Completed Projects

Transparency Manager in the Fashion Industry (TRAMA)


TRAMA is a two-year ERASMUS+ project that aims to tackle issues connected to the fashion industry and the disastrous impact it has on our environment, while offering a new profession more in line with the labour market need with solid global potential. Within their area of competences, the TRAMA consortium determined the need for a TRANSPARENCY MANAGER, a professional specialised in understanding the fashion value chain with the task of ensuring that fashion brands are moving towards more sustainable and ethical practices and that actors operating within follow ethical, responsible, and sustainable practices.

The professional called TRANSPARENCY MANAGER works as part of the value chain offering guidance for improvement from the inside or within a third-party assessor. The main task of this new professional is associated with setting up the value chain to be evaluated with a scale, such as the Fashion Transparency Index, used to give an illustrative look at how much brands know and share about the human rights and environmental impacts across their value chains.

In principle, anyone in the industry, such as designers, CEOs, value chain managers, cotton growers, wool-sheep breeders, chemist labs, logistics, etc. or willing to work within it, can be certified with the TRAMA certification scheme, if they possess the right entry-level requirements.

In the long term, the benefit of this professional will provide for more skilled professionals entering the job market, with a positive effect on the quality of the labour market, increased employee and employer satisfaction, and an overall increased ability to insert circular economy and ethical practices along the value chain of any industry.

Consortium: Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece), We Love You Communication (Sweden), Instituto Europeo di Design (Spain), Framework (Italy), Fashion Revolution Czech Republic (Czech Republic)

Erasmus+ programme

Website: TRAMA Project

Period: 02/2022 - 04/2024

Research Centre for Sustainable, Ethical & Circular Fashion and Textiles (FRFashtech)
Coordinator: Zafeiropoulou Fiori A.

SOFE-Social & Sustainable Fashion Entrepreneurs 

SOFE-Social & Sustainable Fashion Entrepreneurs

Erasmus+ 2015‐1‐EL01‐KA204‐014083 

Coordinator: AUEB-MSL

Partners: Wageningen University NL, Brunel University UK, The Nest Social Coop Greece, NAUK PL, Authenticity’s SP, EOLAS SP

Funded by Erasmus+ 

SOFE is a training and incubation e-learning platform for existing and future sustainable and ethical fashion entrepreneurs which has been registered by 216 people today.

SOFE was awarded 83% Evaluation Rating from National Agency of Erasmus Plus.


Research Centre for Sustainable, Ethical & Circular Fashion and Textiles (FRFashtech)
Coordinator: Zafeiropoulou Fiori A. 

Ethical Public Procurement Athens Pilot

The Pilot Project for the Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings through public procurement policies and measures in the City of Athens through a public-private partnership at international, national and regional level coordinated by Athens University of Economics and Business, Nottingham University Right’s Lab n’ Fashion Revolution Greece under the support of the OSCE- Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe

Research Centre for Sustainable, Ethical & Circular Fashion and Textiles (FRFashtech)
Coordinator: Zafeiropoulou Fiori A. 


MaCuDE is a collaborative project among faculty and deans at more than 100 business schools, who recognize that their curricula must include more of a digital emphasis in order to ensure their universities remain value creators for students and alumni.

InnKnow is involved in the Management task force, which examines the impact of digital technologies on the areas of general management, leadership, organizational behavior and human resources management.

Innovation and Knowledge Management Research Center (InnKnow)
Research Director: Soderquist Klas Eric


he purpose of the project is the design and development of an energy innovation hub for HEDNO (EnergyHub). The innovation hub will have as its primary purpose the development of innovation through creative thinking and cooperation of stakeholders. Specifically, it will focus on creating innovative products, services and education / training in a specific area of interest (energy), proposing specific actions to address significant challenges in that area. Within the framework of the project, the appropriate administration, structure, and interest groups will be proposed. A business plan will be developed with the aim to provide value to all stakeholders.

Innovation and Knowledge Management Research Center (InnKnow)
Research Director: Soderquist Klas Eric