Quality Policy




The quality assurance policy of the PMSc in Digital Transformation of the Athens University of Economics and Business is fully harmonized with the quality assurance policy of the University and focuses on the continuous improvement of the quality of its undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral study programs, its educational, research and administrative work.

The PMSc in Digital Transformation’s policy is made public and disseminated to the parties involved, so that its academic and administrative staff as well as its students assume responsibility for quality assurance in accordance with their assigned roles.

The PMSc in Digital Transformation  is committed to the implementation of a quality policy that supports the academic character and orientation of its study programs, promotes their objectives and academic domains, sets, applies and monitors quality objectives, determines the means, actions, and ways of achieving them, and implements the appropriate internal and external quality procedures with the goal of its continuous improvement.

In particular, the implementation of the PMSc in Digital Transformation’s quality policy presupposes the application of quality procedures which ensure:

  • the appropriateness of the structure and organization of the PMSc,
  • the development and improvement of existing study programs and the creation of new ones within the framework of the University's strategy,
  • the pursuit of learning outcomes and qualifications in accordance with the European and National Framework of Higher Education Qualifications,
  • the promotion of teaching quality and effectiveness,
  • the promotion of the quality and quantity of the research produced by the members of the academic unit,
  • the suitability of the qualifications of the teaching staff,
  • the connection of teaching with research, integrating the needs of the labour market,
  • the drafting, implementation, and monitoring of annual quality objectives for the improvement of its study programs,
  • the demand for the acquired qualifications of the graduates in the labour market,
  • the provision of quality and digitally developed services to students,
  • the execution of the annual internal evaluation of the PMSc in Digital Transformation, within the framework of the Internal Quality Assurance System with the collaboration of the Department’s Internal Evaluation Unit and the University’s Quality Assurance Unit.

You can find the Quality Assurance policy of the AUEB at the link .