Designing National Budgets: Translating Global Commitments into Realities
On Monday, April 19th, the SDSN, in partnership with Parliamentarians for the Global Goals (PfGG) and UHC2030, presented the third and final installment of their webinar series Parliamentary Leadership for the 2030 Agenda. The series aimed to support parliamentarians with scientific evidence for decision making, and this event focused on the role Parliamentarians play in developing and approving national budgets, and how their authority and voice in budgeting matters can be used to support SDG achievement. The organizers were grateful to two volunteer interpreters from the University of Massachusetts Amherst Translation and Interpreting Studies Certificate Program, without whom we would not have been able to offer simultaneous interpretation in Spanish.
Prof. Koundouri led the Breakout session on “budgeting for a sustainable economic recovery”.
Learn more and watch the main points of the webinar:
8:00 am EDT Opening Remarks
- Jeffrey Sachs, President, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
8:10 am EDT Overview. Designing National Budgets
Moderation: Ms. Gabriela Cuevas Barron, Co-Chair of the UHC2030 Steering Committee
- Ahmed Al-Mandhari, Regional Director of WHO EMRO
- Fernando Aportela, Professor of Finance at the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (TBC)
- Elisabeth Hege, Research Fellow, Sustainable Development Governance
Programme, IDDRI
8:40 am EDT Breakout Sessions
Participants will proceed to a breakout session to discuss one of the three topics that they have chosen during their registration.
- Breakout session on budgeting for health, led by Dr. Aminu Magashi Garba, Africa Health Budget Network
- Breakout session on budgeting for a sustainable economic recovery, led by Dr. Phoebe Koundouri, Athens University of Economics and Business; Fellow at the World Academy of Art and Science; President-elect of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
- Breakout session on budgeting for education, led by Manos Antoninis, UNESCO Sessions will begin with short (10 minute) presentations from the session leaders. Parliamentarians may comment on their own initiatives or field questions relating to the topic of the breakout session of their
9:45 am EDT Closing Remarks
- Kirsten Brosbøl, Founder, Parliamentarians for the Global Goals