5th Meeting on Statistics 6-8 September 2019

5th Meeting on Statistics

6-8 September 2019


Statistics, Big Data, MCMSea

We are pleased to invite you in the 5th Meeting on Statistics which will take place in Aegina Island, Greece, from Friday 6 September to Sunday 8 of September 2019. The meeting will be held at the premises of the Danae Hotel in the beautiful island of Aegina which is only one hour away from Athens.

​This is the 5th conference in a series of meetings which was originally motivated by discussions between the Greek and Italian Statistical community. Our intention is to continue the tradition of this series of meetings and extend participation by inviting friends, collaborators and colleagues from the broader statistical community. 

Other topics of interest include: graphical models, categorical data analysis, financial modeling, latent variable models, longitudinal data, MCMC methods, marginal models, non-parametric statistics, time-series analysis, biostatistics, Big Data Analytics,
 High Dimensional Models and Computation, Statistical Process   
 Monitoring, Objective Bayes. 

More informtion can be found here.