Digital Marketing

Course Code: 
Specialization Courses

Course Description

The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) effects on the Marketing theoretical models, strategies and practices have created educational needs upon the new knowledge emerging in the topic of Digital Marketing. The scientific research has illustrated the opportunities and capabilities of applying and extending the existing Marketing knowledge in the context of new conditions, requirements and particular characteristics of the Digital environment mainly since the emergence of the Web. Indicatively, the diffusion of alternative communication and shopping channels usage, the introduction of electronic applications with increased customization and personalization capabilities and the penetration of advanced applications for data collection, processing and exploitation have created new research areas and relevant theoretical and practical issues. Finally, while the course adopts an interdisciplinary approach (i.e. Marketing and Information Systems) it does not focus on “technical” issues and, thus, it does not require advanced Information Technology skills from students. The learning outcomes of the course as summarized as follows:

  • Acquire the necessary theoretical background in the area of Digital Marketing by adopting an interdisciplinary approach
  • Recognize the research opportunities that emerge in the area of Digital Marketing and obtain experience in the design and execution of relevant research designs
  • Understand the basic dimensions of the practical use of Digital Marketing applications in organizations and the basic issues that are connected with their effective exploitation
  • Obtain experience regarding the capabilities offered by Information Systems for implementing actions in the context of strategic Marketing planning.

The course material includes the following thematic areas:

  • Course Description
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Research
  • Electronic Retailing and Digital Marketing
  • Consumer Behaviour and Digital Marketing
  • Integrated Digital Marketing Communications
  • Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM)
  • Digital Marketing and Sales
  • Innovative Applications and Trends in Digital Marketing