Library Training Seminar for the MSc in Financial Management, 27.01.2023, 18.30-20.00
The AUEB Library & Information Center is offering a training seminar entitled "Exploring the Library's Information Systems and Resources" for the postgraduate students of MSc in Financial Management.
The seminar will be held online on Friday, January 27th, at 18.30-20.00.
Content of the seminar:
ü Library's infrastructure
ü Printed collections / Borrowing & Interlibrary Loaning service
ü Electronic resources & access (VPN)
ü Search techniques and examples
ü Evaluation of information sources
ü Features and characteristics of academic writing
ü Reference systems with examples
ü Avoiding plagiarism
ü Turnitin software for detecting plagiarism
Language of the seminar: English
MS TEAMS Link of the seminar:
Connection with institutional account.