Programme Structure
The curriculum consists of eight (8) core modules and 2 (two) elective and a Master Thesis. The programme is accredited according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and successful completion requires students to achieve a total of 75 ECTS credits (core module: 7.5 ECTS; Master thesis: 15 ECTS), i.e. successfully attend the modules and present the Master Thesis. The expected time of completion is four (4) semesters, including the submission of the Thesis.
The minimum teaching hours of each module is twenty one (21) hours. By decision of the Department's Executive Committee, teaching hours can be added to one or more module(s). At the end of each education period student sit for exams
The teaching and examination language as well as the language of the Master Thesis is Greek and/or English. According to the Academic Regulations, class attendance is compulsory and student attendance lists are maintained by the program's secretariat.. Absence from class of each specific module for a period exceeding 1/3 of the total taught hours of the module automatically means failure in this module. In this case, the student has to attend the class during the next educational period when the module is taught.
1st Semester (5 core modules)
- Foundations of marketing for analysts
- Advanced quantitative consumer research
- Quantitative marketing models
- Digital marketing analytics
- Social media marketing analytics
2nd Semester (3 core modules and 2 elective from the electives' list)
- Analytics for marketing decisions
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning with marketing applications
- Text analytics and web mining for marketing
- Multivariate analysis with marketing applications
- Advanced consumer behavior
- Advanced Product and Brand Management
- Advanced digital analytics & optimization