2nd Athens Natural Language Processing Summer School 2024

AUEB's Department of Informatics co-organizes the "2nd Athens Natural Language Processing Summer School 2024" (AthNLP 2024, https://athnlp.github.io/2024/), which will take place from 19 to 25 September 2024 at the campus of NCSR "Demokritos". The school will cover a wide range of Natural Language Processing topics, focusing on machine learning methods, especially Deep Learning and Large Language Models. The organizing committee includes, from AUEB's side, Professor Ion Androutsopoulos, Associate Professor (appointment pending) Themos Stafylakis, and Assistant Professor John Pavlopoulos. Application deadline for participants: 20 June 2024 (see https://athnlp.github.io/2024/cfp.html).