Working Papers

01-24 Market Timing & Predictive Complexity Stelios Arvanitis, Foteini Kyriazi, Dimitrios Thomakos
02-24 Multi-Objective Frequentistic Model Averaging with an Application to Economic Growth Stelios Arvanitis, Mehmet Pinar, Thanasis Stengos, Nikolas Topaloglou
03-24 State Dependent Fiscal Multipliers in a Small Open Economy Xiaoshan Chen, Jilei Huang, Petros Varthalitis
04-24 Public Debt Consolidation: Aggregate and Distributional Implications in a Small Open Economy of the Euro Area Eleftherios-Theodoros Roumpanis
05-24 Intangible Ιnvestment during the Global Financial Crisis in the EU Vassiliki Dimakopoulou, Stelios Sakkas and Petros Varthalitis
06-24 Time will Tell! Towards the Construction of Instantaneous Indicators of  Different Agent-types Iordanis Kalaitzoglou and Stelios Arvanitis
07-24 Norm Constrained Empirical Portfolio Optimization with Stochastic Dominance: Robust Optimization Non-Asymptotics Stelios Arvanitis
08-24 Asymptotics of a QLR-type Τest for Οptimal Predictive Ability Stelios Arvanitis
09-24 Strongly Equitable General Equilibrium Allocations Angelos Angelopoulos
10-24 The Greek Macroeconomy: A Note on the Current Situation and Future Outlook Apostolis Philippopoulos
11-24 Evolution of Greek Tax System, A Survey of Legislated Tax Changes from 1974 to 2018 Panagiotis Asimakopoulos
12-24 Macroeconomic Impact of Tax Changes, The Case of Greece from 1974 to 2018 Panagiotis Asimakopoulos
13-24 `Pareto, Edgeworth, Walras, Shapley' Equivalence in a Small Economy Angelos Angelopoulos
14-24 Stimulating Long-Term Growth and Welfare in the U.S James Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos
01-23 Real Ιnterest Rate and Monetary Policy in the Post Bretton Woods United States George C. Bitros and Mara Vidali
02-23 Debt Τargets and Fiscal Consolidation in a Two-Country HANK Model: The Case of Euro Area Xiaoshan Chen, Spyridon Lazarakis and Petros Varthalitis
03-23 Central Bank Digital Currencies: Foundational Issues and Prospects Looking Forward George C. Bitros and Anastasios G. Malliaris
04-23 The State and the Economy of Modern Greece
Key Drivers from 1821 to the Present
George Alogoskoufis
05-23 Sparse Spanning Portfolios and Under-Diversification with Second-Order Stochastic Dominance Stelios Arvanitis, Olivier Scaillet, Nikolas Topaloglou
06-23 What Makes for Survival? Key Characteristics of Greek Incubated Early-Stage Startup(per)s during the Crisis: a Multivariate and Machine Learning Approach Ioannis Besis, Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis and Spiros Paraskevas
07-23 The Twin Deficits, Monetary Instability and Debt Crises in the History of Modern Greece George Alogoskoufis
08-23 Dealing with Endogenous Regressors Using Copulas; on the Problem of Near Multicollinearity Dimitris Christopoulos, Dimitris Smyrnakis and Elias Tzavalis
09-23 A Machine Learning Approach to Construct Quarterly Data on Intangible Investment for Eurozone Angelos Alexopoulos and Petros Varthalitis
10-23 Asymmetries in Post-War Monetary Arrangements in Europe: From Bretton Woods to the Euro Area George Alogoskoufis, Konstantinos Gravas and Laurent Jacque
11-23 Unanticipated Inflation, Unemployment Persistence and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve
George Alogoskoufis and Stelios Giannoulakis
12-23 Threshold Endogeneity in Threshold VARs: An Application to Monetary State Dependence Dimitris Christopoulos, Peter McAdam and Elias Tzavalis
13-23 A DSGE Model for the European Unemployment Persistence Konstantinos Giakas
14-23 Binary Public Decisions with a Status Quo: Undominated Mechanisms without Coercion Efthymios Athanasiou and Giacomo Valletta
15-23 Does Agents’ Learning Explain Deviations in the Euro Area between the Core and the Periphery? George Economides, Konstantinos Mavrigiannakis, Vanghelis Vassilatos
16-23 Mild Explocivity, Persistent Homology and Cryptocurrencies’ Bubbles: An Empirical Exercise Stelios Arvanitis and Michalis Detsis
17-23 A Νetwork and Μachine Learning Approach to Detect Value Added Tax Fraud Angelos Alexopoulos, Petros Dellaportas,Stanley Gyoshev, Christos Kotsogiannis, Sofia C. Olhede and Trifon Pavkov 
18-23 Time Varying Three Pass Regression Filter Yiannis Dendramis, George Kapetanios and  Massimiliano Marcellino
19-23 From Debt Arithmetic to Fiscal Sustainability and Fiscal Rules: Taking Stock George Economides, Natasha Miaouli and  Apostolis Philippopoulos
20-23 Stochastic Arbitrage Opportunities: Set Estimation and Statistical Testing
Stelios Arvanitis and Thierry Post
21-23 Behavioral Personae, Stochastic Dominance, and the Cryptocurrency Market Stelios Arvanitis, Nikolas Topaloglou, and Georgios Tsomidis
22-23 Block Empirical Likelihood Inference for Stochastic Bounding: Large Deviations Asymptotics Under m-Dependence
Stelios Arvanitis and Nikolas Topaloglou
23-23 A Consolidation of the Neoclassical Macroeconomic Competitive General Equilibrium Theory via Keynesianism
 (Part 1 and Part 2)
Angelos Angelopoulos
24-23 Limit Theory for Martingale Transforms with Heavy-Tailed Noise

Stelios Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka

01-22 Is Ireland the Most Intangible Intensive Economy in Europe? A Growth Accounting Perspective Ilias Kostarakos, KieranMcQuinn and Petros Varthalitis
02-22 Common Bank Supervision and Profitability Convergence in the EU Ioanna Avgeri, Yiannis Dendramis and Helen Louri
03-22 Missing Values in Panel Data Unit Root Tests Yiannis Karavias, Elias Tzavalis and Haotian Zhang
04-22 Ordering Arbitrage Portfolios and Finding Arbitrage Opportunities Stelios Arvanitis and Thierry Post
05-22 Concentration Inequalities for Kernel Density Estimators under Uniform Mixing Stelios Arvanitis 
06-22 Public Sector Corruption and the Valuation of Systemically Important Banks Georgios Bertsatos, Spyros Pagratis and Plutarchos Sakellaris
07-22 Finance or Demand: What drives the Responses of Young and Small Firms to Financial Crises? Stelios Giannoulakis and Plutarchos Sakellaris
08-22 Production Function Estimation Controlling for Endogenous Productivity Disruptions Plutarchos Sakellaris and Dimitis Zaverdas
09-22 A Panel Bounds Testing Procedure Georgios Bertsatos, Plutarchos Sakellaris and Mike G. Tsionas
10-22 Social Policy Gone Bad Educationally: Unintended Peer Effects from Transferred Students Christos Genakos and Eleni Kyrkopolou
11-22 Inconsistency for the Gaussian QMLE in GARCH-type Models with Infinite Variance Stylianos Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka
12-22 Time to Question the Wisdom of Active Monetary Policies
George C. Bitros
13-22 Investors’ Behavior in Cryptocurrency Market Stelios Arvanitis, Nikolas Topaloglou and Georgios Tsomidis
14-22 On the Asking Price for Selling Chelsea FC Georgios Bertsatos  and  Gerassimos Sapountzoglou
15-22 Hysteresis, Financial Frictions and Monetary Policy Konstantinos Giakas
16-22 Delay in Childbearing and the Evolution of Fertility Rates Evangelos Dioikitopoulos and Dimitrios Varvarigos
17-22 Human Capital Threshold Effects in Economic Development: A Panel Data Approach with Endogenous Threshold Dimitris Christopoulos, Dimitris Smyrnakis and Elias Tzavalis
18-22 Distributional Aspects of Rent Seeking Activities in a Real Business Cycle Model Tryfonas Christou, Apostolis Philippopoulos and Vanghelis Vassilatos
01-21 Historical Cycles of the Economy of Modern Greece
From 1821 to the Present
George Alogoskoufis
02-21 Greece Before and After the Euro:
Macroeconomics, Politics and the Quest for Reforms
George Alogoskoufis
03-21 Commodity Money and the Price Level George C. Bitros
04-21 Destabilizing Αsymmetries in Central Banking: with some Enlightenment from Money in Classical Athens George C. Bitros
05-21 Exploring the Long-Term Impact of Maximum Markup Deregulation Athanasios Dimas and Christos Genakos
06-21 A Regularization Approach for Estimation and Variable Selection in High Dimensional Regression Models  Yiannis Dendramis, Liudas Giraitis and George Kapetanios
07-21 Tax Competition in the Presence of Environmental Spillovers Fabio Antoniou, Panos Hatzipanayotou, Michael S. Michael and Nikos Tsakiris
08-21 Firm Dynamics by Age and Size Classes and the Choice of Size Measure Stelios Giannoulakis and Plutarchos Sakellaris
09-21 Measuring the Systemic Importance of Banks Georgios Moratis, Plutarchos Sakellaris
10-21 Firms' Financing Dynamics Around Lumpy Capacity Adjustments Christoph Görtz, Plutarchos Sakellaris, John D. Tsoukalas
11-21 On the Provision of Excludable Public Goods General Taxes or User Prices? George Economides and Apostolis Philippopoulos
12-21 Asymmetries of Financial Openness in an Optimal Growth Model George Alogoskoufis
13-21 Evaluating the Impact of Labour Market Reforms in Greece during 2010-2018 Georgios Gatopoulos, Alexandros Louka, Ioannis Polycarpou and Nikolaos Vettas
14-21 From the Athenian Silver to the Bitcoin Standard: Private Money in a State-Enforced Free Banking Model George C. Bitros
15-21 Ordering Arbitrage Portfolios and Finding Arbitrage Opportunities Stelios Arvanitis and Thierry Post
16-21 Inconsistency for the Gaussian QMLE in GARCH-type Models with Infinite Variance Stelios Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka
17-21 Competition and Pass-Through: Evidence from Isolated Markets Christos Genakos and Mario Paglier
18-21 Exploring Okun’s Law Asymmetry: An Endogenous Threshold LSTR Approach Dimitris Christopoulos, Peter McAdam and Elias Tzavalis
19-21 Limit Theory for Martingale Transforms with Heavy-Tailed Multiplicative Noise Stelios Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka
20-21 Optimal Taxation with Positional Considerations Ourania Karakosta and Eleftherios Zacharias
21-21 The ECBʾs Policy, the Recovery Fund and the Importance of Trust: The Case of Greece Vasiliki Dimakopoulou, George Economides and
Apostolis Philippopoulos
01-20 Incubated Early Stage Startuppers in Athens and their Initiatives during the Crisis (2010-2016) Ioannis Besis and Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis
02-20 Alternative Monetary Policy Rules in an Imperfectly Competitive Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model George Alogoskoufis and Stelios Giannoulakis
03-20 Quantifying Qualitative Survey Data: New Insights on the (Ir)Rationality of Firms' Forecasts Alexandros Botsis, Christoph Görtz and Plutarchos Sakellaris
04-20 Can Country-Specific Interest Rate Factors Explain the Forward Premium Anomaly?

Efthymios Argyropoulos, Nikolaos Elias, Dimitris Smyrnakis and Elias Tzavalis

05-20 Signaling product quality through prices in an oligopoly model with costly consumer search Minghua Cheny, Konstantinos Serfes and Eleftherios Zacharias
06-20 Thinking ahead of the next big crash: Clues from Athens in classical times George C. Bitros
07-20 Financial crises, firm-level shocks, and large downturns:Evidence from Greece Stelios Giannoulakis and Plutarchos Sakellaris
08-20 Notes on the Demand Side Secular Stagnation George D. Demopoulos and  Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos
09-20 Institutions and Macroeconomic Performance: Core vs Periphery Countries in the Eurozone Tryfonas Christou, Apostolis Philippopoulos and Vanghelis Vassilatos
10-20 Macroeconomic Policy Lessons for Greece George Economides, Dimitris Papageorgiou and Apostolis Philippopoulos
11-20 Energy Transitions and the role of the EU ETS: The case of Greece Andriana Vlachou and Georgios Pantelias
12-20 Measuring the Default Risk of Small Business Loans: Improved Credit Risk Prediction using Deep Learning Yiannis Dendramis, Elias Tzavalis and Aikaterini Cheimarioti
14-20 Saving Democracy by Switching to Corporate-like Governance George C. Bitros
15-20 The impact of the lockdown on the Greek economy and the role of the Recovery Fund George Economides, Apostolis Philippopoulos and Vanghelis Vassilatos

An Empirical Model of Joint Stock Company Births, Greece: 1840-1939  

Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis and Maria E. Vidali
02-19 The Transfer Problem, Domestic Deflation and Employment in Currency Areas George D. Demopoulos and Nicholas C. Yannacopoulos
03-19 Potential Output, Capital Input and U.S. Economic Growth George C. Bitros

Demand Adjusted Capital Input and Potential Output in the Context of U.S. Economic Growth
published and available in the Journal of Economic Asymmetries

George C. Bitros
05-19 Climate under Neoliberalism: The EU Emissions Trading System in crisis-ridden Greece, forthcoming in the Review of Radical Political Economics Andriana Vlachou and Georgios Pantelias
06-19 Modeling Rent Seeking Activities: Quality of Institutions, Macroeconomic Performance, and the Economic Crisis Tryfon Christou, Apostolis Philippopoulos and Vanghelis Vassilatos
07-19 Bank Competition, Concentration and Non-performing Loans in the Euro Area: An Intricate Relationship Maria Karadima and Helen Louri
01-18 Dealing with Endogeneity in Threshold Models using Copulas: An Illustration to the Foreign Trade Multiplier DimitrIs Christopoulos, Peter McAdam and Elias Tzavalis
02-18 The Myth of the Expansionary Fiscal Contraction George D. Demopoulos and Nicholas C. Yannacopoulos
03-18 Determinants of Growth Differences between Eastern and Southern EU Countries: A Panel-Data Approach Helen Caraveli, Ioannis Chatzigiatroudakis and Evangelos Paravalos
04-18 Efficient Bargaining versus Right to Manage in the Era of Liberalization  Panagiota Koliousi and Natasha Miaouli
01-17 Testing for Prospect and Markowitz stochastic dominance efficiency Stelios Arvanitis and Nikolas Topaloglou
02-17 Existence and Uniqueness of a Stationary and Ergodic Solution to Stochastic Recurrence Equations via Matkowski’s FPT Stelios Arvanitis
03-17 The driving forces of the current Greek great depression George Economides, Dimitris Papageorgiou and Apostolis Philippopoulos
04-17 Martingale Transforms with mixed Stable Limits and the QMLE for Conditionally Hetereskedastic Models
Stelios Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka
05-17 Limits for the Gaussian QMLE in the Non-Stationary GARCH(1,1) Mod
Stelios Arvanitis & Alexandros Louka
06-17 Germany and Greece: A mapping of their great divide and its EU implications George C. Bitros
07-17 Elasticities of business investment in the U.S. and their policy implications: A disaggregate approach to modeling and estimation George C. Bitros and M. Ishaq Nadiri
08-17 Behavior of business investment in the USA under variable and proportional rates of replacement George C. Bitros and M. Ishaq Nadiri
09-17 Did the Financial Crisis affect the Market Valuation of Large Systemic U.S. Banks? Georgios Bertsatos, Plutarchos Sakellaris, Mike G. Tsionas
10-17 Non-Emptyness of Stochastic Dominance Efficient Sets via Stochastic Spanning Stelios Arvanitis
11-17 Greece: Still in the Woods George C. Bitros
12-17 Rent Seeking Activities and Aggregate Economic Performance - The Case of Greece Stylianos G. Gogos, Dimitris Papageorgiou, Vanghelis Vassilatos
01-16 Market and Political Power Interactions in Greece: A Theory Tryphon Kollintzas, Dimitris Papageorgiou, and Vanghelis Vassilatos
02-16 Deflationary Adjustment Processes and the Effectiveness of Structural Reforms in Monetary Unions George D. Demopoulos and Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos
03-16 Monetary policy, market structure and the income shares in the U.S George C. Bitros
04-16 Unemployment Persistence, Inflation and Monetary Policy in A Dynamic Stochastic Model of the Phillips Curve George Alogoskoufis
05-16 What is the best Institutional framework for the Eurozone, so to function in an efficient manner? George D. Demopoulos and Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos
06-16 Market and Political Power Interactions in Greece: An Empirical Investigation Tryphon Kollintzas, Dimitris Papageorgiou, Efthymios Tsionas and Vanghelis Vassilatos
07-16 Optimal Bailout of Systemic Banks Charles Nolan , Plutarchos Sakellaris and John D. Tsoukalas


Fiscal Policy Reforms in a General Equilibrium Model with Imperfections Panagiota Koliousi, Natasha Miaouli, Apostolis Philippopoulos
01-15 Strategic Games and Currency Areas                            George D. Demopoulos and Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos                               
02-15 Conditions That May Invalidate the Prediction of the Expansionary Austerity Policies George D. Demopoulos and Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos
03-15 Liberalization of product and labour markets:Winners and losers Panagiota Koliousi , Natasha Miaouli  and Apostolis Philippopoulos
04-15 Weathering the Storm: The performance of the largest industrial firms in Greece during the Great Depression Konstantinos Aivalis , Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis and Stefanos Zarkos
05-15 On the Taylor Rule and Optimal Monetary Policy in a “Natural Rate” Model George Alogoskoufis
06-15 A Note on Mixed Stable Limit Theory for the OLSE and the Robustness of Subsampling Wald Tests Stelios Arvanitis
07-15 A CLT For Martingale Transforms With Infinite Variance Stelios Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka
08-15 Martingale Transforms with Mixed Stable Limits and the QMLE for Conditionally Heteroskedastic Models Stelios Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka
09-15 Saddle-Type Functionals for Continuous Processes with Applications to Tests for Stochastic Spanning Stelios Arvanitis 
10-15 Stochastic Spanning Stelios Arvanitis,  Mark Hallam,  Thierry Post and Nikolas Topaloglou
11-15 Consistent tests for risk seeking behavior: A stochastic dominance approach Stelios Arvanitis and Nikolas Topaloglou
12-15 Ocean Shipping : By Far the Best Growth Model for Greece George C. Bitros
01-14   An Assessment of the Implementation of Greek Economic Policy  in the Context of the Euro Crisis  N. Baltas  
02-14 Optimal fiscal and monetary policy action in a closed economy Apostolis Philippopoulos, Petros Varthalitis, Vanghelis Vassilatos
03-14 Tax Rates, Government Spending and TFP A Quantitative Assessment of their Role in the Greek Depression: 1979-2001 Stylianos G. Gogos , Dimitris Papageorgiou and Vanghelis Vassilatos
04-14 Fiscal consolidation in an open economy with sovereign premia Apostolis Philippopoulos , Petros Varthalitis and Vanghelis Vassilatos
05-14 Joint Stock Company Births in Turbulent Times: Greece, 1909-1929 Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis and Konstantinos Aivalis
06-14 On Financial Bubbles, Investment Decisions and Investor’s Utility Spyridon D. Symeonides  and Gerassimos Sapountzoglou
07-14 Financial Openness versus Autarky in a Neoclassical Growth Model George Alogoskoufis
08-14 European Union failures in Greece and some possible complications George C. Bitros
09-14 A theory of maintenance and an application George C. Bitros
10-14 Thinking ahead of the next big crash George C. Bitros
11-14 Why Macroeconomic coordination  may not be possible in a Monetary Union? George D. Demopoulos and  Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos
12-14 The Impact of Maximum Markup Regulation on Prices Christos Genakos, Pantelis Koutroumpis and Mario Pagliero
13-14 Limit Theory of the QMLE in the Non-Stationary Model Stelios Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka
14-14 When pressure sinks performance: Evidence from diving competitions Christos Genakos, Mario Pagliero and Eleni Garbi
15-14 On the Valuation of Large Systemic U.S. Banks Georgios Bertsatos and Plutarchos Sakellaris
16-14 Greek Economic Growth since 1960 Nicholas Leounakis and Plutarchos Sakellaris
01-13   A Simple Example of An Indirect Estimator With Discontinuous Limit Theory in the MA(1) Model  Stelios Arvanitis      
02-13 The Distortive Effects of Antitrust Fines Based on Revenue Vasiliki Bageri, Yannis Katsoulacos and Giancarlo Spagnolo
03-13 Competition Authority Substantive Standards and Social Welfare Yannis Katsoulacos, David Ulph and Eleni Metsiou
04-13 Legal Uncertainty and the Choice of Enforcement Procedures Yannis Katsoulacos & David Ulph
05-13 Quantitative price tests in antitrust market definition with an application to the  savory snacks markets Yannis Katsoulacos, Ioanna Konstantakopoulou, Eleni Metsiou, Efthymios G. Tsionas
06-13 On the Existence of Strongly Consistent Indirect Estimators when the Binding Function is Compact Valued Stelios Arvanitis
07-13 A Search-Equilibrium Approach to the Efects of Immigration on Labor Market Outcomes Andri Chassamboulli and  Theodore Palivos
08-13 Pollution Abatement as a Source of Stabilisation and Long-Run Growth Theodore Palivos and  Dimitrios Varvarigos
09-13 Government Debt, the Real Interest Rate and External Balance in an Endogenous Growth Model of a Small Open Economy George Alogoskoufis
10-13 Macroeconomics and Politics in the Accumulation of Greece’s Debt: An Econometric Investigation, 1975-2009 George Alogoskoufis
11-13 Forecasting Economic Activity from Yield Curve Factors Efthymios Argyropoulos and Elias Tzavalis
12-13 Real Term Structure Forecasts of Consumption GrowthReal Term Structure Forecasts of Consumption Growth Efthymios Argyropoulos and Elias Tzavalis
13-13 Joint Stock Company births: historical coincidence and economic causality (Greece, 1830-1909) Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis 
14-13 Global Imbalances and Equilibrium Adjustment Mechanisms George D. Demopoulos and Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos
15-13 Rural Development Policy and Local Governance : Implementing the Leader Axis in South-Eastern Peloponnese-Greece Helen Caraveli and Anastassios Chardas
16-13 Expansionary Austerity Policies : Condtitions for Their Validity  George D. Demopoulos and Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos
17-13 A CLT For Martingale Transforms With Slowly Varying  Second Moments and the Limit Theory of the QMLE for Conditionally Heteroskedastic Models Stelios Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka
18-13 Testing for Prospect and Markowitz Stochastic Dominance Efficiency  Stelios Arvanitis, Nikolas Topaloglou
19-13 The Greek Financial Crisis and the Outlook of the Greek Economy Nicholas C. Baltas
20-13 Strengthening the Economic Governance of the Euro Area Nicholas C. Baltas
21-13 Safeguarding the Stability of the Euro Area and the Enhanced Instruments for Crisis Intervention Nicholas C. Baltas
22-13 Retrieving inflation expectations and risk premia effects from the term structure of interest rates Efthymios Argyropoulos and Elias Tzavalis
23-13 The power performance of fixed-T panelv unit root tests allowing for structural breaks in their deterministic components Yiannis Karavias and Elias Tzavalis
24-13 Consumption taxes and the efficiency-equity tradeoff George Economides, Saqib Jafarey , Natasha Miaouli and Apostolis Philippopoulos
01-12   Greece 1979-2001: A (First) Great Depression  Seen From the Basic RBC Model Perspective Stylianos Gr. Gogos, Nikolaos Mylonidis, Dimitris Papageorgiou, Vanghelis Vassilatos
02-12 On the Existence of Strongly Consistent Indirect Estimators when the Binding Function is Multivalued Stelios Arvanitis
03-12 Valid Locally Uniform Edgeworth Expansions Under Weak Dependence and Sequences of Smooth Transformations Stelios Arvanitis and Antonis Demos
04-12 Hardwiring of investment decisions to ratings and the information content of asset prices Spyros Pagratis
05-12 Stochastic dominance and bank liquidity risk: Evidence from the Lehman crisis Spyros Pagratis and Nikolas Topaloglou
06-12 Shifts in Volatility Driven by Large Stock Market Shocks Yiannis Dendramis,  George Kapetanios and Elias Tzavalis
07-12 Unveiling eurozone’s monetary policy behavior under different inflation regimes Thanassis Kazanas and Elias Tzavalis
08-12 Generalized fixed-T Panel Unit Root Tests Allowing for Structural Breaks Yiannis Karavias and Elias Tzavalis
09-12 The Myth of Expansionary Austerity George D.Demopoulos and Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos
10-12 Unstable Monetary Unions George D.Demopoulos and Nicholas A. Yannacopoulos
11-12 From riches to rags or what went wrong in Greece George C. Bitros
12-12 First Order Asymptotic Theory for the QMLE of the GQARCH(1,1) model Stelios Arvanitis and Alexandros Louka
13-12 Effective monetary policy rules under recessionary conditions Thanassis Kazanas and Elias Tzavalis
14-12 Term spread regressions of the rational expectations hypothesis of the term structure allowing for risk premium efects Efthymios Argyropoulos and Elias Tzavalis
15-12 Endogenous Growth and External Balance in a Small Open Economy George Alogoskoufis
16-12 Money, Growth and External Balance in a Small Open Economy George Alogoskoufis
17-12 Savings, Investment and the Real Interest Rate in an Endogenous Growth Model George Alogoskoufis
01-11   Regional  Inequalities in Greece : Determining Factors , trends and respectives  H. Caraveli and E. Tsionas 
02-11 Rail Infrastructure Charging In Hellenic Railways Efthymios Tsionas, Nicholas Baltas,  Dionysios Chionis
03-11 Stochastic Expansions and Moment Approximations for Three Indirect Estimators Stelios Arvanitis and Antonis Demos
04-11 On the Existence of Strongly Consistent Indirect Estimators when the Binding Function is Multivalued Stelios Arvanitis
05-11 A New Class of Indirect Estimators and Bias Correction (Preliminary and Incomplete) Stelios Arvanitis and Antonis Demos
06-11 Profit Maximization under Point and Quantity Rationing : why do Sensitivity Analysis and Le Chatelier Principle Still Face Problems in the Presence of Constraints Emmanuel Drandakis
07-11 A moneylender in Venice: Costantino Bogdano ‘da Patrasso’, c. 1800-44 Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis and Angeliki Tzavara
08-11 Joint stock company births in Greece (1830–1909): Demography and rising expectations    Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis
09-11 (In)efficient Trading in Competing Vertical Chains Chrysovalantou Milliou, Emmanuel Petrakis and Nikolaos Vettas
10-11 Endogenous Spatial Di¤erentiation with Vertical Contracting Frago Kourandi and Nikolaos Vettas
11-11 An economics approach to the new rules for vertical restraints Nikolaos Vettas
12-11 Two‐part tariffs Nikolaos Vettas
13-11 Dynamic price competition with capacity constraints and strategic buyers Gary Biglaiser and Nikolaos Vettas
01-10     THEORY AND POLICY IN MONETARY UNIONS: INDETERMINACY AND OPTIMAL CONTROL G. D. Demopoulos, N. A. Yannacopoulos and A N. Yannacopoulos
Stelios Arvanitis and Antonis Demos
06-10                   DISCRIMINATORY TARIFFS AND THE “MOST FAVORED NATION” CLAUSE Konstantine Gatsios and Evmorfia Makantasi