Virtual Presentation: The Double Degrees of AUEB-Stats
Virtual Presentation: The Double Degrees of AUEB-Stats
When: Thursday 9 January 18.00-21.00 (EET/UTC+02.00)
On 9th January, from 18:00 to 21:00, the Department of Statistics at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) will host a virtual event featuring representatives from the three partner universities involved in the Double Degree programs.
This event will provide an overview of the Double Degree programs offered by the Department of Statistics, highlighting the collaborative components and addressing questions specifically related to the AUEB Double Degrees of the MSc in Statistics.
The schedule for the presentations is as follows:
1. **18:00–19:00: Double Degree in Statistics & Financial Analytics**
- Joint program by AUEB and Stevens Institute of Technology
- Presentation on the MSc in Financial Analytics (Stevens Institute of Technology) by the program director, Professor Ionut Florescu
2. **19:00–20:00: Double Degree in Statistics & Statistical Science for Decisions**
- Joint program by AUEB and the University of Naples Federico II
- Presentation on the MSc in Statistical Science for Decisions (University of Naples Federico II) by Professor Maria Iannario
3. **20:00–21:00: Double Degree in Statistics & Finance**
- Joint program by AUEB and the University of Pavia
- Presentation on the MSc in Finance (University of Pavia) by Lorenzo Merli
**Time Zone:** All times are in Greece Time (Eastern European Time - EET, UTC+02:00).
For more information about the AUEB MSc in Statistics, visit:
Details about all three Double Degree programs are available at:
The presentation will be in English.