Department Sitemap
- The Department
- At a glance
- History
- Administration
- Department's Assembly
- Departments Distinctions
- International Rankings
- Actions
- Infastructure
- Counseling
- Social Media
- Access
- Calendars
- School of Information Sciences and Technology
- Faculty
- Undergraduate Studies
- Post Graduate Studies
- Why have a master in Statistics?
- MSc Programs
- MSc in Statistics
- MSc in Applied Statistics and Data Analytics
- ΜSc in Quantitative Actuarial and Financial Risk Management
- ΜSc in Data Science
- MSc in Statistics and Finance (Double Degree with University of Pavia)
- European MSc in Official Statistics
- Double Degree MSc Program with Stevens Institute of Technology
- Double Degree MSC in Statistical Science for Decisions
- Double Degrees
- Internships
- MSC Theses
- PhD Program
- Quality Assurance
- Research
- Graduates