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Laboratory of InterNational Economic Relations:
Addressing today's global economic challenges - Advancing academic knowledge - Shaping policy

The Lab

This laboratory serves teaching and research needs in the field of “International Economics”, with emphasis on International Trade and International Macroeconomics. The topics that are covered include, among others, international trade of goods and services, international mobility of the factors of production, international trade and the environment, international trade agreements, foreign exchange rates, international investment and external debt.

The Laboratory was founded on 02.12.2016 in accordance with Greek law and the decision was published in the official Government Gazette , issue B’ 3869.

Projects and Events

"Fiscal Capacity: Origins, Consequences and Challenges"  2 & 3 June 2023, Hydra Island, Greece.

Recent publications

S. Kalyvitis and M. Katsimi, “Export Margins, Employment Skills and Financial Conditions: Stylized Facts from Greek Exporters,” in I. T. Kokores, P. Pantelidis, T. Pelagidis, D. Yannelis (eds.), Money, Trade and Finance: Recent Trends and Methodological
P. Hatzipanayotou, I. Pantelaiou, P. Konstantinou and T. Xepapadeas, “Can Cleaner Environment Promote International Trade? Environmental Policies as Export promoting Mechanisms”, Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 75, pp. 809–833, 2020
E. Chalioti, K. Drivas, S. Kalyvitis and M. Katsimi, “Innovation, Patents and Trade: A Firm-Level Analysis,” Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 53(3), pp. 949-981, August 2020
E. Dinopoulos, S. Kalyvitis and M. Katsimi, “Variable Export Price Elasticity, Product Quality, And Credit Constraints: Theory and Evidence from Greek Firms,” Journal of International Money and Finance, vol.104, 102135, June 2020
T. Moutos and W. Scarth, W., “Distributional Implications of Unemployment-Reducing Policies”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 29(1-2), 2022

Recent News

European Trade Study Group (ETSG) 2024 Conference ... περισσότερα