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Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), which is the leader in the fields of economics, management and new technologies in Greece, provides its undergraduate students with the high-quality training of the Teacher Education Program since the academic year 2011-2012. The Program prepares prospective teachers in order to be able to teach the subject of their expertise in formal and informal education. The curriculum is designed with innovations based on the philosophy and the best practices of the Teacher Education Programs of the Harvard School of Education and the Stanford School of Education. You can see a related article that has been published in a scientific journal and has been written by the scientific director and members of the scientific team here.

According to Greek legislation, since 2013-2014, the participation in the competition of the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) requires that each candidate -either graduate from a Higher Education Institution (AEI) or from a Technological Education Institution (TEI) - possesses a Certificate of Pedagogical and Teaching Competence, in order to be able to get appointed in secondary education. With this Certificate, the graduate of AUEB may, therefore, participate in the ASEP Teacher Competition, apply for recruitment by the Ministry of Education for positions with short-term contracts or for positions of hourly teachers in Primary and Secondary Education or in private schools, cram schools and tutoring centers. Moreover, by holding a Certificate of Pedagogical and Teaching Competence and following a simple examination procedure organized by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), holders can also be certified as adult trainers and teach at Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) and Lifelong Learning Centers..

"Education is an act of love,
thus an act of courage."

Paulo Freire (1921 – 1997),
"Pedagogy of the oppressed", 1971


"Albert Einstein said that "Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think". The abundance of knowledge, experiences and stimuli, that the Program seeks to offer through the courses and activities incorporated into its curriculum, act and have -in my case- acted, as helpers for the liberation of creativity and the cultivation of empathy, while at the same time contributing to the discovery of the potential and abilities of each participant. The empowerment of the mind to combine information from different sources, to make sense and be able to efficiently deliver it to its audience, whether it is a class of students or a business meeting, the ability to present your knowledge and thoughts to a small or a large audience, and the effective collaboration within a group to achieve a common goal, have been some of the benefits I have gained from my choice to get involved in the Program. The Program gives you the opportunity to get to know better aspects of yourself, to experience the different, and to choose through critical thinking the factors that will make you better at different levels of your life. It has undoubtedly been one of the most creative years of my student life!"

Graduate of the Department of International and European Economic Studies, AUEB, Graduate of MSc in Management Science and Technology, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"The experience that diversified my course as a student of AUEB was undoubtedly my participation in the Teacher Education Program. During the Program, I was given the opportunity to equip myself with all the necessary knowledge and values that Modern Pedagogy embodies. Through the experiential approach of the structure and character of the Program, I have been trained to manage or become a competent and valuable member of a team, to express, communicate and integrate my ideas with honesty and respect to diversity, to face challenges, to operate under pressure. Of course, within this environment of love and mutual respect, I had the honor to create true friendships that will accompany me throughout my professional and personal life."

Graduate of the Department of Economics, AUEB - M.Sc. in International Shipping, Finance Management, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"I could not possibly describe in only a few lines all the benefits and unique experiences I have gained from the Teacher Education Program. I can only say that thanks to the Program I managed to evolve and develop myself both professionally and personally. More specifically, it has been a milestone for my subsequent choices and my professional development. I managed to discover my "inclination", to shape my personal vision and mission, to develop useful skills and abilities, to make wonderful friends. Through the Program, a totally special and unique world has been opened up to me. And I feel very lucky to be part of it. Thank you! "

Graduate of the Department of Economics, AUEB, Graduate of MSc in Human Resource Management Junior HR Professional, Blogger in Human Resource Management, Education and Personal Development topics, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"Having studied in many international environments, I have inevitably entered the process of comparing the quality of studies I have received from the various institutions and the various programs, in which I have studied. So I can safely say that the Athens University of Economics and Business through the Teacher Education Program offers rare and unique competitive advantages both to its students during their studies and to their graduates after completing their studies. Besides the innovative experiential approach to teacher education, the international collaborations with top international universities, the training in the world's most innovative teaching methods found in this Program, the Program, above all, cultivates values that are indispensable for teachers that incarnate these values in the eyes of their students. Values such as consistency in words and deeds, sincere kindness, openness, acceptance of the "different" and sincerity. Values that are practiced in this Program and are a tangible example to all students and graduates. I could say a lot more about the Program, but I will only limit myself to this: It is a unique life experience and those who have the opportunity to experience it are very lucky!"

Graduate in MSc in Services Management and Graduate of the Department of International and European Economic Studies, AUEB. Specialized in Human Resource Management, Deree College Founder of "Smart Education", Educator, Academic Researcher

"The Teacher Education Program was not just the certification that opened the gate to education, but it taught me how to operate with absolute professionalism in the competitive business environment. It is a well-structured program that creatively delivers the basic principles of science, creates a climate of teamwork and equips its student with discipline and self-confidence. The guest-lecturers, the variety of subjects discussed and the combination of the theoretical knowledge with the practical application constitute a "big plus" for the Program. Throughout its duration, it challenges you to think differently and positively question yourself. It definitely is a unique challenge and life experience!"

Graduate of the Department of Marketing and Communication, AUEB and MBA Holder as Program Research Manager, SKAI TV, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"I feel very lucky to have completed the Teacher Education Program of AUEB. My gratitude to all the Professors of the Program is immeasurable, the stimuli I received were countless and my memories were deep and meaningful. I cherished every moment, despite the ever increasing difficulty of the activities. At every step and challenge of the way, I was letting go and concentrating on trying to win another bet against myself. I have identified and extended my personal limits. I faced my fears and defeated them. I developed social skills, my emotional intelligence, my self-discipline, and I saw in practice how fulfilled I feel when I'm in a school environment, close to children and adolescents. Through my experience, I hope to encourage other people to make the brave decision to become an improved version of themselves within a few months, acquiring, at the same time, a professional asset."

Graduate of the Department of Informatics, AUEB - Educator, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"The Teacher Education Program of AUEB is a unique opportunity to extend horizons and professional choices. The spherical stimuli provided through its visits, excursions and speakers from different fields, offer generously knowledge, education and guidance. In this program I realized that education can be linked with and come through any field by alternating each time the subject you want to transmit. We saw education transforming into a work of art in our workshop on Diversity in School. In addition, we saw it transformed into a vision of cultural emergence as part of the work for Orchomenus. It became a game in our hands at the time that psychologists tried to reveal the teacher within us. It has acquired material and immaterial form and made us more mature and conscious. The program also gave us the opportunity to test our strengths and ideas in practice. With the background we acquired before we teach in schools, we were ready to learn our students experientially. I will never forget the smile I had after every successful teaching. The students with their enthusiasm for the outcome of the lesson increasingly confirmed my decision to be there. This academic year for me was complete and more creative than ever. I explored my limits and became stronger because I learned ... Because knowledge is power! "

Graduate of the Department of International and European Economic Studies, AUEB - Graduate of Teacher Education Program,Educator

"This Program leads you to get to know yourself better and your personal limits. Once you are on board, at some point you will realize that you are out of your comfort zone and you have crossed your personal limits. Then, inevitably, you feel strong. After obtaining two University Degrees, this program is, for me, the sweetest, the most important and the most meaningful experience of my student years. This Program is filled with love and positive emotions. Besides, Education is all about Love. Last April, when, I was asked by the Secretariat of Secondary Education in Larissa if I have an annual Certificate of Pedagogical and Didactic Competence, I was very happy to have presented them with the Certificate of this specific Program and very proud of the effort I had made, when I saw my name ascending on the list of thousands of candidate professors..."

Graduate of the Department of Economics and Graduate of the Department of Accounting and Finance, AUEB - Employee at Hilton Athens Hotel, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"TEP AUEB puts itself on the spearhead of Educational Sciences through its experience-oriented design and its cooperation with established institutions locally and globally. However, if one were to nonchalantly ignore the above and even the amount of networking opportunities and friendships that are forged, and asked only about the academic results, we can see that, through students’ personal development which the Program achieves, it constitutes a great school that produces responsible and battle-ready professionals fit for any sector and not only for Education itself."

Graduate, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Programme

"The Teacher Education Program of AUEB was the best choice I could make. It is a properly structured program through which I had the opportunity to get trained on the Pedagogical Science and Pedagogical Thinking. At the same time, I learned in depth the essential role of the educator inside and outside the classroom, always focusing on the student. In addition, the program changed me radically as a person. I received many stimuli through the experiential activities and the teaching approach followed by the teachers of the program. What I am constantly pointing out is that the program has greatly contributed to strengthening my self-confidence and my self-esteem through the activities and the projects which I have always sought to play an active role in. My leadership skills and my communication skills have been developed through my participation in different teams. At the same time, the program played a decisive role in my subsequent professional career, as I realized that what I want to do will be focused on people and on offering to the community. I am very grateful that I have lived this unique experience. "

Graduate, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Programme

"Having completed the Teacher Education Program, I am in the position to affirm that my participation in this program, apart from gaining knowledge and enhancing my educational horizons, it was for me the most wonderful gift, not only for my professional but also for my personal life! It is true that reaching the end of my studies in the department of Business Administration at Athens University of Economics and Business, I was looking for more specialized knowledge and for this reason, I considered that my participation in this program was a great opportunity for me. My progress in this course was not without difficulties due to my simultaneous working obligations and the increased demands. For this reason, it was particularly important that my participation improved my organizational skills and my discipline while also providing me with the enjoyment of this journey of learning and education. Of course, I succeeded in this with the full support and interest of my tutors and colleagues. The human-centered orientation of this program bloomed within me the hopeful feeling that with good will and cooperation we can build a better life for our fellow humans and especially for the children. I am grateful to everyone who was responsible for motivating me in this!!! "

Graduate, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"Studying at the Athens University of Economics and Business and having chosen to attend the Teacher Education Program, I realized the unique advantages offered to students. Through the innovative way that the program approaches education experiential and through the programs’ international collaborations with specialists from foreign universities, students develop skills that are essential to the path of a budding, future teacher. However, in addition to the above, the students of the program are also cultivated mentally. They cultivate values, develop the concept of empathy, and better understand the people around them. In short, the program not only provides the necessary knowledge background for future teachers, but change their way of thinking and brings to light elements that students may not have had the opportunity to discover them earlier."

Graduate of the Department of International and European Economic Studies, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"The Teacher Education Program of AUEB, is a unique as well as a an intense experience, that is hard to be found in a university. The knowledge I gained is important for my future, and the experiences I gained changed my mind on certain issues. Innovative actions, combined with experiential learning and the practical application of what is being taught in this program, create an integrated experience that is difficult to obtain, in one year. I feel pretty lucky to have been part of this program."

Graduate of the Department of Informatics, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"The Teacher Education Program of AUEB is a complete and well-organized pedagogical program. I always liked to impart my knowledge but through the program and the constant support and guidance of the teachers I learned the way to do it. Culture and education are two areas that every student deserves to invest time and effort into. Having this as a compass and given the time a teacher has at his disposal, we have learned methods and techniques which are proven to deep the learner's in-depth understanding of all the cognitive and value objects that they will find in the future with a quiver full of varied useful arrows. Being capable to deal with each need."

Graduate of Department of Business Administration, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"It is very important that a university like the Athens University of Economics and Business gives its students the opportunity to attend such a high-quality program on such a different subject, in addition to studying in its economics schools. Personally, I have always been interested in the field of education and I am very grateful for the opportunity I was given to train in it. The skills students develop during the program are very important for their career in the future, even if it is not closely related to the field of education, as it deals with a variety of topics and encourages the personal development of the participants. Socialization, communication skills, taking over the role of the leader but also the role of a team member, team spirit, acceptance and respect for diversity are some of the skills and values cultivated during the program."

Graduate of the Department of Economics, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"The Program has a very innovative dynamic compared to higher education in Greece. Each action is designed to enhance the self-sufficiency of potential teachers and their innovative way of thinking. It is a good opportunity for undergraduate students, as it enhances skills in scheduling, empathy, teamwork and practice of modern teaching methodologies. "

Graduate of the Department of Informatics, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program, Postgraduate Student, Msc in Information Systems Development and Security, AUEB

"The AUEB Teacher Education Program is a well-structured program that approaches education in an innovative and experiential way based on world-class teaching methods by trained and responsible professionals. Anyone attenting the program can expand his/her horizons, cultivates values ​​and skills and mainly discovers new aspects of himself/herself as he/she receives multiple stimuli coming from the various actions and activities of the program that release imagination and creativity. I feel really lucky to have had the opportunity to participate in this program and I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart our teachers for the knowledge, values, opportunities they have given us and their support in this learning journey."

Graduate of the Department of International & European Economic Studies, AUEB Graduate of AUEB Teacher Education Program Postgraduate Student, MSc in International and European Economic Studies, AUEB

Experientiality, innovation and responsibility are just some of the components of the success of the Program, which I had the pleasure to experience as part of a whole, which seeks to create new "bright windows" in the field of education in Greece. "The (self)discipline that governs each stage of the Program makes students truly feel free to develop their personalities and to navigate the path of both their academic knowledge and their emotions."

Graduate of the Department of Accounting & Finance, AUEB, Graduate of the AUEB Teacher Education Program

In Oscar Wilde's book, "The Portrait of Dorian Gray", there is an extract saying: "There is something terribly magical about influencing someone else. There is no act that compares to it. To project your soul in a cute form, to leave it there for a while, to listen to your thoughts return like an echo with all the music of passion and youth, to transfer your temperament to someone else as if some delicate fluid or a strange aroma, there is great joy in all of this - perhaps the only joy left to offer us so much satisfaction….." . Reading these words I quickly realized that after the people in our family environment, the next person who had the opportunity to strongly influence us was the teacher we all had and wanted to be like.So I can only consider myself grateful that I chose the AUEB Teacher Education Program which gave me the opportunity through groundbreaking and substantial education to be able to exert this kind of influence on my future students. To watch myself filtered through the perspective of adolescence and to experience more strongly than ever the feeling of satisfaction and the "Good Struggle".

Graduate of the Department of Informatics, AUEB , Graduate of Teacher Education Program, Postgraduate Student, Msc in Information Systems Security, AUEB

" By participating in the AUEB Teacher Education Program, I realizes a lifetime dream :  teaching economics and social sciences. The innovative and emancipatory methods developed in the Program adequately prepare its new graduates for their further academic and teaching career, while at the same time transforming their attitude towards life itself by flourishing the ideas of freedom, love, respect and continuous self-improvement. The Program provided me with the necessary skills to continue my studies at a higher level and to develop the emotional abilities to cope with the daily demands of teaching practice and more.  It is a journey with final destination a transformed self, which I recommend to every student interested in offering to his/her fellow human beings."

Graduate of the Department of Economics, AUEB, Graduate of the AUEB Teacher Education Program, Graduate of Sociology Master of Panteion University, Educator.

"The AUEB Teacher Education Program enables future teachers to pursue their dreams. By attending it, the cognitive and social horizons of the trainees are expanded. With the help of the teachers and the program's support team, the students integrate smoothly in the microcosm of the school community. From a technocratic branch, such as that of Economics, it leads students to the Sciences of Education. The Program equips us with all the necessary supplies for a complete educational and emotional teacher."

Graduate of AUEB, Graduate of the AUEB Teacher Education Program

"Teacher Education Program of AUEB forms a well-organized program, which educates by using effectively experiential and innovative practices. The vision of the program could be described by the apothegm of Socrates: “Education like a fertile ground, brings all the good”. Considering that, it gives the opportunity to all attendees to express themselves freely and leads to the growth of responsibility, agency, critical thinking and self- knowledge. Simultaneously, emotional world is considered as a serious matter, contributing to the attendees’ emotional maturity and the cultivation of their empathy. My participation in TEP has been accompanied by strong emotions, which had influence on my thinking, giving me the opportunity to examine alternative views of an issue. Apart from all the others, this program not only led to my knowledge development, but also cultivated my emotional world. The experiential actions, in which I participated, gave me the chance to approximate and understand better the biggest unknown, myself. Meanwhile, experiential learning contributed to the cultivation of basic values such as respect, cooperation and honesty. The stimulus, in which I exposed during the program, caused my critical thinking and led to the realization of the huge importance of art, culture and innovation, both in education and in daily life of every person, as they consist aspects of the latter. Totally, my participation in this program has been a unique experience, which led to my development and aid me to be a better human."

Undergraduate Student, Department of Economics, AUEB , Graduate of AUEB Teacher Education Program

"Through the AUEB Teacher Education Program  much more is offered than knowledge and organizational skills. The aim of the Program is to create multidimensional personalities and potentially thinking teachers, with responsibility, understanding, respect and empathy. The Curriculum is developed with experiential, freedom of expression, use of innovative methods and teamwork approach, cultivating critical thinking, values, attitudes and perceptions.

Education is an extroverted process full of  generosity and selflessness. Education is an act of love. And our world needs love! "

Undegraduate of the Department of International and European Economic Studies, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"The Teacher Education Program of Athens University of Economics and Business can be attributed with a variety of cosmetic adjectives, quality, innovative, creative, human-centered, alternative, and mainly studentcentered. The current student, namely the future teacher of secondary education becomes the focus of learning in order not only to give and receive scientific training, but also to develop into an integrated personality, which is the quintessence of the educational role. During the program, the stimuli given to us were countless and varied, each of which through a different path led you to a new discovery, to a new meadow of thought and vision. I feel grateful! I feel grateful at first to the people who worked hard to have this well-structured program, because its offer is important. I feel grateful that I was chosen to implement the given program. I discovered aspects of myself, I bravely faced my weaknesses and fears, I humbly approached the majestic work that a teacher does, because the work of a teacher is so important and great that words are hard to describe. Thank you very much for this beautiful trip!"

Undegraduate of the Department of International and European Economic Studies, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program

"The Teacher Education Program was a whole world, full of truth and knowledge of life to me. I experienced the dynamics of collectivity in practice and through different stimuli I essentially understood myself and my fellow human beings. Through this well established program I developed my skills and boosted my confidence. The ingenuity of the whole program was innovative and substantial. It combined both scientific knowledge and its practical application."

Graduate in Accounting and Finance from the Athens University of Economics and Business and a graduate of the AUEB Teacher Education Program

"The Teacher Education Program that I chose to participate in is like a dive into the sea of ​​the heart. It focuses on quality, action and not passivity, the architect of the future who is the student, the imagination generated by art, experiential teaching with a variety of stimuli and exposure to modern educational techniques aimed at transforming the frame of reference. Through the Program, the culture is cultivated that education is the main weapon in your quiver, which helps you to achieve personal spirit building, discipline, ability to filter what is offered to you. With a lot of stimuli, close contact with your emotional world begins. Education within the Program functions as the passage from darkness to light and from the veil of falsehood to the revelation of personal truth. It is the moment when the mental and psychosocial leap to inner freedom takes place. A good teacher is first and foremost a good person. A man's choices and character are his destiny. This choice I felt justified me. The route is worth it, dare it!"

Graduate of the Department of International and European Economic Studies AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program.

“The Teacher Education Program  is, for me, an innovative and extremely necessary choice for every student who is interested in education and is studying at the Athens University of Economics and Business. Personally, through my experiential experience throughout the year, I developed many parts of myself: emotionally, socially and cognitively! These three words characterized the purpose of the program and the influence they had on my personality. New student-centered teaching methods and innovative teaching approaches as well as personal development and self-criticism are the main experiences that I will keep from this excellent Program. The imprint, the experience, that the Program has left in me, is much more powerful, than any words I could use to express my experience of what I experienced exceptionally during the past year. This choice of mine was worth a lot!

For the future education, the one for which we want to envision that there will be education for the students in our schools, pedagogical love is needed and the Program has given to me! "

Graduate of the Department of Marketing & Communication AUEB - Teacher, Graduate of the Teacher Education Program 

"The pioneering Curriculum of the Teacher Education Program of the Athens University of Economics and Business is a unique learning journey. It applies new teaching methods in combination with innovative educational activities. Empathy, respect, love, generosity, the joy of offering are its basic building blocks, which shape and shape suitable future teachers with a focus on the student.At the same time, the Program offers skills on a cognitive and emotional level, gives stimuli, cultivates values, team spirit and the desire for change.I feel lucky and grateful "I participated and successfully completed the program. I warmly thank the professors and the Athens University of Economics and Business for this unique experience."

Graduate of the Department of Economics, AUEB

Graduate of the Teacher Education Program

The Teacher Education Program of AUEB is a source of inspiration for me. What touched me the most and inspired my subsequent course, both in my pedagogical development and in my life in general, was the connection of Art with education. I learned that there is no one way to teach someone. I learned that if we believe in the potential of a student, he becomes more confident and better! I deeply understood the value of experiential learning as well as the value of the collaborative classroom. The courses of the Program have an experiential and human-centered approach and are the necessary tools of every future teacher. The professors of the Program have knowledge, which they utilize and transmit to the maximum extent, making the lessons particularly interesting. Also, the invited speakers are a source of knowledge and inspiration as each one specializes in a different subject from the other and thus the learning achieved is special!
The Teacher Education Program of AUEB  is a unique experience for me and I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to attend it!

Angeliki Kanataki, graduate of the Department of Organization and Business Administration of the Athens University of Economics and Business and a graduate of the Teacher Education Program of AUEB.

Athens University of Economics and Business Teacher Education Program was a life-changing experience for me. I faced many challenges and worked on projects with different people, often reaching beyond my limits. The program gave me many opportunities. I studied other sciences like Pedagogy, Psychology, and even Technology! Of course, it is very demanding and needs dedication, so one should have a great love for teaching. Despite the challenges, it was an unforgettable experience that was a milestone in my student years. If someone wants to be a teacher, it is a great opportunity offered by the University to experience innovative and alternative ways of teaching that aim at better learning and student interest.

Sofia Georgogala, Department of International and European Economic Studies

The Teacher Education Program of AUEB is a well-organized, high quality and innovative program. The main goals that it achieves are experiential learning, the utilization of innovative teaching methods, the cultivation of values and emotional intelligence, as well as the development and continuous improvement of skills. The program offers knowledge, experiences and stimuli that transform the perspective of prospective teachers and will accompany them in their professional and personal career. I feel lucky and grateful to have participated in this program!

Irene Kasiola

Graduate of the Department of Economics – AUEB

Graduate of the Teacher Education Program - AUEB

When I first started the Teacher Education Program, I had not thought about the abundance and variety of experiences it can offer to a potential teacher. Personally, the Program has contributed to both my cognitive and emotional development. Through this, I gained a wealth of knowledge and received stimuli, which has helped me enhance my creativity and pedagogical perception. A key point of the Program is the Practical Training, which gives the opportunity of an experiential perception of teaching and the science of Pedagogy. Finally, and most important, is that the Program develops a pleasant atmosphere both between fellow students and between trainers and teachers. Overall, the Program was one of the best experiences I had during my studies. 

The AUEB Teacher Education Program is a unique experience in my life. This past year has
been special in all aspects. Its organization was exemplary, as I was able to successfully combine
the science of economics with that of pedagogy, incorporating innovative methods into practice.
All the actions that existed contributed to obtain as much knowledge as possible and to apply it
in real conditions. At the same time, the approach of the Program is human-centered, which
made me feel warm and safe throughout. The cultivation of team spirit, communication and
responsibility are some of the elements that I managed to adopt and maintain for the rest of my
life. I feel grateful for this opportunity that was given to me. I strongly recommend everyone to
take this step for the good of education in our country.

Eleftherios Skarpinakis
Graduate of the department Accounting & Finance AUEB, graduate of the AUEB Teacher
Education Program


