Program Structure

1st Semester (Winter)

In the first semester, a total of four (4) courses are offered (a total of 30 ECTS) which are compulsory for all students. In the second semester, successful attendance is required in two (2) of the three (3) compulsory (C) courses (7.5 ECTS each, total 15 ECTS) and in four (4) elective (E) courses (total 12 ECTS) coming from a list of courses from the three (3) course groups. Also, the successful attendance of short courses (total 2 ECTS) as well as the attendance of research seminars (1 ECTS) are required. In the third semester, students prepare a thesis (30 ECTS).

Probability and Statistical Inference  (C)

Key topics of probability and distribution theory and to place particular emphasis on statistical inference. 

7,5 ECTS
Computational Statistics (C)

Basic principles of simulations and its usage in modern statistical analyses.

7,5 ECTS
Generalized Linear Models (C)

Introduction to statistical modeling, exponential family of distributions, part of a GLM, binomial data, logit models, contingency tables, log-linear models, Poisson models, overdispersion, normal data, Gamma data, polynomial-ordinal regression models, linear mixed models, GEE models, GLMM models. All applications include the use of the R language.

7,5 ECTS
Data Analysis (C)

Understanding and applications of statistical methods in real life problems of various scientific fields such as Management, Marketing, Psychology, Medicine, Sports and Social Sciences.

7,5 ECTS

2nd Semester (Spring)

Data Analytics
Health Data Science (C)

Basic concepts in survival analysis, definitions, hazard and survival functions, relationships, parametric methods, likelihood function, Exponential and Weibull Models, applications in R.

7,5 ECTS
Advanced Methods in Survey Sampling (Ε)  

The problem of inference for survey populations adopting the design-based approach.

Statistical Quality Control (Ε)

Definition of quality. Basics on quality and statistical quality control. An introduction to Acceptance sampling and Design of Experiments. Cause and effect chart and Pareto chart. The philosophy of statistical process control. Control charts for variables and attributes. Individual control charts. EWMA and CUSUM charts Capability indices. Control charts for autocorrelated data. Introduction to multivariate control charts. Basics of six sigma methodology.

Topics in Applied Statistics: Statistical Genetics- Bioinformatics (Ε) 

Modern biology is a data-rich science. This course will expose the students to high-throughput biological datasets (such as microarrays, RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq) and present the main inferential tools to deal with challenges they impose to the statistician.


Statistical Data Science
Statistical Machine Learning (C)

Α range of statistical and machine learning methods will be described for supervised and unsupervised learning problems. Unsupervised learning: clustering (hierarchical, partition clustering, k-means and its variants, model-based clustering ), data reduction methods. Model Assessment and Selection. Supervised learning: Methods of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA), k‐nn, decision trees, random forests, SVM, naïve Bayes and others. Cross-validation methods. Statistics for big data problems, new approaches. Regularizations. Statistical methods for networks. Smoothing approaches in regression.

7,5 ECTS
Bayesian Models in Statistics (Ε)  

Introduction to the Bayesian approach in statistics both from the theoretic and the computational perspective using R and WinBUGS

Applied Stochastic Modeling  (Ε)

Presentation of modern statistical methods and associated theory for the construction, fitting and evaluation of statistical stochastic models.

Topics in Computational Statistics: Data Engineering  (Ε) 

The course lays proper foundations in Data Engineering with emphasis on Statistical and Data Science applications.


Finance and Stochastics
Financial Analytics (Υ)

A broad introduction to the theory and empirical analysis of econometric models to financial applications. Statistics/Econometrics is concerned with the systematic study of empirical financial problems using observed data. The aim of the course is to develop the relevant econometric tools for analyzing empirical problems in finance.

7,5 ECTS
Stochastic Models in Finance (Ε)  

Introduction to stochastic modeling in finance and the use of stochastic models in the description and forecast of prices of various assets such as stocks and indices, pricing of derivative products and bonds as well as their use in portfolio selection and risk management, focusing on models which are widely used in theory and practice. T

Probability Theory (Ε)
Advanced Stochastic Processes  (Ε) 
Topics in Stochastics (Ε) 

All course groups:

 3rd Semester