Eleftherios Skarpinakis

The AUEB Teacher Education Program is a unique experience in my life. This past year has
been special in all aspects. Its organization was exemplary, as I was able to successfully combine
the science of economics with that of pedagogy, incorporating innovative methods into practice.
All the actions that existed contributed to obtain as much knowledge as possible and to apply it
in real conditions. At the same time, the approach of the Program is human-centered, which
made me feel warm and safe throughout. The cultivation of team spirit, communication and
responsibility are some of the elements that I managed to adopt and maintain for the rest of my
life. I feel grateful for this opportunity that was given to me. I strongly recommend everyone to
take this step for the good of education in our country.

Eleftherios Skarpinakis
Graduate of the department Accounting & Finance AUEB, graduate of the AUEB Teacher
Education Program