MSc Dessertation Guidelines

The Master’s Thesis (MT) or Internship is mandatory and is conducted after the completion of the coursework, during the third semester of study.

Students of the program can choose between:

  • Conducting a research-based Master’s Thesis:
  • Undertaking an Internship: This should last at least 3 months and involve up to 40 hours of work per week at a host company, aiming to solve real-world problems related to the subject/topic of the Master’s Thesis.

Both options will carry the same weight and credit units as the Master’s Thesis, as specified in the program’s regulations.

The MT must be distinguished by its scope and quality at the postgraduate level. This means that through the thesis, the student must demonstrate a full grasp of the scientific field of study. For more information, you can refer to the "MSc Dissertation Guidelines" of the Professional Master’s Program (P.M.S.) titled "Digital Transformation" by clicking here.