AUEB Stats@HERMES General Meeting in Stirling

AUEB via AUEB-Stats actively participated in the HERMES University Network assembly meeting held in Stirling, Scotland on June 14, 2024. Representing AUEB, Professor Alexandra Livada attended the meeting.

The HERMES network was founded in November 1997 as an initiative of the Ecole de Management Strasbourg (formerly IECS) of the Robert Schuman University in Strasbourg. Three years later, on March 31, 2000, the HERMES Charter was voted on by the General Assembly in a ceremony at the European Parliament.

The participating universities work closely together to define their study programs, exchange professors, and organize joint research projects. Each year, this network holds an Annual Conference at one of the partner universities, where common programs are defined and achievements are reported.

For AUEB-Stats, participation is crucial for developing the network of Double Degrees and collaboration with business schools in Europe and worldwide.