Aegina Statistical Data Science and Economics Conference 2024

Day 1

AUEB Statistical Data Science & Economics Conference 2024, Aegina, Greece: So much more than just a Conference; a journey of knowledge exchange, academic bonding, statistically significant moments of laughter and giggles, pizza optimization techniques, and the calibration of the perfect balance between the exploration of new research ideas and the exploitation of relaxation on the sun-soaked beaches of the island!

Sneak Peek into Day 1 of our AUEB Statistical Data Science and Economics Conference 2024, Aegina, Greece, which started off with a series of exciting and insightful Short Courses:

  • “Historical Natural Experiments: Connecting Economics and Economic History (Part A)” by Pantelis Kammas (AUEB-IEES)
  • “Predictive Analytics in Macroeconomic and Financial Applications (Part A)” by Ioannis Vrontos (AUEB-Stats)

Followed by an engaging Invited Talk:

  • “Cross- and Within-country Implications of Fiscal (Debt) Reforms in Euro Area” by Petros Varthalitis (AUEB-Economics)

And some cutting-edge Research Presentations:

  • “Bayesian Signature Authenticity Validation” by Ioannis Ntzoufras (AUEB-Stats)
  •  “Joint Models for Claim Frequency and Severity” by Dimitris Karlis (AUEB-Stats)
  • “Variable Shrinkage and Subdata Selection in Big Data” by Vasilis Chasiotis (AUEB-Stats).

The day wrapped up on a high note with some much-needed beachside relaxation, a feast of delicious food, and delightful company!

Day 2

Sneak Peek into Day 2 (Part 1/3) of our AUEB Statistical Data Science and Economics Conference 2024, Aegina, Greece – the sessions were so engaging, they had us all fitting to the curve of curiosity, with no residual questions left behind!

Jokes aside, we were treated to a captivating mix of:

Insightful Short Courses:

  • “Historical Natural Experiments: Connecting Economics and Economic History (Part B)” by Pantelis Kammas (AUEB-IEES)
  • “Causal Inference (Part A)” by Angelos Alexopoulos (AUEB-Economics)

Fascinating Invited Talks:

  • “Package Deals' and 'Critical Junctures' in the European Integration Process: The Political Economy of EU Redistributive Policies” by Spyros Blavoukos (AUEB-IEES)

And thought-provoking Research Presentations:

  • “Leverage effect, volatility feedback and the influence of jumps” by Elias Tzavalis (AUEB-Economics)
  • “A shewhart control chart for monitoring continuous proportions with estimated parameter” by Athanasios C. Rakitzis (UNIPI)
  •  “Network-informed Bayesian anomaly detection by using Gaussian processes” by Konstantinos Bourazas (AUEB-Stats)
  • “Constrained least squares simplicial-simplicial regression” by Michail Tsagris (UOC)

Sneak Peek into Day 2 (Part 2/3) of our AUEB Statistical Data Science and Economics Conference 2024 in Aegina, Greece—if anything, our vibrant Poster Presentation Session had us all clustered around, analyzing the groundbreaking research and innovative ideas of our Presenters:

  1. “Modelling Multivariate Ordinal Time Series” by Anna Nalpantidi (AUEB-Stats)
  1. “Bayesian Variable Selection: Shrinkage Priors for Logistic Models” by Argyro Damoulaki (AUEB-Stats)
  1. “Analyzing Incomplete Voting Data: The Case of European Social Survey Round 10” by Melini Yfanti Kostopoulou (AUEB-Stats)
  1. “Control Charts for Monitoring Time Between Events and Multivariate Amplitude Data” by Thodoris Perdikis (AUEB-Stats)
  1. “Non-Parametric Estimation of Optimal Individualised Treatment Rules for Survival Data” by Andre Ehrlich (AUEB-Stats)
  1. “Supervised Statistical (Machine) Learning for Domain Estimation with Business Survey Data” by Vasilis Chasiotis (AUEB-Stats)
  1. “Production Function Estimation Controlling for Endogenous Productivity Disruptions” by Dimitris Zaverdas (AUEB-Economics)
  1. “Is There a True Mutual Fund Factor Model After All?” by Kofina Argyro (AUEB-IEES)
  1. “Gender Inequality, Female Suffrage and Culture” by Charoula Pariarou (AUEB- IEES)
  1. “Bayesian Methods for Borrowing Historical Information” by Roberto Macrí Demartino (University of Padova)
  1. “Real-Time Biodata Monitoring: Advances in Sensor Technology for Data Analysis in Sports” by Michael Nikolouzos (AUEB-Stats)
  1. “Discovering Causal Effects of AI on Innovation Across European SMEs” by Lea Anna Cozzucoli (University of Trieste)
  1. “Monitoring Multifactor Term Structure Models” by Konstantinos Bisiotis (AUEB-Stats)

Sneak Peek into Day 2 (Part 3/3) of our AUEB Statistical Data Science and Economics Conference 2024 in Aegina, Greece - it was high time we delved into some Sports Analytics, featuring pizza and spring rolls optimization techniques, as well as "moments" of relaxation and stats jokes by the pool, since the night was devoted to Panathinaikos' game against RC Lens.

After all, that too is Statistical Data Science, isn't it?

What a night!

Day 3

A Memorable Finale: Sneak Peek into Day 3 of our AUEB Statistical Data Science and Economics Conference 2024 in Aegina, Greece – where we all found ourselves in the confidence interval of learning, ultimately, converging to knowledge! 

The day began with the enriching second parts of our Short Courses:

  • Short Course 2: “Predictive Analytics in Macroeconomic and Financial Applications” by Ioannis Vrontos (AUEB-Stats) and
  • Short Course 1: “Causal Inference” by Angelos Alexopoulos (AUEB-Economics).

We, then, proceeded with two compelling Research Presentations, which also marked the end of the Conference:

  • “Issues with the Expected Information Matrix of Linear Mixed Models Provided by Popular Statistical Packages Under MAR Dropout” by Christos Thomadakis (AUEB-Stats - NKUA) and
  •  “Gaussian Invariance in Markov Chain Monte Carlo” by Petros Dellaportas (AUEB-Stats).

After a morning filled with learning and insights, we came together for a heartfelt group photo, headed downtown for some delicious lunch, and said our goodbyes, with the breathtaking Greek sunset painting our final moments.

To everyone who joined us: thank you for your curiosity, passion, and commitment to the pursuit of “Statistical Data Science and Economics Knowledge”.

Till next year!