Spring Semester 2024-2025

  • Date:
    29/05/2025 - 15:30 - 17:00



    Title: "tba"

    Speaker: Dr. Nikos Kokonas, University of Bath

    Host:  Assistant Professor Kospentaris Ioannis, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business

    Time: 15.30 -17.00

    Room:  76, Patission Str., Antoniadou Wing, 3rd floor, Room A36

  • Date:
    05/06/2025 - 15:30 - 17:00

    Title: "Lost in Aggregation: European, Country, Sectoral and Regional Factors driving Business Cycle Fluctuations in the Eurozone" (with Krzysztof Beck)

    Speaker:  Assistant Professor Katerina Karadimitropoulou, University of Piraeus

    HostAssistant Professor Kospentaris Ioannis, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business

    Time: 15.30 -17.00

    Room: 76, Patission Str., Antoniadou Wing, 3rd floor, Room A36

    Abstact: Ongoing monetary integration in Europe requires close monitoring of the degree of business cycle (BC) synchronization to assess the effectiveness of the common monetary policy. A Bayesian dynamic latent factor model is estimated using disaggregated real gross value added (GVA) data that includes four different types of factors: European, country, sectoral and regional. A richer factor structure reduces the variance attributed to the European factor (9%), while country, sectoral, and regional factors account for 26%, 21%, and 27%, respectively. Sectoral factors are the main drivers of international BC. Sub-periods analysis shows that the share of variance explained by the European factor increased modestly, while the share explained by the sectoral factor increased significantly at the expense of the country factor. The results support the European Commission's view on the synchronization of BC in the monetary union. Finally, the importance of commodity, monetary, fiscal, productivity, and terms of trade factors is examined for the European and country factors using vector autoregression models.

  • Date:
    12/06/2025 - 15:30 - 17:00



    Title: "tba"

    Speaker: Associate Professor Chris Herrington, Virginia Commonwealth University

    Host:  Assistant Professor Kospentaris Ioannis, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business

    Time: 15.30 -17.00

    Room:  76, Patission Str., Antoniadou Wing, 3rd floor, Room A36

  • Date:
    12/06/2025 - 15:30 - 17:00

    Title: "Agreed and Disagreed Uncertainty"

    Speaker: Professor John Tsoukalas, University of Glasgow

    Host:  Assistant Professor Kospentaris Ioannis, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business

    Time: 15.30 -17.00

    Room:  76, Patission Str., Antoniadou Wing, 3rd floor, Room A36

    Attachments: PDF icon PDF of Relevant Paper

    Abstract: We formalize two novel concepts of uncertainty in a model of imperfect and dispersed information: agreed and disagreed uncertainty. We show that consumer disagreement significantly shapes the effect of uncertainty on economic activity. Episodes of elevated uncertainty accompanied by high consumer disagreement (disagreed uncertainty) do not exert negative effects on economic activity. In contrast, episodes of high uncertainty with low consumer disagreement (agreed uncertainty) lead to substantial economic contractions. These results challenge the conventional view that uncertainty invariably triggers recessions. We establish these findings using both time-series and micro-survey panel methods.
