Event Calendar
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On 19th of September 2023, Ms. Lydia Papadaki (Researcher, AUEB; ATHENA RC) presented the results of the Report “A skills gaps and needs assessment for the sustainability transformation” that was developed under the CATALYST Erasmus+ project at the 11th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) at the No. 4 session entitled “Progress Made by the Private Sector in Meeting the SDGs”.
On Wednesday 13th of December 2023, Creative Thinking Development, Athens University of Economics and Business and Sporos Circular Solutions, organized a CATALYST a National Event with the title: “National Centre of Vocational Excellence: A central hub and catalyst for sustainable business transformation in Greece”, that was held in Airotel Alexandros, Athens, Greece.
On the 28th and 29th of November took place at the transformative workshop “CATALYST CoVes and impact on socioeconomic development”, in Graz, Austria, providing participants with a unique opportunity to delve into the realm of thriving.