The program is seeking competent, self-motivated individuals with strong quantitative skills. To apply to the Master of Science in Business Analytics program, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree. All fields will be considered, but management science, business administration, mathematics, physics, statistics, engineering and computer science seem a natural fit for the program. Some knowledge on basic IT concepts, such as programming and database management, is assumed. Interested applicants who lack such skills are strongly advised to have completed relevant open online courses before the interview.
The student population is expected to be bi-modal: some students will be skewed more towards technology and others more towards business. This is a challenge (to keep a good balance between the two) and an opportunity (to make them learn from each other) at the same time.
All applicants should have demonstrated academic success as evidenced by undergraduate and graduate courses and grades. The admissions process is meticulous and selective, but also considerate of the candidate’s skills, competencies and accomplishments as a whole.
The requirements to apply include a bachelor’s degree, recommendation letters and proficiency on English language. GRE or GMAT scores are strongly suggested only for the full-time program. Working experience is preferred, but not required for the part-time program.