Quality Policy

The Department of Management Science and Technology AUEB implements a quality assurance policy, which is harmonized with the quality assurance policy of the Institution, in order to continuously improve the quality of its curriculum.

The quality assurance policy of the Department focuses on its educational, scientific, research and administrative work, is made public and implemented by all its involved members.

The Department is committed to the implementation of quality policy which supports the academic physiognomy and orientation of the curriculum, promotes its purpose and object, implements its strategic objectives and determines the means, actions and ways to achieve them, and implements the appropriate internal and external quality processes with the ultimate goal of continuous improvement.

In particular, the implementation of the quality policy of the Department of Management Science and Technology presupposes the implementation of quality procedures that ensure:

  • the adequacy of the structure and organization of the curriculum,
  • the pursuit of learning outcomes and qualifications in accordance with the European and National Higher Education Qualifications Framework,
  • promoting the quality and effectiveness of teaching,
  • the suitability of the qualifications of the teaching staff,
  • promoting the quality and quantity of the research work of the members of the academic unit,
  • the ways in which teaching is linked to research,
  • the level of demand for graduates' qualifications in the labor market,
  • the quality of support services, such as administration, libraries and student care services,
  • Carrying out the annual internal evaluation of the Undergraduate Program in the framework of the Internal Quality Assurance System in collaboration with the Internal Evaluation Team of the Department and the Quality Assurance Unit of the Institution.

You can find the University's quality assurance policy at the link: https://aueb.gr/en/content/modip-en