Welcome Event

The MSc program in Financial Management salutes its new graduate students, and invites them to a "welcome event", where they will have the chance to meet the programs' teaching and administrative staff, as well as members of the Steering Committee, on Thursday October 3rd 2024 at 18.00-20.00.The welcome event will take place in the patio of the Troias St. building.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Event Program:
- Business Game: 30" in Financial Accounting (room T107)
Students wishing to participate in the business game have to register here https://forms.gle/uVocd15fEbZSXSSV8 until
Friday 28/09/2024 the latest. Participating students will be asked to work in teams. Places available are limited and
there will be a priority order if needed.
- Program's Presentation
- Light buffet at the building's patio (ground floor).