Why have a master in Statistics?

M.Sc. in Statistics

Athens University of Economics and Business

Contemporary Postgraduate studies of high quality in Greece and abroad


Why choose the Department of Statistics postgraduate programs:

  • Each year there are scholarships provided for the dissertation, such as: ΕΛΒΑΛ  and Frontier Science Foundation Hellas. Also, during the academic year 2015-16, a student was allowed to do a paid internship for 6 months in the MAPI company in Utrech in the Netherlands, while there is the prospect of expanding this collaboration over the next years. 
  • There is an extensive ERASMUS network where students can prepare their dissertations in universities in Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc.
  • Our graduates are able to easily find jobs in Greece or abroad, due to our degree's prestige.
  • Our graduates can easily claim scholarships for doctoral studies abroad with the support and guidance of our faculty members.
  • There is an organized seminar series, both research and teaching, by inviting distinguished scientists in the field of statistical science such as Gerda Claescens, Gonzalo Garcia-Donato, Brendan McCabe, Omiros Papaspiliopoulos, Andrew Womack, David Rossel, Alan Agresti, Sir David Cox, Ioannis Karatzas, Leslie Kish , Silvia Canione, Helene Massam and others.

Who are we

The Department of Statistics consists of 22 faculty members covering a wide range of subjects in Statistics and related fields such as: Data Analysis, Stochastic Analysis, Computational Statistics, Bayes Statistics, Biostatistics, Stochastic Epidemiological Models, Psychometry, Athletics, Sampling, Official Statistics, Environmental Statistics, Statistics in Ecology, Time Series, Financial Models, Operational Research, Actuarial Science.

The Department's professors carry an extensive research experience as well as a collaborative network with universities abroad.

Postgraduate Programs Fields of Interest

Contemporary Data Analysis Techniques

The Program places an emphasis on applying methods and analyzing real applications. By applying contemporary statistical methods, one can answer questions such as:

  • Which team is going to win the next game?
  • Which is the best investment for your money?
  • Who is going to die in the next Game of Thrones episode?

Stochastic Analysis and Finance

One of the major goals of the program is for students to have a strong mathematical background and an exposure to methods of financial mathematics.

Computational Methods and Big Data

Emphasis is given on the use of modern statistical tools such as the statistical programming language R and the applying statistical techniques to big data sets.

Programs Offered 

Master of Science (Μ.Sc.) in Statistics

The program's objective is to train postgraduate students to the fileds of Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, Applied Statistics, Computational Statistics and Big Data, Theory and Applications of Stochastic Processes.

Master of Science (Μ.Sc.) in Applied Statistics and Data Analytics

The program's objective is to train postgraduate students to the fileds of Data Analysis, Biostatistics, Big Data Computational Statistics, Applied Probability.

Master of Science (Μ.Sc.) in  Quantitative Management of Actuarial and Financial Risk (Joint Program with the Department of Accounting and Finance)

The program focuses on the following fields: Stochastic and Statistical Modeling of Financial, Actuarial and Insurance Risk, Risk Mangement Techniques, Methods of choosing Financial and Insurance Portfolios. 

Master of Science (Μ.Sc.) in Data Science (Joint Program with the Department of Informatics)

The Program's objective is the cross-scientific field of Data Science. 

Candidates can be graduates of Greek and foreign Universities as well as technical universities. The duration of the programs is set in two academic semesters and one semester for the thesis writing in the case of the Msc in Statistics, and for the other three programs the duration is four semesters and one additional semester for the thesis writing. The Programs are self-financed (with tuition fees).



You can reach the Postgraduate Secretariat: 

Telephone:  ++30 2108203681/ 692

email: masterst@aueb.gr

Web:  https://www.aueb-analytics.gr/

Statistics Department

Athens University of Economics and Business 

47A Evelpidon str. & 33 Lefkados str., 7th floor, Athens, 113 62