ONLINE TRAINING: Workshop on blue jobs and cross-cutting skills for young professionals and graduates of the Med Countries
On 14/4 at 14:00 CEST Prof. Koundouri and Prof. Theodossiou participated in a discussion on “Technological Innovation for Sustainable Blue Growth” at the “Workshop on blue jobs and cross-cutting skills for young professionals and graduates of the Med Countries” co-organized by the UfM Secretariat, OGS – BlueSkills and HOMERe.
14:00 –15:30 TOPIC 3 | Technological Innovation for Sustainable Blue Growth
●Walter Goruppi, Analyst and LP, BLUEKEP -Informest
●Martina Rossi, Cluster Manager, MAREFVG -Maritime Cluster
●Prof. Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics and Business, President Elect EAERE, co-chair UN SDSN EUROPE
●Nicolaos Theodossiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki -AUTH, Chair, SDSN BLACK SEA
Moderator: Mounir Ghribi, OGS
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