
CESifo and LINER–AUEB Workshop on The Effects of the Digital Transformation on the Workplace and the Labor Market, CESifo, Munich, 28 – 29 November 2019

Advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, and the availability of “Big Data” are changing the world and, in
particular, the work place. It is widely agreed upon that these technologies will lead to an increasing number of
tasks, that are so far carried out by humans, being automatized. Many aspects of how this change affects the
workplace are to date understudied and yet have a high relevance for decisions of policy makers, the structure of
firms, and the well-being of employees. For instance, people increasingly worry, that large numbers of jobs in the
economy will disappear. While there is disagreement on the exact time scale and on whether there is going to be a
massive loss of jobs, it is undisputed that effects on the workplace and the labor market will be fundamental.
The CESifo-Delphi Conference Series will therefore this time bring together researchers from economics and related
fields such as business research, data science, and computer science that study the challenges and opportunities
arising through the digital transformation for firm organization, labor markets and the welfare state. A key aim will
be to build a deeper knowledge about the effects of the digital transformation, to devise potential interventions
within firms or by policy makers, and evaluate the effects of these interventions to prepare organizations and their
workforce for the upcoming challenges.

Workshop Venue: CESifo, Poschingerstr. 5, 81679 Munich, Germany
Workshop Website: www.cesifo.org
Florian Englmaier (florian.englmaier@econ.lmu.de)
Oliver Falck (falck@ifo.de)
Thomas Moutos

«Εξωστρέφεια και Λειτουργική Ανασυγκρότηση των Ελληνικών Επιχειρήσεων: Παράγοντες Διεξόδου από την Κρίση»

CESifo and LINER–AUEB Workshop on the The Minimum Wage Institution: Empirical, Theoretical, and Political Economy Aspects, Hydra Island, Greece, 08-09 June 2018

Given the recent resurgence in the minimum wage institution (especially after the introduction of a nation wide statutory minimum wage in Germany in 2015, and the large, and age-differentiated minimum wage reductions in Greece), this conference aims to examine various aspects of existing minimum wage institutions across countries, as well as the political economy reasons that have prevented the emergence of minimum wage legislation in some countries and the continuing support for the minimum wage institution in others.

Workshop Venue: Art Gallery and Concert Venue "Melina Merkouri", Hydra Island, Greece.
Workshop Website: www.ifo.de/de/w/3AxASNfxm
George Economides (AUEB; gecon@aueb.gr)
Thomas Moutos (AUEB; tmoutos@aueb.gr)
Marcel Thum (TU Dresden; Marcel.Thum@tu-dresden.de)
