Ενδεικτικά Επιστημονικά Άρθρα
"Δεν ανακάλυψα καμία εκπαιδευτική μέθοδο. Απλά έδωσα σε μερικά παιδιά την ευκαιρία να ζήσουν"
Maria Montessori (1870-1952), Ιατρός, Ιταλίδα παιδαγωγός
Στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος, έχει συγκροτηθεί επιστημονική επιτροπή, η οποία ασχολείται με την έρευνα, τη μελέτη, τη συγγραφή και την επιμέλεια επιστημονικών άρθρων με θέματα που αφορούν την εισαγωγή καινοτομιών στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία αλλά και τη διδασκαλία. Ορισμένα ενδεικτικά επιστημονικά άρθρα που έχουν δημοσιευτεί σε εθνικά αλλά και διεθνή περιοδικά. είναι τα παρακάτω:
Brinia, V., Antonopoulou, K., Katsionis, C. ( 2020 ). An Innovative Approach to Teacher Education: Examination of the Experientiality’s Efficiency in Teacher Education Programs in AUEB, HGSE and SGSE , Journal of Education and Teaching Methodology, 1 (2), 47-58 .
Brinia, V., Notis, A. ( 2020 ). The degree of understanding basic economic concepts on the 1st grade of the Greek Junior High School , Journal of Education and Teaching Methodology, 1 (1) .
Brinia, V., Papadopoulos, P., Loudarou, A., Dazeas, A., Nikolopoulou, M., Papageorgiou, D., Josafat, M. ( 2020 ). “Life lessons” in teachers’ education: An experiental innovative approach , Journal of Education and Teaching Methodology, 1 (2) .
Brinia, V., Michopoulou, H., Dimos, A. ( in press ). The role of language adequacy in effective educational leadership , International Journal of Management in Education .
Koumentos, I., Brinia, V., Psoni, P. ( in press ). Comparative presentation of the legislative framework for the selection of staff in the Greek educational system: a critical review , International Journal of Education Economics and Development .
Brinia, V., Petala, K., Kontea, A. ( in press ). The art of learning the Greek language by adult refugees and immigrants , Journal of Happiness and Development - Inderscience, UK .
Brinia V., Psoni P. ( under review ). Online Teaching Practicum during COVID-19: the case of a Teacher Education Program in Greece , Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education .
Brinia, V., Selimi, P., Dimos, A. Kontea, A. ( under review ). The affection of communication on the effectiveness of educational organizations , International Journal of Educational Management .
Mavrikakis, E., Brinia, V., Gkouma, A. ( under review ). A Comparative View of the Educational Systems of Greece, France and England , International Journal of Education Economics and Development – Inderscience, UK .
Brinia, V., Karpeta, A., Papachiou, M.A. ( under review ). The Contribution of the distance library of the Hellenic Open University to Adult Education , International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability – Inderscience, UK. .
Brinia, V., Leimoniti, S., Dimos, A. ( under review ). Financial gains and moral satisfaction as key factors for greater efficiency in the field of education , Education Sciences - MDPI .
Brinia, V., Plios, A., Psoni, P. ( under review ). Playfulness as a teaching method in adult education: The case of a Vocational Institution , Educational Studies - Taylor & Francis .
Brinia, V., Papadopoulou, G., Psoni, P. ( 2020 ). The creation and the dynamics of informal groups: The case of a teacher association in a secondary vocational school , International Journal of Management in Education, 34 (2) .
Brinia, V., Thomaidi., V., Androutsos, A, Psoni, P. ( 2020 ). Is there a relationship between environmental knowledge and pro-environmental behavior? The case of a Greek Island , International Journal of Teaching and Case Study, 11 (1) .
Brinia, V., Economou,G., Gialos, G., Panagiotopoulou A.-R., Spanidi, M., Beloyianni M. ( 2020 ). An innovative approach to entrepreneurship in higher and secondary education: cultural routes and economy of experience – a case study , International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 11 (3) .
Brinia,V., Poullou,V., Panagiotopoulou,A. ( 2020 ). "The philosophy of quality in education: a qualitative approach" , Quality Assurance in Education, 28 (1), 66-77 .
Brinia, V., Psoni, P. ( 2019 ). How to Develop Cognitive Skills through Playing in Pre-School Contexts , International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 10 (1) .
Brinia, V., Psoni, P., Ntantasiou E. ( 2019 ). How to Instill Cultural Values in the New Generation through Cultural Promenades and Ancient Drama: A Field Research , Sustainability, Special Issue Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development, 11 , 1758 .
Brinia, V., Sarantopoulou, V.N. ( 2019 ). The Introduction of the Flexible Zone Programs in the Greek Educational System: Teachers’ Perspectives , Education Sciences, 9 , 109 .
Androutsos, A., Brinia, V. ( 2019 ). Developing and Piloting a Pedagogy for Teaching Innovation, Collaboration, and Co-Creation in Secondary Education Based on Design Thinking, Digital Transformation, and Entrepreneurship , Education Sciences, 9 , 113 .
Voukelatou, G. ( 2019 ). The Contribution of Experiential Learning to the Development of Cognitive and Social Skills in Secondary Education: A Case Study , Education Sciences, 9 , 127 .
Brinia, V., Mastora, M., Psoni, P. ( 2019 ). The perceptions of primary education head teachers, deputy head teachers and teachers on the role of deputy head teachers , International Journal of Management in Education, 14 (1) .
Brinia, V., Fotakeli, M., Vasileiou, C. ( 2019 ). Adult tutors’ views on their educational needs: the case of a Public Institute of Vocational Training in Greece , International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability, 2 (4) .
Brinia, V., Stavropoulos, P., Athanasoula-Reppa, A. ( 2018 ). Trainees' perception of vocational training institutes degree apprenticeship: An empirical approach , Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 8 (4) .
Brinia, V., Athanasiou., A. ( 2018 ). Teachers’ Views and Attitudes on the Organization and Implementation of the Social and Emotional Intelligence Education Program , Education Quarterly Reviews, 1 (1) .
Brinia, V.,Giannimara, R., Psoni, P., Stamatakis, G. ( 2018 ). Teacher Education through Art: How to Teach Social Sciences through Artwork –The Student-Teachers’ Views , Global Journal of Educational Studies, 4 (1), 57-68 .
Brinia, V., Psoni, P. ( 2018 ). Multi-level mentoring practices in a Teacher Education Program in Greece: How their effectiveness is perceived by mentors , Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 10 (3), 256-270 .
Scheie, J., Brinia, V. ( 2017 ). Leadership in Classroom and the Ancient Greek Culture: An innovative pedagogical approach , International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2 (4), 67-71
Brinia, V. ( 2016 ). Total quality in teaching and school effectiveness as tools of Administration of Education , International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 5 (2), 56-59 .
Brinia, V., Kalogri, P., Stavrakouli, K.M. ( 2016 ). A New Teaching Method for Teaching Economics in Secondary Education , Journal of Research & Method in Education, 6 (2), 86-93 .
Brinia, V., Stavrakouli, K.M., Rentifis, G. ( 2016 ). Economics in Combination with Ancient Greek Literature: An innovative teaching proposal in Vocational Training in Greece , International Journal of Advanced Educational Research, 1 (2), 22-26 .
Brinia, V., Stavrakouli, K.M., Ntakoulias, C. ( 2016 ). Innovative Proposal for Teaching Economics in Vocational Training Institute in Greece , International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 1 (5), 09-12 .
Brinia, V., Psoni, P. ( 2016 ). Educators’ Perceptions about Incentives and their Role in Students’ Learning , International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 5 (2), 84-93 .
Brinia, V. ( 2015 ). Storytelling: Implementation in classroom for students in Economics , International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2 (10), 138-142 .
Brinia, V. ( 2015 ). The Art of Learning: Using artwork in teaching Economics , International Journal of Advanced Research, 3 (9), 1500-1505 .
Brinia, V., Sokou, M., Stavrakouli, K. ( 2015 ). Teaching Economics in Secondary Education Through Modern Music: An innovative proposal , International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 4 (4), 31-43 .
Androutsos, A. ( 2011 ). Bandwidth Externalities and Internet Growth: A Long-Run Economic Approach , International Journal of Network Management, Wiley .
Androutsos, A., Apostolopoulos, Τ., Daskalou, V. ( 2000 ). Managing the Network State Evolution over Time using CORBA Environment , IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications .
Μπρίνια, B. ( 2020 ). Αφιέρωμα ΑΣΟΕΕ-ΟΠΑ , Ξενοφών, τεύχος 5 , 131-142 .
Μπρίνια, Β., Νότης, Α., Βασιλοπούλου, Χ., Νταντάσιου, Κ., Βασιλείου, Χ., Δήμος, Α. ( 2020 ). Σε τι βαθμό οι Έλληνες μαθητές της Α’ Λυκείου κατανοούν βασικές οικονομικές έννοιες; , Ξενοφών, τεύχος 5 , 112-121 .
Μπρίνια, Β., Παπαδόπουλος, Π., Λουδάρου, Α., Νικολοπούλου, Μ., Παπαγεωργίου, Δ., Γιωσαφάτ, Μ. ( 2020 ). Μαθήματα ζωής ως βιωματικό εργαστήριο στην εκπαίδευση εκπαιδευτικών: Μια εμπειρική προσέγγιση , Εκπαιδευτικός κύκλος,τόμος 8, τεύχος 2 .
Μπρίνια, Β., Μπελογιάννη, Μ. ( 2019 ). Επιχειρηματικότητα, Εκπαίδευση και Πολιτισμός. Συνεργασία ΟΠΑ με ΔΙΑΖΩΜΑ , Ξενοφών, 4 , 121-129 .
Μπρίνια, Β., Σπανίδη, Μ. ( 2018 ). Τέχνες και Εκπαίδευση 2018: Η διαφορετικότητα στο σχολείο - Οι καλές τέχνες ως παιδαγωγικά εργαλεία για τη διαχείριση του φαινομένου στο σχολείο , Ξενοφών, 3 , 58-61 .
Μπρίνια, Β., Βασιλοπούλου, Χ., Σαραβάνου, Μ.Χ ( 2015 ). Οι γυναίκες στη διοίκηση εκπαιδευτικών μονάδων: Μια πρωτότυπη εμπειρική έρευνα στα ορεινά μονοθέσια σχολεία προσχολικής εκπαίδευσης ενός νομού της Ελλάδας , Παιδαγωγική Επιθεώρηση, 32 (59), 141-158 .
Μπρίνια, Β. ( 2015 ). Η εφαρμογή της Διοίκησης Ολικής Ποιότητας στη Διοίκηση των Νηπιαγωγείων , Σύγχρονο Νηπιαγωγείο, 108 , 108-111 .
Μπρίνια, Β., Βίκας, Ε. ( 2014 ). Καινοτομίες στη διδακτική μεθοδολογία των οικονομικών επιστημών στη Β/θμια εκπαίδευση: Η εισαγωγή της τέχνης στη διδασκαλία του μαθήματος «Αρχές Οικονομικής Θεωρίας» στη Γ’ Λυκείου , Νέα Παιδεία, 151 , 129-144 .