Papers in Journals
- Kravariti, F., Jooss, S., Tom Dieck, M.C., Fountoulaki, P. (2025), Talent management in the hospitality and tourism industry: the role of societal and organisational culture, The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 37 (1), pp. 260–278. (doi: 10.1108/ijchm-04-2024-0522).
- Nikolaou, I., katsadoraki, A. (2025), Construct validity and applicant reactions of a gamified personality assessment, Computers in Human Behavior, 162, 108467. (doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2024.108467).
- Spinellis, D. (2025), Efficient graph processing, IEEE Software, 42 (1), pp. 22-25 (doi: 10.1109/ms.2024.3477013).
- Androutsopoulos, K.N., Zografos, K.G. (2024), Modeling and solving the fuel distribution problem with unloading precedence and loading sequence considerations, Annals of Operations Research, 332 (1-3), pp. 909-947. (doi: 10.1007/s10479-023-05752-1).
- Avgerinos, I., Mourtos, I., Vatikiotis, S., Zois, G. (2024), One Benders cut to rule all schedules in the neighbourhood, European Journal of Operational Research, In press. (doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2024.12.009).
- Barmpounis, E.-K., Pavlopoulos, J., Louridas, P., Dritsa, K. (2024), Recognition and Analysis of the Proceedings of the Greek Parliament after WWII, Digital Humanities Quarterly, 18 (1). (link).
- Deligiannis, M., Benioudakis, M., Liberopoulos, G., Burnetas, A. (2024), Optimal pricing and capacity management in service systems with delay-sensitive mixed-risk customers, International Journal of Production Research, article in press. (doi: 10.1080/00207543.2024.2333936).
- Eirinakis, P., Iung, B. Mourtos, I., Plitsos, S., Stojanovic, L., Triantafyllou, G., Voisin, A. (2024), Modular manufacturing and distributed control via interoperable digital twins, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 58 (19), pp. 337–342. (doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2024.09.234).
- Eirinakis, P., Mourtos, I., Samaris, M. (2024), On Pareto optimal balanced exchanges, Discrete Optimization, 52, 100835. (doi: 10.1016/j.disopt.2024.100835).
- Hill, A., Hom, D., Peuker, S., Mourtos, I. (2024), Social classroom seating assignment problems, Networks. (doi: 10.1002/net.22252).
- Kravariti, F., Jooss, S., Tom Dieck, M.C., Fountoulaki, P., (2025), Talent management in the hospitality and tourism industry: the role of societal and organisational culture, The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 37 (1), pp. 260–278. (doi: 10.1108/ijchm-04-2024-0522).
- Kasapidis, G.A., Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Mourtos, I., Repoussis, P.P. (2024), A unified solution framework for flexible job shop scheduling problems with multiple resource constraints, European Journal of Operational Research, pp. 1-17. (doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2024.08.010).
- Koronakos, G., Kritikos, M., Sotiros, D. (2024), A common weights multiplicative aggregation approach for composite indicators: the case of Global City Competitiveness Index, Expert Systems with Applications, 242, 122543. (doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.122543).
- Koukopoulos, A., Neimeyer, R.A. (2024), Prolonged grief disorder: A bibliometric analysis, Death Studies, 48 (2), pp. 150-163. (doi: 10.1080/07481187.2023.2196734).
- Kousina, E., Deligianni, I., Voudouris, I. (2024), Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation in the Public Sector: The Role of Causal- and Effectual- Logic Processes, Public Administration. (forthcoming).
- Kritikos, M.N., Metzidakis, T., Ioannou, G. (2024), The cumulative vehicle routing problem with arc time windows, Expert Systems with Applications, 240, 122447. (doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.122447).
- Lounis, S., Koukopoulos, A., Farmakis, T., Aryblia, M. (2024), Evaluation Methodology for Circular and Resilient Information Systems, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 14 (17), 8089. (doi: 10.3390/app14178089).
- Polytarchos, E., Bardaki, C., Pramatari, K. (2024), Assessment of the real-time pattern recognition capability of machine learning algorithms, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 17 (3), e11701. (doi: 10.1002/sam.11701).
- Spinellis, D. (2024), Modular Data Analytics, IEEE Software, 41 (5), pp. 20-23. (doi: 10.1109/MS.2024.3409988).
- Spinellis, D. (2024), Unit tests for SQL, IEEE Software, 41 (1), pp. 22-26. (doi: 10.1109/MS.2023.3328788).
- Spinellis, D. (2024), Automating a Massive Open Online Course’s Production, IEEE Software, 41 (2), pp. 17-20. (doi: 10.1109/MS.2023.3346590).
- Spinellis, D. (2024), Pair Programming With Generative AI, IEEE Software, 41 (3), pp. 16–18. (doi: 10.1109/MS.2024.3363848).
- Spinellis, D. (2024), Engineering Data Processing Workflows, IEEE Software, 41 (4), pp. 25-29. (doi: 10.1109/MS.2024.3385665).
- Stamos, G., Kotsopoulos, D. (2024), Applying IS-Enabled Telework during COVID-19 Lockdown Periods and Beyond: Insights from Employees in a Greek Banking Institution, Administrative Sciences, 14 (2), 35. (doi: 10.3390/admsci14020035).
- Theriou, G., Tasoulis, K., Kravariti, F. (2024), Linking the trickle-down effect of supervisor incivility to turnover intentions in the context of SMEs: a serial mediation model, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 46 (1), pp. 102-117. (doi: 10.1108/lodj-08-2023-0445).
- Zografou, I., Galanaki, E., Pahos, N., Deligianni, I. (2024), Not a single path to success: alternative HRM configurations for well-performing small and medium-sized hotels, Employee Relations, 46 (9), pp. 21-41. (doi: 10.1108/ER-06-2023-0295).
- Argyropoulou, M., Zissis, D., Korfiatis, N., Zampou, E. (2023), Horizontal collaboration in the last mile distribution: gauging managerial response to disruption and abnormal demand, Benchmarking, 30 (2), pp. 460-474. (doi: 10.1108/BIJ-06-2021-0328).
- Avgerinos, I., Mourtos, I., Vatikiotis, S., Zois, G. (2023), Weighted tardiness minimisation for unrelated machines with sequence-dependent and resource-constrained setups, International Journal of Production Research, 62 (1-2), pp. 359-379. (doi: 10.1080/00207543.2023.2275634).
- Benioudakis, M., Zissis, D., Burnetas, A., Ioannou, G. (2023), Service Provision on an Aggregator Platform with Time-Sensitive Customers: Pricing Strategies and Coordination, International Journal of Production Economics, 257, 108760. (doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4112027).
- Chatzopoulou, E., Lioukas, S., Voudouris, I. (2023), HQ controls, agency costs, and procedural justice, Global Strategy Journal, 14 (3), pp. 421–451 (doi: 10.1002/gsj.1473).
- Chrysochoou, A., Zissis, D., Chalvatzis, K., Andriosopoulos, K. (2023), Spillovers of underground gas storage facilities and their role in the sustainable energy markets: assessment and policy recommendations, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 31 (2), pp. 391-409. (doi: 10.1108/BIJ-01-2022-0024).
- Deligianni, I. (2023), Revisiting the relationship between product and international diversification in new ventures: The moderating effect of effectuation processes, International Business Review, 32 (1),102051. (doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2022.102051).
- Deligiannis, M., Liberopoulos, G., Benioudakis, M. (2023), Dynamic supplier competition and cooperation for buyer loyalty on service, International Journal of Production Economics, 255, 108706. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108706).
- Dennehy, D., Griva, A., Pouloudi, N., Mantymaki, M., Pappas, I. (2023), Artificial intelligence for decision-making and the future of work, International Journal of Information Management, 69, 102574. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2022.102574).
- Dennehy, D., Griva, A., Pouloudi, N., Dwivedi, Y. K., Mantymaki, M., Pappas, I.O. (2023), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Systems: Perspectives to Responsible AI, Information Systems Frontiers, 25 (1), pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1007/s10796-022-10365-3).
- Dontas, M., Sideris, G., Manousakis, E.G., Zachariadis, E.E. (2023), An adaptive memory matheuristic for the set orienteering problem, European Journal of Operational Research, Article in Press. (doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2023.02.008).
- Ebert, Ch., Panos Louridas, P. (2023), Generative AI for Software Practitioners, IEEE Software, 40 (4), pp. 30-38. (doi: 10.1109/MS.2023.3265877).
- Gkalitsiou, K., Kotsopoulos, D. (2023), When the Going Gets Tough, Leaders Use Metaphors and Storytelling: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study on Communication in the Context of COVID-19 and Ukraine Crises, Administrative Sciences, 13 (4), 110. (doi: 10.3390/admsci13040110).
- Griva, A., Kotsopoulos, D., Karagiannaki, A., Zamani, E.D. (2023), What do growing early-stage digital start-ups look like? A mixed-methods approach, International Journal of Information Management, 69, 102427. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2021.102427).
- Hu, Q., Zhang, Z., Baldacci, R., Tarantilis, C.D., Zachariadis, E. (2023), The bus sightseeing problem, International Transactions in Operational Research, 30 (6), pp. 4026-4060. (doi: 10.1111/itor.13160).
- Kaparis, K., Letchford A. N., Mourtos, I. (2023), On cut polytopes and graph minors, Discrete Optimization, Volume 50, 100807. (doi: 10.1016/j.disopt.2023.100807).
- Kasapidis, G.A., Dauzere-Peres, S., Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Repoussis, P.P., Tarantilis, C.D. (2023), On the Multi-Resource Flexible Job-Shop SchedulingProblem with Arbitrary Precedence Graphs, Production and Operations Management. (doi: 10.1111/poms.13977).
- Kotsopoulos, D., Bardaki, C., Pramatari, K. (2023), How to motivate employees towards organizational energy conservation: Insights based on employees perceptions and an IoT-enabled gamified IS intervention, Heliyon, 9 (5), e16314. (doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16314).
- Kotti, Z., Gousios, G., Spinellis, D. (2023), Impact of Software Engineering Research in Practice: A Patent and Author Survey Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 49 (4), pp. 2020-2038. (doi: 10.1109/TSE.2022.3208210).
- Kotti, Z., Galanopoulou, R., Spinellis, D. (2023), Machine Learning for Software Engineering: A Tertiary Study, ACM Computing Surveys, 55 (12), 3572905. (doi: 10.1145/3572905).
- Kousina, E., Voudouris, I. (2023), The ambidextrous leadership - innovative work behaviour relationship in the public sector: The mediating role of psychological ownership, Public Administration Review. (doi: 10.1111/puar.13650).
- Kritikos, M.N., Ioannou, G. (2023), Valid inequalities for the non-unit demand capacitated minimum spanning tree problem with arc time windows and flow costs, International Journal of Production Research, 62 (1-2), pp. 574-585. (doi: 10.1080/00207543.2023.2276818).
- Manousakis, E.G., Tarantilis, C.D., Zachariadis, E.E. (2023), The cyclic production routing problem, International Journal of Production Research, 61 (22), pp. 7707-7726. (doi: 10.1080/00207543.2022.2162144).
- Nikiforou, A., Lioukas, S., Chatzopoulou, E., Voudouris, I. (2023), When there is a crisis, there is an opportunity? SMEs’ capabilities for durability and opportunity confidence, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29 (5), pp. 1053-1074. (doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-11-2021-0939).
- Polyviou, A., Venters, W., Pouloudi, N. (2023), Distant but close: Locational, relational and temporal proximity in cloud computing adoption, Journal of Information Technology, 39 (1), pp. 71-93. (doi: 10.1177/02683962231186161).
- Polyviou, A., Pouloudi, N., Venters, W. (2023), Cloud computing adoption decision making process: a sensemaking analysis, Information Technology and People, 37 (6), pp. 2153–2182. (doi: 10.1108/ITP-02-2022-0139).
- Shahid, S., Liouka, I., Deligianni, I. (2023), Signaling sustainability: Can it entice business angels' willingness to invest?, Business Strategy and the Environment, (doi: 10.1002/bse.3638).
- Spanaki, K., Zissis, D., Papadopoulos, T., Li, F. (2023), The transformation of digital strategy and value creation in omnichannel organisations: the case of the gambling industry, European Journal of Information Systems, pp. 1-18. (doi: 10.1080/0960085X.2023.2282454).
- Spinellis, D. (2023), Commands as AI Conversations, IEEE Software, 40 (6), pp. 22-26. (doi: 10.1109/MS.2023.3307170).
- Spinellis, D. (2023), Open reproducible scientometric research with Alexandria3k, PLoS ONE, 18 (11 November), e0294946. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294946).
- Agliardi, E., Xepapadeas, A. (2022), Temperature targets, deep uncertainty and extreme events in the design of optimal climate policy, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 139, 104425/ (doi: 10.1016/j.jedc.2022.104425).
- Androutsopoulos, K.N., Karouti, E. (2022), A safety-driven truck loading problem, Operational Researchm, Article in press. (doi: 10.1007/s12351-022-00737-7).
- Argyropoulou, M., Zissis, D., Korfiatis, N., Zampou, E. (2022), Horizontal collaboration in the last mile distribution: gauging managerial response to disruption and abnormal demand, Benchmarking: An International Journal. (doi: 10.1108/BIJ-06-2021-0328).
- Avgerinos, I., Mourtos, I., Vatikiotis, S., Zois, G. (2022), Exact methods for tardiness objectives in production scheduling, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (10), pp. 2487-2492. (doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.082).
- Avgerinos, I., Mourtos, I., Vatikiotis, S., Zois, G. (2022), Scheduling unrelated machines with job splitting, setup resources and sequence dependency, International Journal of Production Research, 61 (16), pp. 5502-5524. (doi: 10.1080/00207543.2022.2102948).
- Avgerinos, I., Mourtos, I., Zois, G. (2022), Multi-type facility location in printing and parcel delivery services, Annals of Operations Research, 309 (1), pp. 365-393. (doi: 10.1007/s10479-021-04469-3).
- Benioudakis, M., Burnetas, A., Ioannou, G. (2022), Single versus dynamic lead-time quotations in make-to-order systems with delay-averse customers, Annals of Operations Research. (doi: 10.1007/s10479-022-04802-4).
- Chatzi, S., Nikolaou, I., Anderson, N. (2022), Team personality composition and team innovation implementation: The mediating role of team climate for innovation, Applied Psychology. (doi: 10.1111/apps.12408).
- Chatzopoulou, E.-C., Spanos, Y.E., Lioukas, S. (2022), Headquarters' monitoring mechanisms, subsidiaries’ financial slack, and the contingent role of subsidiaries? external embeddedness, Long Range Planning, 55 (1), 102044. (doi: 10.1016/j.lrp.2020.102044).
- Deligianni, I., Sapouna, P., Voudouris, I., Lioukas, S. (2022), An effectual approach to innovation for new ventures: The role of entrepreneur’s prior start-up experience, Journal of Small Business Management, 60 (1), pp. 146-177. (doi: 10.1080/00472778.2019.1698432).
- Dennehy, D., Griva, A., Pouloudi, N., Mantymaki, M., Pappas, I. (2022), Artificial intelligence for decision-making and the future of work, International Journal of Information Management, 102574, Article in Press. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2022.102574).
- Eirinakis, P., Lounis, S., Plitsos, S., Arampatzis, G., Kalaboukas, K. Kenda, K., Lu, J., Rozanec, J.M., Stojanovic, N. (2022), Cognitive Digital Twins for Resilience in Production: A Conceptual Framework, Information (Switzerland), 13 (1), 33. (doi: 10.3390/info13010033).
- Eirinakis, P., Mourtos, I., Zampou, E. (2022), Random Serial Dictatorship for horizontal collaboration in logistics, Omega (United Kingdom), 111, 102662. (doi: 10.1016/
- Fleming, P., Zyglidopoulos, S., Boura, M., Lioukas, S. (2022), How Corruption is Tolerated in the Greek Public Sector: Toward a Second-Order Theory of Normalization, Business and Society, 61 (1), pp. 191-224. (doi: 10.1177/0007650320954860).
- Georgiou K., Lievens, F. (2022), Gamifying an assessment method: what signals are organizations sending to applicants?, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Article in Press. (doi: 10.1108/JMP-12-2020-0653).
- Goltsos, T.E., Syntetos, A.A., Glock, C.H., Ioannou, G. (2022), Inventory – forecasting: Mind the gap, European Journal of Operational Research, 299 (2), pp. 397-419. (doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.07.040).
- Griva, A., Dennehy, D., Pappas, I., Mantymaki, M., Pouloudi, N., Dwivedi, Y. K., Schmarzo, B. (2022), Artificial Intelligence and Analytics in Practice, Journal of Decision Systems, 32 (3), pp. 535-541. (doi: 10.1080/12460125.2022.2122218).
- Griva, A., Zampou, E., Stavrou, V., Papakiriakopoulos, D., Doukidis, G. (2022), A two-stage business analytics approach to perform behavioural and geographic customer segmentation using e-commerce delivery data, Journal of Decision Systems. (doi: 10.1080/12460125.2022.2151071).
- Hu, Q., Zhang, Z., Baldacci, R., Tarantilis, C.D., Zachariadis, E. (2022), The bus sightseeing problem, International Transactions in Operational Research, 30 (6), pp. 4026-4060. (doi: 10.1111/itor.13160).
- Kaparis, K., Letchford, A.N., Mourtos, I. (2022), Generalised 2-circulant inequalities for the max-cut problem, Operations Research Letters, 50 (2), pp. 122-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.orl.2022.01.005).
- Koronakos, G., Sotiros, D., Despotis, D.K., Kritikos, M.N. (2022), Fair efficiency decomposition in network DEA: A compromise programming approach, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 79, 101100. (doi: 10.1016/j.seps.2021.101100).
- Kotsopoulos, D., Karagianaki, A., Baloutsos, S. (2022), The effect of human capital, innovation capacity, and Covid-19 crisis on Knowledge-Intensive Enterprises’ growth within a VC-driven innovation ecosystem, Journal of Business Researchm 139, pp. 1177-1191. (doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.10.055).
- Kotti, Z., Galanopoulou, R., Spinellis, D. (2022), Machine learning for software engineering: A tertiary study, ACM Computing Surveys, pp. 1–37. (doi: 10.1145/3572905).
- Kotti, Z. Gousios, G. Spinellis, D. (2022), Impact of software engineering research in practice: A patent and author survey analysis, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, pp. 1-19. (doi: 10.1109/TSE.2022.3208210).
- Lazaris, C., Vrechopoulos, A., Sarantopoulos, P., Doukidis, G. (2022), Additive omnichannel atmospheric cues: The mediating effects of cognitive and affective responses on purchase intention, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 64, 102731. (doi: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102731).
- Liargkovas, G., Papadopoulou, A., Kotti, Z., Spinellis, D. (2022), Software Engineering Education Knowledge Versus Industrial Needs, IEEE Transactions on Education, 65 (3), pp. 419-427. (doi: 10.1109/TE.2021.3123889).
- Manousakis, E.G., Kasapidis, G.A., Kiranoudis, C.T., Zachariadis, E.E. (2022), An infeasible space exploring matheuristic for the Production Routing Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 298 (2), pp. 478-495. (doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.05.037).
- Mourtos, I., Samaris, M. (2022), Stable allocations and partially ordered sets, Discrete Optimization, 46, 100731. (doi: 10.1016/j.disopt.2022.100731).
- Ramallo-Gonzalez, A.P., Bardaki, C., Kotsopoulos, D., Tomat, V., Gonzalez Vidal, A., Fernandez Ruiz, P.J., Skarmeta Gomez, A. (2022), Reducing Energy Consumption in the Workplace via IoT-Allowed Behavioural Change Interventions, Buildings, 12 (6), 708. (doi: 10.3390/buildings12060708).
- Sfakianaki, E., Vrechopoulos, A., Lazaris, C (2022), Conceptualizing Green Strategies’ Effects on Customer Experience in the Context of Omnichannel Retailing, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 2241004. (doi: 10.1142/S0219877022410048).
- Sfakianaki, E., Vrechopoulos, A., Lazaris, C. (2022), Green Marketing and Customer Experience in an Omnichannel Environment: A Qualitative Study, International Journal of Qualitative Research in Services (accepted - forthcoming).
- Tsouvelas, G., Nikolaou, I., Koulierakis, G. (2022), Emotional processes, leadership and workplace affect in interdisciplinary teams, PSYCHOLOGY, the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, In press. (doi: 10.12681/psyhps.27093).
- Xepapadeas, P., Mourtos, I. (2022), Refugee allocation mechanisms: theory and applications for the European Union, Operational Research, Article in Press. (doi: 10.1007/s12351-022-00697-y).
- Zachariadis, E.E., Nikolopoulou, A.I., Manousakis, E.G., Repoussis, P.P., Tarantilis, C.D. (2022), The vehicle routing problem with capacitated cross-docking, Expert Systems with Applications, 196, 116620. (doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2022.116620).
- Zamani, E.D., Pouloudi, N. (2022), Shared mental models and perceived proximity: a comparative case study, Information Technology and People, 35 (2), pp. 723-749. (doi: 10.1108/ITP-02-2020-0072).
- Zamani, E.D., Pouloudi, N., Giaglis, G.M., Wareham, J. (2022), Appropriating Information Technology Artefacts through Trial and Error: The Case of the Tablet, Information Systems Frontiers, 24 (1), pp. 97-119. (doi: 10.1007/s10796-020-10067-8).
- Zampou, E., Mourtos, I., Pramatari, K., Seidel, S. (2022), A design theory for energy and carbon management systems in the supply chain, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23 (1), pp. 329-371. (doi: 10.17705/1jais.00725).
- Voutsina, K., Papagiannakis, G., Lioukas, S. (2022), Entrepreneurial intentions in times of economic recession: the dual role of environment, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 14 (3), pp. 265-286. (doi: 10.1504/jibed.2022.126949).
- Vrechopoulos, A., Lazaris, C,. Theodoratos, S. (2022), Choosing Optimal Omnichannel Coupon Redeeming Options in Multiple Channel Settings, Administrative Sciences, 12 (4), 131. (doi: 10.3390/admsci12040131).
- Benioudakis, M., Burnetas, A., Ioannou, G. (2021), Lead-time quotations in unobservable make-to-order systems with strategic customers: Risk aversion, load control and profit maximization, European Journal of Operational Research, 289 (1), pp. 165-176. (doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2020.06.047).
- Chatzopoulou, E.-C., Manolopoulos, D., Agapitou, V. (2021), Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Outcomes: Interrelations of External and Internal Orientations with Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment, Journal of Business Ethics, 179 (3), pp. 795-817. (doi: 10.1007/s10551-021-04872-7).
- Chatzopoulou, E.-C., Dimitratos, P., Lioukas, S. (2021), Agency controls and subsidiary strategic initiatives: The mediating role of subsidiary autonomy, International Business Review, 30 (3), 101807. (doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2021.101807).
- Eirinakis, P., Kasapidis, G., Mourtos, I., Repoussis, P., Zampou, E. (2021), Situation-aware manufacturing systems for capturing and handling disruptions, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 58, pp. 365-383. (doi: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2020.12.014).
- Faenza, Y., Mourtos, I., Samaris, M., Sethuraman, J. (2021), (Un)stable matchings with blocking costs, Operations Research Letters, 49 (5), pp. 655-662. (doi: 10.1016/j.orl.2021.07.005).
- Fotaki, M., Kourtis, A., Markellos, R. (2021), Human resources turnover as an asset acquisition and divestiture process: Evidence from the U.K. football industry, International Journal of Finance and Economics, Article in Press. (doi: 10.1002/ijfe.2558).
- Georgiou, K. (2021), Can explanations improve applicant reactions towards gamified assessment methods?, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, Article in Press. (doi: 10.1111/ijsa.12329).
- Georgiou, K., Nikolaou, I., Turban, D.B. (2021), The Impact of a Training Intervention Developing Psychological Capital on Job Search Success, Journal of Career Development, 48 (4), pp. 369-384. (doi: 10.1177/0894845319852425).
- Gkorezis, P., Georgiou, K., Nikolaou, I., Kyriazati, A. (2021), Gamified or traditional situational judgement test? A moderated mediation model of recommendation intentions via organizational attractiveness, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(2), pp. 240-250. (doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2020.1746827).
- Gkortzis, A., Feitosa, D., Spinellis, D. (2021), Software reuse cuts both ways: An empirical analysis of its relationship with security vulnerabilities, Journal of Systems and Software, 172, 110653. (doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2020.110653).
- Goltsos, T.E., Syntetos, A.A., Glock, C.H., Ioannou, G. (2021), Inventory – forecasting: Mind the gap, European Journal of Operational Research, 299 (2), pp. 397-419. ((doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2021.07.040).
- Griva, Α., Bardaki, C., Pramatari, K., Doukidis, G. (2021), Factors Affecting Customer Analytics: Evidencefrom Three Retail Cases, Information Systems Frontiers, 24 (2), pp. 493-516. (doi: 10.1007/s10796-020-10098-1).
- Griva, A., Kotsopoulos, D., Karagiannaki, A., Zamani, E.D. (2021), What do growing early-stage digital start-ups look like? A mixed-methods approach, International Journal of Information Management, 102427, Article in Press. (doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2021.102427).
- Kasapidis, G.A., Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Repoussis, P.P., Tarantilis, C.D. (2021), Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Arbitrary Precedence Graphs, Production and Operations Management, Article in Press. (doi: 10.1111/poms.13501).
- Kioses, L., Vlachos, P., Doukidis, G., Vrechopoulos, A. (2021), Phasing Out Single-Use Plastics in Grocery Retailing, California Management Review - Insight/Note, Topics: Sustainability.
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- Repoussis, P.P., Tarantilis, C.D., Ioannou, G. (2007), The open vehicle routing problem with time windows, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58 (3), pp. 355-367.
- Spinellis, D., Zaharias, P., Vrechopoulos, A. (2007), Coping with plagiarism and grading load: Randomized programming assignments and reflective grading, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 15 (2), pp. 113-123.
- Spinellis, D. (2007), On paper, IEEE Software, 24 (6), pp. 24-25.
- Spinellis, D. (2007), Abstraction and variation, IEEE Software, 24 (5), pp. 24-25.
- Spinellis, D., Louridas, P. (2007), A framework for the static verification of api calls, Journal of Systems and Software, 80 (7), pp. 1156-1168.
- Spinellis, D. (2007), The tools we use, IEEE Software, 24 (4), pp. 20-21.
- Spinellis, D. (2007), Silver bullets and other mysteries, IEEE Software, 24 (3), pp. 22-23.
- Spinellis, D. (2007), Cracking software reuse, IEEE Software, 24 (1), pp. 12-13.
- Spinellis, D. (2007), I spy, IEEE Software, 24 (2), pp. 16-17.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T. (2007), A flexible adaptive memory-based algorithm for real-life transportation operations, European Journal of Operational Research, 179 (3), pp. 806-822.
- Tsaousis, I., Nikolaou, I., Serdaris, N & Judge, T. (2007), Does the Core Self-Evaluations Moderate the Relationship Between Subjective Well-Being and Physical and Psychological Health? Personality & Individual Differences, 42, pp. 1441-1452.
- Vakola M., Soderquist K. E., Prastacos G., (2007), Competency Management in Support of Organisational Change, International Journal of Manpower, 28 (3), pp. 260-275.
- Vlachos, P., Vrechopoulos, A. (2007), Mobile Marketing – Achieving Competitive Advantage through Wireless Technology, Book Review in the Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 539-541.
- Vlachos, V., Spinellis, D. (2007), A PRoactive malware identification system based on the computer hygiene principles, Information Management and Computer Security, 15 (4), pp. 295-312.
- Voudouris, I. (2007), The co-evolution of functional and numerical flexibility: Do technology and networking matter?, New Technology, Work and Employment, 22 (3), pp. 224-245.
- Zeimpekis, V., Giaglis, G.M., Tatarakis, A., Minis, I. (2007), Towards a Dynamic Real-Time Vehicle Management System for Urban Distribution, International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 3 (3), pp. 228-243.
- Zografos, K.G., Tsanos, C.S. (2007), A methodological framework for analysing institutional settings in transport policymaking, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2036, pp. 15-23.
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- Lekakos, G., Giaglis, G.M. (2006), Improving the prediction accuracy of recommendation algorithms: Approaches anchored on human factors, Interacting with Computers, 18 (3), pp. 410-431.
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- Pouloudi, N., O'Keefe, B. (2006), Organizational and ethical issues in the information society [Editorial] European Journal of Information Systems, 15 (4), pp. 343-344.
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- Soderquist, K.E. (2006), Organising Knowledge Management and Dissemination in New Product Development: Lessons from 12 Global Corporations, Long Range Planning, 39 (5), pp. 497-523.
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- Tarantilis, C.D. (2006), An ASP-based model employing a tabu search method for making e-logistics decisions,Cybernetics and Systems, 37 (1), pp. 47-58.
- Vlachos, P., Vrechopoulos, A., Pateli, A., (2006), Drawing Emerging Business Models for the Mobile Music Industry, International Journal of Electronic Markets, 16 (2), pp. 154-168.
- Zeimpekis, V., Giaglis, G.M. (2006), Urban Dynamic Real-Time Distribution Services: Insights from SMEs, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19 (4), pp. 367-388.
- Zografos, K.G., Madas, M.A. (2006), Development and Demonstration of an Integrated Decision Support System for Airport Performance Analysis, Transportation Research Part C, 14 (1), pp. 1-17.
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- Appa, G., Magos, D., Mourtos, I. (2005), On the system of two all_different predicates, Information Processing Letters, 94 (3), pp. 99-105.
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- Papalexandris A., Ioannou G., Prastacos G., Soderquist K. E. (2005), An Integrated methodology for Putting the Balanced Scorecard into Action, European Management Journal, 23 (2), pp. 214-227.
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- Pramatari, K., Doukidis, G.I. (2005), New forms of collaboration & information sharing in grocery retailing: The PCSO pilot at veropoulos, Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 7 (4), pp. 63-78.
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- Tarantilis, C.D., Spinellis, D., Gendreau, M. (2005), Advanced heuristics in transportation and logistics, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20 (4), pp. 16-18.
- Tarantilis C.D., Ioannou G., Kiranoudis, C.T., Prastacos, G. (2005), Solving the open vehicle routeing problem via a single parameter metaheuristic algorithm, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56 (5), pp. 588-596.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Ioannou, G., Prastacos, G. (2005), Advanced vehicle routing algorithms for complex operations management problems, Journal of Food Engineering, 70 (3), pp. 455-471.
- Tsaousis, I., Nikolaou, I. (2005), Exploring the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Physical and Psychological Health, Stress and Health, 21 (2), pp. 77-86.
- Tarantilis, C.D. (2005), Solving the vehicle routing problem with adaptive memory programming methodology, Computers and Operations Research, 32 (9), pp. 2309-2327.
- Vakola, M., Nikolaou, I. (2005), Attitudes towards Organizational Change: What is the role of employees' stress and commitment?, Employee Relations, 27 (2), pp. 160-174.
- Vakola, M., Bouradas, D. (2005), Antecedents and consequences of organisational silence: an empirical investigation, Employee Relations, 27 (5), pp. 441-458.
- Vrechopoulos, A.P., Siomkos, G.J. and Doukidis, G.I. (2005), Consumer Attitudes towards Internet Shopping Adoption in Greece, Cultural Technology and Policy Journal, 1 (1).
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- Salavou, H., Lioukas, S., (2003), Radical product innovations in SMEs: the dominance of entrepreneurial orientation, Creativity and Innovation Management, 12 (2), pp 94-108.
- Samiotis K., Poulymenakou A., Doukidis G., (2003), Understanding Knowledge Management Interventions: Evidence form supporting (e-) BANKING activities, Journal of Knowledge and Process Management, 10 (3), pp.175-182.
- Skoularidou, V., Spinellis, D. (2003), Security architectures for network clients, Information Management and Computer Security, 11 (2), pp. 84-91.
- Spanos, Y., Prastacos, G., (2003), Understanding Organizational Capabilities: Towards a Conceptual Framework, Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 8, (3), pp. 31-43.
- Spinellis, D., (2003), The decay and failures of web references, Communications of the ACM, 46 (1), pp. 71-77.
- Spinellis, D., (2003), Reliable identification of bounded-length viruses is NP-complete, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 49 (1), pp. 280-284.
- Spinellis, D., (2003), On the declarative specification of models, IEEE Software, 20 (2), pp. 94-96.
- Spinellis D. (2003), Position-annotated photographs: A geotemporal web, IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2 (2), pp. 72-79.
- Spinellis. D. (2003), Reflections on trusting trust revisited. Communications of the ACM, 46 (6), p. 112.
- Spinellis, D. (2003), Reading, writing, and code, ACM Queue, 1 (7), pp. 84-89.
- Spinellis, D. (2003), Global analysis and transformations in preprocessed languages, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29 (11), pp. 1019-1030.
- Spinellis, D. (2003), The information furnace: Consolidated home control. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 7 (1), pp. 53-69.
- Tarantilis, C., Kiranoudis, C., Vassiliadis, V. (2003), A list based threshold accepting metaheuristic for the heterogeneous fixes fleet vehicle routing problem, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54 (1), pp. 65-71.
- Young S., Dimitratos P., L.-P. Dana. (2003), International Entrepreneurship Research: What Scope for International Business Theories?, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 31-42.
- Vlachos, P., Vrechopoulos, A. (2003), Exploring Consumer Attitudes towards Mobile Music Services in Europe, The International Journal on Media Management, 5 (2), pp.148-148.
- Vrechopoulos, A.P., Pramataris, K.C., Doukidis, G.I., Lekakos, G.D. (2003), A User-Support Data Framework for Internet Retailing, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 13 (4), pp. 353-373.
- Vrechopoulos, A.P., Constantiou, Ι., Mylonopoulos, N., Sideris, I., Doukidis, G. (2003), The Critical Role of Consumer Behavior Research in Mobile Commerce, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 1 (3), pp. 239-340.
- Vrechopoulos, A.P., Pramataris, Κ., Doukidis, G., Lekakos, G. (2003), An Internet Retailing Data Framework for Supporting Consumers and Business Processes, Information Systems Journal, 13 (4), pp. 353-373.
- Zaharias, P., Poulymenakou, A. (2003), Identifying training needs for ict skills enhancement in south - Eastern Europe: Implications for designing web-based training courses, Educational Technology and Society, 6 (1), pp. 50-54.
- Zeimpekis, V., Giaglis, M. G., Lekakos, G., (2003), Towards a taxonomy of indoor and outdoor positioning techniques for mobile location-based applications, Journal of ACM SIGecom Exchanges (Special Interest Group for E-commerce), 3 (4), pp. 19-27.
- Zografos, K.G., Giannouli, I.M. (2003), Emerging supply chain management trends and their impact on spatial organization of logistical networks, Transportation Research Record, 1833, pp. 30-39.
Βιβλία με Διεθνείς Εκδοτικούς Οίκους
- Dimitratos. P., Ennis, S. McDonald, F., Tuselmann, H. J. (2003), The Changing Pattern of Internationalisation: Firms, Markets and Regions. Curvillier Verlag: Gottingen, Germany.
- Doukidis. G., Mylonopoulos, N., Pouloudi, N. (eds) (2003). Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era, IDEA Group Publishing, ISBN: 1-59140-158-5.
- Jones, M. V., Dimitratos, P. (eds) (2003), Emerging Paradigms in International Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.
- Korpela, M., Montealegre, R., Poulymenakou, A. (eds) (2003), Organizational Information Systems in the Context of Globalization, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Hardbound, ISBN: 1-4020-7488-3.
- Spinellis. D., (2003), Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0-201-79940-5.
- Spinellis D. (eds) (2003), Cross-Media Service Delivery, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.
Άρθρα σε Βιβλία με Διεθνείς Εκδοτικούς Οίκους
- Carter S., M. Ram, Dimitratos, P. (2003), Portfolio Entrepreneurship: A Description and its Link to International Entrepreneurship. In 'Emerging Paradigms in International Entrepreneurship'. M. V. Jones & P. Dimitratos (Eds), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
- Dimitratos, P., Lioukas, S., (2003), International Expansion in Developed or Less Developed Countries? Evidence from Small Firms in South-East Europe, in "Research on International Entrepreneurship", Dana L.P. (Ed), Edward Elgar, New York.
- Dimitratos, P., F. McDonald, Tuselmann, H. (2003), International Economic and Environmental Changes. In 'Marketing Changes'. S. Hart (Ed.), International Business Thompson, London: 9-28.
- Dimitratos, P. (2003), Management of Internationalisation Ventures: Should International Partners be 'Agents' or 'Stewards? In 'Internationalization: Firm Strategies and Management'. C. Wheeler, F. McDonald & I. Greaves I. (Eds), Palgrave, Houndmills, UK, pp. 138-149.
- Dimitratos P., Lioukas, S. (2003), Greek Perspectives of International Entrepreneurship. In 'Research on International Entrepreneurship'. L.-P. Dana (Ed.), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
- Kostopoulos, K., Spanos, Y., Prastacos, G. (2003), Innovation and the Firm: Determinants and Performance Implications, in (L. Georgiou, J. Rigby and H. Cameron, editors): "Evaluating the Impact of Technology and Research: The theory and practice of Socio-economic Assessment", Elgar Publishing.
- Lekakos, G., Giaglis, G. (2003), Personalization of Advertisements in the Digital TV Context. In Sherry Chen and George Magoulas (Eds.), Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems, Idea Group Publishing.
- Mostafa, R., Wheeler C., Dimitratos, P. (2003), Internet Enabled International Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Model, In 'Emerging Paradigms in International Entrepreneurship. M. V. Jones & P. Dimitratos (Eds), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
- Papazafeiropoulou, A., Pouloudi, A. (2003), Social Issues in Electronic Commerce: Implications for Policy Markers. In Khosrow-Pour, M. (ed.) Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management, 2, pp. 173-191, Hershey: Idea Group Publishing.
- Pouloudi, A., Hlupic, V., Rzevski, G. (2003), Intelligent agents for knowledge management in e-commerce: opportunities and challenges. In Hlupic, V. (ed.) Knowledge and Business Process Management, pp. 51-67, Hershey: Idea Group Publishing.
- Voudouris, I. (2003), Labor flexibility and the Information Society: Is there a balance between skills improvement and use of external employment?, in G. Doukidis, N. Mylonopoulos and N. Pouloudi (eds.), Information Society or Information Economy? A combined perspective on the digital era, Idea Group Publishing.
Επιμέλεια Διεθνών Επιστημονικών Περιοδικών
- Dimitratos P., Jones, M. (2003), Special Issue: International Business Review, International Business Review.
- Mylonopoulos, N., Doukidis, G. (2003), Special Issue: Mobile Business: Technological Pluralism, Social Assimilation and Growth, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8 (I).
- Atkinson, C., Eldabi, T., Pau,l R.J., Pouloudi, A. (2002), Integrated approaches to health informatics research and development, Journal of Logistics Information Management, 15 (2), pp. 138-152.
- Chanaron, J.J., Jolly, D., Soderquist K.E. (2002), Technological Management: A Tentative Research Agenda, International Journal of Technology Management, 23 (6), pp. 618-629.
- Dimitratos, P. (2002), The firm's location in the home country and internationalisation: Some evidence from Greek smaller firms, Intereconomics, 37 (2), pp. 91-100.
- Giaglis, G.M., Papakiriakopoulos, D.A., Doukidis, G.J. (2002), An Analytical Framework and a Development Method for Inter-Organisational Business Process Modelling, International Journal of Simulation, 2 (2), pp. 5-15.
- Giaglis, G.M., Klein, S., O’Keefe, R.M. (2002), The Role of Intermediaries in Electronic Marketplaces: Developing a Contingency Model, Information Systems Journal, 12 (3), pp. 231-246.
- Hlupic, V., Pouloudi, A., Rzevski, G. (2002), Towards an integrated approach to Knowledge Management: ‘hard’, ‘soft’ and ‘abstract’ issues, Knowledge and Process Management: the Journal of Corporate Transformation 9 (2), pp. 90-102.
- Irani, Z., Hlupic, V., Giaglis, G.M. (2002), Business Process Re-engineering: An Analysis Perspective, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 14 (1), pp. 5-10.
- Ioannou, G., Karakerezis, A., Mavri, M. (2002), Branch network and modular service optimization for community banking, International Transactions in Operational Research, 9 (5), pp. 531-547.
- Ioannou G., Kritikos M., Prastacos G.P. (2002), MAPROUTE: A GIS-based Decision Support System for Vehicle Routing with Time Windows, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53, pp. 842-854.
- Ioannou G., Kritikos M., Prastacos G. (2002), A problem generator-solver heuristic for vehicle routing with soft time windows, OMEGA - The International Journal of Management Science, 31 (1), pp. 41-53.
- Kiranoudis, C.T., Kourniotis, S.P., Christolis, M., Markatos, N.C., Zografos, K.G., Giannouli, I.M., Androutsopoulos, K.N., Ziomas, I., Kosmidis, E., Simeonidis, P., Poupkou, N. (2002), An operational centre for managing major chemical industrial accidents, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 89 (2-3), pp. 141-161.
- Lytras, D.M., Pouloudi, A., Poulymenakou, A. (2002), A framework for technology convergence in learning and working, Educational Technology and Society, Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society and IEEE Learning Technology Task Force, 5 (2), pp. 99-106.
- Lytras, D.M., Pouloudi, A., Poulymenakou, A. (2002), Dynamic e-learning settings through advanced semantics. The value justification of a knowledge management oriented metadata schema, International Journal on E-Learning, 1 (4), pp. 49-61.
- Lytras, M., Pouloudi, A., Poulymenakou, A. (2002), Knowledge management convergence: Expanding learning frontiers, Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(1), pp. 40-51.
- Markellos, R.N., Siriopoulos, C. (2002), Time Series Behaviour of Intradaily Data from the Athens Stock Exchange, International Transactions in Operational Research, 9 (5), pp. 619-628.
- Menendez, M.L., Pardo, L., Zografos, K. (2002), Tests of hypotheses for and against order restrictions on multinomial parameters based on φ-divergences, Utilitas Mathematica, 61, pp. 209-223.
- Nikolaou, I., Tsaousis, I. (2002), Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Exploring its effects on Occupational Stress and Organisational Commitment, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Special Issue on Emotional Intelligence, 10, pp. 327-342.
- Papamichail, G., Papamichail, D. (2002), Towards using computational methods for real-time negotiations in electronic commerce, European Journal of Operational Research, 145 (2), pp. 3-9.
- Papazafeiropoulou, A. Pouloudi, A., G. Doukidis (2002), A Framework For Best Practices In Electronic Commerce Awareness Creation, Business Process Management Journal, 8 (3), pp. 233-244.
- Papazafeiropoulou, A., Pouloudi, A., Poulymenakou, A. (2002), Electronic Commerce Competitiveness in the Public Sector: The Importance of Stakeholder Involvement, International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 3 (1), pp. 82-95.
- Pramatari, K., Papakiriakopoulos, D., Poulymenakou, A., Doukidis, G. (2002), New Forms of CPFR, International Commerce Review, ECR Journal, 2 (2), pp. 38-43.
- Prastacos, G.P., Soderquist, E., Spanos, Y., Van Wassenhove, L. (2002), An Integrated Framework for Managing Change in the New Competitive Landscape, European Management Journal, 20 (1), pp. 55-71.
- Salavou, E., (2002), Profitability in market-oriented SMEs: Does product innovation matter?, European Journal of Innovation Management, 5 (3), pp. 164-171.
- Samiotis, K., Poulymenakou, A. (2002), Knowledge Management in e-Banking: A Competence-based Perspective, In Computer Based Information Systems, 5, pp. 102-109.
- Siomkos, G.J., Vrechopoulos, A.P. (2002), Strategic Marketing Planning for Competitive Advantage in Electronic Commerce, International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 3 (1), pp. 22-38.
- Spanos, Y.E., Prastacos, G.P., Poulymenakou, A. (2002), The relationship between information and communication technologies adoption and management, Information and Management, 39 (8), pp. 659-675.
- Spinellis, D., Gritzalis, D., (2002), Panoptis: Intrusion detection using a domainspecific language, Journal of Computer Security, 10 (1-2), pp. 159-176.
- Spinellis, D., (2002), A modest proposal for curing the public field phobia, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 37 (4), pp. 54-56.
- Spinellis, D., (2002), Unix tools as visual programming components in a GUI-builder environment, Software: Practice & Experience, 32 (1), pp. 57-71.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T., Vassiliadis, V.S. (2002), A list based threshold accepting algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 79 (5), pp. 537-553.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T. (2002), A threshold-accepting metaheuristic method for scheduling the operations of dehydration plants, Drying Technology, 20 (6), pp. 1143-1160.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T. (2002), A list-based threshold accepting method for job shop scheduling problems, International Journal of Production Economics, 77 (2), pp. 159-171.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T., Markatos, N.C. (2002), Use of the BATA algorithm and MIS to solve the mail carrier problem, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 26 (4), pp. 481-500.
- Tarantilis, C.D, Kiranoudis, C.T. (2002), Using a spatial decision support system for solving the vehicle routing problem, Information and Management, 39 (5), pp. 359-375.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T. (2002), A modern local search method for operations scheduling of dehydration plants, Journal of Food Engineering, 52 (1), pp. 17-23.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T. (2002), Distribution of fresh meat, Journal of Food Engineering, 51 (1), pp. 85-91.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T., Vassiliadis, V.S. (2002), A backtracking adaptive threshold accepting algorithm for the vehicle routing problem, Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation, 42 (5), pp. 631-664.
- Vrechopoulos, A.P., Constantiou, I.D., Mylonopoulos, N, Sideris, I., Doukidis, G. I. (2002), The Critical Role of Consumer Behavior Research in Mobile Commerce, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 1 (1).
- Vrechopoulos, A.P., Siomkos, G.J. (2002), Virtual Store Atmosphere in Non-Store Retailing, Journal of Internet Marketing, 3 (1).
- Voudouris, I., (2002), Present and future uses of advanced manufacturing technologies and their relationship with manufacturing capabilities, Cahiers Du Management Technologique, 12 (2).
- Voudouris, I., (2002), The use of flexible employment arrangements: Some new evidence from Greek firms, The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
- Zaharias P., Vassilopoulou K., Poulymenakou, A. (2002), Designing On-Line Learning Courses: Implications for Usability, Scientific Journal on Applied Information Technology, 1 (1).
- Zografos, K.G., Vasilakis, G.M., Androutsopoulos, K.N., (2002), A Real Time Decision Support System for Roadway Network Incident Response Logistics, Transportation Research Part C, 10, pp. 1-18.
- Zografos, K., Giannouli, I. (2002), Emerging Trends in Logistics and their Impact on Freight Transport System: A European Perspective, Transportation Research Record, 1790, pp. 36-44.
- Zografos, K.G., Androutsopoulos, K.N. (2002), Heuristic Algorithms for Solving Hazardous Materials Logistical Problems, Transportation Research Record, 1783, pp. 158-166.
Άρθρα σε Βιβλία με Διεθνείς Εκδοτικούς Οίκους
- Dimitratos P., Lioukas S., (2002), International Expansion in Developed or Less Developed Countries? Evidence from Small Firms in South-East Europe, in “Research on International Entrepreneurship”, Dana L.P. (Ed), Edward Elgar, New York.
- Eatock, J., Serrano, A., Giaglis, G.M., Paul, R.J. (2002), Evaluating Information Technology: Lessons from Integrating Business Process Simulation with Computer Network Simulation, In Henderson, P. (Ed.), Systems Engineering for Business Process Change: New Directions, Springer, London, pp. 150-159.
- Giaglis G.M. (2002), Directions and Trends in Knowledge Management Research: Results from an Empirical Analysis of European Projects, In Hlupic, V. (Ed.), Knowledge and Business Process Management.
- Giaglis G.M., Kourouthanassis P., Tsamakos A. (2002), Towards a Classification Framework for Mobile Location Services, In Mennecke, B.E. and Strader, T.J. (Eds.), Mobile Commerce: Technology, Theory, and Applications, pp. 67-85.
- Lycett, M.G., Pouloudi, A. (2002), Component-based development: issues of data protection. In Dhillon, G. (ed.) Social responsibility in the information age: Issues and Controversies. (pp. 53-65). Hershey: Idea Group Publishing.
- Papazafeiropoulou, A., Pouloudi, A. (2002), Social Issues in Electronic Commerce: Implications for Policy Markers, In Dhillon, G. (ed.) Social responsibility in the information age: Issues and Controversies. (pp. 144-159). Hershey: Idea Group Publishing.
- Pogorel, G., Balazs, E., Lunde, L., Lundgaard, J., Mulet, J., Prastacos, G., Von Sengbusch G., (2002), RTD Activities conducted under the EC Framework programmes, European Commission publication.
- Samiotis K., Poulymenakou, A., (2002), The Learning Enactment of Process Knowledge: An Approach anchored on Work Practices, In Hlupic V. (Ed.), Knowledge and Business Process Management, Idea Group Publishing, London UK.
- Vrechopoulos, A.P., Papamichail, G., Doukidis, G.I. (2002), Identifying Patterns in Internet Retail Store Layouts. In Pardalos, P. and Tsitsiringos V. (Eds.), “Financial Engineering, E-Commerce and Supply Chain” – Book Series “Applied Optimization”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Chapter 14, Vol. 70, pp. 231-246.
- Whitley, E.A., Pouloudi, A. (2002), Studying the translations of NHSnet, In Mahmood, M.A. (ed.) Advanced Topics in End User Computing. (volume 1, pp. 158- 176). Hershey: Idea Group Publishing. [Reprint of the Journal of End User Computing paper].
- Baird, K., Barfield, W., Shewchuk J.P., Ioannou, G., (2001), Applications of wearable computers and augmented reality to manufacturing, In Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, W. Barfield and T. Caudell (Editors), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., NJ, USA.
- Giaglis, G.M. (2001), A Taxonomy of Business Process Modelling and Information Systems Modelling Techniques, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 13, 2, pp. 209-228.
- Ioannou, G., Prastacos, G.P., Skintzi, G. (2001), Inventory Positioning in Single Product Supply Chains, Les Cahiers du Management Technologique, 11, 2, pp. 33-40.
- Irani, Z., Pouloudi, A., Currie, W. (2001), Communication as a Social Construct within an Information Society, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 44 (1), pp. 4-5.
- Irani, Z. Hlupic, V., Giaglis, G.M. (2001), Business process re-engineering: a modelling perspective, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 13 (2), pp. 99-104.
- Ioannou, G., Kritikos, M., Prastacos, G. (2001), A Greedy Look Ahead Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window Constraints, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 52, pp. 523-537.
- Loukis, E. and Spinellis, D. (2001), Information systems security in the Greek public sector, Information Management and Computer Security, 9 (1), pp. 21-31.
- Markellos, R.N., Mills, T.C. (2001), Unit Roots in the CAPM?, Applied Economics Letters, 8 (8), pp. 499-502.
- Nellore, R., Chanaron J.J., Soderquist, K.E. (2001), Lean Supply and Price based Global Sourcing - The Interconnection, European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 7 (2), pp. 101-110.
- Nikolaou, I., Robertson, I.T. (2001), The Five-Factor Model of Personality and Work Behaviour in Greece, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10, pp. 161-186.
- Papazafeiropoulou, A., Pouloudi, A. (2001), Social issues in electronic commerce research: implications for policy makers. Information Resources Management Journal 14 (4), pp. 24-32.
- Pramataris, K., Papakiriakopoulos, D., Lekakos, G., Mylonopoulos, N. (2001), Personalized interactive tv advertising: The imedia business model, Journal of Electronic Markets, 11 (1), pp. 17-25.
- Raptis, K., Spinellis D., Katsikas, S. (2001), Multi-technology distributed objects and their integration, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 23 (3), pp. 157-168.
- Spanos, Y., Lioukas, S., Zaralis, G., (2001), An Examination into the Causal Logic of Rent Generation: Contrasting Porter's Competitive Strategy Framework and the Resource-based Perspective, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 22, pp. 907-934.
- Spanos, Y. Prastacos, G.P., Papadakis, V. (2001), Greek Firms and EMU: Contrasting SMEs and Large-Sized Enterprises, European Management Journal, 19, 6, pp. 638-648.
- Spinellis, D. (2001), Notable design patterns for domain specific languages, Journal of Systems and Software, 56 (1), pp. 91-99.
- Spinellis, D., Papadopoulos, C.T. (2001), Modular production line optimization: The exPLOre architecture, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 6 (6), pp. 527-541.
- Spinellis, D. (2001), Fear of coding, and how to reduce it, IEEE Computer, 34 (8), pp. 98-100.
- Soderquist, K.E., Chanaron, J.J., Birchall, D. (2001), Automotive Components Suppliers Facing the Learning Challenge, International Journal for Automotive Technology and Management, 1 (2-3), pp. 252-268.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T. (2001), A meta-heuristic algorithm for the efficient distribution of perishable foods, Journal of Food Engineering, 50 (1), pp. 1-9.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T. (2001), An efficient meta-heuristic algorithm for routing product collecting vehicles of dehydration plants. II. Algorithm performance and case studies, Drying Technology, 19 (6), pp. 987-1004.
- Tarantilis, C.D., Kiranoudis, C.T. (2001), An efficient meta-heuristic algorithm for routing product collecting vehicles of dehydration plants. I. Algorithm development, Drying Technology, 19 (6), pp. 965-985.
- Tsaousis, I., Nikolaou, I. (2001), The Stability of the Five-Factor Model of Personality in Personnel Selection and Assessment, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9 (4), pp. 290-301.
- Tryfonas, T., Kiountouzis, E., Poulymenakou, A. (2001), Embedding security practices in contemporary information systems development approaches, Information Management and Computer Security, 9 (4), pp. 183-197.
- Vrechopoulos, A.P., Siomkos, G.J. and Doukidis, G.I. (2001) Internet Shopping Adoption by Greek Consumers, European Journal of Innovation Management, 4 (3), pp. 142-152.
- Whitley, E.A., Pouloudi, A. (2001), Studying the translations of NHSnet, Journal of End User Computing, 13 (3), pp. 30-40.
- Zografos, K.G., Giannouli I.M. (2001), Development and Application of A Methodological Framework for Assessing SCM Trends, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 4 (2), pp. 153-190.
- Zografos, K.G., Giannouli, I.M. (2001), Development and Application of Methodological Framework for Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of an Air Traffic Management System for Europe, Transportation Research Record, No 1744, pp. 52-64.
- Athanassopoulos, A.D., Papagiannakis, L., Reclitis, P., Spanos, Y. (2000), Firm Capabilities, Market Environment and Innovativeness: Evidence from Greek Manufacturing Firms, Les Cahiers du Management Technologique, 10 (1), pp. 9-26.
- Currie W.L., Pouloudi, A. (2000). Evaluating the relationship between it outsourcing and knowledge management, Journal of Change Management, 1 (2), pp. 149-163.
- Herrmann, J.W., Ioannou, G., Minis, I., Proth, J.M. (2000), Minimization of Acquisition and Operational Costs in Horizontal Material Handling System Design, IIE Transactions, 31 (7), pp. 679-693.
- Irani, Z., Hlupic, V., Giaglis, G.M. (2000), Business Process Re-engineering: A Design Perspective, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 12 (4), pp. 247-252.
- Ioannou, G., Sullivan, W.G. (2000), Use of Activity-Based Costing and Economic Value Analysis for the Justification of Capital Investments in Automated Material Handling Systems, International Journal of Production Research, 37 (9), pp. 2109-2134.
- Lioukas S., (2000), Greece: Action in the OECD, La Lettre Diplomatique, 51, pp. 52-62.
- Mills, T.C., Siriopoulos, C., Markellos, R.N., Harizanis, D. (2000), Seasonality in the Athens stock exchange, Applied Financial Economics, 10 (2), pp. 137-142.
- Nellore, R., Soderquist, K.E. (2000), Strategic Outsourcing through Specifications, Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, 28 (5), pp. 525-540.
- Nellore, R., Soderquist, K.E. (2000), Portfolio Approaches to Procurement: Analysing the Missing Link to Specifications, Long Range Planning, 33 (2), pp. 245-267.
- Nikandrou, I., Papalexandris, N., Bourantas, D. (2000), Gaining Employee Trust after Acquisition: Implications for Managerial Action, Employee Relations, 4 (22), pp. 334-355.
- Pouloudi, A., Magoulas, G.D. (2000), Neural expert systems in medical image interpretation: Development, use, and ethical issues, Journal of Intelligent Systems, 10 (5-6), pp. 451-472.
- Pramataris, K., Vrechopoulos, A., Doukidis, G. (2000), The transformation of the promotion mix in the virtual environment: an initial framework and comparative study, International Journal of New Product Development and Innovation Management, 2 (2), pp. 163-178.
- Raptis, K., Spinellis, D., Katsikas, S. (2000), Distributed object bridges and a Java-based object mediator, Informatik / Informatique, 2 (4-8).
- Soderquist, K.E., Nellore, R. (2000), Information Systems in Fast Cycle Development: Identifying User Needs in Integrated Automotive Component Development, R&D Management, 30 (3), pp. 199-211.
- Spinellis, D.D., Papadopoulos, C.T. (2000), Stochastic Algorithms for Buffer Allocation in Reliable Production Lines, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 5 (6), pp. 441-458.
- Spinellis, D.D., Papadopoulos, C.T. (2000), A simulated annealing approach for buffer allocation in reliable production lines, Annals of Operations Research, 93 (1-4), pp. 373-384.
- Spinellis, D., Raptis, K. (2000), Component mining: A process and its pattern language, Information and Software Technology, 42 (9), pp. 609-617.
- Spinellis, D., Papadopoulos, C., Smith, J.M. (2000), Large production line optimization using simulated annealing, International Journal of Production Research, 38 (3), pp. 509-541.
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