26th Annual Conference of the EAERE | EAERE Award for Best Doctoral Dissertations in Environmental and Resource Economics 2021
Award Recipients: Thomas Douenne, Yuting Yang, Frikk Nesje
The award session will be chaired by Prof. Phoebe Koundouri.
This thematic session is dedicated to the EAERE Award for Best Doctoral Dissertations in Environmental and Resource Economics. This award is given to encourage and recognize outstanding and innovative academic achievement in the field of Environmental and Resource Economics. Three dissertations are awarded every year after peer review of all submissions.
This year's award recipients are:
- THOMAS DOUENNE, "Essays on the economics of environmental policies: preferences, beliefs, and redistribution" (Paris School of Economics & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
- FRIKK NESJE, "Assessing climate change" (University of Oslo)
- YUTING YANG , "Economic Studies on Energy Transition and Environmental Regulations (Toulouse School of Economics)
The award session will be chaired by Phoebe Koundouri, who also chaired this year's Best Doctoral Dissertation 2021 Nominating Committee also composed by Scott Barrett and Bård Harstad.
Learn more: Welcome to EAERE 2021! (eaere-conferences.org)