sustainable Economic Growth and Regional Development, pp. 350-356. 
  • Kokkinaki, T.S., Vasdekis, V.G.S., Koufaki, Z.E., Trevarthen, C.B., “Coordination of Emotions in Mother–Infant Dialogues”, (2017), Infant and Child Development.
  • Zoga, M., Nikou, T., Ioannidis, A., Tzavellas, E., Paparrigopoulos, T., Lambrokostopoulos, K.T., Vasdekis, V.G., Magana, M., Chatzipanagiotou, S., “Alteration of α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (nagalase) concentration in alcohol-dependent individuals without liver disease, during the detoxification therapy”, (2017), Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
  • Rackham, O.J.L., Langley, S.R., Oates, T., Vradi, E., Harmston, N., Srivastava, P.K., Behmoaras, J., Dellaportas, P., Bottolo, L., Petretto, E., “A bayesian approach for analysis of whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data identifies disease-associated changes in DNA methylation”, (2017), Genetics.
  • Dafni, U., Karlis, D., Pedeli, X., Bogaerts, J., Pentheroudakis, G., Tabernero, J., Zielinski, C.C., Piccart, M.J., De Vries, E.G.E., Latino, N.J., Douillard, J.-Y., Cherny, N.I., “Detailed statistical assessment of the characteristics of the ESMO Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) threshold rules”, (2017), ESMO Open.
  • Bermúdez, L., Karlis, D., Santolino, M., “A finite mixture of multiple discrete distributions for modelling heaped count data”, (2017), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.
  • Bermúdez, L., Karlis, D., “A posteriori ratemaking using bivariate Poisson models”, (2017), Scandinavian Actuarial Journal.
  • Kyriakidis, E.G., Dimitrakos, T.D., “Stochastic single vehicle routing problem with ordered customers and partial fulfillment of demands”, (2017), International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics, Article in Press.
  • Zafeiris, K.N., Kostaki, A., “Recent mortality trends in Greece”, (2017), Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,  Article in Press.
  • Kotzamanis, B., Baltas, P., Kostaki, A., “The trend of period fertility in Greece and its changes during the current economic recession”, (2017), Population Review.
  • Fouskakis, D., Ntzoufras, I., “Information consistency of the Jeffreys power-expected-posterior prior in Gaussian linear models”, (2017), Metron.
  • Malesios, C., Demiris, N., Kalogeropoulos, K., Ntzoufras, I., “Bayesian epidemic models for spatially aggregated count data”, (2017), Statistics in Medicine.
  • Vitoratou, S., Ntzoufras, I., “Thermodynamic Bayesian model comparison”, (2017), Statistics and Computing.
  • Bersimis, S., Sgora, A., Psarakis, S., “Methods for interpreting the out-of-control signal of multivariate control charts: A comparison study”, (2017), Quality and Reliability Engineering International.
  • Besbeas, P., Morgan, B.J.T., “Variance estimation for integrated population models”, (2017), AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis.
  • Cowen, L.L.E., Besbeas, P., Morgan, B.J.T., Schwarz, C.J., “Hidden Markov models for extended batch data”, (2017), Biometrics.
  • Papliaka, Z.E., Konstanta, A., Karapanagiotis, I., Karadag, R., Akyol, A.A., Mantzouris, D., Tsiamyrtzis, P., “FTIR imaging and HPLC reveal ancient painting and dyeing techniques of molluskan purple”, (2017), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.
  • Malesios, C., Demiris, N., Kalogeropoulos, K., Ntzoufras, I., “Bayesian epidemic models for spatially aggregated count data”, (2017), Statistics in Medicine.
  • Pergantas, P., Tsatsaris, A., Malesios, C., Kriparakou, G., Demiris, N., Tselentis, Y., “A spatial predictive model for malaria resurgence in central Greece integrating entomological, environmental and social data”, (2017), PLoS ONE.
  • Mbala, P., Baguelin, M., Ngay, I., Rosello, A., Mulembakani, P., Demiris, N., Edmunds, W.J., Muyembe, J.-J., “Evaluating the frequency of asymptomatic Ebola virus infection”, (2017), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
  • Malesios, C., Kostoulas, P., Dadousis, K., Demiris, N., “An early warning indicator for monitoring infectious animal diseases and its application in the case of a sheep pox epidemic”, (2017), Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.
  • Dafni, U., Karlis, D., Pedeli, X., Bogaerts, J., Pentheroudakis, G., Tabernero, J., Zielinski, C.C., Piccart, M.J., De Vries, E.G.E., Latino, N.J., Douillard, J.-Y., Cherny, N.I., “Detailed statistical assessment of the characteristics of the ESMO Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) threshold rules”, (2017), ESMO Open.
  • Panagiotis Papastamoulis, Marrie-Laure Martin-Magniette, and Cathy MaugisRabusseau. On the estimation of mixtures of Poisson regression models with large number of components. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 93 (3rd special issue on Advances in Mixture Models):39–106, 2016
  • Panagiotis Papastamoulis. label.switching: An R package for dealing with the label switching problem in MCMC outputs. Journal of Statistical Software, 69(1):1–24, 2016
  • Ioannidis, E., Merkouris, T., Zhang, Li-Chun, Karlberg, M., Petrakos, M., Reis, F., Stavropoulos, (2016) "On a Modular Approach to the Design of Integrated Social Surveys", Journal of Official Statistics
  • E. G. Kyriakidis "Equilibrium probabilities for a production-inventory system maintained by a control-limit policy", Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, to appear
  • Tsekrekos, A.E., Yannacopoulos, A.N., "Optimal switching decisions under stochastic volatility with fast mean reversion", European Journal of Operational Research
  • Owen JL Rackham, Sarah R Langley, Thomas Oates, Eleni Vradi, Nathan Harmston, Prashant K Srivastava, Jacques Behmoaras, Petros Dellaportas, Leonardo Bottolo, Enrico Petretto, "Approximate Bayesian bisulphite sequencing analysis", bioRxiv
  • O'Hagan, A., Murphy, T.B., Gormley, I.C., McNicholas, P.D., Karlis, D. "Clustering with the multivariate normal inverse Gaussian distribution", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
  • Degiannakis, S., Livada, A., "Evaluation of realised volatility predictions from models with leptokurtically and asymmetrically distributed forecast errors", Journal of Applied Statistics
  • Degiannakis, S., Duffy, D., Filis, G., Livada, A., "Business cycle synchronisation in EMU: Can fiscal policy bring member-countries closer?", Economic Modelling
  • Papanikolaou, N.E., Demiris, N., Milonas, P.G., Preston, S., Kypraios, T., "Does mutual interference affect the feeding rate of aphidophagous coccinellids? A modelling perspective", PLoS ONE
  • C. Malesios, P. Kostoulas, K. Dadousis, and N. Demiris, "An early warning indicator for monitoring infectious animal diseases", Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, to appear
  • N. E. Papanikolaou, H. Williams, N. Demiris, S. Preston, P. G. Milonas and T. Kypraios, "Bayesian Inference and Model Choice for Holling's Disc Equation: A Case Study on an Insect Predator-Prey System", Community Ecology
  • C. Malesios, N. Demiris, P. Kostoulas, K. Dadousis, T. Koutroumanidis and Z. Abas, "Spatio-temporal Modeling of Foot-and-Mouth Outbreaks", Epidemiology and Infection
  • Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I., "Power-Conditional-Expected Priors: Using g-priors with Random Imaginary Data for Variable Selection", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
  • Fouskakis, D. and Ntzoufras, I., "Limiting behaviour of the Jeffreys Power-Expected Posterior Bayes Factor in Gaussian Linear Models", Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
  • Vitoratou, S. and Ntzoufras, I., "Thermodynamic assessment of probability distribution divergencies and Bayesian model comparison", Statistics and Computing, accepted 
  • H.P. Mazumdar · S. Pramanik · C. Mamaloukas, "On Kolmogorov’s Theory of Local Isotropy and its Relation to Ordinary Hydrodynamic Turbulence", Recent Advances in Mathematics
  • Sherene Loi,  Urania Dafni, Dimitris Karlis, Varvara Polydoropoulou, Brandon M. Young, Scooter Willis, Bradley Long,  Evandro de Azambuja, Christos Sotiriou,  Giuseppe Viale,  Josef Ruschoff, Martine J. Piccart,   Mitch Dowsett, Stefan Michiels, Brian Leyland-Jones, "Effects of Estrogen Receptor and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2 Levels on the Efficacy of Trastuzumab. A Secondary Analysis of the HERA Trial", JAMA Oncology
  • Karlis, D., "Modelling multivariate times series for counts. In Handbook of Discrete-Valued Time Series", CRC Press
  • A Xepapadeas and A.N. Yannacopoulos, "Spatial growth with exogenous saving rates", Journal of Mathematical Economics
  • G. I. Papayiannis and A. N. Yannacopoulos, "Numerical computation of convex risk measures", Annals of Operations Research
  • G. I. Papayiannis and A. N. Yannacopoulos, "A learning algorithm for source aggregation", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
  • I. Baltas and A. N. Yannacopoulos, "Uncertainty and inside information", Journal of Dynamics and Games, 3(1): 1-24.
