Internships from IQVIA

2 internships from IQVIA for students of the FT M.Sc. in Statistics at AUEB.

IQVIA will fund 2 full time internships related to clinical trials for  our students. The successful students will be hired for a fixed term 6  months period  in Athens,  working full time (with salary at the junior  level and insurance) for the company,  while at the same time they will  work on their master thesis with a topic of common interest for IQVIA  and our program.  Tentative topics are Meta-Analysis and  Health  Economic Modelling. There is also a possibility for doing the internship  abroad but this may require different procedures  (and much higher  competition) under the international program of the company. We expect  the procedure to start at late January. Interviews and selection for the  positions are expected in February based on academic merit. There will  be also an orientation seminar and the successful candidates are  expected to start at mid-June after completion of courses. Obviously,   the company is interested in hiring people for permanent collaboration  after the internship period depending on their performance.