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  • English


Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), which is the leader in the fields of economics, management and new technologies in Greece, provides its undergraduate students with the high-quality training of the Teacher Education Program since the academic year 2011-2012. The Program prepares prospective teachers in order to be able to teach the subject of their expertise in formal and informal education. The curriculum is designed with innovations based on the philosophy and the best practices of the Teacher Education Programs of the Harvard School of Education and the Stanford School of Education. You can see a related article that has been published in a scientific journal and has been written by the scientific director and members of the scientific team here.

According to Greek legislation, since 2013-2014, the participation in the competition of the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) requires that each candidate -either graduate from a Higher Education Institution (AEI) or from a Technological Education Institution (TEI) - possesses a Certificate of Pedagogical and Teaching Competence, in order to be able to get appointed in secondary education. With this Certificate, the graduate of AUEB may, therefore, participate in the ASEP Teacher Competition, apply for recruitment by the Ministry of Education for positions with short-term contracts or for positions of hourly teachers in Primary and Secondary Education or in private schools, cram schools and tutoring centers. Moreover, by holding a Certificate of Pedagogical and Teaching Competence and following a simple examination procedure organized by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), holders can also be certified as adult trainers and teach at Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) and Lifelong Learning Centers..

"Education is an act of love,
thus an act of courage."

Paulo Freire (1921 – 1997),
"Pedagogy of the oppressed", 1971


"Albert Einstein said that "Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think". The abundance of knowledge, experiences and stimuli, that the Program seeks to offer through the courses and activities incorporated into its curriculum, act and have -in my case- acted, as helpers for the liberation of creativity and the cultivation of empathy, while at the same time contributing to the discovery of the potential and abilities of each participant. The empowerment of the mind to combine information from different sources, to make sense and be able to efficiently deliver it to its audience, whether it is a class of students or a business meeting, the ability to present your knowledge and thoughts to a small or a large audience, and the effective collaboration within a group to achieve a common goal, have been some of the benefits I have gained from my choice to get involved in the Program. The Program gives you the opportunity to get to know better aspects of yourself, to experience the different, and to choose through critical thinking the factors that will make you better at different levels of your life. It has undoubtedly been one of the most creative years of my student life!"

Graduate of the Department of International and European Economic Studies, AUEB, Graduate of MSc in Management Science and Technology, AUEB, Graduate of Teacher Education Program


