The MSc in Business Analytics combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills within a business environment. Data management, statistics, machine learning, business processes are at the forefront of research developments and all lecturers exhibit rich research activity in their field, resulting in cutting-edge research topics being presented in the courses, research articles being given as study and development and research-oriented assignments to be assigned. However, it should be noted that in this Master's programme, in addition to technological concepts, particular emphasis is placed on the business environment, business processes and the management of information systems related to Business Analytics. The aim is to 'prepare executives in Business Analytics who can best combine business management knowledge, data management techniques and analytical tools based on statistical and operational research in order to make optimal business decisions'. As a result, the orientation is less research-oriented than in other, more technical or theoretical postgraduate programmes.
This separation is also reflected in the requirement for a six-month period of Thesis or Internship or Field Study Project. In particular, the following, not mutually exclusive, options for Dissertation exist:
- Thesis of a purely research nature, even in the form of an in-depth literature review of demanding research topics,
- Thesis closely linked to research programmes and in collaboration with the Department's research laboratories as well as external research centres, e.g. The "Athena" Research Center
- Thesis/Field Study Project/Internship on more applied topics, usually in collaboration with a company, either to simply describe a real problem and provide data, or for a student's full-time employment in the form of an internship.
It should be noted that, due to the interdisciplinary and generally applied orientation of the research activity of the Department, any of the above options may take on a research character and lead a student to continue his studies at doctoral level.
The Department of Management Science and Technology has five (5) research laboratories, each of which supports the research priorities and initiatives of the Department, contributes where possible to meet the teaching needs of the Department and its subject is directly related to the streams or the subject areas of Department.
The research laboratories of the Department are: