6th Conference “Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment (ΕΝVECON)
On Friday 11th of June Prof. Koundouri gave a keynote speech on “Sustainable recovery from COVID-19: Co-Developing the Future Vision for a Sustainable Europe, Co-Designing the Pathways via Research-Innovation-Policy Interface” at the 6th Conference “Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment that took place online on Friday 11 and Saturday 12 June 2021.
The 6th ENVECON Conference was jointly organized by the Laboratory of Operations Research of the Department of Economics University of Thessaly and the Department of Economy and Sustainable Development of the Harokopio University.
The scope of the conference was to present the main issues that concern the Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment with emphasis on the various environmental problems and their management and solution policies. Its aim was to highlight the interdisciplinary nature of environmental research through the exchange of views and experiences of researchers from different scientific fields and the finding of common components of research approaches.
Professor Koundouri is also member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference.
Learn more: http://envecon.econ.uth.gr/main/eng/index.php/main
Conference Abstracts: Please click here
Schedule here .