Current PhD Holders

PhD Graduates Supervisor(s) PhD Thesis Title PhD Field (s) Year
Metzidakis Theocharis E. Kritikos Matheuristic and Learning Methods in Routing Optimization Management Science and Operations Research 2024
Roussos Antonios N. Pouloudi An investigation of the presence of Aristotelean values in the ethical instructor-leader and of the perceived impact on students’ psychological wellbeing       Educational Psychology 2024
Tsagdi Georgia S. Lioukas Public value: a new governance perspective within the parent ministry-agency context Human Resource Managenent and Organizational Behavior 2024
Diakanastasi Ellie G. Doukidis Exploring Team Cohesion and Conflict in Entrepreneurial Teams during the Early Venture Creation Process Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2023
Tsoni Evdokia I. Nikolaou Applicants’ reactions in recruitment and selection Human Resource Management 2023
Samaris Michael I. Mourtos Optimisation under preferences for matchings and circulations: combinatorial and polyhedral aspects Combinatorial Optimization 2023
Avgerinos Ioannis I. Mourtos Logic-Based Benders decomposition for transportation and manufacturing problems Combinatorial Optimization 2023
Georgoula Ifigeneia G. Lekakos Three essays on social and economic networks Social and Economic Networks 2023
Kasapidis Grigoris P. Repousis Optimization Methods for Production Scheduling: Models, Algorithms and Applications in IoT driven Flexible Manufacturing System Algorithmic Operations Research 2023
Xepapadeas Peter I. Mourtos Serial dictatorship and simultaneous allocations of scarce resources: theory and applications Operational Research Mathematics 2023
Gaitanarou Afroditi I. Nikolaou Social Networking Websites in Personnel Recruitment and Selection: The Role of Negative Online Information Human Resource Management 2023
Fragos Christos E. Soderquist IT Innovation Adoption in the Greek Public Sector Healthcare System: A Telehealth System Case Innovation and Knowledge Management 2023
Kousina Ellisavet I. Voudouris Innovative work behaviour and innovation in the public sector: an individual differences‐, leadership‐, and contextual‐ perspective Leadership and Organizational Learning 2023
Gkalitsiou Aikaterini I. Voudouris Leadership by Metaphors and Storytelling Leadership 2023
Dologlou Maria I. Nikolaou Resilience as a factor in the effectiveness of leaders in the new era: an empirical investigation Special Approaches to Leadership 2023
Baloutsos Stratos K. Pramatari The development of nascent entrepreneurial ventures in the context of Innovation Ecosystems: An Activity Theory based approach to study contradictions and congruencies Innovation Ecosystems and Entrpeneurship 2022
Sotiropoulos Theodoros D. Spinellis Abstractions for Software Testing Software Testing 2022
Sofikitis Emmanouil I. Voudouris International Expansion of Small and Medium -Sized Enterprises: A Strategic Decision-Making Approach International Business and Entrepreneurship 2022
Makris Dimitrios E. Soderquist An investigation into innovation praxis: Scaffoldings that support innovation generation in organisations Innovation Praxis, Organization, Processes and Culture 2022
Eleftherios Manousakis E. Zachariadis Optimization methods for combined problems in transportation and logistics management Supply and Transportation Management 2021
Eliakis Stelios K. Pramatari An investigation of the factors affecting business sustainability and growth of innovative technology entrepreneurship Innovative technology entrepreneurship 2021
Georgiou Stefanos D. Spinellis Energy and run-time Performance Practices in Software Engineering Software Engineering 2021
Chaniotaki Eleni G. Lekakos Interaction between the organizational context and ICTs: evidence from a Public Organization in Greece E-Government Information Systems 2020
Talanti Ioanna A.Poulymenakou Transfer of Learning in Digital Environments: Establishing the role of Instructional Design in the context of Continuing Professional Education and Development Ε-learning 2020
Benioudakis Myron G. Ioannou Pricing Policies in Make-To-Order Systems with Delay-Averse Strategic Customers Supply Chain Management, Queuing Theory and Game Theory 2020
Pateraki Maria I. Spanos Strategic Innovation Management: Absorptive Capacity and alliance management in multilateral publicly funded R&D Partnerships: Antecedents and effects on firm's innovativeness Boundary Spanning, Strategic Outsourcing and Operations, Services Management 2020
Goltsos Athanasios G. Ioannou Inventory forecasting in closed loop supply chains Combinatorial Optimisation 2020
Stavrou Vasileios K. Pramatari Indoor localization systems for retail stores: an artificial intelligence location analytics approach Location Analytics 2019
Gotsi Koroni Niki E. Soderquist An Investigation into conditions and support for innovation and entrepreneurship in a deep crisis context Public-Private Collaborations for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2019
Kotsopoulos Dimosthenis K. Pramatari Organisational energy conservation behaviour and the effect of motivational information systems and gamification on employees’ energy saving IS & Gamification for Employee Motivation towards Energy Conservation Behaviour at the Workplace 2019
Griva Anastasia K. Pramatari Data-driven innovation in shopper marketing: a business analytics approach for visit segmentation in the retail industry Retail analytics and data mining 2019
Giannopoulos Athanasios G. Doukidis Exploitation of IT Research results and the creation of Innovation in the context of collaborative Transport R&D projects Information Technology 2019
Tushar Sharma D. Spinellis Extending Maintainability Analysis Beyond Code Smells Software Engineering 2019
Lazaris Christos A. Vrechopoulos Integrating Physical & Web Shopping Environments: The Interplay of Omnichannel Retailing & Store Atmosphere on Consumer Behaviour in Social-Local-Mobile Settings Omnichannel Retailing & Store Atmosphere 2018
Plitsos Stathis I. Mourtos Integrated Methods and Systems for Optimisation and Decision Support Combinatorial Optimization and Decision Support Systems


Kechagia Maria D. Spinellis Empirical Software Engineering Program Analysis, Software Verification, and Empirical Software Engineering


Lounis Stavros G. Doukidis Design of Electronic Services Employing Gamification: The impact of game elements on user behaviour and motivation Gamification of Electronic Services and Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Pournarakis Dimitrios G. Giaglis Brand equity assessment: a computational model for mining consumer perceptions in social media Digital Marketing & Big Data Analytics


Pantelis Z. Lappas

E. Kritikos

Models and Solution Algorithms for Inventory Routing Problems Operations Research, Supply Chain Optimization


Fragkoulis Marios

D. Spinellis

Technologies for main memory data analysis Computer Science and Data Science


Boura Maria S. Lioukas Business Strategy and Corporate Environmental Responsibility Business Administration, Strategy, Corporate Social Responsibility


Nikolopoulou Amalia C. Tarantilis Optimization methods for multi-echelon vehicle routing problems with intermediate transshipment points Operations Research


Kardasi Ourania D. Bourandas The impact of solitude on authentic leadership development: a theoretical and statistical investigation Leadership


Agapitou Vasia D. Bourandas An empirical investigation of the relation between authenticity, existential thinking and trust within the framework of authentic leadership theory Strategic Leadership


Polyviou Ariana

N. Pouloudi

Cloud computing adoption decisions: a mixed-method approach to study the influencing factors and decision making process Cloud adoption and decision making


Tsanos Christos

K. Zografos

An investigation of the behavioural antecedents of supply chain relationships and their impact on supply chain integration and performance Supply Chain Integration


Sarantopoulos Panagiotis

K. Pramatari

Shopping missions and their impact on assortment organization: an analytics-informed shopper marketing approach Marketing and Information Systems


Papazoglou Michalis

I. Spanos

A longitudinal study of the factors that affect firms' ability to shape technological evolution and to exert a broad influence on technological change Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Strategy


Zampou Eleni

K. Pramatari

Design and impact assessment of green information systems: the case of energy and carbon management systems in the supply chain Information Systems, Supply Chain Management, Environmental Sustainability


Georgiou Konstantina

I. Nikolaou

Job search and emloyment: a training intervention from a positive organizational behavior perspective Οrganizational Βehavior


Zissis Dimitrios

G. Ioannou

Communication games and the revelation principle in supply chain management Game Theory, Supply Chain Management


Lymperopoulos Ilias

G. Ioannou

Modeling the online social transmission through the theory of complex adaptive systems and neural network models based on the brain dynamics Computational Social Science, social data modeling, big data analytics, neural networks, complex adaptive systems, network dynamical systems


Goutzamani Evaggelia

S. Lioukas

Identity and reputation perceptual gaps and their effects on trust Corporate Reputation


Karakoidas Vassilios

D. Spinellis

Integrate domain - specific languages with general - purpose languages Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Operating Systems and Networking


Panagiotis Kyriazis

G. Ioannou

Co-opetition between haulage and 3PL companies Supply Chain Management,Transportation, distribution and logistics


Maria Fotaki

S. Lioukas

Coupling compliance with values: an integrative approach to effective corporate governance Corporate Governance & Strategy


Markopoulou Chryssa

A. Refenes

Correlation modelling with application to risk management Financial Engineering


Fraidaki Katerina

G. Doukidis

Investigating the role of different types of social media as sources of information: the cases of consumer pre-purchase and health information acquisition E-social Networking


Zamani Efpraxia

G. Giaglis

User experience with portable IT artefacts: affective attributer of tablets and their role in sensemaking Pervasive Information Systems and Adoption Theories


Mitropoulos Dimitrios

D. Spinellis

Secure software development technologies Computer Security


Chatzopoulou Erifili

S. Lioukas

Business unit slack resources: their relationship with corporate controls, business unit autonomy and managers' attributes


Gouras Nasos

I. Nikolaou

Criteria for selecting change agents: their role and contribution to ensure change success


Korra Eythimia

S. Lioukas

Factors which affect the success of strategic changes


Dimakopoulou Andrianna

K. Pramatari

IΤ project investments evaluation: a real options perspective


Sotiropoulos Ioannis


Combining relational and stream data for real-time analytics


Chatzi Sofia

I. Nikolaou

Selecting for teamwork: the role of individual differences and team processes - emergent states on team innovation Organizational Behavior/Psychology, and Human Resource Management


Krasonikolakis Ioannis


3D Internet Retailing: Experimental Investigation of Interactive Shopping Interface - Store Atmosphere Effects on User-Consumer Buying Behaviour


Sapouna Panagiota-Athanasia

S. Lioukas

International Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): The Effect of Competitive Strategy and International Environmental Performance After the Acquisition Corporate strategy, corporate finance and management


Andrikopoulos Athanasios

Ch. Tarantilis

Essays in financial economics Financial Economics


Fameli Katerina

E. Soderquist

Organizational Change: An examination into the factors that govern the way that change unfolds in the healthcare sector Change Management  in the health-care sector


Stavropoulou Fotini

Ch. Tarantilis

Optimum Vehicle Routing for multisession Problems Transportation, distribution and logistics


Anagnostopoulou Afroditi

Ch. Tarantilis

Optimum Vehicle Routing for Real Time Problems Transportation, distribution and logistics


Nikiforou Argiro

S. Lioukas
N. Bozionelos
I. Spanos

Corporate Entrepreneurship and Inter-Business Networks: A Multilevel Analysis Framework Strategic Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Bardaki Cleopatra

G. Doukidis
P. Miliotis

Shelf Replenishment Practices in Retailing: Integrating an RFID enabled shelf replenishment IS an Out-Of-Stock optimization mathematical model Information Systems


Louzis Dimitrios

A. Refenes

Modeling and Forecasting Volatility and Value-at-Risk of Financial Assets with High Frequency Data Financial econometrics


Kevork Elen

A. Vrechopoulos

Investigating Electronic Services Effects on Consumer Behaviour in the E-Banking Sector: A Customer Relationship Management Approach


Karagiannaki Angeliki

G. Doukidis

RFID-Enabled Supply Chain Process Redesign Using Simulation


Papagiannakis Georgios

S. Lioukas

Embedding Ecological Aspects into Firms' Competitive Strategy

Corporate Environmental Strategy


Sirigos Evaggelos

I. Spanos

Management Techniques and Business Model Innovation


Paraskevopoulos Dimitrios

G. Ioannou

Optimization algorithms for resource-constrained project scheduling


Eirinakis Pavlos

P. Miliotis

2-sided and multi-sided stable matchings: structures, algorithms, and applications Game theory


Kourtis Apostolos

R. Markellos

Asset Selection with Estimation Risk Finance and financial econometrics


Vlastakis Nikolaos

R. Markellos

The Econometrics of Volatility Finance and econometrics


Papargyris Anthony


The constitution of collective memory in massive multiplayer on-line game virtual communities: conceptual foundations and design implications for collective memory systems Knowledge Management, e-Learning and Text Classification


Manataki Ioanna

K. Zografos

Modelling landside airport operations for performance evaluation Air transport management


Prasopoulou Elpida

A. Pouloudi

The interplay of ICT innovation with state administrative tradition: evidence from the greek taxation information system (TAXIS) ICT innovation in late-development countries, eGovernment and the interplay of ICTs with a state’s administrative tradition


Tomprou Maria

I. Nikolaou

The Dynamics of Psychological Contract Creation during selection and socialization Organizational Behavior and Psychology, Human Resource Management


Deligianni Ioanna

E. Voudouri

Strategic Trajectories Predicting New Venture Performance Strategy and Entrepreneurship


Karaiskos Dimitrios

G. Giaglis

An Acceptance Framework for Pervasive Information Systems Pervasive Information Systems (PIS)


Diamanti Korina

A. Pouloudi

Best Practice & Knowledge Transfer in Network Organizations: The use of ICT for knowledge transfer & replication Knowledge and best practice transfer through benchmarking


Androutsellis-Theotokis Stephanos

D. Spinellis

Designing Peer-to-Peer Transactions Processing Systems Information Security, Peer-to-Peer architectures and Software Engineering


Gousios Georgios

D. Spinellis

Efficient co-operation of Virtual Machines with Operting Systems Software quality, Software engineering, Operating systems architectures and Virtual Machines


Argirios Tsamakos

A . Vrehopoulos

Corporate Associations in Mobile Communication Services: Corporate Social Responsibility, Consumer Attributions and the Mediating Role of Trust Marketing


Kioses Eleftherios

G . Doukidis

Effective supply chain management using collaborative practices and information sharing e-business


Borotis Spiridon


Learning readiness assessment: Factors affecting learners' attitudes towards e-Learning in the enterprise Identification of training needs, e-Learning strategies, Human Resource Development, and Information Systems


Theotokis Aristeidis

G. Doukidis

Innovative consumer services and Technology-based applications in retailing industry Service marketing research and technology adoption


Koutsiouris Vassilios

A. Vrechopoulos

Consumer Behavior in the context of Mobile Location Based Entertainment Services m-HCI, m-commerce and Location-Based Services


Tsiaousis Alexandros

G. Giaglis

The impact of context of use on Mobile Applications Usability 3G mobile phones and particularly in the mobile web


Zobolas Georgios

G. Ioannou

ERP embedded Scheduling and Planning Optimization Production Scheduling, Supply Chain Management and Operational Research


Repoussis Panagiotis

G. Ioannou

Optimization methods for complex vehicle routing and scheduling problems Operational Research & Management


Kyrgidou Lida

Eric Soderquist

Assessing Adressing and Enhancing Strategic Entrpereneurship and Firm Growth:The Role of Resources and Dynamic Capabilities as Facilitating Mechanisms - An Empirical Study Strategic Entrepreneurship


Daskalakis Geroge

R. Markellos

Option Pricing & Risk Management in emission and Electricity Markets Finance and Financial Engineering


Salouras Ioannis

K. Zografos

Shortest paths and vehicle routing in dynamic roadway networks Transport Systems and Logistics Management


Kostika Eleftheria

A. Refenes

Modelling the Stochastic Behavior of the financial markets considering Higher Moments and Cointegration Financial Econometrics


Fouskas Kostas

G. Giaglis

Examining managerial perceptions of competitive environment and organizational capabilities as antecedents of firms competitive reactions and performance mBusiness, competitive business strategy and the use of business games as a teaching aid.


Zeimpekis Vasileios

G. Giaglis

Design and Evaluation of a Real-time Fleet Management System for Dynamic Incident Handling in Urban Freight Distributions Real-time Fleet Management Systems in Urban Distributions


Makropoulou Vasiliki

R. Markellos

Advances in the Methodology and Application of Real Options in Finance Investment Appraisal and Real Options


Drossos Dimitris

G. Giaglis

Mobile Advertising Effectiveness Mobile Advertising


Bina Maria

G. Giaglis

A socio-economic perspective in studying motivation and interaction among members of Community-based WLANs Mobile Business


Madas Michail

K. Zografos

A critical assessment of airport demand management: strategies, implications and potential for implemantation Airport demand management


Vlachos Vasileios

D. Spinellis

Security Applications of Peer-to-Peer Networks Computer Information Security


Papalexandris Alexandros

G. Prastakos

Determing the drivers of performance: Examining the cause and effect relations of the Balanced Scerecard in the Banking Sector Performance Mangement


Filippidou Sofia

Eric Soderquist

Organizational Change in the Greek Public Sector in the Context of the Information Economy Change Management


Nikas Athanasios


The adoption of collaborative technologies in project based teams: Investigating the role of collaboration intensity in individuals' perceptions and beliefs Information Systems Management


Brachos Dimitrios

Eric Soderquist

Knowledge Sharing within organizational units: The role of Knowledge sharing context and proccesses in the unit performance - an empirical study Knowledge Management


Kostopoulos Konstantinos

G. Prastakos

Strategic Innovation Management: Group Learning and the Role of Group Context in Determining the Performance of Innovative Project Teams - A Theoretical and Empirical Study Strategic Management


Dalakoura Afroditi

D. Bourandas

Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management/ Organizational innovativeness


Dotsis A. George

A. Refenes

Jumps and Estimation Risk in Finance and Decision Making Finance


Gounaris C. Chrysostomos

K. Zografos

Health Services Quality and Management in Greece Efficiency and Effectiveness of NHS Secondary Health Care Units Health Services Management


Kourouthanassis E. Panagiotis

G. Giaglis

A Design Theory for Pervasive Information Systems Information Systems/ Design Theories


Papakiriakopoulos A. Dimitrios

G. Doukidis

A machine learning information system in supply chain for detecting products that are not on the shelf Information Systems / Supply Chain / Machine Learning


Pateli G. Adamantia

G. Giaglis

Governance of Strategic Alliances in Technology-based Industries: The Case of Wireless Services Information Systems / Business Strategy


Psychoyios E. Dimitris

A. Refenes

Hedging Volatility Risk Finance


Vlachos A. Pavlos

G. Doukidis

Service Evaluarion Trust Determinants in Consumer Relational Exchanges Services Marketing / Consumer Behaviour / Trust Management


Mavri V. Maria

G. Ioannou

Mathematical Models in the Banking Sector in the Context of the new Economy Bank Management / Operational Research


Skintzi D. Georgia

G. Prastakos

Analysis and Design of Supply Chain Networks Operations Management / Supply Chain Management


Chorianopoulos N. Konstantinos

D. Spinellis

Virtual Television Channels: Conceptual Model, User Interface Design and Affective Usability Evaluation Information Systems / User Interfaces


Lekakos D. George

G. Giaglis

Personalized Advertising Services through Hybrid Recommendation Systems: the case of Digital Interactive Television Information Systems / Personalized IS / Intelligent Interactive Media


Lytras D. Miltiadis

N. Pouloudi

An Ontological Approach to the Specification of Semantics for Learning Content: The convergence of knowledge management and active pedagogy in e-learning Information Systems/ Knowledge Management, Semantic Web


Samiotis I. Konstantinos

A. Poulymenakou

The Role of Affordances' Perception in the Adoption of Information Technology Innovations: The Case of Knowledge Management Information Systems / Technology Adoption, Knowledge Management


Skintzi D. Vasiliki

A. Refenes

Dynamic Correlation Models Financial Econometrics


Vassalou A. Leda

D. Bourandas

Human Resource Management Innovativeness: Measures and Antecedents Human Resource Management/ Organizational innovativeness


Zaharias V. Panagiotis


A Usability Evaluation Method for E-Learning Courses Information Systems /E-Learning


Androutsopoulos N. Konstantinos

K. Zografos

Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Logistics Operations: The Case of Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials Logistics / Emergency Response Logistics


Constantiou D. Ioanna

G. Doukidis

Applications of Moral Hazard Models in the Internet Connectivity Market Management Science and Technology/Information Economics


Pramatari C. Katerina

G. Doukidis

Efficient store replenishment through Internet-based information-sharing and collaborative supply-chain practices in grocery retailing Information Systems / Supply Chain Management


Salavou E. Helen

S. Lioukas

Exploring Product Innovativeness Determinants in SMEs Business Strategy and Markeing