"Thinking out of the box"

"Thinking out of the box"

Maria Danezi

Angeliki Kanataki

Vasileia Aikaterini Bitzouna

Maria Nektaria Tika

Vasileios Tsimtsis


Our artistic proposal "Thinking out of the box", seeks the reflection and of the viewer, regarding the influence that the teacher has on the formation and development of perfect personalities.

The black-and-white comparison emphasizes the contrast between the omniscient teacher and the educator, highlighting the value of the Teacher for the students.

The primary goal of the artistic work of our team is to raise the awareness of the spectators, for the Teacher.

The work of art proposed and created by the members of the group, combines in an imaginative way recyclable materials of everyday life.




The overall work highlights the power of the teacher-educator who fights against conservatism and the outdated educational system, which forces students to become empty containers.

In essence, this teacher, acting "revolutionary", seeks to free the students from the darkness, even if it presupposes a rupture with the existing framework.

Sources of inspiration have been :

  • Lajos Tihanyi's "Portrait of Tristan Tzara" (1927), which marks the opposition to the barbarity of war, both in art and in everyday life
  • The allegory of the Cave as mentioned by Plato in his work "State"
  • Hans Christian Andersen's tale "The Lead Soldier"