Curriculum of the Department

Certified Undergraduate Program

The Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA), which was renamed tο Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE), certified that the Undergraduate Program in Management Science and Technology, of Athens University of Economics and Business is fully compliant with the principles of the HQA Undergraduate Program Quality Standard and the Quality Assurance Principles of the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) for the level of studies 6 of the National and European Qualifications Framework. The validity period of the Certification is set for four years, from 17/07/2019 to 16/07/2023. The final text of the Certification Report is available at the following link:

Curriculum Design

The curriculum offered by this Department has been designed to prepare high-level professionals for enterprises and organizations, able to cope effectively with the complexity of current and future technological, economic and social challenges. In that direction, the emphasis of the undergraduate degree lies in the interdisciplinary integration of the scientific fields related to Management Science and Technology. More specifically, the purpose of the program is to provide prospective managers with knowledge of key concepts of management science, combined with technological skills, along with the necessary organizational and leadership competences. This combination of knowledge and skills will help them make and effectively implement strategic and operational decisions, which by nature require a multidisciplinary approach.