Prof. Phoebe Koundouri’s Leadership Sustainability Initiatives at Academia Europaea

Prof. Phoebe Koundouri is the new co-chair of the Task Force on Environment, Sustainability, and Climate (TFESC) at of Academia Europea. The primary aim of this initiative is to explore innovative strategies for advancing Healthy Food and Sustainable Agriculture in Europe, with a global outlook.

Additionally, Prof. Koundouri is honored to represent AE in Task Force 2 “Bioeconomy” as an expert in the S20 Task Forces. Academia Europaea has been invited to join the S20 group, acting as the European-wide academy for the G20 nations. The S20 serves as the science advisory body for the G20 Heads of State, with the Brazilian Academy of Science and the Brazilian government hosting the 2024 meetings. The Brazilian Academy of Science has crafted a policy advice document titled “Science for Global Transformation,” to be refined by 5 Task Forces focusing on various topics.