Νo one should not know geometry
"Νo one should not know geometry"
Angeliki Arkoumani
Maria Evaggelia Liontou
Frideriki Nikou
Konstantinos Samaras
Vasiliki Silaiou

The main symbolism of our artistic work lies in the balance between the two main factors of the pedagogical process. What was our main source of inspiration! Thus, on the one hand we have the students and on the other the teacher, the spiritual guide of the first. However, precisely because the pedagogical process is a major chapter of public life, it would be wrong to isolate it from society as a whole and see it as a separate, independent and independent part of pedagogical science. We therefore consider it necessary to include society as the ultimate recipient of a spiritual product, that of the new generation of its members.
The development of this reasoning took place through parallelism. We have noticed that the balance we encounter in nature, in the universe, in our solar system is very much reminiscent of exactly what we encounter in a classroom or an academic amphitheatre.

The four student- planets.
The choice of different colours is not random but symbolizes different personality types of students.
Society in the form of four small planets, where each planet symbolizes the individual as a separate entity, while the connection between them creates an indivisible whole, which interacts with the guardians of the students and consequently the teacher.
Guardians appear as two separate planets in an extension of the wooden bar, at the centre of which is society.

"No one should not know geometry", said the inscription at the entrance of Plato's Academy. According to the ancient philosophers, such a human cannot understand the concepts of Justice, Equality and Accuracy. The classroom, but also the whole system of students-teachers-parents-society is necessary to be governed by these three virtues and to be in harmonious balance with the "whole". Therein lies the essence of the sculpture and hence its name.