Research Laboratories
The Department has five (5) research laboratories, each of which supports the research priorities and initiatives of the Department, contributes where possible to meet the teaching needs of the Department and its subject is directly related to the streams or the subject areas of Department.
The research laboratories of the Department are:
- Management Science Laboratory - MSL
- Laboratory of Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business - ELTRUN
- Business Analytics Laboratory - BALab
- Information Systems Technology Laboratory - ISTLab
- Laboratory of Management, Strategy and Entrepreneuship
Management Science Laboratory - MSL
Director: Professor Georgios Ioannou
The Management Science Laboratory (MSL) of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) was established in the end of 2000 by the Senate of the University. Its mission is to conduct top-quality research in the wider area of Management Science, to disseminate the results of this research internationally, to support the educational activities of AUEB in the area of Management Science, and to conduct consulting and outreach activities in this scientific area. The core team of MSL consists of about 40 researchers (faculty, postdoctoral researchers, visiting researchers and PhD students), working on basic or applied research projects funded by the European Commission, national funding agencies, as well as other public or private organizations. The laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art computer software and networks, decision technology, ERP tools and systems and risk management systems.
MSL is part of AUEB’s Department of Management Science and Technology (DMST) and consists of 8 Research Centers that cover key scientific fields of Management Science:
- Innovation and Knowledge Management Research Center (InnKnow)
- TRANsportation Systems and LOGistics Research Center (TRANSLOG)
- Operations Research & Decision Systems Research Center (ORDeS)
- Operations Management and ERP Systems Research Center (OPeR)
- Financial Engineering Research Center (FRC)
- Research Initiative in Sustainable Energy (RISE)
- Research Centre for Sustainable, Ethical & Circular Fashion and Textiles (FRFashtech)
- Health Sector Research Center (HealthSec)
Laboratory of Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business - ELTRUN
The laboratory serves teaching and research needs in the field of "Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business" and in particular electronic commerce technologies / systems / e-business models, collaborative electronic commerce (e-invoicing), electronic payment systems and electronic banking, mobile e-business, digital marketing and social networks, adoption of e-business, social dimension of e-business technologies / systems / models fodiastikis chain, digital innovation and entrepreneurship, personalized digital services, usability analysis systems, comprehensive retail business and e-business, multichannel commerce technologies, digital transformation, e-government, digital business models.
ELTRUN consists of five research groups that operate as independent, but strongly consolidated units:
- AID (Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation)
Scientific Coordinator: Professor Georgios Doukidis - ADOPT (Advanced Manufacturing & Optimisation)
Scientific Coordinator: Professor Ioannis Mourtos - DIMER (DIgital Marketing and Electronic Retailing)
Scientific Coordinator: Professor Adam Vrechopoulos - DAG (Data Analytics Group)
Scientific Coordinator: Professor Georgios Lekakos - INTENT (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group)
Scientific Coordinator: Professor Katerina Pramatari
Business Analytics Laboratory - BALab
Director: Professor Diomidis Spinellis
The laboratory was created to serve teaching and research needs in the field of "Business Analytics" and in particular in the following areas, with emphasis on the needs of all types of agencies:
- Software engineering and management science applications of business analytics
- Business analytics software and systems
- Data analytics approaches for IT security
- Industrial adoption of business analytics applications and systems
- Optimization methods in business analytics
IInformation Systems Technology Laboratory - ISTLab
Director and Scientific Coordinator: Professor Angeliki Poulymenakou
Scientific Coordinator: Professor Nancy Pouloudi
Research Streams:
- Social, organizational and political aspects of ICTs: virtual communities, electronic collaboration, inter-organizational networks, and e-goverment
- Information systems: analysis, development and adoption
- Design, management and evaluation of enterprise technolgies: e-Learning, knowledge management, and enterprise resource planning systems
- Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor-based Computing: Applications and Services, Business Models
- Pervasive and Ubiquitous Information Systems: Design, Analysis, and Technology Acceptance
Laboratory of Management, Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Director: Professor Ioannis Nikolaou
The laboratory serves teaching and research needs in the field of "Management, Strategy and Entrepreneurship" and in particular in the following cognitive subjects:
- Management-Business Administration
- Business Strategy
- Entrepreneurship
- Human Resource Management
- Organizational Behavior - Leadership
- Organizational Psychology