Application Process

The application process for the postgraduate program "Digital Transformation" has begun and is expected to be completed by Friday, July 19, 2024

The complete application must include the following documents:

  1. Electronic application with a recent photograph.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  3. Copy of degree certificate with detailed grades or diploma supplement or certificate of completion of studies. Graduates must submit a declaration according to law 1599/1986 stating that their acceptance is conditional upon obtaining the degree by the end of the September examination period following application.
  4. Proof of excellent/very good English language proficiency. Those who do not possess the required qualification at the time of application must submit a declaration according to law 1599/1986 stating that their acceptance is conditional upon obtaining the required English language proficiency certificate.
  5. Two recommendation letters from professors and/or employers (recommendation letters must be submitted exclusively through the electronic application platform by the professors/employers).
  6. Evidence of professional experience (optional).
  7. GMAT/GRE scores (optional).

Candidates with foreign qualifications must submit relevant equivalence certificates from DIKATSΑ or DOATAP. Equivalence certification is not required if the institution of graduation and the degree are included in the published Registries of DOATAP (National Register of Recognized Higher Education Institutions Abroad and National Register of Types of Degrees from Recognized Higher Education Institutions), in accordance with current regulations. If an institution or degree is not listed in the aforementioned registries, the Board of Directors of DOATAP examines, either on its own initiative or upon request from the relevant authorities, whether the requirements of this Chapter are met and, by decision, includes them in the registries.