Υποτροφίες και Βραβεία Ακαδημαϊκής Αριστείας

Υποτροφίες προσφέρονται σε κατάλληλους υποψηφίους βάσει ακαδημαϊκών και κοινωνικοοικονομικών κριτηρίων.

Στις εταιρείες, ιδρύματα και οργανισμούς που έχουν προσφέρει ή προσφέρουν υποτροφίες στο Πρόγραμμα συγκαταλέγονται οι παρακάτω: Aegean Baltic Bank, Marmaras Navigation, Delta Tankers, Ίδρυμα Propondis, Chartworld, Seanergy Maritime, Latsco Shipping Ltd., International Propeller Club, Port of Piraeus, καθώς και το MSc in ISFM μέσω της Equal Society.

Βραβεία ακαδημαϊκής αριστείας, αξίας τουλάχιστον 6.000 ευρώ, προσφέρονται επίσης στους/στις φοιτητές/-τήτριες με την υψηλότερη απόδοση στο τέλος των προγραμμάτων πλήρους και μερικής φοίτησης, βάσει της βαθμολογικής τους επίδοσης κατά τη διάρκεια του Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος.

Το MSc in ISFM έχει βραβευθεί από την Equal Society για την κοινωνική του προσφορά.

Πρόσφατες Υποτροφίες από Εταιρείες/Οργανισμούς
(click για την εμφάνιση της λίστας)

Latsco Shipping Ltd. and the International Propeller Club Port of Piraeus

We are pleased to announce, for a second year, the granting by Latsco Shipping and the International Propeller Club Port of Piraeus, of one full scholarship to cover the tuition fees on the full-time program MSc in International Shipping, Finance and Management for the academic year 2024-2025.

The scholarship program aims to support youth in advancing their knowledge and expertise in the Shipping industry by supporting them financially based on their academic excellence as well as on socioeconomic aspects that might hinder their ability to proceed in postgraduate studies.

A separate application must be submitted by the candidates for admission to the MSc Program. See the call for applications at the following link: 
Deadline to apply for the scholarship: 31/03/2024  12 April 2024
Follow the link to read more about the scholarship and to submit your application: https://lnkd.in/dtd_2dHQ

Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp.

The M.Sc. in ISFM proudly announces that Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp. kindly offers, for a third year, a full scholarship for the M.Sc. in ISFM Program, September 2024 Intake.

The scholarship offered covers the total amount of the Program’s tuition fees. 

Eligibility criteria, as specified by the awarding company: 
a) Greek nationality
b) Bachelor’s degree from a Greek University or a foreign institution

c) The award of the scholarship will be based on both financial and academic performance criteria.

Interested candidates must:

1) Fill in the following form: https://forms.gle/UYzbAWiR9jJWqnyv7

2) Send to the Program's Secretariat Office via e-mail the following required documents:

  • Form E1 Income Tax Declaration of the applicant OR Document that proves that the applicant is not obliged to submit Income Tax Declarations
  • Form E1 family income tax declaration for all applicants who are a dependent family member to their parent/s
  • Certificate of Graduation ranking in the year of graduation (if available)
  • Ranking based on official transcript of grades if at the time of submission graduation has not been completed (if available)

A separate application must be submitted by the candidates for admission to the MSc Program. See the call for applications at the following link: 


Deadline to apply for the scholarship: 30/04/2024


PeopleCert’s Scholarships are destined to students who are second-generation Greeks from Constantinople, Imvros and Tenedos island and wish to pursue postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Following the successful launch and completion of the “Honouring our Teachers from Constantinople” Scholarships Programme in 2023, in loving memory of three distinguished teachers from the Diaspora, PeopleCert is pleased to announce its 2nd cycle of the Programme. The Programme includes the following Scholarships: 

“Vasilis Kasapidis” Scholarship
“Dimitris Pandelaras” Scholarship
“Aristi Kimiatzi” Scholarship

Learn more about our "Honouring our Teachers from Constantinople" Programme here.

The scholarships are destined to second-generation postgraduate students and doctoral candidates from Constantinople, Imvros, or Tenedos, regardless of where they’re pursuing their studies or their country of residence. Applications must be submitted along with all the required documents, before the deadline, as mentioned in the application form. All necessary documentation must be submitted before the interview phase, by 15 March 2024 at the latest. Candidates must have completed their undergraduate studies and be currently enrolled in a postgraduate or doctoral programme or have received an offer for one of these programmes. Applicants who have already completed their postgraduate or doctoral studies are not eligible for the scholarship and will be automatically rejected.

The initiative was created in collaboration with the Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans (OI.OM.OK). The programme aims to support Constantinople’s Greek Diaspora by offering exemplary students the chance to pursue their postgraduate studies anywhere in the world.

The annual scholarships reach €8.000 each and are valid for the current academic year (2023-2024) or the next, on the condition that applicants have been accepted to an academic programme.

Application process:

Candidates may submit their application along with the required documents by filling in the form below by Friday 15 March, 2024.

Following the assessment process, we will conduct interviews with the selected candidates in April 2024.

The results will be announced in May 2024.

Find out more here

Union of Greek Shipowners 

The Union of Greek Shipowners annually offers a number of scholarships for postgraduate studies of pre-doctoral level in Greece and abroad. 

The scholarship call is published each year on the official website of the Union: https://ugs.gr