Doctoral Candidates

Current Doctoral Research 

Doctoral Candidate Topic Supervisor Start Date
Blika Evi The Impact of Human Recourses Management Practices on Innovation and Organizational Performance in Small and Medium Enterprises in the European Union L. Panayotopoulou 2018
Hanzis Anastasia The role of high -quality connections in creating team resilience and performance I. Nikandrou 2022
Chousmekeridou Rafailia HR Analytics E. Galanaki 2021
Lazanaki Vera Antecedents and Consequences of Interpersonal conflict at the workplace: a diary study M. Vakola 2015
Pavlakou Evgenia Positive Organizational Behavior and Training on Behavioural Skills L. Panayotopoulou 2019
Tsachali Marilia Collective Learning Processes as a Means for Developing Sense of Coherence I. Nikandrou 2018