Δημοσιεύσεις σε Συνέδρια


Baltas, A., Lappas, T., & Repoussis, P. P. (2023). Team formation for career development. 2023 LMDE, June 19-23, 2023, Athens, Greece.

Baltas, G., Giakoumaki, C., Gkoumas, N., Leledakis, G., & Repoussis, P. P. (2023). Developing a digital platform for marketing communications planning in smaller cultural organizations and museums: The Thalia Project. 2023 LMDE, June 19-23, 2023, Athens, Greece.

Baltas, G., Giakoumaki, C., Gkoumas, N., Leledakis, G., & Repoussis, P. P. (2023). Museums assets valuation and sustainable development. 3rd INOEK Scientific Conference, September 7-10, 2023, Heraklion, Greece.

Baltas, G., Tamiolakis, G., & Painesis, G. (2023). Pursuing happiness through status: The role of status consumption, luxury consumption, and materialism in shaping consumers' well-being. 14th EMAC Regional Conference, September 27-29, 2023, Piraeus, Greece.

Baltas, G., Tamiolakis, G., & Painesis, G. (2023). Status matters: An exploration of the intersection of status consumption, luxury consumption, materialism, and subjective well-being. 2023 AMA Academic Conference, August 4-6, 2023, San Fransisco, CA, USA.

Chousmekeridou, R., & Galanaki, E. (2023). A qualitative analysis of the HR analytics insight: Experiences from the line. 23rd European Academy of Management Conference, June 14-16, 2023, Dublin, Ireland.

Chousmekeridou, R., & Galanaki, E. (2023). Gender representation across HR Analytics teams. 2023 LMDE, June 19-23, 2023, Athens, Greece.

Dimitriadis, S. (2023). Bridging customer experience with omni-channel management: An integrative framework for a management and research agenda. 14th EMAC Regional Conference, September 27-29, 2023, Piraeus, Greece.

Galanaki, E., & Zografou, I. (2023). Employer branding intention, discrepancy, and HRM: Multilevel performance outcomes. 23rd European Academy of Management Conference, June 14-16, 2023, Dublin, Ireland.

Katsaidoni, E., & Argouslidis, P. C. (2023). Consumer responses to AR apps for luxury cosmetic brands. 2023 Monaco Symposium on Luxury, April 4-6, 2023, Monaco.

Kyriakopoulos, N., & Argouslidis, P. C. (2023). Drivers and performance outcomes of generational product innovativeness. 52nd EMAC Annual Conference, May 23-26, 2023, Odense, Denmark.

Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D., & Robson, M. (2023). International interorganizational competitive advantage in new product development. 2023 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, May 30-June 2, 2023, Santiago, Chile.

Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D., & Robson, M. (2023). Market and product development capabilities and export performance: How to use balance to benefit firms’ performance. 49th Conference of the EIBA, December 15-17, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.

Lykoudi, C., & Skarmeas, D. (2023). AR apps for premium and luxury brands: What drives customer experience, satisfaction, and intention to use? 2023 Monaco Symposium on Luxury, April 4-6, 2023, Monaco.

Panagiotopoulou, A., & Argouslidis, P. C. (2023). An empirical investigation into the effect of collectivism on ethical consumption. 14th EMAC Regional Conference, September 27-29, 2023, Piraeus, Greece.

Panayotopoulou, L., Chytiri, A. P., & Guest, D. (2023). HRM practices in MNEs: Do they contribute to resilience during financial crisis? 16th International HRM Conference, June 28-30, 2023, King’s College, London, UK.

Rigopoulos, K., Robben, H., Kaminakis, K., & Peelen, E. (2023). It takes two to tango: A Bayesian multigroup approach examining the impact of customer trustworthiness on sales management decisions. 16th GSSI Annual Conference, June 7-10, 2023, Toronto, Canada.

Skarmeas, D. (2023). Corporate sustainability and responsibility (Keynote Speaker). The Future of Europe International Conference, October 26-28, 2023, Bucharest, Romania.

Tamiolakis, G., Baltas, G., & Painesis, G. (2023). Status consumption, luxury consumption, materialism, and subjective well-being: Are they related? 2023 BAM Conference, September 1-6, 2023, University of Sussex, UK.

Usrey, B., Saridakis, C., & Theotokis, A. (2023). Performance evaluations for hybrid green products: the role of choice architecture and cognitive style. 2023 ACR Conference, October 26-29, 2023, Seattle, WA, USA.

Vakola, M., & Kaltiainen, J. (2023). Perceived similarity and change reactions' endurance and valence: The mediating role of trust in dyads. 21st EAWOP Congress, May 24-27, 2023, Katowice, Poland.

Vlachou, N., Lionakis, K., & Baltas, G. (2023). Emotional intelligence and emotion management in purchase decisions. 14th EMAC Regional Conference, September 27-29, 2023, Piraeus, Greece.

Zografou, I., & Galanaki, E. (2023). Reconsidering supportive organizational culture and employees' affective commitment: The role of employer branding. 23rd European Academy of Management Conference, June 14-16, 2023, Dublin, Ireland.


Παπαδημητρίου, Ε., & Κοκκινάκη, Φ. (2022). Εταιρική κοινωνική ανευθυνότητα: Ο ρυθμιστικός ρόλος της πολιτισμικής αυστηρότητας - χαλαρότητας στις αποκρίσεις των καταναλωτών. Ανακοίνωση στο 18ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ψυχολογικής Έρευνας της Ελληνικής Ψυχολογικής Εταιρείας. Αθήνα, Ελλάδα.

Kyriakopoulos, N., Argouslidis, P., & Skarmeas, D. (2022). Product Rollovers: An Empirical Investigation. 2022 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, May 31-June 3, 2022, Chania, Crete, Greece.

Panagiotopoulou A., & Argouslidis, P. (2022). An empirical investigation into the influence of emotional intelligence on consumer behaviour. EMAC 2022 13th Regional Conference, September 21-23 Kaunas, Lithuania.

Baltas, G., Tamiolakis, G., & Painesis, G. (2022), Status as a fundamental motive, status consumption and well-being. INFORMS Marketing Science Conference (ISMS) 2022, June 16-18, Chicago, IL, USA.

Tamiolakis, G., Baltas, G., & Painesis, G. (2022). Status-seeking behavior, status consumption and the pursuit of happiness. 5th SSIM International Conference Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Current Challenges, June 12-13, Warsaw, Poland.

Zografou, I., & Galanaki, E. (2022). Talk the walk or walk the talk? Employer branding and HRM partnership in small and medium-sized hotels. European Academy of Management Conference 2022, June 15-17, Winterthur, Switzerland.

Zografou, I., Galanaki, E. & Papalexandris, N. (2022). HRM in Greece: differences between SMEs and large firms. Cranet Cyprus Conference & Meeting: MAPPING THE HR LANDSCAPE, 30 June-1 July 2022 Nicosia, Cyprus.

Indounas, K. (2022). The role of pricing research in B2B service industries. 2022 AMA Summer Academic Conference, August 12-14, Chicago, IL, USA.

Indounas, K. (2022). The use of psychological pricing in B2B markets. 54th Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, 5-7 July, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK.

Kasapidis, G.A., Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Mourtos, I., & Repoussis, P.P. (2022). A population based CP methodology for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem with resource constraints. Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control (MIM) 2022, June 22-24, Nantes, France.


Apospori, E., Jack. S., Leitch, C. & Stead, V. 2021. Transparent and Resilient Gender Equality through Integrated Monitoring Planning and Implementation – TARGETED-MPI, XI European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, 15-17 September 2021.

Apospori, E., Trompeta, M.-A., Leitch, C., Stead, V., Alkhaled, S. & Remke, R. 2021. A Conceptual Framework for Identifying Factors Contributing to the Development of Transparent, Sustainable and Resilient Gender Equality Plans in Business and Management (B&M) Schools, XI European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, 15-17 September 2021.

Afiouni, F., Apospori, E., Richardson, J., Schreurs, B. 2021. Women's Careers in the 21st . Century: New Perspectives and Insights. Symposium. Academy οf Management, 5-9 August 2021.

Kollia E., Argouslidis P.C., and Baltas, G. (2021). Drivers of Consumers’ Willingness to Buy Nostalgic Products. ISMS Marketing Science Conference, New York, USA.

Zografou I., Galanaki, E., Pahos, N. & Deligianni I. (2021). HRM configurations for Performance in hospitality SMEs. Academy of Management Conference,30/07/2021 -03/08/2021- https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMBPP.2021.11970abstract

Pahos, N., Galanaki, E. & van der Heijden, B. (2021). Maintenance and Growth-enhancing HRM bundles for an ageing workforce: A multi-level study. European Academy of Management Conference, Online Conference held 16-18 June 2021.

Zografou I., Galanaki, E., Pahos, N. & Deligianni I. (2021). HRM configurations for Performance in hospitality SMEs. European Academy of Management Conference, Online Conference held 16-18 June 2021.

Argouslidis, P.C., Kollia, E.A.., Baltas, G. (2021). Drivers of Consumers’ Willingness to Buy Nostalgic Products. Proceedings of the 42nd ISMS/INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. Simon Business School, University of Rochester, USA.

Baltas, G. & Giakounaki, C. (2021). Hedonic Price Modeling of Classic Car Model Value Formation. Proceedings of the 42nd ISMS/INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. Simon Business School, University of Rochester, USA.

Repoussis P.P., Vareias A. and Tarantilis C. (2021). The Stochastic Time Window Assignment Problem with Quadratic Penalties. 31th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO 2021, June 11-14, Athens, Greece.

Nikolopoulou A.I., Manousakis E., Zachariadis E. and Repoussis P.P. (2021). A metaheuristic approach for solving large scale vehicle routing problems with cross-docking and loading constraints. 31th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO 2021, June 11-14, Athens, Greece.

Repoussis P.P., Kasapidis G., Eirinakis P. and Mourtos Y. (2021). Combined Production Scheduling and Predictive Maintenance for PCB Manufacturing. 31th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO 2021, June 11-14, Athens, Greece.

Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2021). Performance implications of product development in export markets. 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, October 1-3, Taormina, Sicily, Italy.


Andresen, M., Apospori, E., and Mayrhofer, W. 2020. Same same but different? Career orientations of Generation Y between tradition and modernity, 2020 Annual Meeting οf the Academy οf Management, Vancouver, Canada.

Andresen, M, Lazarova, M., Apospori, E., Cotton, R., Dickmann, M. 2020. Relationship between international mobility, employability and career success: A 30 country study 2020 Annual Meeting οf the Academy οf Management, Vancouver, Canada.

Reichel. A., Parry, E., Afiouni, F., Andresen, M., Apospori, E., Bagdadli, S., Bosak, J., Briscoe, J., Gianecchini, M., Taniguchi, M., and Suzanne, S. 2020.Disabling effects of enabling social policies on gender equality in organizational HR development 2020 Annual Meeting οf the Academy οf Management, Vancouver, Canada (Carol Dexter Best Paper Award Nomination).

Andresen, M., Apospori, E., Gunz, H., Cotton, R., and Tamaguchi, M. 2020. Does context matter? A comparative empirical study about the role of Varieties of Capitalism for careers, AOM, 1st Careers Division Community Conference: Careers in Context – Theorizing in and about Turbulent Times (CarCon 2020), Vienna, Austria.

Drossos, D. & Tzamarou, S. (2020). The Impact of Gamification on Building Powerful Customer Engagement. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues (ICCMI)Greece, September 11-13

Pahos, N.; Galanaki, E.; van der Heijden, B. & de Jong, J. (2020). The moderating effect of age on the association between HPWS and employee performance in different job roles. European Academy of Management Conference: "The Business of Now: the future starts here", December 4-6, 2020 (conference postponed and gone digital, due to the pandemic)

 Pahos, N., Galanaki, E., Van der Heijden, B., & De Jong, J. (2020). The Moderating Effect of Age on the Association Between HPWS and Employee Performance Roles, Academy of Management Proceedings, https://journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.13966abstract

Indounas, K. (2020), “Pricing strategies for new financial services”, American Marketing  Association Summer Academic Conference, USA.

Baltas, G., Kontopoulou, L and Kokkinaki, F. (2020). Counterfeit luxury brands & mating goals. Proceedings of the 34th British Academy of Management Conference. *(Best Paper Award).*

Baltas, G. & Giakounaki, C. (2020). A price for nostalgia: An investigation into the determination of classic car model values. Proceedings of the 34th British Academy of Management Conference.

Stathakopoulos, Vlasis et al. (2020), “Reacting to market conditions, or shaping them instead? Analyzing the fundamental outcomes of market-driving strategy,” Proceedings of the 10th EMAC Regional Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, September 16-19


Kase, R, Briscoe, J. Apospori, E. et al. 2019. Experts as editors of career success schemas: A multi-country study. 2019 Annual Meeting οf the Academy οf Management, Boston, MA, USA

Reichel, A., Afiouni, F., Apospori, E. et al. 2019. The disabling effect of enabling social policies on organizational career management. 2019 Annual Meeting οf the Academy οf Management, Boston, MA, USA

Andresen, M., Apospori, E., and Briscoe, J. 2019.Comparing careers across countries: New scholarship and directions. 2019 Annual Meeting οf the Academy οf Management, Boston, MA, USA (Best International Symposium Award)

Baltas, G., Kontopoulou, L and Kokkinaki, F. (2019). Deceptive status signalling through fake luxury brands: is it effective? Proceedings of the 33th British Academy of Management Conference. Aston University, Bιrmingham, UK.

Baltas, G., Kontopoulou, L and Kokkinaki, F. (2019). Fake luxury products as deceptive status signals: An evolutionary informed analysis.  Proceedings of the 41st ISMS/INFORMS Marketing Science Conference. University of Rome III, Rome, Italy.

Tsimonis G., Dimitriadis S., (2019), The Conceptualization And Measurement Of Perceived Value In Social Media: The Case Of Facebook Brand Pages, Academy of Marketing Science conference, Vancouver, CA.

Drossos, D., Zacharioudakis, M. and Dionysiou, G. (2019), ‘Online Traffic Sources and Persuasion Techniques: How to Change Consumer Behavior’, in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on E-commerce, E-Business and E-Government  (ICEEG 2019), Lyon, France, June 18-21

Lazazzara, A., Galanaki, E, Meurer J., and Parry, E. (2019). Configurations of HR delivery mechanisms and strategic HRM. 11th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network: “The Societal Impact of HRM”, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 13-15 November 2019

Pahos, N.; Galanaki, E.; van der Heijden, B. & de Jong, J. (2019). HPWS for an ageing workforce: a Role-based approach. 11th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network: “The Societal Impact of HRM”, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 13-15 November 2019

Pahos, N. and Galanaki, E. (2019). HRM and employee performance for an ageing workforce: A qualitative study. 2019 European Academy of Management Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 26- 28 June 2019

Constantinides, E., Gkaintatzis, A., Karantinou, K., Van der Lubbe, R. (2019), “The impact of music tempo on consumers’ binary choices: an EEG and EDA study”, EMAC 2019 Regional Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Gounaris, S. Karantinou, K., Chatzipanagiotou, & K., Koritos, C. (2019), “A fresh insight into the management of the servicescapes” 48th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Hamburg, Germany (May-June).

Sakellariou, E., Karantinou K., & Goffin, K. (2019), “Customer Insights: Sensemaking and Sensegiving in NPD”, 26th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Leicester, UK

Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2019). Export product development exploitation and exploration and performance: Linear, moderated, complementary and non-linear effects. 2019 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, May 20-23, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Skarmeas, D., Zeriti, A. and Argouslidis, P.C. (2019). Importer and exporter capabilities, governance mechanisms, and environmental factors determining customer-perceived relationship value. Industrial Marketing Management, 78(April), 158-168.

Repoussis P.P. and Gisler W. (2019). Iterated Local Search for Multi-league Scheduling Problems. 7th International Conference on Mathematics in Sport, July 1-3, Athens, Greece.

Repoussis P.P. and Gisler W. (2019). The Multi-league Scheduling Problem with Pairing Constraints. POMS Annual Conference 2019, May 2-6, Washington, USA.

Repoussis P.P., Manousakis L. and Tarantilis C. (2019), Hybrid Branch-and-Cut for the Multi-Vehicle Inventory Routing Problem, POMS Annual Conference 2019, May 2-6, Washington, USA.

Metzidakis T., Repoussis P.P., Kritikos M. and Ioannou G. (2019), A Two-Phase Branch and Cut Algorithm for the Capacitated Location Routing Problem, 30th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO K 2019, June 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.

Manousakis E., Repoussis P.P., Zachariadis E., and Tarantilis C.D. (2019). A Two Commodity-Based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Inventory Routing Problem. 30th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO K 2019, June 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.

Zachariadis E., Nikolopoulou A.I. Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C.D. (2019). The vehicle routing problem with cross-docking under cross-dock capacity restrictions. 30th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO K 2019, June 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.

Kasapidis G., Paraskevopoulos D., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C. (2019). Complex precedence constraints for flexible job-shop scheduling problems. ECCO 2019 - Valetta, Malta, 30 May - 01 June 2019.

Kasapidis G., Paraskevopoulos D., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C. (2019). Complex precedence constraints for flexible job-shop scheduling problems. 30th European Conference on Operational Research conference – EURO K 2019, June 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.

Kasapidis G., Paraskevopoulos D., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C. (2019). A Scatter Search Algorithm for Large-Scale Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problems with complex precedence constraints. CPAIOR 2019, June 4-7, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Kasapidis G., Mourtos Y., Spieckermann S., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C. (2019). Rescheduling and co-simulation of a multi-period multi-model assembly line with material availability restrictions. MIM 2019, August 28-30, Berlin, Germany.

Vakola, M & Costas, S (2019) Ambivalence, Adaptive Performance and Exhaustion: The moderating role of Work Engagement, European Congress of Psychology, Moscow


Skarmeas, D., Argouslidis, P., Kokkinaki, F., Mavrommatis, A., & Lisboa, A. (2018). On relationship value in international marketing channels. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, July 26-29, Tokyo, Japan.

Skarmeas, D., Argouslidis, P., Kokkinaki, F., & Zeriti, A. (2018). Predictors and effects of importer-perceived relationship value. 2018 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, May 21-23, Santorini, Greece.

Dimitriadis, S., Gritzalas, G., & Pilidou, R. (2018). What makes web content viral? Evidence from a youth news portal. 47th Annual EMAC Conference, May 29 - June 1, Glasgow, UK.

Tsimonis, G., Dimitriadis, S., & Omar, S. (2018). An integrative typology of relational benefits and costs in social media brand pages. Academy of Marketing Conference 2018, July 2-5, Stirling, UK.

Lazazzara, A., Galanaki, E., Meurer, J., & Parry, E. (2018). How does technology matter? Configurations of HR delivery mechanisms and HRM effectiveness. 7th International E-HRM Conference, November 29-30, Milan, Italy.

Pahos, N. & Galanaki, E. (2018). Staffing practices and employee performance: The role of age. 2018 European Academy of Management Conference, June 19-22, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Stavrou-Costea, E., Galanaki, E., Maniatopoulou-Hadjipanayi, E., & Savvides-Syrimis, E. (2018). Can old dogs play new tricks in family firms? 2018 European Academy of Management Conference, June 19-22, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Prieto, M., Baltas, G., Stan, V., & Lawson, S. (2018). Collaborative consumption: What drives participation in car sharing? 32nd British Academy of Management Conference, Bristol, UK.

Subramanyam, A., Repoussis, P.P., & Gounaris, C. (2018). Robust optimization of heterogeneous vehicle routing problems under demand uncertainty. 7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2018, June 3-8, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Repoussis, P.P., & Tarantilis, C.D. (2018). Districting of urban service networks. 7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2018, June 3-8, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

Nikolopoulou, A.I., Repoussis, P.P., Tarantilis, C.D., & Zachariadis, E.E. (2018). The vehicle routing problem with cross-docking and capacity smoothing restrictions. 7th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2018, June 3-8, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

Metzidakis, T., Repoussis, P.P., Kritikos, M., & Ioannou, G. (2018). Branch and cut solution approach for the capacitated location routing problem. 29th European Conference on Operational Research Conference – EURO 2018, July 8-11, Valencia, Spain.

Kasapidis, G., Paraskevopoulos, D., Repoussis, P.P., & Tarantilis, C. (2018). A critical-path based evolutionary algorithm for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem. 29th European Conference on Operational Research Conference – EURO 2018, July 8-11, Valencia, Spain.

Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Repoussis, P.P., & Tarantilis, C.D. (2018). Districting of urban service networks. Joint EURO/ALIO International Conference 2018 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, June 25-27, Bologna, Italy.

Metzidakis, T., Repoussis, P.P., Kritikos, M., & Ioannou, G. (2018). The robust location routing problem. XIII Balkan Conference on Operational Research, May 25-28, Belgrade, Serbia.

Paraskevopoulos, D.C., Repoussis, P.P., & Tarantilis, C.D. (2018). Districting of urban service networks. POMS 2018 Annual Conference, May 4-7, Houston, Texas, USA.

Leonidou, C. N., Saridakis, C., & Skarmeas, D. (2018). A multidimensional review of culture within the international ethics and sustainability research. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, July 26-29, Tokyo, Japan.

Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2018). Balancing marketing and new product development capabilities to export performance: Direct and moderating effects. 2018 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, May 21-23, Santorini, Greece.

Kottikas, K., Stathakopoulos, V., Theodorakis, I., & Kottika, E. (2018). Building market-driving strategy through organizational structure. 9th EMAC Regional Conference, September 12-14, Prague, Czech Republic.

Kottika, E., Stathakopoulos, V., Kaminakis, K., Kottikas, K., & Theodorakis, I. (2018). Traits and skills of small entrepreneurs and their impact on market orientation. 9th EMAC Regional Conference, September 12-14, Prague, Czech Republic.

Vakola, M. & Petrou, P. (2018). Organizational change impact and strategies for coping: A synthesis of recent findings. EAWOP Small Group Meetings, September 11-14, Dortmund, Germany.

Kaltiainen, J., Jukka, L., Vakola, M., & Fugate, M. (2018). Dynamic relations between changes in work engagement and coping appraisals, 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, April 19-21, Chicago, USA.


Prieto, M., Baltas, G., & Stan, V. (2017). Consumer Choice of Car Sharing Services. Proceedings of the 31th British Academy of Management Conference. University of Warwick, UK.

Giakoumaki, G., Avlonitis, G., & Baltas, G. (2017). Does Consumer Involvement with the Product Category Matter in Co-branding Advertising? Proceedings of the 31th British Academy of Management Conference.University of Warwick, UK.

Galanaki E. (2017). Outcomes of fringe benefits in turbulent times. 6th Reward Management Conference (RMC 2017) The New Pay Revisited: Promises Fulfilled οr Unrequited?, Brussels, Belgium, December 7-8, 2017

Galanaki, E.; Lazazzara, A. and Parry, E. (2017) A cross-national analysis of e-HRM configurations: integrating the information technology and HRM perspectives. 2017 ITAIS annual conference. Milan, 6-7 October

Pahos N. and Galanaki E. (2017). Effective active ageing policies: High Performance Work Systems for elder employees. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, 29 Aug. - 1 Sept. 2017

Pahos N. and Galanaki E. (2017). High Performance Work Systems and Employee Performance: The role of Αge. 2017 European Academy of Management Conference, Glasgow, UK, 21- 24 June 2017

Pahos N. and Galanaki E. (2017). How age affects the link between High Performance Work Systems and individual performance: A conceptual model. 2017 European Academy of Management Doctoral Colloquium, Glasgow, UK, 18- 20 June 2017

Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki E. (2017). Demographic challenges for the business leader of the future. 3rd Global Conference on International HRM, New York, May 18-20, 2017

Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki E. (2017). Leadership behaviors for the inclusive leader: Followers΄ perspective. 2nd Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium, Mykonos, Greece, May 4-6, 2017

Sakellariou, E., Karantinou K., Goffin, K. & Anagnostaki, M. (2017), “Opening the black box of video-based ethnography”, 24th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland (June).

Polyportis, A., & Kokkinaki, F. (2017). Judgement and Decision-Making: The effect of induced emotional uncertainty on predicted utility and forecasting accuracy. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, CA.

Kousi, S., and Kokkinaki, F. (2017). The impact of purchase motivation on happiness: experiential and material purchases. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, CA.

Polyportis, A., & Kokkinaki, F. (2017). The effect of induced emotional uncertainty on predicted utility and forecasting error. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, Rishon LeZion, Israel.

Κούση, Σ., & Κοκκινάκη, Φ. (2017). Η συμβολή υλικών και βιωματικών αγορών στην ευτυχία: Ο ρόλος της δυνατότητας αυτο-έκφρασης. Ανακοίνωση στο 16ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ψυχολογικής Έρευνας της Ελληνικής Ψυχολογικής Εταιρείας. Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα.

Kousi, S., and Kokkinaki, F. (2017). Happiness from experiential and material purchases: The role of the hedonic and utilitarian nature of purchases. Paper presented at the 2017 Society of Personality and Social Psychology Convention, San Antonio, TX.

Stanojlović, M., Ubaldo, C. C., Paredes, B., Lamprinakos, G., & Stavraki, M., (May, 2017).” Self-Affirmation Effect on Risk Perception and the Moderating Role of Self-Efficacy in Anti-Alcohol Messages”. Article Presented in the 12th International Conference on Social Sciences. Amsterdam, Holland. 

Subramanyam A., Repoussis P.P. and Gounaris C. (2017). Heuristics and Lower Bounds for Robust Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problems under Demand Uncertainty. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the INFORMS Transportation and Logistics Society (First Triennial Conference), July 26–29, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Paraskevopoulos D.C., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2017). Location and Districting of Urban Distributed Service Networks on Street Graphs. 8th International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL 2017), October 18–20, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., and Tarantilis C.D. (2017). Tabu Search for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-Docking and Loading Constraints. POMS 2017 Annual Conference, May 5-8, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Belanger D., Hupert N., Repoussis P.P., Stohr E. and Vazacopoulos A. (2017). Community Detection and Social Network Analytics for Surgery Teams. INFORMS Business Analytics and Operations Research Conference, April 2-4, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Skarmeas, D., Saridakis, C., & Leonidou, C. N. (2017). Examining relationship value in cross-border business relationships: A comparison between correlational and configurational approaches. 2017 GIKA-Europe Annual Conference, June 28-30, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.

Saridakis, C., Skarmeas, D., & Leonidou, C.N. (2017). Antecedents and outcomes of relationship value in international channel relationships. AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference, April 6-8, 2017, Havana, Cuba.

I. Theothorakis, C. Koritos, V. Stathakopoulos, K. Kottikas and E. Kottika (2017), When Figures of Speech and Provocation Went Scuba Diving Into Consumers' Reactions Towards the Use of Figures of Speech in Interenational Provocative AD appeal Settings, Proceedings of AMA Global Marketing SIG, Cuba.

Kottikas K., Stathakopoulos V., Theodorakis G., and Kottika E (2017), Mapping the Prominent Capabilities of Market Driving Firms, Proceedings of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, London, UK

 Kottikas K., Stathakopoulos V., Theodorakis I.G. and Kottika E (2017),  Exploring the Role of Middle-Level Employees in establishing a Market–Driving Strategy,
Proceedings of the 8th European Marketing Academy Regional Conference, Bucharest, Romania 

Ioannis G Theodorakis,., Vlasis Stathakopoulos, and Androniki Katarachia (2017), "A focus on rh-erotic rhetoric: Assessing rhetoric’s performance in erotic ad frames based upon viewers’ need to cognitively structure," 1st International Symposium of Marketing (as) Rhetoric, Bournemouth, UK.

Vakola, M., (2017): Employee Reactions To Organizational Change: The Role Of Task Adaptivity And Proactivity And Leader-Member Exchange, EAWOP, Dublin

Van Dam, K. & Vakola, M., (2017), Individual adaptation to organizational change: Complex inter- and intrapersonal processes, Symposium Organizers (SYM-778-1), EAWOP, Dublin

Lazanaki, V. & Vakola, M., (2017): Issues you don't communicate at work: Antecedents and Consequences, EAWOP, PS, Dublin


Argouslidis, P.C., Skarmeas, D., Kuhn, A., & Mavrommatis, A. (2016), Consumers’ reactions to variety reduction in grocery product categories: A reactance theory approach. 2016 Global Marketing Conference, July 21-24, 2016, Hong Kong, China.

Baltas, G., Kokkinaki. F., & Loukopoulou, L. (2016), The interaction of product category and attribute type on variety-seeking behaviour. 
Proceedings of the 30th British Academy of Management Conference. 
Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK. (*Best paper award*)

Baltas, G., Kokkinaki. F., & Kontopoulou, V. (2016), Counterfeit luxury brands and competition for status: An evolutionary approach, 
Proceedings of the 30th British Academy of Management Conference, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK

Prieto, M., Baltas, G., & Stan, V. (2016), Consumer adoption of car sharing systems: A multinational survey, 23nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Edinburgh, UK

Giakoumaki, G., Avlonitis, G., & Baltas, G. (2016). Understanding ingredient advertising through grounded theory methodology, 23nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Edinburgh, UK

Lazazzara, A.; Galanaki, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2016). E-HRM adoption and diffusion: a cross-national application of diffusion of innovation and institutional theories, XIII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS ICT and innovation: a step forward to a global society, Verona, Italy

Nikandrou I. and Galanaki, E. (2016). Boundaryless career and career outcomes: the mediating role of individual career management behaviors, 8th International Conference "An Enterprise Odyssey: Saving the Sinking Ship Through Human Capital”, Zagreb

Galanaki, E. (2016). Gendered deterioration of working arrangements: the case of fringe benefits, 2016 European Academy of Management Conference, Paris, France

Γαλανάκη, Ε. (2016), Αμοιβές και Ευέλικτες πρακτικές απασχόλησης,,25 Χρόνια Συγκριτικής Έρευνας στη Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού. Τάσεις και Προκλήσεις, Αθήνα

Γαλανάκη, Ε. (2016), HR Metrics: χρησιμότητα και αξιοποίησή τους στην Ελλάδα το 2016 ”, 8ο Συνέδριο Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού: Πρακτικές Λύσεις σε νέα προβλήματα», Αθήνα

Indounas, K. (2016), Pricing new business-to-business products in a recession period, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Global Marketing Conference, Hong Hong

Baltas, G., Kokkinaki, F., & Loukopoulou, L. (2016), Not seeing the forest for the trees: The role of specificity effect on variety-seeking behavior. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE)/ International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), Wageningen, Netherlands

Baltas, G., Kokkinaki, F., & Loukopoulou, L. (2016), Seeking- Simplicity: Variety-Seeking as a heuristic for solving Choice- Overload. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE)/ International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), Wageningen, Netherlands

Kousi, S., & Kokkinaki, F. (2016), Happiness and the asymmetric motivation behind experiential and material purchases. Paper presented at the 2016 Global Marketing Conference, Hong Kong

Kousi, S., & Kokkinaki, F. (2016), Decomposing the natural edge of experiential purchases on wellbeing. Poster presented at the 45th European Marketing Academy Conference, Oslo, Norway

Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. and Zachariadis E.E. (2016), An Adaptive Memory Programming Framework for Optimizing Transportation Activities between Suppliers and Customers with Cross-Docking, 5th International Symposium and 27th National Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece.

Vareias A., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2016), Vehicle Routing with Stochastic Travel Times and Service Reliability Aspects, 5th International Symposium and 27th National Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece.

Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. and Zachariadis E.E. (2016), Adaptive Memory Programming for the Multi-Product Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross-Docking, VeRoLog 2016 (Annual workshop of the EURO working group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization), Nantes, France.

Vareias A., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2016), Service Reliability in the Vehicle Routing and Time Window Assignment Problem with Stochastic Travel Times, POMS 2016 Annual Conference, Orlando, USA.

Vareias A., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2016), Service Reliability in Urban Transportation, 13th Management Science and Technology Student Conference, May 12, Athens, Greece.

Skarmeas, D., Saridakis, C., & Leonidou, C.N. (2016). The role of relationship value in exporter–importer relationships: PLS-SEM and FsQCA findings. 2016 Global Marketing Conference, July 21-24, 2016, Hong Kong, China. 

Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2016). Ambidexterity, new product advantage and export performance: Degree of internationalization and turbulence moderating effects. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, June 27-30, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 

Skarmeas, D., Lisboa, A., & Saridakis, C. (2016). Export performance as a function of market learning capabilities and intrapreneurship: SEM and FsQCA findings. 2016 GIKA-Europe Annual Conference, March 20-23, 2016, Valencia, Spain. 

Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2016). Exploitation, exploration, and adaptive export performance in the presence of turbulence: An empirical investigation. 2016 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, February 26-28, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Vakola, M., Bourantas, D., & Karli, M. (2016), 'Managing Change through Leader's Cultural and Personal Values: The Case of Apivita', 12th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Athens

Vakola, M., Xanthopoulou, D. & Demerouti, E (2016): ‘Job crafting and adaptive performance: The moderating role of  influence tactics’, EAWOP small group meeting, Athens


Avlonitis, G. J. and Lionakis, C. (2015).  Exploring the Sources and Outcomes of Marketing Sales Conflict. 9th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI), Hiroshima, Japan.  Best Paper Award

Giakoumaki, G., Avlonitis, G. J., & Baltas, G. (2015). Do Ingredient Ads Work? Some Evidence on their Impact. 22nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, Montreal, Canada.

Giakoumaki, G., Avlonitis, G. J., &  Baltas, G. (2015). Stimulating derived demand through ingredient advertising in both low and high-involvement product categories. Proceedings of the 29th British Academy of Management Conference, Portsmouth, UK.

Lionakis, C. and Avlonitis, G.J. (2015). Configurations  and  Effectiveness  of  Marketing  Sales  Interface  in  B2B  Firms. 44th Annual Conference of the European  Marketing  Academy  (EMAC),  Leuven,  Belgium. 

Baltas, G., Robson, M. & Saridakis, C. (2015). Professional Development Workshop “Frontiers in Data-driven Retail Management”.  29th British Academy of Management Conference, Portsmouth, UK.

Saridakis, C. & Baltas, G. (2015). An examination of car marque loyalty: Modeling the effects of consumer characteristics and attribute-level performance. Proceedings of the 29th British Academy of Management Conference, Portsmouth, UK.

Galanaki E. and Papalexandris, N. (2015). Demographic challenges for the business leader of the future: Evidence from a Greek survey. 2015 European Academy of Management Conference, Warsaw, Poland. 

Galanaki E. and Papagiannakis, G. (2015). Effects of the Discrepancy between Ideal and Actual Caring Culture on Employee Commitment and Satisfaction. 2015 European Academy of Management Conference, Warsaw, Poland.|

Alon, I., Boulanger, M., Elston, J.A., Galanaki E., Martinez de Ibarreta, C., Meyers, J., Muñiz-Ferrer , M. and Velez-Calle, A. (2015). Predicting and enhancing cultural intelligence. 31st EGOS Colloquium: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, Greece. 

Alon, I., Boulanger, M., Elston, J.A., Galanaki E., Martinez de Ibarreta, C., Meyers, J,. Muñiz-Ferrer , M. and Velez-Calle, A. (2015). A Hierarchy of Cultural Intelligence Antecedents. 2015 European Academy of Management Conference, Warsaw, Poland. 

Alon, I., Boulanger, M., Elston, J.A., Galanaki E., Martinez de Ibarreta, C., Meyers, J,. Muñiz-Ferrer , M. and Velez-Calle, A. (2015). A Hierarchy of Cultural Intelligence Antecedents. Academy of International  Business (AIB) 2015 Annual Meeting, Bangalore, India. 

Alon, I., Boulanger, M., Elston, J.A., Galanaki E., Martinez de Ibarreta, C., Meyers, J,. Muñiz-Ferrer , M. and Velez-Calle, A. (2015). A Hierarchy of Cultural Intelligence Antecedents. 2015 Annual Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada. 

Alon, I., Boulanger, M., Elston, J.A., Galanaki E., Martinez de Ibarreta, C., Meyers, J,. Muñiz-Ferrer , M. and Velez-Calle, A. (2015). A Hierarchy of Cultural Intelligence Antecedents. 2015 European International Business Academy (EIBA) 2015 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

Papalexandris, N. and  Galanaki  E. (2015). Current findings on ideal leadership and their link with ancient Greek philosophy: implications for leadership development. 31st EGOS Colloquium: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, Greece. 

Halikias, J. (2015). Greek Economy:  1950 - 2014: How did Greece get into the present economic crisis: Investments and exports are the way out. 4th  International Conference on Quantitative and Qualitative methodologies in the Economic and Administrative Sciences, Athens, Greece. 

Indounas, K. (2015). Pricing strategies for new business-to-business products.  Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Limerick, Ireland.

O’Loughlin, D., Szmigin, I., McEachern, M., Karantinou, K., Barbosa, B. & Fernandez, E., (2015). Liminality in recessionary times – A male view.  Academy of Marketing Conference, Limerick, Ireland.

Sakellariou, E., Karantinou K. & Goffin, K. (2015). Magic moments: when customer insights emerge. 22st International Product Development Management Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Palaiologos, A. & Karantinou, K. (2015). The impact of Facebook-generated interpersonal influence on consumers’ buying intentions in services. 44th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Leuven, Belgium. 

Koritos C., Karantinou K. & Gounaris S. (2015). Quo vadis servicescapes research: a critical review and empirical investigation of an integrative conceptualization. 44th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Leuven, Belgium.

Nikandrou, I.Galanaki E. and Tsachouridi, I. (2015). Greek crisis effects on employee reactions and HRM. Participation in Symposium: The impact of the financial crisis on HRM and employee behavior: Evidence  from Europe. 2015 Annual Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada. 

Nikandrou, I. (2015). The Power to Find One’s Self as a Journey to Career Calling: Lesson from the Myth of Heracles. 31st EGOS Colloquium, Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, Greece.

Tsachouridi, I., and Nikandrou, I. (2015). Is my Organization more Supportive than Others? Social Comparison Processes and Employee Outcomes. Paper accepted at the 2015 Annual Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Tsachouridi, I., and Nikandrou, I. (2015). What are the Implications of Non-Fulfilled Employer Obligations for Subsequent Employee Reactions?  31st EGOS Colloquium, Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, Greece.

Tsachouridi, I., and Nikandrou, I. (2015). Examining the relationship between employer obligation fulfillment and intent to quit through the lenses of social exchange and social comparison. 17th Annual Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Oslo, Norway.

Tsachouridi, I., and Nikandrou, I. (2015). Organizational Virtuousness’ Perceptions and Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Psychological Safety and Prosocial Motives. 17th Annual Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP),  Oslo, Norway.

Chytiri, A., and Panayotopoulou, L., (2015). Human Resource Management and Performance: Testing the relationship in a longitudinal background.  11th EIASM Interdisciplinary Workshop on “Intangibles, Intellectual Capital & Extra-Financial Information”, Athens, Greece. 

Chytiri, A., Guest, D., and Panayotopoulou, L. (2015).  Human Resource Management and Performance in a Changing Economic Context. 9th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Repoussis P.P., Paraskevopoulos D.C. and Tarantilis C.D. (2015). Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Resource Constraints. POMS 2015 Annual Conference, Washington, USA.

Repoussis P.P., Paraskevopoulos D.C. Vazacopoulos A. Hupert N. (2015). Optimizing Emergency Preparedness and Resource Utilization in Mass-Casualty Incidents. EURO 2015 - 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, UK.

Repoussis P.P., Vareias A., Tarantilis C.D. (2015). Assessing Customer Service Reliability in Route Planning with Self-Imposed Time Windows and Uncertain Travel Times. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 4th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop – TSL 2014, Berlin, Germany.

Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. and Zachariadis E.E. (2015). Moving Products between Location Pairs: Consolidation against Direct Shipping. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2015, Ajaccio, France.

Nikolopoulou A.I., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. and Zachariadis E.E. (2015). Direct shipping vs. cross-docking for the distribution of products between supplier and customer pairs. 3rd International Conference in Supply Chains, Athens, Greece.

Paraskevopoulos D.C., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C.D. (2015). The Resource Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2015, Ajaccio, France.

Stavropoulou F., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C.D. (2015). The Vehicle Routing Problem with Profits and Consistency Constraints. Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics - ODYSSEUS 2015, Ajaccio, France.

Vareias A., Repoussis P.P., Tarantilis C.D. (2015). Large Neighborhood Search for Vehicle Routing and Time Window Assignment Problems with Stochastic Travel Times. 3rd International Conference in Supply Chains, Athens, Greece.

Vareias A., Repoussis P.P. and Tarantilis C.D. (2015). Robust Optimization Frameworks for Vehicle Routing Problems under Uncertainty. 12th Management Science and Technology Student Conference, Athens, Greece.

Skarmeas, D., Zeriti, A. and  Kokkinaki, F. (2015). On relationship value in cross-border buyer-seller relationships. 41st European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D., & Saridakis, C. (2015). Entrepreneurial orientation pathways to performance: A fuzzy-set analysis. 2015 GIKA-Europe Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain. 

Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2015). Put it in a new perspective: The influence of intrapreneurial orientation in objective and subjective future performance through product development exploration. 44th European Marketing Academy Conference, Leuven, Belgium.

Lisboa, A. & Skarmeas, D. (2015). Exploitation, exploration, and adaptive export performance in turbulent times: The market and product development domains. 2015 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Stathakopoulos, V., Evaggelatos, A., Painesis, G., and Kottikas, K. (2015). Autoimmune Diseases in Greece: Patient Journey and Physician Route Visits. Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Congress on Management, Economics and Health Policy, Athens, Greece. Best Paper Award.

Stathakopoulos, V., Evaggelatos, A., Painesis, G., and Kottikas, K. (2015). Autoimmune Diseases in Greece: Some Interesting Findings. Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Congress on Management, Economics and Health Policy, Athens, Greece.

Stathakopoulos, V., Evaggelatos, A., Painesis, G., and Kottikas, K. (2015). Autoimmune Diseases in Greece: Patient Barriers to Treatment and Adherence. Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Congress on Management, Economics and Health Policy, Athens, Greece.

Kottikas, K., Stathakopoulos, V., Theodorakis, G. I., and Kottika, E. (2015). Delving into Market Driving Behavior: A Conceptual Roadmap to Delineating its Key Antecedents and Outcomes. Proceedings of the ICMMS International Conference on Marketing and Management Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey.

Kottikas, K., and Stathakopoulos, V.  (2015). Probing Market-Driving Strategy: An Integrated Framework Encompassing Antecedents, Key Constructs and Outcomes, Proceedings of the 14th International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, France.

Kottika, E., Stathakopoulos, V., Theodorakis, G. I., and Kottikas, K. (2015). Let us just work and look up to the future: A Study on the Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Personality Traits on SMEs’ Innovativeness in Times of Economic Turbulence. Proceedings of 22nd Innovation & Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), EIASM, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Vakola, M., & Katsaros, K. (2015). Responding to change recipients, reactions to change: A conceptual model.  17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway. 

Vakola, M., Nikolaou, I. & Kyriakou, O. (2015). Dealing with unemployment through pairing. 17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway. 

Tompou, M., Xanthopoulou, D.  &  Vakola, M.  (2015). Overall and daily employee-organization resource exchanges: Developing a scale across levels of analysis. 17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway. 


Giannopoulos, A. and Avlonitis, G.J. (2014). In search of balance market orientation: Internal marketing, external marketing and the role of culture in the tourism sector. Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Singapore.

Lionakis, C. and Avlonitis,  G.J. (2014). The impact of sales managers’ market orientation on marketing-sales conflict and company performance. Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Singapore. 

Lionakis, C. and Avlonitis,  G.J. (2014). Tracking the Evolution of Theory on Marketing-Sales Relationship: Past, Present and Future.    Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Papadas, K., Avlonitis G.J., and Karantinou, K. (2014). Green Marketing Orientation: Introducing a New Construct. Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Psimouli, M., Papadas, K. and Avlonitis G.J. (2014). Occupy Facebook – Social media facilitating political movements. AMA SERVSIG 2014 International Service Research Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece. 

Baltas, G., Painesis, G., and Argouslidis P.C. (2014). Exploring the effectiveness of cross-ruff coupons: An experimental approach. Annual Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA. 

Prieto, M., Caemmerer, B., & Baltas, G. (2014). Using a hedonic price model to test prospect theory assertions: The asymmetrical and nonlinear effect of reliability on used car prices.  Proceedings of the 2014 AMA Winter Marketing Educatorsʼ Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Saridakis, C., Tsafarakis S. & Baltas, G. (2014). Introducing differential evolution to product assortment planning: Optimizing variety and service levels of private labels in retail product portfolios. Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Saridakis, C., Tsafarakis, S. & Baltas, G. (2014), Introducing evolutionary analysis to retail assortment planning, Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Singapore.

Galanaki E. and Papalexandris, N. (2014). An Exploration and Discussion of the Recession Effects on Diachronic Trends in HRM Outsourcing: The Case of Greece. 13th IHRM Conference (International Human Resource Management), Krakow, Poland. 

Indounas, K. (2014). The impact of market structure on pricing behavior of industrial service firms. World Marketing Congress, ESAN, Lima, Peru.

Karantinou K., Kaminakis, K. & Gounaris S. (2014). A multilevel investigation into the impact of servicescapes on the service encounter.  43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Kaminakis, K., Karantinou K. & Boukis A. (2014). Social values and bandwagon motivations in the context of luxury consumption.  43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Kaminakis, K., Karantinou K., Gounaris S. & Koritos, C. (2014). An investigation of the effects of the service environment on employee-customer interactions.  13th International Research Conference in Service Management, La Londe les Maures, France.

Sakellariou, E., Karantinou K. & Goffin, K. (2014). Customer insights: how managers use market research data to generate product ideas. 21st International Product Development Management Conference, Limerick, Ireland.

Koritos C., Gounaris S. & Karantinou K. (2014). Perceived Servicescapes: a configural view and implications for behavioral intentions”, 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference, Valencia, Spain.

O’Loughlin, D., Barbosa, B., Fernandez, E., Karantinou, K., McEachern, M., Szmigin, I. (2014). A cross-cultural exploration of austerity-based practices around the home. 39th Annual Macromarketing Conference, London, England.  

Tsachouridi, I., and Nikandrou, I. (2014). Social Comparison Processes and Intent to Quit: The Mediating Role of POS and Identification. Proceedings of the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA.

Tsachouridi, I., and Nikandrou, I. (2014). Linking Organizational Virtuousness and Spontaneity through the Lens of Social Identity Theory. Proceedings of the British Academy of Management, Belfast, UK.

Tsachouridi, I., and Nikandrou, I. (2014).  Perceived Disinterested Support and Outcomes: A View through the Lenses of Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Virtuousness’ Perceptions. Proceedings of the British Academy of Management, Belfast, UK.

Tsachouridi, I., and Nikandrou, I. (2014).  Perceiving Virtuousness in Tough Times. Proceedings of the British Academy of Management, Belfast, UK.

Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki E. (2014). Does Gender of Employees Influence their Preference for Leadership Behaviors? An empirical study among firms in Greece. 5th LAEMOS Colloquium “Constructing Alternatives: How can we organize for alternative social, economic, and ecological balance?”, La Havana, Cuba. 

Ozsomer, A., Tsogas, M. and Papastathopoulou, P. (2014). The role of market orientation and organizational learning in managing economic crisis: The case of Greece. 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference, University of Valencia, Spain. 

Skarmeas, D., Hultman, M., & Robson, M. (2014). The effects of destination personality on tourist satisfaction, identification, and behaviour. Academy of Marketing Science 17th Biennial World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru.

Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D., & Lages, C. (2014). Balancing exploitative and explorative capabilities within and across the product development and market domains. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Vancouver, Canada.

Bello, D.C., Skarmeas, D., & Katsikeas, C.S. (2014). On partners’ opportunism in international distribution channels. 2014 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Orlando, Florida.

Stathakopoulos, V.  et al. (2014). Small Entrepreneur’s Personality Traits, Market Orientation and Economic Turbulence: An Intriguing Story Unveiled.  Proceedings of GSOM Emerging Markets Conference Business and Government Perspectives, St. Petersburg, Russia. 

Stathakopoulos, V. et al. (2014). The Morality of Metaphorically Wrapped Erotic Ad Packages: Scuba Diving into Consumers’ Cognitive and Ethical Considerations Dependent Upon their Need to Simplify. Proceedings of the 43th European Marketing Association Conference, Valencia, Spain.

Stathakopoulos, V.  et al. (2014). Metaphor Meeting Sex Meeting Guilt: Instances of Metaphor in Sex Appeal Ads and their Impact on High and Low Sex Guilt Consumers’ Reactions.  Proceedings of the 43th European Marketing Association Conference, Valencia, Spain. 

Stathakopoulos, V.  et al. (2014). Exploring the Impact of Entrepreneur’s Personality Characteristics on Market Orientation’s Components in SMEs.  Proceedings of the 43th European Marketing Association Conference, Valencia, Spain. 

Theodorakis, I.,  Stathakopoulos, V.  and  Katarachia, A.  (2014). Structuring in the Metaphorical Erotic Ad Arena: Investigating Responses to Metaphorical Erotic Ads Dependent Upon Consumers’ Personal Need for Structure.  Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Vakola, M. (2014). Investigating reactions to, and performance following, change-instigating feedback. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris.


Apospori, E. and Roumbi, D. (2013). The role of HR manager in employees’ taking up inclusive work-life practices.6th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference, Athens, AUEB. 

Magrizos, S. and Apospori, E. (2013). A Theoretical Framework On The Link Between SME’s CSR Actions, Their Stakeholder Orientation And Their Competitiveness. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Lionakis, K. and Avlonitis, J. G. (2013). The Moderation Effect of the External Environment in the Relationship between Marketing-Sales Conflict and Company Performance: An Exploratory Investigation. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Piha, L. and Avlonitis, J. G. (2013). Internal Brand Orientation: Scale Development and Validation,Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference. Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Baltas, G. & Saridakis, C. (2013). Modeling country-of-origin effects in the car market: implications for pricing.Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Monterey Bay, California, USA.

Tsafarakis, S., Saridakis, C., Baltas G. & Matsatsinis, N. (2013). An innovative artificial intelligence mechanism for market segmentation: Some preliminary empirical evidence of its performance. Proceedings of the 27th British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool University, UK.

Saridakis, C. & Baltas, G. (2013). Measuring country-of-origin effects in the automobile market: A hedonic price analysis. Proceedings of the 27th British Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool University, UK.

Saridakis, C., Tsafarakis S, Baltas G., & Matsatsinis N. 2013. Optimizing the degree of differentiation in car lineups: a swarm intelligence approach. Proceedings of the 2013 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Tsafarakis, S., Saridakis, C., Baltas G. & Matsatsinis, N. (2013). A New Nature-Inspired Mechanism for Market Segmentation: Empirical Implementation and Evaluation. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Saridakis, C. & Baltas, G. (2013). Evaluating the Differential Country-of-Origin Effects across Market Segments: Pricing Implications for the Car Market. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Saridakis, C., Tsafarakis S, Baltas G., & Matsatsinis N. 2013. Advances in market segmentation through nature-inspired intelligence methods: An empirical evaluation. International Symposium on Management Intelligent Systems, Salamanca, Spain.

Papista Ε., Dimitriadis S., (2013).The role of store characteristics into building the relationship with the brand,Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Galanaki, E. (2013). Gender and the importance of fringe benefits: exploring their link with organizational commitment and job satisfaction. European Academy of Management Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN No: 978-975-8400-35-5

Galanaki E. and Papalexandris, N. (2013). Leadership Behaviors to enhance inclusion: Evidence from a Greek survey. 6th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference, Athens, Greece.

Halikias, J. (2013). The Main Competitors of Greece in Exports of Agricultural Products in OECD & EU, 11th European Regional Science Association (ERSA-GR), Patras, Greece.

Indounas, K. (2013). The Antecedents of Strategic Pricing and Its Effect on Company Performance in Industrial Service Industries, AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Boston, USA.

Indounas, K. (2013).The Antecedents of Strategic Pricing and Its Effect on Company Performance. World Marketing Congress, University of Monash, Melbourne, Australia.

Kokkinaki, F. and Anagnostidou, Z. (2013). The Interactive Effects of Regulatory Focus and Information Accessibility and Diagnosticity on Consumer Decision Making. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Konstantoulaki, K. and Kokkinaki, F. (2013). The Influence of Involvement on the Stability of the Consideration Set at Different Points in Time. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Halkias, G. and Kokkinaki, F. (2013). Weak vs. Strong Brand Schemata and the Rewarding Nature of Incongruity Resolution in Advertising. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference,Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Nikandrou I. and Galanaki, E. (2013). Effects of career attitudes and strategies on career outcomes.Sustainable Employability Conference, University of Nijmegen, Holland.

Sakellariou, E & Karantinou K. (2013). An action research investigation of the global front end. 20th International Product Development Management Conference, Paris, France.

Kaminakis, K. & Karantinou K. (2013).The Impact of Servicescapes on Employees and its Subsequent Effects on Customers’ Perceptions: A Multilevel Study. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Karantinou K., Sakellariou, E. & Poulis K. (2013). A Guiding Framework for the Management of the Global Front End. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Sakellariou, E., Poulis, K. & Karantinou K. (2013).The Global Front End of the New Product Development Process: Managerial Insights through Action Research. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Katsikea, E., Theodosiou, M. & Karamanis, A. (2013). Strategic Implications of Export Manager Creativity.AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Boston, USA.

Makri, K., Theodosiou, M., Katsikea, E. & Avlonitis, G. (2013). An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Performance Outcomes of Export Innovativeness. Academy of International Business Conference, Istanbul,Turkey.

Papastathopoulou, P., Kokkinaki, F. and Tsogas, M. (2013). An exploratory analysis of the combined effect of cause-related marketing and price discounts in purchase intention. 4th EMAC CEE Regional Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Chytiri, Α., Guest, D. & Panayotopoulou, L., (2013).  Human Resources Mangement and Organizational Performance: Exploring the Relationship. 8th Biennal of Dutch HRM Network, Leuven, Belgium. 

Skarmeas, D., Leonidou, C.N. and Baltas G. (2013). On Consumer Skepticism toward Eco-Friendly Products.4th EMAC Regional Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Leonidou C.N. and Skarmeas, D.  (2013). Attributions and Outcomes of Green Consumer Skepticism.European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Barcelona, Spain.

Morgan, N., Katsikeas, C.S. and Spyropoulou, S. and Skarmeas, D.,  (2013). Strategic Goals, Positional Advantages, and Performance in Export Ventures. Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business,  Istanbul, Turkey.

Bello, D.C. and Skarmeas, D. (2013). Partner Opportunism in International Buyer–Seller Relationships: Convergence and Divergence of Perceptions. Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Bello, D.C., Skarmeas, D. and Ankubolkul G. (2013).  (In)Accurate Perceptions of Opportunistic Behavior in International Channel Relationships: Antecedents and Consequences. AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Kottika, E. and Stathakopoulos, V.  (2013). Do Entrepreneurʼs Personality Traits Affect Market Orientation and Marketing Planning in Small Firms? Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference,Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.

Tsaousis, I. & Vakola, M. (2013). Development of the Attitudes Toward a Specific Organizational Change (ATSOC) Scale.  Academy of Management Μeeting, Orlando, USA.


Apospori E. (2012) "Workplace Bullying: The cumulative effect of organizational risk factors among various risk groups", 8th International Conference on WorkPlace Bullying & Harassment, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Argouslidis  P.,Baltas G. and Mavrommatis A. (2012) "Outcomes of decision-making pace: evidence from product elimination decision processes", British Academy of Management, Cardiff, UK.

Lionakis C. and Avlonitis G. (2012) "The Relative Power of the Marketing and Sales Department and Its Consequences on the Organization", 6th GSSI, Turku, Finland.

Lionakis C. and Avlonitis G.(2012) "What Characterizes Companies Exhibiting High VS Low Marketing Sales Conflict?", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.

Piha L. and Avlonitis G. (2012) "External Brand Orientation: Scale Development and Validation", 41st EMAC,Lisbon, Portugal.

Piha L., Giannopoulos  A., Avlonitis G., Papastathopoulou P. and Pappa E.(2012) "Exploring the Destination Branding Effectiveness: Some Preliminary Evidence", 2nd AHTMM (Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management) Conference, Corfu, Greece.

Rizomyliotis  J. and Avlonitis G. (2012) "Assessing the Effectiveness of Industrial Print Ad Characteristics: Some Empirical Evidence", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.

Baltas G., Kokkinaki F. and Loukopoulou L. (2012) "The effect of product category and attribute type on variety-seeking behavior", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.

Baltas G., Argouslidis P. and Painesis G. (2012) "The effects of framing, stock-up nature and promotion depth on consumers' evaluation of coupon offers", British Academy of Management, Cardiff, UK.

Galanaki, E. (2012) "The role of organisational culture on the occurrence of workplace bullying: effects on organisational commitment and job satisfaction", 5th  Annual EuroMed Conference “Building New Business Models for Success through Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Responsibility", Glion-Montreux, Switzerland. 

Galanaki El. and Papalexandris N. (2012) "A profile of Organizations Investing in Fringe Benefits: Drawing on Data from 15 European Countries Across 10 Years", IFSAM, Limerick, Ireland. 

Indounas K. (2012) "Strategic Price Management in Industrial Service Industries", Academy of Management Conference, Southampton, UK.

Sakellariou E. and Karantinou K. (2012) "The Success Factors in the Global Front End", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.

Katsikea, E. Theodosiou M., Avlonitis G. and Makri K. (2012) "Market Orientation, Marketing Capabilities, Sales Strategy and Performance in Export Market Ventures", Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Florida, USA.

Halkias G. & Kokkinaki F. (2012) "Schema strength and the process mediating consumer responses to ad - brand incongruity",  Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Research in Advertising of the European Advertising Academy, Stockholm, Sweden.

Halkias, G., & Kokkinaki F. (2012) "Discrepant brand communication: Processing limitation and attitude formation", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.

Panagopoulos, N. (2012) "Nailing down Sales Force's Impact on Customer Lifetime Value", Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Florida, USA.

Panagopoulos N. and Rapp A. (2012) "Solution Selling Processes: A multistudy investigation of the antecedents and outcomes", Τhought Leadership on the Sales Profession Conference, Boston, USA.

Papastathopoulou, P., Tsogas, M., Plakoyiannaki E. and Andronikidis, A. (2012) "The nature and structure of Multiple Stakeholder Marketing Orientation in Higher Education: a theoretical Proposition and its Empirical Test", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.

Papastathopoulou, P. (2012) "Athens in the Eye of the Beholder: A city in turmoil through the Eyes of Residents and Tourists",  2nd Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management, Corfu, Greece.

Papastathopoulou P., Piha L., Avlonitis G., Andronikidis A., and Giannopoulos, A. (2012) "Toward a Cause-Related Marketing Model: a Case Study Approach", CoBeReN (Consumer Behavior Research Network) Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Skarmeas, D. and Leonidou C. (2012) "The sceptical green consumer: Corporate Attributions and Outcomes",41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.

Bello  D.,  Katsikeas C., Skarmeas D. and Angubolkul G. (2012), "Determinants and Outcomes of Self-Reported and Partner-Based Opportunism in International Marketing Channels", Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, Florida, USA.

Hultman, M., Skarmeas, D. and Katsikeas, C.S. (2012) “Destination Personality: Effects on Satisfaction, Identification, Word-of-Mouth and Revisit Intentions”, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Southampton, UK.

Lisboa A., Lages C. and Skarmeas D. (2012) "Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance: the Intervening Role of Dynamic Capabilities", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.

Lisboa, A., Lages, C. and Skarmeas, D. (2012) “Entrepreneurial Orientation and New Products’ Dynamic Capabilities Impact on Export Profitability”, Consortium for International Marketing Research, Taipei, Taiwan.

Mitsis, A., Foley, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2012) “Competence, Sincerity and Excitement: A Brand Personality for All?”, Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development Conference, Budapest, Hungary. 

Morgan, N., Katsikeas, C., Spyropoulou, S. and Skarmeas, D. (2012) "Strategic Goals, Positional Advantages and Performance in Export Market Operations", 41st EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal.

Kottika, E. and Stathakopoulos V.  (2012) "Exploring the Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation’s Elements and the Attitudes and Behaviour Towards Marketing Within SMEs’ Environment,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Economics, Istanbul, Turkey.

  1. Magrizos, S. and Apospori, E. (2011), “The Benefits of CSR implementation in Greek Commercial Banks under the Shadow of the Economic Crisis”, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Services Marketing, Ιzmir, Turkey.
  2. Apospori, E. Markaki, E. (2011), “Mass Media: How far they Influence our political Perceptions”, 61st Political Studies Association Annual Conference, London, UK.
  3. Lionakis, C. and Avlonitis, G. (2011), “Marketing and Sales Conflict: Antecedents and Consequences”, 4th Euromed Conference of the Euromed Academy of Business, Crete, Greece.
  4. Avlonitis, G. and Papista, E. (2011), “An Examination of the Effect of Eco-Labelling on Consumer Behaviour”,16th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece.
  5. Avlonitis, G. and Piha, L. (2011), “Internal Brand Orientation: A Prerequisite for Brand Excellence”, 16th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece.
  6. Avlonitis, G. and Piha, L. (2011), “How Failed Service Quality Affects Customer Defection?”, 3rd Biennial International Conference (BIC) on Services Marketing, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey.
  7. Giannopoulos, A. and Avlonitis, G. (2011), “Tourism Marketing Implementation Revisited: Qualitative Findings on Balanced Market Orientation-A Fragile Equilibrium”, 3rd Biennial International Conference (BIC) on Services Marketing, Cesme, Izmir,Turkey.
  8. Lionakis, C. and Avlonitis, G. (2011), “Marketing and Sales Conflict: An exploratory Investigation of Sources and Consequences on Performance”, 5th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI), Milan, Italy.
  9. Lionakis, C. and Avlonitis, G. (2011), “Marketing-Sales Conflict: Antecedents and Consequences”, 40th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  10. Baltas, G., Matsatsinis, N., Saridakis, C. & Tsafarakis, S. (2011), "A Nature-inspired Approach to Retail Strategy: Introducing Swarm Intelligence to Store Type Portfolio Management", Proceedings of the 2011 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference. San Francisco, California, USA.
  11. Baltas, G., Kokkinaki, F., and Loukopoulou, A. (2011), 'Does variety-seeking at the attribute level vary between utilitarian and hedonic products? An experimental study', Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of Marketing Conference, Liverpool, England.
  12. Baltas, G., Matsatsinis, N., Saridakis, C. & Tsafarakis, S (2011), "Using particle swarm optimization to design optimal product lines"', Proceedings of the 40th European Marketing Academy Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  13. Baltas G. and Painesis, G. (2011), "Coupon face value framing and the moderating effect of stock-up product nature", Proceedings of the 16th Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference, Athens University of Economics & Business.
  14. Dimitriadis S., Kyrezis N. and Gounaris S. (2011), “Modeling a two-level mechanism of trust in driving intentions to use technology-based bank channels, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Services, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey.
  15. Tsimonis G. and Dimitriadis S. (2011), “Brand Pages on Social Media. What for? Exploratory evidence from digital marketing managers”, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Services, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey.
  16. Galanaki, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2011) “Exploring Workplace Bullying in Greece: Frequency of occurrence and handling of measurement issues, under the light of previous research findings at the international level”,European Academy of Management Conference, Tallinn, Estonia.
  17. Galanaki, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2011), “Terror in the Workplace: Does Organizational Culture Foster Workplace Bullying? 4th Annual EuroMed Conference “Business Research Challenges in a Turbulent Era”, Crete, Greece.
  18. Boukis Ach. and Gounaris, S. (2011), “The role of IMO on NSD performance”, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Services, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey.
  19. Boukis, Ach., Gounaris, S. and Kaminakis, K. (2011), “Customer Contact Employee’s Role In Affecting Customer Switching”, 40th European Marketing Academy Conference”, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  20. Tzempelikos, N. and Gounaris, S. (2011), “Conceptualizations of Key Account Management Orientation and its Measurement – Insights from B2B Services”, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Services, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey.
  21. Kostopoulos, G., Gounaris, S. and Boukis, Ach. (2011), “Antecedents of Service Blueprinting Effectiveness and the Moderating Role of Service Characteristics: An empirical study”, 3rd Biannual Conference on Services Marketing, Çesme, Ismir-Turkey.
  22. Kaminakis, K., Boukis, Ach., Gounaris, S. and Papadakis, G. (2011), “A multi-level investigation of store managers’ IMO adoption for enhancing contact employees’ behaviors and customer perceived service quality”,3rd Biennial International Conference on Services, Cesme, Izmir, Turkey.
  23. Halikias, J. (2011), “The Thirty Year Road Leading to the Greek Financial Crisis and the IMF EU-ECB Bail-Out (Keynote Speech), International Conference on Applied Business & Economics, Piraeus, Greece.
  24. Karantinou K. (2011), “An analysis of the positive and negative consequences of relationships in professional services”, 3rd Biannual Conference on Services Marketing, Çesme, Ismir-Turkey.
  25. Vonatsos, K.and Karantinou, K. (2011), “Relationships in private banking under the pressures of the financial crisis”, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Services Marketing, Cesme, Izmir-Turkey.
  26. Panagopoulos, N.G. (2011), "Aspects of Personal Selling in Greece", presentation in Special Session "Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences in the Selling Process, 5th Annual Global Sales Science Institute Conference, "Sales: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice", Eds. P. Guenzi and R. Spiro, Milan, Italy.
  27. Vlachos, P., Panagopoulos, N.G., Singh, R., Singh, R. & Theotokis, A. (2011), “The Moderating Role of Job Satisfaction Facets on Salespeople’s Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from India and the Netherlands”, 2011 AMA Winter Educators Conference, “Looking Back, Looking Forward: Shaping the Future of Research in Marketing”, Eds. L. McAlister and R. Srinivasan, Vol. 22, Austin, Texas.
  28. Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki, E. (2011), “Desired Leadership Styles and the connection with the Ancient Greek Philosophy: results from the Globe Research in Greece, 1995-2010”, Leadership and Management in a Changing World: Lessons from Ancient East and West Philosophy, Athens, Greece.
  29. Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki, E. (2011), “Do the modal leader attributes change over time? An insight to the universalistic nature of leadership through a longitudinal research in Greece”, International Conference of Global Human Resource Management, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
  30. Papastathopoulou, P., Piha, L. and Avlonitis, G. (2011), “Toward a cause-branding strategy model”, 40th European Marketing Academy Conference”, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  31. Plakoyiannaki, E. and Papastathopoulou, P. (2011), “Case study research in new service development: A review and critical assessment”, 3rd Biannual Conference on Services Marketing, Çesme, Ismir-Turkey.
  32. Kokkou, Ch., Plakoyiannaki, E., Andronikidis, A. and Papastathopoulou, P. (2011), “Corporate social responsibility (CSR): A review and research agenda”, 3rd Biannual Conference on Services Marketing, Çesme, Ismir-Turkey.
  33. Katsikeas, C.S., Spyropoulou, S., and Skarmeas, D. (2011) “Antecedents and Performance Consequences of Competitive Advantages in Exporting Operations”, 2011 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Rheims, France.
  34. Katsikeas, C.S., Spyropoulou, S., and Skarmeas, D., (2011) “Drivers of Advantage Positions and Performance in International Markets”, 40th European Marketing Academy Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  35. Lisboa, Α., Skarmeas, D., Lages, C. and Lages, L.F. (2011) “The Balance of Product Development and Market-related Dynamic Capabilities on Product Innovation Performance”, 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Nagoya, Japan.
  36. Lisboa, Α., Skarmeas, D., and Lages, C. (2011) “Dynamic Capabilities in International Markets: The Influence of Technological Turbulence in Achieving Market Effectiveness Performance”, 40th European Marketing Academy Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  37. Stathakopoulos, V., Koronios K. and Koritos, Ch. (2011), “Functional vs. Social Benefits: What Matters Most in Affinity Marketing”, Proceedings of the Third Biennial International Conference on Services Marketing, Izmir, Turkey.
  38. Vakola, M. (2011), “Reasons as predictors of change recipients’ behavioural reactions”, Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, USA.
  39. Vakola, M., Armenakis, Ach. and Oreg, Sh., (2011), “Change recipients’ characteristics and reactions to organizational change”, Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, USA.
  40. Vakola, M., Armenakis, Ach. and Oreg Sh. (2011) “Change recipients’ reactions to change: A review”,European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
  1. Apospori, E. (2010) “Triangulating Workplace Bullying: Organizational Culture, Immediate Leadership and the Individual”,7th International Conference on Workplace Bullying & Harassment, Cardiff, UK.
  2. Avlonitis, G. and Lionakis, C. (2010) “Exploring the Relative Power of the Marketing & Sales Departments and its Consequences”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  3. Avlonitis, G., Giannopoulos, A. and Piha, L. (2010) “Desti–nation branding: more than a term…”, The 2010 Athens Tourism Symposium: International Scientific Congress on Current Trends in Tourism Management and Tourism Policy, Athens, Greece.
  4. Avlonitis, G., Gounaris, S. and Koritos, Ch. (2010) “Effects of online store atmospheric qualities on consumer behavior: Holistic vs. experimental approaches”, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA.
  5. Avlonitis, G., Lionakis, C. and Panagopoulos, N. (2010) “Antecedents and Consequences of the Conflict between the Marketing and Sales Departments”, 4th Annual Conference of the Global Sales Science Institute(GSSI), Poland.
  6. Giannopoulos, A. and Avlonitis, G. (2010) “From Hotel marketing Implementation to Balanced Market Orientation: Critical Insights from a Qualitative Research”, Proceedings of the 2009 ICHRIE (International Council on Hotel,Restaurant & Institutional Education), San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA.
  7. Giannopoulos, A., Avlonitis, G. and Piha, L. (2010) “How can Branding Principles be transferred to the Tourism Destination Context? An Exploratory Research”, 6th International Conference of the Academy of Marketing’s Special Interest Group on Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation, ESADE, Barcelona, Spain.
  8. Giannopoulos, A., Piha, L. and Avlonitis, G. (2010) “Toward a successful Destination Brand: Qualitative Findings from the Hotel Sector”, Proceedings of the 2010 ICHRIE, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA.
  9. Piha L., Giannopoulos, A. and Avlonitis, G. (2010) “Destination Branding: Qualitative Insights from the hotel industry”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  10. Baltas G. and Saridakis C. (2010) “A unified framework for dealing with preference and variance heterogeneity in conjoint experiments”, Proceedings of the German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing. Vienna-Austria.
  11. Baltas, G., Matsatsinis, N., Saridakis, C. & Tsafarakis, S (2010) “A combined experimental and evolutionary method for optimal store type diversification”, Proceedings of the 2010 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  12. Baltas, G., Saridakis, C. & Tsafarakis, S (2010) “Introducing evolutionary modeling to strategic retail decisions: optimal diversification of store portfolios through genetic algorithms”, Proceedings of the 39th European Marketing Academy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  13. Dimitriadis S. and Papista E. (2010) “The Role of Altruistic Value to Building Identification with Green Brands”, 6th International Colloquium - Academy of Marketing SIG on Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation, Barcelona, Spain.
  14. Dimitriadis S., Koritos C. and Tsimonis G. (2010) “Do Relationship Building Websites Pay Off? An Investigation of the Role of Relational Benefits and Costs within an FMCG Context”, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference, Coventry, UK.
  15. Papista Ε., Dimitriadis S. and Koritos C. (2010) “Building consumer-relationships with green brands, 6th International Conference Thought Leaders in Brand Management, Lugano, Switzerland.
  16. Papista Ε., Dimitriadis S. and Koritos C. (2010) “Consumer Relationship with the Brand: A Comparison of Two Alternative Measurement Scales”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  17. Galanaki, Ε. (2010) “Flexible Working Patterns in Greece and Europe”, 5th International Conference “Human Resource Management in Europe: Trends and Challenges”, Athens, Greece.
  18. Boukis, A. and Gounaris, S. (2010) “The effect of culture on Internal Marketing and the moderating effect of employee resistance to the internal marketing - employee satisfaction relationship”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  19. Papadakis, G. and Gounaris, S. (2010) “Measuring relationship marketing orientation as a higher order factor structure: evidence from b2b markets”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  20. Papadakis, G. and Gounaris, S. (2010) “Expanding the role of marketing: marketing of nations and the role of marketing in enhancing FDI attractiveness”, Proceedings of the EMAC Regional Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
  21. Tzempelikos, N. and Gounaris, S. (2010) “Antecedents and Consequences of Key Account Management Orientation – An Empirical Study”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  22. Indounas, K. and Roth, S. (2010) “Antecedents and Consequences of Strategic Price Management in New Zealand Service Industries”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  23. Coutras, C. Kafeza E. and Kafeza I. (2010) “Adoption of Information Technology policies in the tourism sector in the era of WEB 2.0”, Advance Program Workshops WISE Conference, Hong Kong, China.
  24. Karantinou, K.M., Hogg, M.K., Soureli, M., Vonatsos, K.N. (2010) “Sense the difference: Changes in relationship management in the context of the financial crisis”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference,Copenhagen, Denmark.
  25. Soureli, M., Karantinou, K.M., Chaniotakis, I., Lymperopoulos, C., (2010) “See them, hear them, trust them: Identifying the factors that affect cross-buying intention in retail banking”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  26. Anagnostidou, Z. & Kokkinaki F. (2010) “Attitude-Based Versus Attribute- Based Consumer Decision-Making: The Effects of Information Diagnosticity and Accessibility, and Processing Motivation and Opportunity”,Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  27. Halkias, G. & Kokkinaki F. (2010) “How Schema Incongruity Influences Consumer Responses: Exploring the Degree of Incongruity for Different Sources of Discrepancy” European Advances in Consumer Research,Proceedings of the 2010 European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Egham, United Kingdom.
  28. Halkias, G. & Kokkinaki F. (2010) “Investigating Consumer Responses to Schema-Incongruent Advertising Information”, International Journal of Management Cases, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference for Consumer Behaviour and Retailing Research, Estoril, Portugal.
  29. Halkias, G. & Kokkinaki F. (2010) “The Effects of Schema Incongruent Advertising Information: Verbal-Based and Image-Based Incongruity”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  30. Halkias, G. & Kokkinaki F. (2010) “Attention, Memory, and Evaluation of Schema Incongruent Brand messages: An Empirical Study”, Proceedings of the 2010 LabSi Conference on “Neuroscience and Decision Making, Siena, Italy.
  31. Halkias, G. & Kokkinaki F. (2010) “Responses to Schema (In)congruent Brand Information: Implications for Schema Driven and Stimulus Driven Attitudes”, Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Social Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, Winchester, United Kingdom.
  32. Panagopoulos, N. and Avlonitis, G. (2010) “Sales management Control and salesperson performance: the moderating influences of external and internal characteristics of the sales unit”, Special session panel: Hierarchical models in sales research: Recent advances and practical applications2010 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.
  33. Panagopoulos, N. and Avlonitis, G. (2010) “Making salespeople to lead themselves: Antecedents and consequences of self-leadership strategies”, 2010 AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, “Marketing 2010: Strategies and solutions for a Tumultuous Economy”, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.
  34. PanagopoulosN., & P. Guenzi (2010) “Special Session on The Global Sales Barometer”, 4th Global Sales Science Institute Conference, “Advancing Sales: measuring and refining for sales research, education and practice”, Eds. P. Kwiatek & T. Loe, Poznan, Poland.
  35. Blocker, C., J. Cannon, NPanagopoulos, & J. Sager (2010) “Customer Satisfaction & Retention” Baylor’s Center for Professional Selling/Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management Invitational Anniversary Research Symposium, Waco, Texas, USA. Co-Chairs: Andrea Dixon, Jeff Tanner, and Mike Ahearne.
  36. Papalexandris, N. (2010) “Leadership Studies in Greece”, ILA (International Leadership Association) Conference, Boston, USA.
  37. Papalexandris, N. (2010) “Motivating People in Times of Crisis”, Annual Conference of the AHRMIO(Association of Human Resources Management in International Organizations), Thessaloniki, Greece.
  38. Papalexandris, Ν. (2010) “Staff Motivation and Job Satisfaction”, Human Resource Conference, organized by the Bank of Greece and the European Central Bank, Athens, Greece.
  39. Papalexandris, Ν. (2010) “Δυο Δεκαετίες Έρευνας στη Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού στην Ευρώπη: Η Θέση της Ελλάδας”, 5ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο στη Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού: Τάσεις και Προκλήσεις, Athens, Greece.
  40. Papalexandris, Ν. (2010) “Καθοριστικοί Παράγοντες Ανάπτυξης Ηγετικών Ικανοτήτων σε Νέες Γυναίκες», 4ο Συνέδριο ΙΑΓΜΕ (Ινστιτούτο Ανάπτυξης Γυναικών Μάνατζερς και Επιχειρηματιών): DevelopingFemaleLeaders, Athens, Greece.
  41. Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki, E. (2010) “Work Family Balance in SMEs: The Role of Flexible Working Patterns”, 11th International Human Resource Management Conference, Birmingham, UK.
  42. Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki, E. (2010) “Confirming Desired Leadership Styles: Globe Research in Greece, 15 years later”, ILA (International Leadership Association) Conference, Boston, USA.
  43. Papalexandris, N. and Panayotopoulou L. (2010) “Human Resource Management Across Countries: The Link with Societal Culture”, 11th ISMD International Conference on Markets and Development, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  44. Papastathopoulou, P. and Hultink, EJ. (2010) “New service development: An analysis of 27 years of research”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  45. Papastathopoulou, P., Kalogeras, N. and Benos, T. (2010) “The heart and soul of corporate strategies: What drives consumer attitudes towards cause-related marketing?”, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany.
  46. Papavassiliou, N. and Athanasopoulou, D. (2010) “Relationships between Suppliers and Retailers in the Retail sector in Greece”, European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
  47. Skarmeas, D. and Hultman, M. (2010) “Promoting and Intentions to Revisit Tourism Destinations”, Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  48. Skarmeas, D., Shabbir, H., Hultman, M. and Baltas, G. (2010) “Determinants and Consequences of Alumni Identification”, International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM), Bucharest, Romania.
  49. Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D. and Lages, C. (2010) “Entrepreneurial Orientation, Dynamic Capabilities and Product Innovation Performance Outcomes”, Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  50. Lisboa, A., Skarmeas, D. and Lages, C. (2010) “Innovative Capabilities: Main Drivers and Effects on Current and Future Performance”, Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
  51. Lisboa, A., Lages, C., Skarmeas, D. and Lages, L.P. (2010) “Dynamic Capabilities in International Markets: Impact on Export Profit and Effectiveness Performance”, Proceedings of the 39th EMAC Conference,Copenhagen, Denmark.
  52. Spyropoulou S., Katsikeas, C.S. and Skarmeas, D. (2010) “Drivers and Performance Outcomes of Competitive Advantages in Export Ventures”, AMA Winter Marketing Educator’s Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  53. Spyropoulou, S., Katsikeas, C.S. and Skarmeas, D. (2010) “Building Successful Advantage Positions in International Markets: Does Nature of Competition Matter?”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  54. Theodorakis, Y. and Stathakopoulos, V. (2010) “As the Ad Marches Bleeding Rhetoric Retreats: Consumers' Emotions and Attitudes Towards Simple and Rhetorically Constructed Violent Ads,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Research in Advertising, Madrid, Spain.
  55. Vakola, M. (2010) “Reasons as predictors of change recipients’ behavioural reactions: A Longitudinal investigation”, British Academy of Management, Sheffield, UK.
  56. Gentile, D., Coyne, I., Born, M., Vakola, M., Cem, N., Jooren, J. and Kontou, E. (2010) “Productive and counterproductive work behaviour: Bi-polar or independent constructs? A cross cultural comparison of four European countries”, British Psychological Society, UK.
  1. Apospori, E. (2009) “The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture in Work-Family Conflict”, III International Work-Family Conflict Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
  2. Apospori, E., and Papalexandris, N. (2009) “Human Resource Management: Conditional Convergence and Divergence”, 10th International Human Resource Management Conference, Santa Fe, U.S.A.
  3. Apospori, E. and Markaki, E.(2009) “A modern framework for leadership development: From theory to practice. Criteria for the emergence of new political leadership in the Modern Greek context”, 5th European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Potsdam, Germany.
  4. Markaki, E., and Apospori, E. (2009) “The challenging role of new and traditional mass media to the formation of the political preferences”, 5th European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference,Potsdam, Germany.
  5. Argouslidis, P.Baltas,G. and Mavrommatis, A. (2009) “Exploring product delisting in retail firms”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Leeds, England.
  6. Avlonitis, G., Piha, L. and Koritos, C. (2009), “Brand Orientation: the construct”, 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France.
  7. Avlonitis, G. and Rizomylitotis, J. (2009) “Industrial Print Ad Effectiveness as a Function of Print Ad Characteristics: an Empirical Study”, 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France.
  8. Baltas, G. and Saridakis C. (2009) “A model for the empirical determination of heterogeneous and heteroscedastic preferences in conjoint experiments.” Academy of Marketing Conference, Leeds, England.
  9. Baltas, G. and Saridakis C. (2009) “Car marques and car models: the dual structure of brand names and their pricing implications in the automobile market. 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France.
  10. Dimitriadis, S. and Papista, E. (2009) “An investigation of the Link between Relationship Quality and Consumer-Brand Identification”, 5th International Colloquium – Academy of Marketing, Brand, Identity and Reputation, University of Cambridge, UK.
  11. Dimitriadis, S. and Tsimonis, G. (2009) “Exploring the relative importance of customers’ perceived relationship benefits and costs in the context of an e-service”, 2nd Biennial International Conference on Services, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  12. Dimitriadis, S. and Stevens, E. (2009) “Customer’s Perceptions of their Relationship with a service provider: A Preliminary Investigation of Purpose, Benefits and Costs”, 2nd Biennial International Conference on Services, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  13. Gounaris, S., Koritos C. and Kostopoulos, J. (2009) “Person-place congruency in online shopping contexts”,14th World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway.
  14. Gounaris, S. and Tzebelikos N. (2009) “Key Account Management Orientation and its Implications - A conceptual and Empirical Examination”, 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France, (ηλεκτρονική έκδοση των πρακτικών σε ψηφιακό δίσκο).
  15. Indounas, K. Avlonitis, G. and Argouslidis, P. (2009)"Pricing Objectives and Their Antecedents in the Services Sector", Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Leeds, UK.
  16. Katsikea, E., Theodosiou, M., Perdikis, N. and Kehagias, J. (2009) “The influence of Organizational Structure on Export Sales Managers Job Characteristics and Work Outcomes”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France.
  17. Theodosiou, M., Makri, K., Samiee, S. and Katsikea, E. (2009) “A proposed Conceptualization of Electronic Service Quality as a Higher Order Formative Construct”, World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway.
  18. Anagnostidou, Z., and Kokkinaki F. (2009) “Attitude-based versus attribute-based consumer decision-making: The effects of information diagnosticity, processing opportunity and processing motivation”, 6th International Conference for Consumer Behaviour and Retailing Research, Dornbirn, Austria.
  19. Anagnostidou, Z., Kokkinaki, F. and Stavraki, M. (2009) “Attitude-based versus attribute-based decision-making: The interactive effects of information diagnosticity and accessibility and processing motivation and opportunity”, Annual Conference of the Social Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society,Sheffield, United Kingdom.
  20. Konstandoulaki, K., and Kokkinaki, F. (2009) “The effect of involvement on the relative size of the consideration set”, 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France.
  21. Stavraki, M., Kokkinaki, F. and Anagnostidou, Z. (2009) “The advantages of matching versus mismatching advertising emotional appeal with recipients’ emotional state”, Annual Conference of the Social Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
  22. Panagopoulos N. (2009) “Sales management research in a globalized world: Prospects, challenges, and opportunities”, Special Session Panel: Internationalizing Research in Sales and Relationship Marketing, AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.
  23. Panagopoulos N., and Avlonitis G. (2009) “Sales Leadership Behaviors: Does the Environment Matter?” 3rd Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  24. Panagopoulos N., and Avlonitis G. (2009) “Self-leadership strategies in selling: An empirical assessment of their antecedents and performance effects”, Houston Conference in Selling and Sales Management, Houston, U.S.A.
  25. Panagopoulos N., and Hunter G.K. (2009) “Managing sales technology-related change mechanisms: A commitment and coping perspective”, AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A.
  26. Vlachos, P.A., Theotokis, A. and Panagopoulos, N. (2009) “Sales force reactions to corporate social responsibility”, Houston Conference in Selling and Sales Management, Houston, U.S.A.
  27. Papastathopoulou, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “Determinants of donor-nonprofit organization relationship quality and its influence on donor retention, 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France.
  28. Papavassiliou, N. (2009) “The Degree of Integration of Distribution and Marketing in Companies Operating in the Fishery Sector in Greece”, 14th Biennial AMS World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway.
  29. Bello, D. and Katsikeas, C.K. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “When Does Control Matter in International Marketing Channels?”, 2009 AMA Winter Marketing Educator’s Conference, Tampa, Florida.
  30. Mitsis, A., Foley, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “Is University Brand Personality An Antecedent To Consumer-Based Brand Equity? An Initial Investigation”, AUMEC, Antalya, Turkey.
  31. Lisboa, A., Lages, C. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “A Model of Dynamic Learning Capabilities in International Markets”, 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, Nantes, France.
  32. Mitsis, A., Foley, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “Using Net Promoter Type Scores to Understand Brand Personality: A Three University Exploration”, 8th International Congress of the Association of Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Valencia, Spain.
  33. Mitsis, A., Foley, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2009) “Brand Personality and Net Promoter Type Scores: An Exploratory Investigation of Premium Branded Universities in Australia and the UK”, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Leeds, UK.
  1. Apospori, E. (2008) “Individual career strategies and WFC: The organizational culture matters”, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA.
  2. Apospori, EPapalexandris N. (2008) “HRM: Convergence, divergence, or a middle of the road (MOR) approach?”(Best Papers Proceedings), Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, USA.
  3. Apospori, E.Papalexandris, N. (2008) “Work-place bulling and organizational culture: A multi-level approach”, 6th International Conference on WORKPLACE BULLYING, Montréal, Canada.
  4. Apospori, E., Zisouli, M. and Avlonitis, G.J (2008) “Voters’ perceptions of political marketing, civic culture and voting criteria” 5th International Political Marketing Conference, Manchester, UK.
  5. Markaki, E, Apospori, E. (2008), “The case of Alexis Tsipras: Political personality, collective identity and political marketing”, 5th International Political Marketing Conference, Manchester, UK.
  6. Argouslidis, P.C., Baltas, G. and Indounas, K. (2008) “Retrospective assessment of decisions to prune the product line: Evidence from the UK Financial Services Sector”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Aberdeeen, UK.
  7. Argouslidis, P.C., Indounas, K., Baltas, G. and Mavrommatis, A. (2008) “Exploring the role of relationship pricing in industrial export settings: Empirical evidence from the UK”, American Marketing Association Conference (summer), San Diego, California, USA.
  8. Avlonitis, G. and Giannopoulos, A. (2008) “The Balanced Orientation in the Hospitality Industry: Exploring the Linkages between internal Market Orientation. External Market Orientation and Organizational Performance, in a Proposed Integrative Study, 26th EuroCHRIE Conference, Dubai.
  9. Avlonitis, G. and Lionakis, C. (2008) “Marketing & Sales Conflict: Does it Really Matter?”, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Brighton, UK.
  10. Avlonitis, G. and Lionakis, C. (2008) “How Can We Reduce the Conflicts Between the Sales and Marketing Departments?”, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Athens, Greece.
  11. Baltas, G. and Saridakis, C. (2008) “Brand and segment heterogeneity: Implications for car prices”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Aberdeen, UK.
  12. Dimitriadis, S. (2008) “Developing salespeople competencies through training: The European B2B Sales Institute initiative”, Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Athens, Greece.
  13. Gounaris, S. and Kostopoulos, G. (2008) “An empirical investigation of the path from service blueprinting formality to service encounter effectiveness. Some preliminary findings”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Brighton, UK.
  14. Gounaris, S. and Kostopoulos, G. (2008) “ An empirical investigation of the path from service blueprinting formality to perceived service quality”, Frontiers in Services 17th Annual Conference, American Marketing Association and Center for Excellence in Services, Washington, USA.
  15. Gounaris, S. and Tzempelikos, N. (2008) “Criteria for identifying key accounts and business performance: Are they linked?” European Marketing Academy Conference, Brighton, UK.
  16. Gounaris, S. and Tzempelikos, N. (2008) “Success Factors in Key Account Management: An empirical study”, Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Athens, Greece.
  17. Kafeza, E. and Kafeza, I. (2008) “Intellectual property and privacy in interoperable systems”, 7th IEEE International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems, Madrid, Spain.
  18. Kafeza, I. and Kafeza E. (2008) “Legal issues in Interoperability of Large Systems that Cut across Organizational and National Boundaries”, IEEE International Conference on Composition-Based Software Systems, ICCBSS, Diagnosis and Prognosis of Interoperability Challenges, MITRE Corporation.
  19. Zorotheos, A. and Kafeza, E. (2008) “Users’ perceptions on privacy and their intention to transact online: a study on greek internet users”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Brighton, UK.
  20. Katsikea, E. (2008) “Factors influencing export sales organization effectiveness: implications for export management”, Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Athens, Greece.
  21. Rigopoulou, I., Tsiotsou, R., Kehagias, J. and Katsikea, E. (2008) “Store-choice criteria and satisfaction on the development of shopping orientation segments”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Milan, Italy.
  22. Theodosiou, M. and Katsikea, E. (2008) “An empirical investigation of the antecedents and consequences of export information behavior”, Academy of International Business Conference, Milan, Italy.
  23. Konstandoulaki, K. and Kokkinaki, F. (2008) “Involvement and consumer selectivity within and outside the consideration set”, Society for Advancement of Behavioral Economics Conference, Rome, Italy.
  24. Nikandrou, I. and Panayotopoulou, L. (2008) “HRM: Line managers’ perceptions”, Global Insights in People Management International Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  25. Nikandrou, I. and Papalexandris, N. (2008) “Employee communication and consultation: Continuity and change”, International Conference of International Sociological Association, Barcelona, Spain.
  26. Panagopoulos, N. G. (2008) “Customer-centric sales culture in sales organizations: On its measurement and impact on sales performance”, American Marketing Association Conference (winter), Texas, U.S.A.
  27.  Panagopoulos, N. and Avlonitis G. (2008) “Sales Strategy and its Impact on Sales Force Performance: An Empirical Test”, 2nd Biennial Conference on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity, Kiel, Germany.
  28. Panagopoulos, N. and Avlonitis G.  (2008) “Sales Strategy and its Impact on Firm Performance”,Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Athens, Greece.
  29. Papastathopoulou, P. (2008) «Knowledge, attitude and likelihood to donate bone marrow: A social marketing exercise», 37th European Marketing Academy Conference, Brighton, UK.
  30. Papastathopoulou, P. (2008) «Factors motivating people towards unrelated bone marrow donation: An exploratory study in Europe», Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  31. Psiloutsikou, M. and Papadakis, V. (2008) “Dual stategy as a response to the distruption of the internet: in search of synergistic benefits”, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, California.
  32. Skarmeas, D., Baltas, G. and Papastathopoulou P. (2008) “Building Cross-national Interfirm Relationship Quality,” Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  33. Stathakopoulos, V. (2008) “Sales Management Education: The case of Greece”, Global Sales Science Institute Conference, Athens, Greece.
  34. Theodorakis, Y. and Stathakopoulos, V. (2008) “Resonance in Advertising: Assesing its Effectiveness and Exploring its Limits”, 37th European Marketing Association Conference, Brighton, England.
  35. Vakola, M. (2008) “Macro, meso and micro readiness to organizational change” Institute of Work Psychology International Conference, Sheffield, UK.
  36. Vakola, M. and Nikolaou, I. (2008) “Selecting change leaders”, 12th International Conference in organization studies, New Delhi, India.
  1. Αpospori, E. Nikandrou, I., Panayotopoulou, L. and Rafailidou, M. (2007) “Work-family Conflict from a Multi-level Perspective: Comparing Female and Male Managers, 2nd International Conference on Work-Family Conflict, Barcelona, Spain.
  2. Αpospori, E.Nikandrou, I. and Papalexandris, N. (2007) “Changes and Trends in Strategic Human Recourse Management in Greece, International Human Resource Management Conference, Tallinn, Estonia.
  3. Apospori, E., Zisouli, M. and Avlonitis, G.J. (2007) “Municipal elections and political marketing actions: The case of Athens 2006”, Τhe Annual Political Studies Association Conference, Bath, UK.
  4. Apospori, Ε., Zisouli Μ. and Avlonitis, G.J. (2007) “Political Marketing Actions and Effective Leadership: The Case of Athens 2006 Municipal Elections. 4rth International Political Marketing Conference, Bucharest, Romania.
  5. Argouslidis, P.C. and Baltas G., and Lodorfos G. (2007) “How Fast Can Financial Firms Withdraw a Product from the Line? The Effects of Selected Product Characteristics”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Surrey, UK.
  6. Argouslidis, P.C., Baltas, G. and Papavassiliou, N. (2007) “Determinants of Decision Speed in Product Line Pruning: An Empirical Study”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  7. Avlonitis, G. and Giannopoulos, A. (2007) “The Triangular Concept of Internal Market Orientation, External Market Orientation and Organizational Performance: a Proposed Integrative Study Applied to the Tourism Industry, 10th Toulon-Verona Conference, Thessalonica, Greece.
  8. Avlonitis, G. and Giannopoulos, A. (2007) “A Triangular Concept Applied to the Tourism Industry: Proposing an Integrative Exploration of the Linkages between Internal Market Orientation, External Market Orientation and Organizational Performance”, 1st Conference on Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece.
  9. Avlonitis, G. and Indounas, K. (2007) “New Product Pricing Strategies and their Antecedents in the Japanese Industry”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  10. Avlonitis, G. and Lionakis, C. (2007) “An Exploratory Investigation of the Impact of Marketing and Sales Cooperation on Company Performance”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  11. Avlonitis, G, and Panagopoulos, N., (2007) “Sales Management Research in Greece in the New Millennium”, New Horizons in Selling & Sales Management, Orlando, Florida.
  12. Avlonitis, G. and Rizomyliotis I. (2007) “An Exploratory Study of the Factors Influencing the Successful Outcome of Industrial Print Ad Campaigns”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  13. Baltas, G.Argouslidis, P. and Skarmeas, D. (2007) “The Use of Store Portfolios by Supermarket Customers: An Empirical Study,” AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Washington, DC, USA.
  14. Dimitriadis, S. and Kyrezis N. (2007) “Antecedents of trust in Technology-based Bank Channels”, 1st Conference on Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece.
  15. Dimitriadis, S. and Kyrezis N. (2007) “Transferring Trust from the Company to its channels: the case of Technology-based Bank Channels”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  16. Stevens, E. and Dimitriadis, S. (2007) “Antecedents of the relationship expectations in the bank sector: proposal of a measurement procedure”, 4th Research Conference on Relationship Marketing and CRM,Brussels, Belgium.
  17. Stevens, E. and Dimitriadis, S. (2007) “An Integrated Perspective for CRM in Service Activities: an Internal/external Gap model”, 1st Conference on Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece.
  18. Gounaris, S. and Koritos, C. (2007) “Using the Extended Innovation Attributes Framework and Consumer Personal Characteristics as Predictors of Internet Banking Adoption”, 1st Conference on Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece.
  19. Gounaris, S. and Tzempelikos, N. (2007) ″Key account management effectiveness – a pilot relationship marketing perspective″, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  20. Koritos, C.Gounaris, S. and Papastathopoulou, P. (2007) “The Role of Innovation Attributes on Consumers Decision to Adopt Internet Banking Services”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  21. Indounas, K. Avlonitis, G. and Haghirian, P. (2007) “New Product Pricing Strategies and their Antecedents in the Japanese Industry”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  22. Vidalis, M., Lymperopoulos, C. and Indounas, K. (2007) “Coordinated Optimal Pricing to Maximize Total Profits Within a Supply Chain Constituted by Two or More Members”, 1st Conference in Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece.
  23. Chiu, K.W., Hong Dan, Cheung, S.C. and Kafeza, E. (2007) “Towards Ubiquitous Government Services through Adaptations with Context and Views in a Three-Tier Architecture”, International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA.
  24. Chiu, K. W., Patrick, Hung C. K., Cheng,. S. Y. and Kafeza E. (2007) “Protecting the Exchange of Medical Images in Healthcare Process Integration with Web Services”, International Conference on System Sciences,Hawaii, USA.
  25. Kafeza, I. and Kafeza, E. (2007) “Legal Issues in Grid Collaborative Environments”, International Workshop on Trusted Collaboration, στα πλαίσια του International Conference on Collaborative Computing, Networking, Applications and Worksharing, CollaborateCom.
  26. Karantinou, K.M. and Hogg, M.K. (2007) “Unpredictable Disadvantages of Relationship Development”,European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  27. Karantinou, K.M. and Hogg, M.K. (2007) “What is the Real Value of Relationships? Assessing the Benefits and Costs of Relationships in Consultancy”, Academy of Marketing Conference, London, UK.
  28. Lewis, B.R., Karantinou, K.M. and Soureli, M. (2007) “Factors that affect consumers’ cross-buing intention: a model for financial services”, 1st Conference on Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece.
  29. Katsikea, E., Theodosiou, M., Perdikis, N. and Kehagias, J. (2007) “Antecedents and Consequences of Sales Management Control in SMEs Exporters”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland.
  30. Theodosiou, M. and Katsikea E. (2007) “An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and Consequences of Export Sales Manager Organizational Commitment”, American Marketing Association Conference (winter), San Diego, Kalifornia.
  31. Konstandoulaki, K. and Kokkinaki, F. (2007) “The role of involvement, perceived differentiation and awareness set in the descriptive properties of the consideration set, in memory-based consumer decision-making”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland.
  32. Sevdalis, N., Kokkinaki, F. and Koutsavgousti, G. (2007) “Spontaneous Unrealistic Counterfactual Thinking and Decision-related Affect”, 21st Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making Conference of the European Association of Decision Making, Warsaw, Poland.
  33. Stavraki, M. G. and Kokkinaki, F. (2007) “The effect of advertising message involvement on the strength of product attitudes, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland.
  34. Kriona A.Evagelatos, A. and Konstantopoulou, M., (2007) “New Communication Skills of the Instructor and their effect on the Quality of Effective Learning”, 4rth International Conference in Open and Distance Learning,Athens, Greece.
  35. Panagopoulos, N. G. (2007) “EUBBSI”, The State of Sales Research & Education in the European Union: An International Workshop, HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland.
  36. Panagopoulos, N. G. (2007) “Engaging Businesses in Sales Education”, The State of Sales Research & Education in the European Union: An International Workshop, HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland.
  37. Panagopoulos, N. G., and Dimitriadis S. (2007) “Assessing the Impact of Transformational Leadership and Behavior-Based Control on Salesperson Performance, Satisfaction, and Commitment”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  38. Panayotopoulou, L., Nikandrou, I., and Papalexandris, N. (2007) “HRM and Firm Performance in the Competing Values Framework”, International Human Resources Management Conference, Tallinn, Estonia.
  39. Papalexandris, N. and Galanaki, E. (2007) “Leadership Styles and acceptance of female managers in Greece: Fifteen years after”, International Human Resource Management Conference, Tallinn, Estonia.
  40. Alas, R., Papalexandris, N., Niglas, K. and Galanaki E. (2007) “Managerial values and employee commitment in a cultural context”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Doing Well By Doing Good, Philadelphia, USA.
  41. Alas, R., Papalexandris, N., Niglas, K. and Galanaki E. (2007) “Managerial values and employee commitment in a cultural context”. 5th International Conference of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  42. Papastathopoulou, P. (2007) “Training, Vendor Support and ERP User Acceptance: The Role of Self-efficacy”,1st Conference on Strategic Developments in Services Marketing, Chios, Greece.
  43. Papastathopoulou, P. and Gounaris, S. (2007) “Organizational Antecedents of ERP User Acceptance”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  44. Papavassiliou, N. and Gounaris, S. (2007) “Problems of the Distribution and Logistics System in the Fishery Sector in Greece”, The14th International EAERCD Conference on Research in the Distribution Trades, Saarbtuecken, Germany.
  45. Papavassiliou, N., Papastathopoulou, P., Avlonitis, G. and Gounaris, S. (2007) “Linking Different Types of ICT Adoption Conditions to their Performance Outcome”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  46. Skarmeas, D., Robson, M. and Toon, M. (2007) “An empirical investigation of an importer’s intention to continue its relationship with its foreign supply source”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  47. Skouras, T. (2007) “Industrialization Problems under Central Planning and Parliamentary Democracy”,Developments in Economic Theory and Policy Conference, Bilbao, Spain.
  48. Papalexandris, A., Vakola, M., and Prastacos, G. (2007) “Workplace Olympics: Inspiring great performance through fundamental values in use”, Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
  49. Oreg, Sh. and Vakola, M. (2007) “Employees’ reactions to organizational change: A review of empirical findings”, Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
  50. Oreg, Sh., Bayazit, Armenakis, M., Ac., Barkauskiene, R, Bozionelos, N.,Gonzales-Fernandez, L., Feric I., Fujimoto, Y., Han, J., Hetland, H., Hrebickova, M., Mitsuhashi, H., Mlacic, B., Ohly, S., Saksvik P., Srinivas, E., Vakola M. and Van Dam. (2007) “Dispositional resistance to change across cultures”, Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
  1. Apospori, E.Avlonitis, G.J. and Zissouli, M. (2006) “Political Culture and Trust of Political Marketing: A Cross-Generational Comparison” 3rd International Political Marketing Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.
  2. Apospori, E., Avlonitis, G.J. and Zissouli, M. (2006) “Political Communication, Civic Participation and Voting Behavior in Greece”, 20th World Congress of International Political Science Association, Fukuoka, Japan.
  3. Avlonitis, G.Gounaris, S. and Papastathopoulou, P. (2006) “Information and Communication Technologies’ Adoption: Scenarios for Success and Failure”, American Marketing Association Conference (summer),Chicago, USA.
  4. Avlonitis, G. and Salavou, H. “Product Innovativeness and Performance in SMEs”, 35th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Athens, Greece.
  5. Avlonitis, G. and Panagopoulos, N. (2006) “Sales Organization Effectiveness: Does the Use of Internet Matter?”, 35th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Athens, Greece.
  6. Avlonitis, G. and Athanassopoulou, P. (2006) “Marketing strategies for successful brand extensions: a preliminary investigation”, 35th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC), Athens, Greece.
  7. Avlonitis, G. and Panagopoulos, N. (2006) “Measuring the Sales Force Control System: A Critical Evaluation of the Cravens et al. (1993) Measurement Scale”, American Marketing Association Conference (summer), Chicago, USA.
  8. Bikou, D., Baltas, G. and Baourakis G. (2006) “Consumer attitudes towards nutrition labeling,” 98th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Chania, MAICH, Greece.
  9. Baltas, G.Argouslidis, P. and Skarmeas D. (2006) “Exploring heterogeneity in store brand preferences: A survey”, 13th Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science, Budapest, Hungary.
  10. Psiloutsikou, M., Constantopoulou, M., Papadakis, V. and Skouras, T. (2006) “The Various Roles of Electronic Newspapers in Relation to the Print Industry and the Five Forces of Competition Model”, COST A-20 Conference, Delphi, Greece.
  11. Psiloutsikou, M., Constantopoulou, M., Papadakis, V. and Skouras, T. (2006) “Identifying Constructs to Explore Synergy Potential in the Case of Electronic and Print Newspapers: Findings from a Global Survey”, 7th World Media Economics Conference, Beijing, China.
  12. Dimitriadis, S. and Kyrezis N. (2006) “The role of Trust in Use Intentions of Innovative Bank Channels”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece.
  13. Galanaki, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2006) “A Decision Model for Outsourcing of Training Functions: Distinguishing Among Generic and Firm- or Job- Specific Training Content”, 21st Strategic HRM Workshop,EIASM, Birmingham, UK.
  14. Galanaki, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2006) “A Decision Model for Outsourcing of Recruitment and Selection”, Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal.
  15. Galanaki, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2006) “Effects of CEO Leadership Patterns on Commitment, Effectiveness, Motivation and Satisfaction: A distinction among Entrepreneurial and Established Firms”, Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal.
  16. Gounaris, S. and Tzempelikos, N. (2006) “Modeling the relationship between customer-perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty and behavioral intentions”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece.
  17. Kafeza, E., Chan, F. and Kafeza, I. (2006) “Legal Issues in Web Contracting”, International Conference on Software Engineering IASTED, Innsbruck, Austria.
  18. Kafeza, E., Dickson, K., Chiu, W. and Karlapalem, K. (2006) “Improving the Response Time of Business Processes: An Alert-Based Analytical Approach”, International Conference on System Sciences HICSS, Hawaii, USA.
  19. Dickson, K. W. Chiu, Dan Hong, S., Cheung, C. and Kafeza E. (2006) “Adapting Ubiquitous Enterprise Services with Context and Views”,10th IEEE International EDOC Conference, Hong Kong.
  20. Dickson, K. W. Chiu, Patrick, C. K. Hung, Vivying, S. Y., Cheng, C. and Kafeza, E. (2006) “Protecting the Exchange of Document Images in Cross-Enterprise Process Integration with Web Services”, EDOC Workshops, Hong Kong.
  21. Karantinou, K.M. and Gong, Y. (2006) “Relationships in Consultancy: Developing a Sustainable Competitive Advantage”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece.
  22. Katsikea, E. and Theodosiou, M. (2006) “An Empirical Investigation of Interrelationships Among Information Control, Supervisor Role Ambiguity, Role Stressors and Job Satisfaction in an Export Sales Context”, Academy of International Business Conference, Beijing, China.
  23. Theodosiou, M. and Katsikea, E. (2006) “ An Empirical Investigation of Interrelationships Among the Antecedents and Outcomes of Organisational Commitment in an Export Sales Context”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece.
  24. Koutroupis, T., Kokkinaki, F., Kolletis, G. and Petrides, K.V. (2006) “The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Management and Negotiation”, European Association of Personality Psychology Conference, Athens, Greece.
  25. Papalexandris, N. (2006) “Labour Flexibility in Greek SMEs”, 14th World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association, Lima Peru.
  26. Papalexandris, N. (2006) “Succession Planning and Leadership Development”, National HR Development Network Conference, The Future of Work: Mastering Change, New Delhi, India.
  27. Papastathopoulou, P., Avlonitis, G. and Gounaris, S. (2006) “Information and Communication Technologies’ Adoption: Scenarios for Success and Failure’’, American Marketing Association Conference (summer), Chicago, USA.
  28. Skarmeas, D. (2006) “On Relationship Quality in Cross-border Marketing Channels”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece.
  29. Skarmeas, D. and Katsikeas, C.S. (2006) “Drivers of Relationship Quality in Exporter-Foreign Distributor Relationships”, Consortium for International Marketing Research Annual Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.
  30. Bello, D.C., Katsikeas, C.S. and Skarmeas, D. (2006) “An investigation of the Power-Performance Relationship in International Buyer-Seller Exchanges”, American Marketing Association Conference (winter), St. Petersburg, Florida.
  31. Skouras, T. (2006) “Industrialization and its Effects under Different Socio-political Regimes”, EAPE Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
  32. Theodorakis, I. and Stathakopoulos, V. (2006) “A Case for Advertising Ethics: Subliminal Sexual Embeds and Their Effects on Young Viewers’ Ethical Judgments and Attitudes Towards Various Ad Effectiveness Measures”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece.
  33. Vakola, M., Nikolaou, I. and Bourantas, D. (2006) “Who Remains Silent at Work? The Role of Personality Characteristics in Organizational Silence”, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, USA.
  34. Vakola, M. and Nikolaou, I. (2006) “Exploring Individual Readiness to Organizational Change”, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, USA.
  1. Apospori, E. and Nikandrou, I. (2005) “Women’s Mentoring and their Career Advancement in Greece”, 3rd International Conference in HRM, Athens, Greece.
  2. Apospori, E.Avlonitis, G. and Zissouli, M. (2005) “Political Marketing and Voting Behavior in Greece”, The Annual Political Studies Association Conference, Leeds, UK.
  3. Apospori, E. Avlonitis, G. and Zissouli, M. (2005) “Communication, Civic Participation and Voting Criteria in Greece”, The Annual Political Studies Association Conference, Leeds, UK.
  4. Argouslidis, P. and Papavassiliou, N. (2005) “Organizational and Environmental Effects on the Degree of Formalization During Service Elimination Decision Making: Evidence from the UK Financial Services Sector”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  5. Kent, R. and Argouslidis, P. (2005) “Shaping Business Decisions Using Fuzzy-Set Analysis: Service Elimination Decisions”, Academy of Marketing Conference, Dublin, UK.
  6. Kent, R. and Argouslidis, P. (2005) “A Fuzzy-Set Analysis of Marketing Data”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  7. Avlonitis, G. and Athanassopoulou, P. (2005) “Effective Marketing Management of Brand Extensions: A Preliminary Investigation”, Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  8. Avlonitis, G. and Indounas, K. (2005) “Pricing Research and Pricing Objectives in the Services Sector”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  9. Avlonitis, G. and Panagopoulos, N. (2005) “Unfolding the Multilevel Nature of Effective Sales Strategy Implementation” Panel Session: Rethinking Sales as a Strategic Asset in Customer Relationship Management, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  10. Avlonitis, G., Papadopoulos, N. and Stathakopoulos, V. (2005) “Greece and the World: a Bi-Directional Comparison of Consumer Views of Countries and their Products”, 3rd International Conference on Business Economics, Management & Marketing, Athens, Greece.
  11. Dimitriadis, S. and Zissouli, M. (2005) “Designing an Online Strategy for Political Marketing: The Case of PASOK”, International Conference on Political Marketing, Kastoria, Greece.
  12. Stevens, E. and Dimitriadis, S. (2005) “Sensemaking and Learning Processess while Innovating in Retailing”, International Society for Professional Innovation Management Conference, Porto, Portugal.
  13. Galanaki, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2005) “Internationalisation as a Determining Factor of HRM Outsourcing”, Academy of International Business, UK Chapter, Conference, Bath, UK.
  14. Kafeza, I., Kafeza, E., Dickson, K. and Chiu, W. (2005) “Legal Aspects of Security in E-contracting with Electronic Agents”, Information Security Solutions Europe Conference ISSE, Budapest, Hungary.
  15. Kokkinaki, F. (2005) “The Moderating Role of Attitude Strength within the Theory of Reasoned Action”, General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Wuerzburg, Germany.
  16. Kokkinaki, F. and Sevdalis, N. (2005) “It’s my Fault but it doesn’t Matter: Unrealistic Counterfactuals Reduce Post-Decisional Regret”, International Association for Research in Economic Psychology Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
  17. Nikandrou, I., Apospori, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2005) “HRM and Firm Performance: The Context Matters”, Academy of Management Conference, Hawaii, USA.
  18. Panagopoulos, N. and Avlonitis, G. (2005) “The Impact of Sales Management Practices on Salesperson’s Role Stress, Attitudes and Outcomes: A Multiple-Level, Multiple-Source Examination”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  19. Panayotopoulou, L. and Galanaki, E. (2005) “Adoption of HR Information Systems in Greece”, 3rd International Conference“ Human Resource Management in Europe: Trends and Challenges”, Athens, Greece.
  20. Papalexandris, N. (2005) “HRM in Greece and Europe: Trends and Challenges”,3rd International Conference “Human Resource Management in Europe: Trends and Challenges”, Athens, Greece.
  21. Papastathopoulou, P.Avlonitis, G. and Panagopoulos, N. (2005) “Investigating the determinants and Consequences of information and communication technologies’ Diffusion within the Marketing function”,European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  22. Papastathopoulou, P., Avlonitis, G. and Panagopoulos, N. (2005) “Intraorganizational Diffusion of ICT: Antecedents and Consequences”, Academy of Management Conference’’, Hawaii, USA.
  23. Papastathopoulou, P., Avlonitis, G., Papavassiliou, N. and Dimitriadis, S. (2005) “Classifying Enterprises on the Basis of WWW Use: The Greek Paradigm”, XXI Congres International De L’ Association Francaise Du Marketing, Nancy, France.
  24. Papastathopoulou, P., Gounaris, S., Avlonitis, G. and Papavassiliou, N. (2005)“Service elimination decision-making and the product life cycle model: Project 'ServDrop'”, 12th Biennial AMS World Marketing Congress, Muenster, Germany.
  25. Skarmeas, D., Robson, M., Ali-Khalifa., A., Baltas, G. and Katsikeas, C. (2005) “Actual Influence in Cross-Cultural Buyer-Seller Relationships: Sources and Outcomes”, European Marketing Academy Conference, Milan, Italy.
  26. Vakola, M. (2005) “Toward a Predictive Model of Individual Readiness to Organizational Change”, Academy of Management Conference, Hawaii, USA.
  27. Tsaousis, I. and Vakola, M. (2005) “Emotional Intelligence and Locus of Control: Exploring their Relationship with Sales Performance”, European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.