Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is responsible for the strategic orientation of the Program and the achievement of its learning outcomes.

It consists of Professors affiliated with the Department of International and European Economic Studies, who ensure the high quality of the teaching and training activities envisaged in the Program.

Members of the Committee are:

Asterios Pliakos 

Asterios Pliakos is Professor of European Law, Department of International and European Economic Studies.

Studies: 1. B. Sc. (Law School of University of Thessaloniki). 2. MSc European Law (University of Nancy II, France). 3. Ph. D. Law, (University of Srasbourg III, France).

Research interests: Law and economics in European Union, Competition Law in EU, Internal Market of EU, Institutions and freedoms in EU.


George Karydis

George Karydis is Associate Professor in European Law at the Athens University of Economics and Business in the Department of International and European Economic Studies- Jean Monnet Chair.

He holds PhD (Doctorat d'Etat) - European community law (droit communautaire) - University of Paris I -Sorbonne - DEA University of Paris I -Sorbonne -Law School Degree, University of Athens.

Publications in European Economic and Competition law matters. Teaching Experience in European Business Law, Competition Law (under -graduate & postgraduate) and International law (under-graduate).


Thomas Moutos

Thomas Moutos is Professor of Economics, and Head, in the Department of International and European Economic Studies, of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), and a Research Fellow of CESifo. His main fields of interest are macroeconomics, labour economics and international economics.

He has authored and edited books with Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, and The MIT Press. Among his journal publications are papers in the American Economic Review, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Journal of Development Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of International Money and Finance, Oxford Economic Papers, Review of International Economics, and Scandinavian Journal of Economics.


George Economides

George Economides is currently a Professor of Economics at the School of Economic Sciences (Department of International and European Economic Studies) of the Athens University of Economics and Business. He was born in Athens in 1973. He holds a B.Sc. in International and European Economic Studies from Athens University of Economics and Business, a M.Sc. in Economics from University of York (UK) and a Ph.D. in Economics from Athens University of Economics and Business. Former positions include Visiting Lecturer in Economics at the University of Cyprus (2001-2002). He is also Research Fellow at CESifo, Munich. His main research area is Macroeconomic Theory and Policy. Recently, the main focus of his research has been on the use of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models to study public sector reforms as well as the impact of climate change on economic policy design. He has published more than twenty-five articles in international academic journals, including Review of Economic Dynamics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Oxford Economic papers, Public Choice, International Tax and Public Finance, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Macroeconomics, European Journal of Political Economy and CESifo Economic Studies. He has co-authored three books among which ΄΄The Economics of Climate Change΄΄ and ΄΄A blueprint for exiting the crisis: A new model of production for Greece΄΄. He has also participated and presented his work at a big number of international conferences and has refereed articles for many international academic journals. Finally, he has acted as guest Editor for the European Journal of Political Economy (twice) and CESifo Economic Studies.


Costas Roumanias

Costas Roumanias is an Assistant Professor at Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of International and European Economics Studies. He holds a BA in Economics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and an M.Phil and a D.Phil in Economics from the University of Oxford.

He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Microeconomics, Mathematics, and Political Economics. His research interests include theoretical and applied models of political behaviour, particularly voting, behavioural economics and political extremism.
