Current PhD Holders
PhD Graduates | Supervisor(s) | PhD Thesis Title | PhD Field (s) | Year |
Metzidakis Theocharis | E. Kritikos | Matheuristic and Learning Methods in Routing Optimization | Management Science and Operations Research | 2024 |
Roussos Antonios | N. Pouloudi | An investigation of the presence of Aristotelean values in the ethical instructor-leader and of the perceived impact on students’ psychological wellbeing | Educational Psychology | 2024 |
Tsagdi Georgia | S. Lioukas | Public value: a new governance perspective within the parent ministry-agency context | Human Resource Managenent and Organizational Behavior | 2024 |
Diakanastasi Ellie | G. Doukidis | Exploring Team Cohesion and Conflict in Entrepreneurial Teams during the Early Venture Creation Process | Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2023 |
Tsoni Evdokia | I. Nikolaou | Applicants’ reactions in recruitment and selection | Human Resource Management | 2023 |
Samaris Michael | I. Mourtos | Optimisation under preferences for matchings and circulations: combinatorial and polyhedral aspects | Combinatorial Optimization | 2023 |
Avgerinos Ioannis | I. Mourtos | Logic-Based Benders decomposition for transportation and manufacturing problems | Combinatorial Optimization | 2023 |
Georgoula Ifigeneia | G. Lekakos | Three essays on social and economic networks | Social and Economic Networks | 2023 |
Kasapidis Grigoris | P. Repousis | Optimization Methods for Production Scheduling: Models, Algorithms and Applications in IoT driven Flexible Manufacturing System | Algorithmic Operations Research | 2023 |
Xepapadeas Peter | I. Mourtos | Serial dictatorship and simultaneous allocations of scarce resources: theory and applications | Operational Research Mathematics | 2023 |
Gaitanarou Afroditi | I. Nikolaou | Social Networking Websites in Personnel Recruitment and Selection: The Role of Negative Online Information | Human Resource Management | 2023 |
Fragos Christos | E. Soderquist | IT Innovation Adoption in the Greek Public Sector Healthcare System: A Telehealth System Case | Innovation and Knowledge Management | 2023 |
Kousina Ellisavet | I. Voudouris | Innovative work behaviour and innovation in the public sector: an individual differences‐, leadership‐, and contextual‐ perspective | Leadership and Organizational Learning | 2023 |
Gkalitsiou Aikaterini | I. Voudouris | Leadership by Metaphors and Storytelling | Leadership | 2023 |
Dologlou Maria | I. Nikolaou | Resilience as a factor in the effectiveness of leaders in the new era: an empirical investigation | Special Approaches to Leadership | 2023 |
Baloutsos Stratos | K. Pramatari | The development of nascent entrepreneurial ventures in the context of Innovation Ecosystems: An Activity Theory based approach to study contradictions and congruencies | Innovation Ecosystems and Entrpeneurship | 2022 |
Sotiropoulos Theodoros | D. Spinellis | Abstractions for Software Testing | Software Testing | 2022 |
Sofikitis Emmanouil | I. Voudouris | International Expansion of Small and Medium -Sized Enterprises: A Strategic Decision-Making Approach | International Business and Entrepreneurship | 2022 |
Makris Dimitrios | E. Soderquist | An investigation into innovation praxis: Scaffoldings that support innovation generation in organisations | Innovation Praxis, Organization, Processes and Culture | 2022 |
Eleftherios Manousakis | E. Zachariadis | Optimization methods for combined problems in transportation and logistics management | Supply and Transportation Management | 2021 |
Eliakis Stelios | K. Pramatari | An investigation of the factors affecting business sustainability and growth of innovative technology entrepreneurship | Innovative technology entrepreneurship | 2021 |
Georgiou Stefanos | D. Spinellis | Energy and run-time Performance Practices in Software Engineering | Software Engineering | 2021 |
Chaniotaki Eleni | G. Lekakos | Interaction between the organizational context and ICTs: evidence from a Public Organization in Greece | E-Government Information Systems | 2020 |
Talanti Ioanna | A.Poulymenakou | Transfer of Learning in Digital Environments: Establishing the role of Instructional Design in the context of Continuing Professional Education and Development | Ε-learning | 2020 |
Benioudakis Myron | G. Ioannou | Pricing Policies in Make-To-Order Systems with Delay-Averse Strategic Customers | Supply Chain Management, Queuing Theory and Game Theory | 2020 |
Pateraki Maria | I. Spanos | Strategic Innovation Management: Absorptive Capacity and alliance management in multilateral publicly funded R&D Partnerships: Antecedents and effects on firm's innovativeness | Boundary Spanning, Strategic Outsourcing and Operations, Services Management | 2020 |
Goltsos Athanasios | G. Ioannou | Inventory forecasting in closed loop supply chains | Combinatorial Optimisation | 2020 |
Stavrou Vasileios | K. Pramatari | Indoor localization systems for retail stores: an artificial intelligence location analytics approach | Location Analytics | 2019 |
Gotsi Koroni Niki | E. Soderquist | An Investigation into conditions and support for innovation and entrepreneurship in a deep crisis context | Public-Private Collaborations for Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 2019 |
Kotsopoulos Dimosthenis | K. Pramatari | Organisational energy conservation behaviour and the effect of motivational information systems and gamification on employees’ energy saving | IS & Gamification for Employee Motivation towards Energy Conservation Behaviour at the Workplace | 2019 |
Griva Anastasia | K. Pramatari | Data-driven innovation in shopper marketing: a business analytics approach for visit segmentation in the retail industry | Retail analytics and data mining | 2019 |
Giannopoulos Athanasios | G. Doukidis | Exploitation of IT Research results and the creation of Innovation in the context of collaborative Transport R&D projects | Information Technology | 2019 |
Tushar Sharma | D. Spinellis | Extending Maintainability Analysis Beyond Code Smells | Software Engineering | 2019 |
Lazaris Christos | A. Vrechopoulos | Integrating Physical & Web Shopping Environments: The Interplay of Omnichannel Retailing & Store Atmosphere on Consumer Behaviour in Social-Local-Mobile Settings | Omnichannel Retailing & Store Atmosphere | 2018 |
Plitsos Stathis | I. Mourtos | Integrated Methods and Systems for Optimisation and Decision Support | Combinatorial Optimization and Decision Support Systems |
2018 |
Kechagia Maria | D. Spinellis | Empirical Software Engineering | Program Analysis, Software Verification, and Empirical Software Engineering |
2017 |
Lounis Stavros | G. Doukidis | Design of Electronic Services Employing Gamification: The impact of game elements on user behaviour and motivation | Gamification of Electronic Services and Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2017 |
Pournarakis Dimitrios | G. Giaglis | Brand equity assessment: a computational model for mining consumer perceptions in social media | Digital Marketing & Big Data Analytics |
2017 |
Pantelis Z. Lappas |
E. Kritikos |
Models and Solution Algorithms for Inventory Routing Problems | Operations Research, Supply Chain Optimization |
2017 |
Fragkoulis Marios |
D. Spinellis |
Technologies for main memory data analysis | Computer Science and Data Science |
2017 |
Boura Maria | S. Lioukas | Business Strategy and Corporate Environmental Responsibility | Business Administration, Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility |
2017 |
Nikolopoulou Amalia | C. Tarantilis | Optimization methods for multi-echelon vehicle routing problems with intermediate transshipment points | Operations Research |
2016 |
Kardasi Ourania | D. Bourandas | The impact of solitude on authentic leadership development: a theoretical and statistical investigation | Leadership |
2016 |
Agapitou Vasia | D. Bourandas | An empirical investigation of the relation between authenticity, existential thinking and trust within the framework of authentic leadership theory | Strategic Leadership |
2016 |
Polyviou Ariana |
N. Pouloudi |
Cloud computing adoption decisions: a mixed-method approach to study the influencing factors and decision making process | Cloud adoption and decision making |
2016 |
Tsanos Christos |
K. Zografos |
An investigation of the behavioural antecedents of supply chain relationships and their impact on supply chain integration and performance | Supply Chain Integration |
2016 |
Sarantopoulos Panagiotis |
K. Pramatari |
Shopping missions and their impact on assortment organization: an analytics-informed shopper marketing approach | Marketing and Information Systems |
2016 |
Papazoglou Michalis |
I. Spanos |
A longitudinal study of the factors that affect firms' ability to shape technological evolution and to exert a broad influence on technological change | Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy |
2016 |
Zampou Eleni |
K. Pramatari |
Design and impact assessment of green information systems: the case of energy and carbon management systems in the supply chain | Information Systems, Supply Chain Management, Environmental Sustainability |
2016 |
Georgiou Konstantina |
I. Nikolaou |
Job search and emloyment: a training intervention from a positive organizational behavior perspective | Οrganizational Βehavior |
2016 |
Zissis Dimitrios |
G. Ioannou |
Communication games and the revelation principle in supply chain management | Game Theory, Supply Chain Management |
2015 |
Lymperopoulos Ilias |
G. Ioannou |
Modeling the online social transmission through the theory of complex adaptive systems and neural network models based on the brain dynamics | Computational Social Science, social data modeling, big data analytics, neural networks, complex adaptive systems, network dynamical systems |
2015 |
Goutzamani Evaggelia |
S. Lioukas |
Identity and reputation perceptual gaps and their effects on trust | Corporate Reputation |
2015 |
Karakoidas Vassilios |
D. Spinellis |
Integrate domain - specific languages with general - purpose languages | Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Operating Systems and Networking |
2015 |
Panagiotis Kyriazis |
G. Ioannou |
Co-opetition between haulage and 3PL companies | Supply Chain Management,Transportation, distribution and logistics |
2014 |
Maria Fotaki |
S. Lioukas |
Coupling compliance with values: an integrative approach to effective corporate governance | Corporate Governance & Strategy |
2014 |
Markopoulou Chryssa |
A. Refenes |
Correlation modelling with application to risk management | Financial Engineering |
2014 |
Fraidaki Katerina |
G. Doukidis |
Investigating the role of different types of social media as sources of information: the cases of consumer pre-purchase and health information acquisition | E-social Networking |
2014 |
Zamani Efpraxia |
G. Giaglis |
User experience with portable IT artefacts: affective attributer of tablets and their role in sensemaking | Pervasive Information Systems and Adoption Theories |
2014 |
Mitropoulos Dimitrios |
D. Spinellis |
Secure software development technologies | Computer Security |
2014 |
Chatzopoulou Erifili |
S. Lioukas |
Business unit slack resources: their relationship with corporate controls, business unit autonomy and managers' attributes |
2014 |
Gouras Nasos |
I. Nikolaou |
Criteria for selecting change agents: their role and contribution to ensure change success |
2013 |
Korra Eythimia |
S. Lioukas |
Factors which affect the success of strategic changes |
2013 |
Dimakopoulou Andrianna |
K. Pramatari |
IΤ project investments evaluation: a real options perspective |
2013 |
Sotiropoulos Ioannis |
D.Chatziantoniou |
Combining relational and stream data for real-time analytics |
2013 |
Chatzi Sofia |
I. Nikolaou |
Selecting for teamwork: the role of individual differences and team processes - emergent states on team innovation | Organizational Behavior/Psychology, and Human Resource Management |
2013 |
Krasonikolakis Ioannis |
A.Vrechopoulos |
3D Internet Retailing: Experimental Investigation of Interactive Shopping Interface - Store Atmosphere Effects on User-Consumer Buying Behaviour |
2013 |
Sapouna Panagiota-Athanasia |
S. Lioukas |
International Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): The Effect of Competitive Strategy and International Environmental Performance After the Acquisition | Corporate strategy, corporate finance and management |
2013 |
Andrikopoulos Athanasios |
Ch. Tarantilis |
Essays in financial economics | Financial Economics |
2013 |
Fameli Katerina |
E. Soderquist |
Organizational Change: An examination into the factors that govern the way that change unfolds in the healthcare sector | Change Management in the health-care sector |
2012 |
Stavropoulou Fotini |
Ch. Tarantilis |
Optimum Vehicle Routing for multisession Problems | Transportation, distribution and logistics |
2012 |
Anagnostopoulou Afroditi |
Ch. Tarantilis |
Optimum Vehicle Routing for Real Time Problems | Transportation, distribution and logistics |
2012 |
Nikiforou Argiro |
S. Lioukas |
Corporate Entrepreneurship and Inter-Business Networks: A Multilevel Analysis Framework | Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
2012 |
Bardaki Cleopatra |
G. Doukidis |
Shelf Replenishment Practices in Retailing: Integrating an RFID enabled shelf replenishment IS an Out-Of-Stock optimization mathematical model | Information Systems |
2012 |
Louzis Dimitrios |
A. Refenes |
Modeling and Forecasting Volatility and Value-at-Risk of Financial Assets with High Frequency Data | Financial econometrics |
2012 |
Kevork Elen |
A. Vrechopoulos |
Investigating Electronic Services Effects on Consumer Behaviour in the E-Banking Sector: A Customer Relationship Management Approach |
2012 |
Karagiannaki Angeliki |
G. Doukidis |
RFID-Enabled Supply Chain Process Redesign Using Simulation |
2011 |
Papagiannakis Georgios |
S. Lioukas |
Embedding Ecological Aspects into Firms' Competitive Strategy |
Corporate Environmental Strategy |
2011 |
Sirigos Evaggelos |
I. Spanos |
Management Techniques and Business Model Innovation |
2011 |
Paraskevopoulos Dimitrios |
G. Ioannou |
Optimization algorithms for resource-constrained project scheduling |
2011 |
Eirinakis Pavlos |
P. Miliotis |
2-sided and multi-sided stable matchings: structures, algorithms, and applications | Game theory |
2010 |
Kourtis Apostolos |
R. Markellos |
Asset Selection with Estimation Risk | Finance and financial econometrics |
2010 |
Vlastakis Nikolaos |
R. Markellos |
The Econometrics of Volatility | Finance and econometrics |
2010 |
Papargyris Anthony |
A.Poulimenakou |
The constitution of collective memory in massive multiplayer on-line game virtual communities: conceptual foundations and design implications for collective memory systems | Knowledge Management, e-Learning and Text Classification |
2010 |
Manataki Ioanna |
K. Zografos |
Modelling landside airport operations for performance evaluation | Air transport management |
2010 |
Prasopoulou Elpida |
A. Pouloudi |
The interplay of ICT innovation with state administrative tradition: evidence from the greek taxation information system (TAXIS) | ICT innovation in late-development countries, eGovernment and the interplay of ICTs with a state’s administrative tradition |
2010 |
Tomprou Maria |
I. Nikolaou |
The Dynamics of Psychological Contract Creation during selection and socialization | Organizational Behavior and Psychology, Human Resource Management |
2009 |
Deligianni Ioanna |
E. Voudouri |
Strategic Trajectories Predicting New Venture Performance | Strategy and Entrepreneurship |
2009 |
Karaiskos Dimitrios |
G. Giaglis |
An Acceptance Framework for Pervasive Information Systems | Pervasive Information Systems (PIS) |
2009 |
Diamanti Korina |
A. Pouloudi |
Best Practice & Knowledge Transfer in Network Organizations: The use of ICT for knowledge transfer & replication | Knowledge and best practice transfer through benchmarking |
2009 |
Androutsellis-Theotokis Stephanos |
D. Spinellis |
Designing Peer-to-Peer Transactions Processing Systems | Information Security, Peer-to-Peer architectures and Software Engineering |
2009 |
Gousios Georgios |
D. Spinellis |
Efficient co-operation of Virtual Machines with Operting Systems | Software quality, Software engineering, Operating systems architectures and Virtual Machines |
2009 |
Argirios Tsamakos |
A . Vrehopoulos |
Corporate Associations in Mobile Communication Services: Corporate Social Responsibility, Consumer Attributions and the Mediating Role of Trust | Marketing |
2009 |
Kioses Eleftherios |
G . Doukidis |
Effective supply chain management using collaborative practices and information sharing | e-business |
2009 |
Borotis Spiridon |
A.Poulimenakou |
Learning readiness assessment: Factors affecting learners' attitudes towards e-Learning in the enterprise | Identification of training needs, e-Learning strategies, Human Resource Development, and Information Systems |
2009 |
Theotokis Aristeidis |
G. Doukidis |
Innovative consumer services and Technology-based applications in retailing industry | Service marketing research and technology adoption |
2009 |
Koutsiouris Vassilios |
A. Vrechopoulos |
Consumer Behavior in the context of Mobile Location Based Entertainment Services | m-HCI, m-commerce and Location-Based Services |
2009 |
Tsiaousis Alexandros |
G. Giaglis |
The impact of context of use on Mobile Applications Usability | 3G mobile phones and particularly in the mobile web |
2009 |
Zobolas Georgios |
G. Ioannou |
ERP embedded Scheduling and Planning Optimization | Production Scheduling, Supply Chain Management and Operational Research |
2009 |
Repoussis Panagiotis |
G. Ioannou |
Optimization methods for complex vehicle routing and scheduling problems | Operational Research & Management |
2008 |
Kyrgidou Lida |
Eric Soderquist |
Assessing Adressing and Enhancing Strategic Entrpereneurship and Firm Growth:The Role of Resources and Dynamic Capabilities as Facilitating Mechanisms - An Empirical Study | Strategic Entrepreneurship |
2008 |
Daskalakis Geroge |
R. Markellos |
Option Pricing & Risk Management in emission and Electricity Markets | Finance and Financial Engineering |
2008 |
Salouras Ioannis |
K. Zografos |
Shortest paths and vehicle routing in dynamic roadway networks | Transport Systems and Logistics Management |
2008 |
Kostika Eleftheria |
A. Refenes |
Modelling the Stochastic Behavior of the financial markets considering Higher Moments and Cointegration | Financial Econometrics |
2008 |
Fouskas Kostas |
G. Giaglis |
Examining managerial perceptions of competitive environment and organizational capabilities as antecedents of firms competitive reactions and performance | mBusiness, competitive business strategy and the use of business games as a teaching aid. |
2008 |
Zeimpekis Vasileios |
G. Giaglis |
Design and Evaluation of a Real-time Fleet Management System for Dynamic Incident Handling in Urban Freight Distributions | Real-time Fleet Management Systems in Urban Distributions |
2008 |
Makropoulou Vasiliki |
R. Markellos |
Advances in the Methodology and Application of Real Options in Finance | Investment Appraisal and Real Options |
2008 |
Drossos Dimitris |
G. Giaglis |
Mobile Advertising Effectiveness | Mobile Advertising |
2008 |
Bina Maria |
G. Giaglis |
A socio-economic perspective in studying motivation and interaction among members of Community-based WLANs | Mobile Business |
2008 |
Madas Michail |
K. Zografos |
A critical assessment of airport demand management: strategies, implications and potential for implemantation | Airport demand management |
2007 |
Vlachos Vasileios |
D. Spinellis |
Security Applications of Peer-to-Peer Networks | Computer Information Security |
2007 |
Papalexandris Alexandros |
G. Prastakos |
Determing the drivers of performance: Examining the cause and effect relations of the Balanced Scerecard in the Banking Sector | Performance Mangement |
2007 |
Filippidou Sofia |
Eric Soderquist |
Organizational Change in the Greek Public Sector in the Context of the Information Economy | Change Management |
2007 |
Nikas Athanasios |
A.Poulymenakou |
The adoption of collaborative technologies in project based teams: Investigating the role of collaboration intensity in individuals' perceptions and beliefs | Information Systems Management |
2007 |
Brachos Dimitrios |
Eric Soderquist |
Knowledge Sharing within organizational units: The role of Knowledge sharing context and proccesses in the unit performance - an empirical study | Knowledge Management |
2007 |
Kostopoulos Konstantinos |
G. Prastakos |
Strategic Innovation Management: Group Learning and the Role of Group Context in Determining the Performance of Innovative Project Teams - A Theoretical and Empirical Study | Strategic Management |
2007 |
Dalakoura Afroditi |
D. Bourandas |
Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior | Human Resource Management/ Organizational innovativeness |
2007 |
Dotsis A. George |
A. Refenes |
Jumps and Estimation Risk in Finance and Decision Making | Finance |
2006 |
Gounaris C. Chrysostomos |
K. Zografos |
Health Services Quality and Management in Greece Efficiency and Effectiveness of NHS Secondary Health Care Units | Health Services Management |
2006 |
Kourouthanassis E. Panagiotis |
G. Giaglis |
A Design Theory for Pervasive Information Systems | Information Systems/ Design Theories |
2006 |
Papakiriakopoulos A. Dimitrios |
G. Doukidis |
A machine learning information system in supply chain for detecting products that are not on the shelf | Information Systems / Supply Chain / Machine Learning |
2006 |
Pateli G. Adamantia |
G. Giaglis |
Governance of Strategic Alliances in Technology-based Industries: The Case of Wireless Services | Information Systems / Business Strategy |
2006 |
Psychoyios E. Dimitris |
A. Refenes |
Hedging Volatility Risk | Finance |
2006 |
Vlachos A. Pavlos |
G. Doukidis |
Service Evaluarion Trust Determinants in Consumer Relational Exchanges | Services Marketing / Consumer Behaviour / Trust Management |
2006 |
Mavri V. Maria |
G. Ioannou |
Mathematical Models in the Banking Sector in the Context of the new Economy | Bank Management / Operational Research |
2005 |
Skintzi D. Georgia |
G. Prastakos |
Analysis and Design of Supply Chain Networks | Operations Management / Supply Chain Management |
2005 |
Chorianopoulos N. Konstantinos |
D. Spinellis |
Virtual Television Channels: Conceptual Model, User Interface Design and Affective Usability Evaluation | Information Systems / User Interfaces |
2004 |
Lekakos D. George |
G. Giaglis |
Personalized Advertising Services through Hybrid Recommendation Systems: the case of Digital Interactive Television | Information Systems / Personalized IS / Intelligent Interactive Media |
2004 |
Lytras D. Miltiadis |
N. Pouloudi |
An Ontological Approach to the Specification of Semantics for Learning Content: The convergence of knowledge management and active pedagogy in e-learning | Information Systems/ Knowledge Management, Semantic Web |
2004 |
Samiotis I. Konstantinos |
A. Poulymenakou |
The Role of Affordances' Perception in the Adoption of Information Technology Innovations: The Case of Knowledge Management | Information Systems / Technology Adoption, Knowledge Management |
2004 |
Skintzi D. Vasiliki |
A. Refenes |
Dynamic Correlation Models | Financial Econometrics |
2004 |
Vassalou A. Leda |
D. Bourandas |
Human Resource Management Innovativeness: Measures and Antecedents | Human Resource Management/ Organizational innovativeness |
2004 |
Zaharias V. Panagiotis |
A.Poulimenakou |
A Usability Evaluation Method for E-Learning Courses | Information Systems /E-Learning |
2004 |
Androutsopoulos N. Konstantinos |
K. Zografos |
Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Logistics Operations: The Case of Hazardous Materials | Hazardous Materials Logistics / Emergency Response Logistics |
2003 |
Constantiou D. Ioanna |
G. Doukidis |
Applications of Moral Hazard Models in the Internet Connectivity Market | Management Science and Technology/Information Economics |
2003 |
Pramatari C. Katerina |
G. Doukidis |
Efficient store replenishment through Internet-based information-sharing and collaborative supply-chain practices in grocery retailing | Information Systems / Supply Chain Management |
2003 |
Salavou E. Helen |
S. Lioukas |
Exploring Product Innovativeness Determinants in SMEs | Business Strategy and Markeing |
2002 |